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Advanced Research Methods and Statistics in



Submitted to: Submitted by:

Dr.Vanlalruatfela Hlondo Lalhlupuii

III Semester M.Ed

Roll No. - 21

Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. Once can also
define research as a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a
specific topic. In fact, research is an art of scientific investigation. Research is an
academic activity and as such the term should be used in a technical sense. According to
Clifford Woody research comprises defining and redefining problems, formulating
hypothesis or suggested solutions; collecting, organizing and evaluating data; making
deductions and reaching conclusions; and at last carefully testing the conclusions to
determine whether they fit the formulating hypothesis.
When a research is carried-out, it follows a definite pattern or plan of action
throughout the procedure, i.e., since the problem identification to the report preparation
and presentation. This definite pattern or plan of action is called “research design.” It is a
map that guides the researcher in collecting and analyzing the data. In other words,
research design acts as a blueprint that is followed throughout the research work.
A research design basically means the plan or technique of shaping the research or
as Hakim (1987) puts it “design deals mainly with aim, purposes, motives and plans
within the practical constraints of location, time, money and availability of staff”. The
possibilities of success of a research study are significantly improved when the
“beginning” is properly defined as a precise statement of goals and justification.


Research design can be considered as the structure of research. It is the “Glue” that
holds all of the elements in a research project together. In short it is a plan of the
proposed research work. The research design is an overall formulation of a research
problem. It refers to the overall strategy that you choose to integrate the different
components of the study in a coherent and logical way. It is a framework or blueprint for
conducting the research. In simple words it is the general plan of how you will go about
your research.
A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of
data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in
procedure. In fact, the research design is the conceptual structure within which research is
conducted; it constitutes the blueprint for the collection, measurement and analysis of
data. As such the design includes an outline of what the researcher will do from writing
the hypothesis and its operational implications to the final analysis of data. More
explicitly, the designing decisions happen to be in respect of:
i. What is the study about?
ii. Why is the study being made?
iii. Where will the study be carried out?
iv. What type of data is required?
v. Where can the required data be found?
vi. What periods of time will the study include?
vii. What will be the sample design?
viii. What techniques of data collection will be used?
ix. How will the data be analyzed?
x. In what style will the report be prepared?

Keeping in view the above stated design decisions, one may split the overall research
design into the following parts:
a) the sampling design which deals with the method of selecting items to be observed
for the given study;
b) the observational design which relates to the conditions under which the
observations are to be made;
c) the statistical design which concerns with the question of how many items are to
be observed and how the information and data gathered are to be analyzed; and
d) the operational design which deals with the techniques by which the procedures
specified in the sampling, statistical and observational designs can be carried out.
From what has been stated above, we can state the important features of a research
design as under:
1) It is a plan that specifies the sources and types of information relevant to the
research problem.
2) It is a strategy specifying which approach will be used for gathering and analysing
the data.
3) It also includes the time and cost budgets since most studies are done under these
two constraints.
In brief, research design must, at least, contain-
a) a clear statement of the research problem;
b) procedures and techniques to be used for gathering information;
c) the population to be studied; and
d) methods to be used in processing and analyzing data.


According to Kerlinger :
“Research design is the plan, structure, and strategy of investigation conceived so
as to obtain answers to research questions and to control variance.”

According to Zikmund :
“Research design is a master plan specifying the methods and procedure for
collecting and analyzing the needed information. ”

According to Green and Tull :

“A research design is the specification of methods and procedures for acquiring
the information needed. It is the over-all operational pattern or framework of the project
that stipulates what information is to be collected from which sources by what

Research design is needed because it facilitates the smooth sailing of the various
research operations. It makes the research as efficient as possible by giving maximum
information with minimal expenditure of effort, time and money. For construction of a
house, we need to have a proper blueprint prepared by an expert architect. Similarly, we
need a proper research design or plan prior to data collection and analysis of our research
project. Preparation of research design should be done carefully as even a minute error
might ruin the purpose of the entire project. The design helps the researcher to organize
his/her ideas, which helps to identify and correct his/her flaws, if any. In a good research
design, all the components with each other or go together with each other in a coherent
manner. The theoretical and conceptual framework must be with the research goals and
purposes. Likewise, the data collection strategy must fit with the research purposes
conceptual and theoretical framework and approach to data analysis.
Research design is needed due to the fact that it allows for the smooth working of
the many research operations. This makes the research as effective as possible by
providing maximum information with minimum spending of effort, money and time. For
example, for building of a car, we must have a suitable blueprint made by an expert
designer. In a similar fashion, we require a suitable design or plan just before data
collection and analysis of the research project. Planning of design must be carried out
cautiously as even a small mistake might mess up the purpose of the entire project. The
design helps the investigator to organize his ideas, which helps to recognize and fix his
faults, if any.
Research design is also needed because it facilitates the smooth sailing of the
various research operations, thereby making research as efficient as possible yielding
maximal information with minimal expenditure of effort, time and money. Research
design, in fact, has a great bearing on the reliability of the results arrived at and as such
constitutes the firm foundation of the entire edifice of the research work. Even then the
need for a well thought out research design is at times not realized by many. As a result
many researches do not serve the purpose for which they are undertaken. In fact, they
may even give misleading conclusions. Thoughtlessness in designing the research project
may result in rendering the research exercise futile. It is, therefore, imperative that an
efficient and appropriate design must be prepared before starting research operations. The
design helps the researcher to organize his ideas in a form whereby it will be possible for
him to look for flaws and inadequacies. Such a design can even be given to others for
their comments and critical evaluation. In the absence of such a course of action, it will
be difficult for the critic to provide a comprehensive review of the proposed study.
In short, the need for research design is as follows:
 It reduces inaccuracy.
 Helps to get maximum efficiency and reliability.
 Eliminates bias and marginal errors.
 Minimizes wastage of time.
 Helpful for collecting research materials.
 Helpful for testing of hypothesis.
 Gives an idea regarding the type of resources required in terms of money,
manpower, time, and efforts.
 Guides the research in the right direction.
 Smooth and efficient sailing (set boundaries and helps prevent blind search).


1) Reduces Cost :
Research design is needed to reduce the excessive costs in terms of time, money
and effort by planning the research work in advance.

2) Facilitate the Smooth Scaling :

In order to perform the process of scaling smoothly, an efficient research design is
of utmost importance. It makes the research process effective enough to give maximum
relevant outcome in an easy way.
3) Helps in Relevant Data Collection and Analysis :
Research design helps the researchers in planning the methods of data collection
and analysis as per the objective of research. It is also responsible for the reliable research
work as it is the foundation for entire research. Lack of proper attention in preparation of
research design can harm the entire research work.

4) Assists in Smooth Flow of Research Operations:

Research design is necessary to give better and effective structure to the research.
Since all the decisions are made in advance, therefore, research design facilitates the
smooth flow of research operations and reduces the possible problems of researchers.

5) Helps in Getting Reviews from Experts :

Research design helps in developing an overview about the whole research process
and thus assists in getting responses and reviews from different experts in that field.


Research design can be considered the blueprint for any research study. The
design will set up how the experiment will go. It determines the dependent and
independent variables in the study. There are many different research designs that can be
used. Some of these designs include: descriptive, correlation, experimental, and review.
Qualitative and/or quantitative research methods can be used to collect data for the
The research design carries an important influence on the reliability of the result
attained. It therefore provides a solid base for the whole research. It is needed due to the
fact that it allows for the smooth working of the research operations. The overall research
strategies and framework are indicated in the research process from problem formulation
to problem validation including all the parameters. It has laid some foundation and how
research methodology is devised and framed for researchers. This means, it helps
researchers to consider it as one of the samples and models for the research data
collection and process from the beginning of the problem statement to the research
finding. And like we have said, a Research design facilitates the smooth sailing of the
various research operations, thereby making research as efficient as possible yielding
maximal information with minimal expenditure of effort, time and money.

Akhtar, I. (2016, September). Research in Social Science: Interdisciplinary Perspectives.
Research Design, 1(1), 17.
Retrieved September 17, 2022, from
Importance of Research Design. (n.d.). Retrieved September 19, 2022, from
Kothari, C. R. (2004). Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques (2nd ed.)
[Paperback]. New Age International (P) Limited.

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