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First Grading Reviewer in MAPEH 10


Igor Stravinsky - establishes new trends in music he combined traditional

and modern trends instead of music only. He composed Firebird a ballet

Expressionistic Movement – a movement in art and music which seek to

express emotions with exaggeration and believe that people in this world is
full of tension.

12 Tone Scale – arrange in 12 tone series wherein you play the notes of the
tone row background.

Polytonalities – a simultaneous combination of two or more tonalities in one


Atonal – Bela Bartok was one of famous Hungarian composers of the 20th
century. He used two or more different rhythm in his composition played at
the same time.

Electronic Music – in the advancement of technology, most of the 20th

century composers produce electronic devices recorded in magnetic tape
and played it through amplifier.

Sprechstimme – a style of performing the lyric of the song in a half-sung,

half spoken manner, and this was used by Schoenberg in his composition.

Music Concrete – used tape recorder to record a sound.

Claude Debussy – he was the primary component of the impressionistic

movement wherein nature is frequently the subject.

Philip Glass – produce the “wonder of music in similar motion” in 1979 and
an Avant Garde composer.

Edgard Varese – he invented the term “Organized Sound”

Chance Music – a style where the piece is always sounds different at every
performance because of the random technique introduction. It is also one
of the easiest music styles to be taught because it doesn’t have the vibration
but with the possible production of sounds in time.
Avant Garde – it is closely associated with electronic music, and it deals with
the parameter of the dimensions of sounds and space.

Madrigal & Fugue - group of people inspired by many Bartok’s composition.

Arnold Schoenberg - He adapted the forms of the 18th century with his
contemporary style of writing. His music is also very structured, précised
controlled, full of artifice, and theatricality.

Maurice Ravel - The style of this composer is mainly characterized by its

uniquely innovative but not atonal style of harmonic treatment.

Neo-Classicism - It was a moderating factor between the emotional

excesses of the romantic period and the violent impulses of the soul in


Color and Light – it is a tradition where the painting convention and

technique of earlier art period were concerned with forms and composition.

Impressionism – it is the origin of art movement which emerged in the 2nd

half of the 19th century, and it is based among the Paris artists.

Jean Claude Monet – Founder of Impressionistic movement that is best

known for landscape painting and beloved flower garden.

Fauvism – style that used bold and vibrant color and derived its name from
“Les Fauves”.

Installation Art – a contemporary art form uses sculptural materials to modify

the way the viewer experienced in a particular space.

Surrealism – depicted an illogical, subconscious dream that its artworks

clearly expressing a departure from reality.

Social Realism – artist used their work to protect against injustice, in-
equalities, immorality and ugliness of human condition.

Performance Art – modern art in which the action of an individual or group

at a particular place that involves the four basic elements of art.
Cubism – this dimensional geometric figure composed of strictly measured
lines planes, angles and the art can be form by light and shadow.

Paul Cezanne – French artist and post-impressionist painter who

exemplified the work from late 19th century to a new and radically different

Les Fauves – group of French expressionists painted the style of Fauvism

with vibrant color and visual distortion.

Dadaism – characterized by dream fantasies, memory, images, and visual

tricks and surprises that give a new non-style.

Distorting people’s faces and parts – are the new techniques or style
distinguished post impressionism from the earlier impressionism.

Vincent Van Gogh - He is the artist who painted “Starry Night”.

Pablo Picasso – Guernica, Three Musicians, & Girl Before a Mirror.

Salvador Dali – is a surrealism artist and he painted “Persistence of


The Barque of Dante - a Delacroix’s painting that contained revolutionary

techniques that would profoundly influence the coming impressionist

Miner’s Wives - a Ben Shahn’s painting that spokes against the hazardous
conditions faced by coal miners after a tragic accident killed 111 workers in
Illinois in 1947.


BMI – rough measure of body composition that is useful for classifying the
health risk of the body weight.

Recreational Activities – it is an activity that held during one’s leisure time

and highly recommended for health promotion.

Cardiovascular Endurance – it is the ability of an individual to perform

prolonged work continuously, where the work involves large group of
muscle group.
Agility – change direction quickly while maintaining posture.

Non - Communicable Diseases – it is a kind of diseases that are not

transmitted to person to person yet kill more than 36 million people each

Physical Fitness test – it is a test that gauge your fitness level, may be health
related or skill related.

Warm up – it is a preliminary activity done to prepare the body for actual

physical activity.

<18.5 – Underweight in a BMI value.

18.5- 24.9 – the normal weight in a BMI value.

25.0 – 29.9 – the Overweight in a BMI value.

30.0 – 34.9 – the Obesity 1 in BMI value.

35.0-39.0 – the Obesity 2 in a BMI value.

>40.0 - Extremely Obesity 3 in BMI value.

Basketball – it is a sport that most likely complete in terms of maintaining

good body structure and best health.

Point Guard – this basketball position requires high level of agility.

Tennis – sport help to loss more weight.

Weight Maintenance – diet plays a big role together with proper exercise
therefore number of calories intake is equal to calories burned.

Weight Loss - Energy consumed is less than energy expended.

Social Benefits - Active participation in sports and recreation gives you the
opportunity to make new friends and acquaintances.

Lifestyle - the way in which an individual lives; includes the typical patterns
of an individual’s behavior like everyday routine at home, in school, or at
work; eating, sleeping, and exercise habits.

Intensity - It refers to the individual’s level of effort, compared with their

maximal effort, which is usually expressed as a percentage.
Type - It refers to the number of training sessions that are performed during
a given period.


HIV - can be transfer to a person through sexual intercourse and blood


PhilHealth – public health insurance mandated by the Philippine law that

require a small amount of monthly contribution from its member.

Ophthalmologist – doctor specialize for the eyes.

Quack – no professional license to treat any medical condition.

Device Quackery – offer devices that that can’t help the patient to treat a
human illness example bracelet to control blood pressure.

Acupressure – use hand to apply pressure on a certain point of the body.

Right to information – it is the right of the consumer to be protected from

any dis-honest and misleading advertisement and product labelling.

MRI – All products that people buy must have symbols of approval to show
the consumer that is safe to buy.

FDA – An agency that is formerly known as Bureau of Food and drugs

(BFAD) an agency that aims to ensure the help and safety of food and drugs
made available to the public.

Physician - the sources of health information that is reliable.

General Hospital - A type of hospital that deals with almost all the diseases.

Ventosa – is an alternative medicine uses glasses that have flames from

burning cotton, on specific points in the body.

Sambong - A kind of medical plant that uses to cure urinary tract infection.

Consumer Act - Provides for the regulation of products and services being
sold and offered in the country.

Republic Act No. 8423 - is the act that identifies scientifically proven herbs
as medicinal plant.
Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) - is a healthcare provider that
offers medical services that are availed through a prepaid amount of money.

Health Insurance - A financial agreement between an insurance company

and an individual or group for the payment of healthcare costs.

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