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MAY: Hello Ricardo, ready for today's routine?

RICARDO: yes, today we have to work legs

MAY: if we finish fast, we go to buy protein

RICARDO: okay, after 2 years we already know the routine


ARLYNE: Well, this is the day. It's now or never, let's go to the gym!!

AIMETH: Okay, fine. Talked to Melanie and she told me about different gym
options. She told me to go to "EUFORIA GYM"

ARLYNE: Yeah, that's a good idea and has good comments on her page. Matt
said they have good personal training.

AIMETH: Yes, and Jime19 said good space to train. I like, That's good.

ARLYNE: Okay, come on. If we exercise and eat healthy, we will lose weight
and avoid diseases.

AIMETH: Hmm…Now, What do we do? It's my first time in the gym. Where do we
sign (SAIT) up? Who (HU) do we ask?

ARLYNE: I don't know, let's ask the couples over there.

AIMETH: Hello, excuse me, my friend and I are here for the first time in the gym,
where do we sign (SAIT) up?

MAY: You have to go behind that door, there is the lady who is going to write to

ARLYNE: Thanks... come on aimeth.

3. CONVERSACIÓN: experiencias, consejos, hábitos saludables, preguntas

y respuestas.

AIMETH: Ready, we are registered (RÉCHESTERT), now what do we do?

ARLYNE: I have no idea. 

AIMETH: The registration girl said we could (KOOD) start our routine. And if we
try (TRAI) to do some exercises.

ARLYNE: Mm…How about we ask the couple we saw at the beginning?

AIMETH: Yes, good idea, they seem (SIM) to have experience and if we are nice,
they could (KOOD) be our new friends.

ARLYNE: hello, sorry we are new and we want to ask you what we could do first
MAY: hello girls, first of all welcome to the gym, Ricardo and I have been here for
2 years

RICARDO: Yes we already have some experience here, so we can gladly help

ARLYNE: Oh thanks, can you also recommend a healthy diet?

MAY: Of course, look to start you have to know that this is a constant growth, and
you have to have a lot of discipline 

RICARDO: exactly, exercise helps by 10%, but nutrition contributes 80%, so we

will see more results, first I recommend going into deficit and then going on to
increase muscle mass

MAY: for what is a deficit, they have to eat few calories, that is, not fast food, fruits,
vegetables, cereals, legumes, oatmeal is very important, since it can replace flour
in your desserts

AIMETH: Oh, that's really hard, because I work cooking desserts. I usually make
different desserts every day and I have to try (TRAI) everything. 

MAY: You should avoid sugar, flour, and high-fat foods so you can lose weight.

AIMETH: I understand. If I eat too much sugar, I will gain (GEIN) weight (WEIT)

ARLYNE:  Thanks for the information, so if I want to eat something that has
flour, I will replace that ingredient with oatmeal.

RICARDO:  we can recommend the nutritionist who helps us with our diet

ARLYNE: great, it would be very helpful

- RUTINA JUNTOS: Usamos los comandos. 

AIMETH: Well, we know what diet to have. Can you show us, what routine to start

RICARDO: To start we have to perform a stretching routine and warm up so as not

to injure ourselves.

MAY: Exactly, we stretch arms, legs, run a little and we will divide, arlyne with me
and Aimeth with Ricardo

ARLYNE: It's ok, and for how long do we have to exercise?

RICARDO: You can come for an hour until they get used to it and increase half an
hour more or exercise for 2 hours.

AIMETH: Wow, that's too much for me, I feel tired guys, can we take a break?
Please, If I keep (KIP), I will pass out.

MAY: we can rest 1 minute after each series, but we have to continue

RICARDO: ok now Aimeth starts with 3 sets of 10 squats

MAY: arlyne you have leg raises about 15 times for each leg, 3 series

RICARDO: when they finish, they change the exercise to the one their partner did

ARLYNE:  I'm finally done, what should I do? What did Ricardo tell you?

AIMETH: He told me to do 3 sets of 10 squats, it's tiring (TAIRING) but if you

can, what did May tell you (TELYU) to do?

ARLYNE:  she told me to do leg raises 15 times for each leg, about 3 sets.

AIMETH: Ok guys, we're done I think that's enough (INOF) for today.

RICARDO: well today legs worked, tomorrow we can do an abdomen routine

MAY:  and another day we will do arm routine so that they exercise their whole

AIMETH: Ok let's try (TRAI) our best, thank you guys.

ARLYNE:  Thank you very much for guiding us and for the advice, they will help us
a lot.

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