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~("A ~;J6+ ;JtLfIJ


Ilh. ""t'-A',f' ~J.'..t."p' ~.'l"h/rfl.,f'P' tT-Iltlh 13th Year No. 54

hrt.Y'iH'r,: l}tTII,}' 4I1'C Y!i
f ;h11'fl ,t,/Ot,t'-:f 9"hc /1."" mlJ~~"" f/On, ADDIS ABABA 25th June. 2007
Mtfl hllli M. I~ ""} riH'Hi


t, tp~: <1:'1'C ?;f ill JlII it! '1it f}.sn' Proclamatio No, 532/2007

r.f'{'jiY"aJ' r~,-rr-*,f 9"C6LJ. U"I 1'1tp~ '11.' ri'i.:tfy{j The Amended Electoral Law of Ethiopia Proclamation

1'1tp~ eIITC ~ft]jf/lj1f'1i1 ~,~ ProClamation No. 532/2007


r J\.-rr-A'1 r~c61i}. u" ELECTORAL LAW OF ETHIOPIA

r h. :"r-A'! 111"lbC 111"1b~"'I1T'i' UlIl1:'f W'7')

WHEREAS, it has becomel'1ecessary to enahle the
({~..,.. f).e1.I. °/llTo" 04>1' ~ h'i' nations, nationalities and peoples of Ethiopia to
. ~o"sP' LJ.'1.~ A
exercise tl1eir right to self administration without any
O~'1~T OoD~fl~TO" .t'fDtJr-:'f 1'107tJ~~-r t.f):fo"')
Ot.f):fo" r07(}'''~1.C (}Afll'i'TO"') O,,..,llC
discriminatiorirhroug!1 their representatives elected in a
direct and free election;
°7PA h(}~'I1. OODlf~. i
.,.. .
~ ~ ..I. WHEREAS, it has become necessary that any
t'7')cl~o"?" rsP'C6liJ. n')"-(}7f'1. ~t\?"1'1"'~ r?"
electoral activity shall be guided by an electoral law
C6I>J.ODClf9):'f1 1'1tJ-r'" O!H UOl h')~.OD'r "7f:
that meets international standards;
~ 1. 1'1(}~'I1. OODlf~. i
WHEREAS, it has become necessary to establish an
1'7')r.:('''?'' h. -r f A'.f'«p' H.;J 0 r 1.~ if OJ- {1°7.tJ electoral institution that conducts free, fair and
~.P,. lJ.t\.1'1"'~ Ohh.A~''''' 'I.e r'''OD'''~''''i' 007.(} peaceful elections at every level in an impartial manner
m.C f:sP'll h"'fllT ~~~ ') O~"~T r°?1A/JOT in which Ethiopians freely express their will on the
~,: ~T1/«P.'i' "''It'7«P. 9'"'C6liJ.: 01A"'~~T r07..f'(} basis of equal popular suffrage. and secret baUot
~llsP' 'N':sP' 1'7'.I:'.I:sP' 1'1(}~'I1. OODlf~. i system;

r.,.t\!r 1'1ODt\tJhT !'ITO,. r Tt\.ttJ f:C~

WHEREAS, it has become necessary to \:stablish an
.y.:'f r07~f)'''~0-r h'i' h'l"7~o"') 0... 'I D?«p''i' LJ;J«p' electoral system that enables political parties with. different
uu'1f: t\ODt.lJJ: UlI11 r°?1AO.OT ODt.lJJ: UlI11 views' to participate in the election and introduce their
oOD~if 'I.eOODOD(}I.-r ~~~ '} O~"~T OoD.,t\/J. objectives to the electorate in a peaceful and legal manner,
and that enables the people to elect their representatives
wh.t\..:,:') ro?ODCTn-r r?"C6liJ. (}C1'1T ODHC.'JT
. based on informed decisions and free expression of their will;
1'1() ~'I 1. 0 ODIf'~. i
WHEREAS, it has become necessary to put in place
O?"C6liJ.OJ''''f):.r&. rlf~. r Tt\ -ttJ f:C~'" :'f?" an instrument that enables political parties and
lf~. rU/A (JlJJ:9):'f t\~T"«P.: "''I''7«p.: ~"'i' ~.tfPh independent candidates running for elections to playa
t."'.!«p. rsP'C61i). (}C1'1T OD()~ ') 1')0. 1'1(}'''P'/i)' constructive role in ensuring fair, peaceful, free and
r07.!1.C1.0T °/All 1'1"'t.C ODHC;JT 1'1(}~'I1. democratic elections;
OODlf~. 1

.I?'}~ '1';1 ~;1"'''' ;11/.fll 7',"1,"',

Unit Price 8.00 Negarit G. P.D.Box 80001
1~ ri'i.~rYll ~Y.('.A ~;.It,.,. ;.lIt"' -IITC !l!i M. If; ""J Iiinii ',9" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 54 25th June, 2007... page 3755

09UC6l>J. "If-.-r fo~tll"1: hliOD"7llll.y."f f°?"A. 1:0-r , ~HERE~S: it has become necessary to establish a joint
f ;J~. f9"hhC OD.(-~hCJ Ibli,."f hfa1'~f-.~~ .oJ-lt~ poht,lC~1 ~artles, ,forum and other bodies that give
f07Jlm. 1'*07-r1 °7**9"CJ ~1o:1'sP'f Of f-.~)foJ- admInIstratIve decIsIOns to resolve disputes that occur in the
election process, and to put in place a clear and effective
O.e"7ll~ fO~:1'~O-r "7A tJCJ +A",4- faCh-r system of looking into complaints and appeals;
ODIIC;J-r 1'10. OODIf~.!
!'lOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article
OV1OD1"7fa1: h1+tJ 2~ 1().fa h1"'1\ li 'hCJ 55 (1) and Article 102 of the Constitution of the
'h1+1\(ixl OD(I~-r f~h1'liOJ- :1'OJ-~A:: Feder~1 OemocraticRepublic of Ethiopia, it is hereby
proclaImed as follows:



Ii. h~C e;bll 1. Short Title

.eV hCP~ «f1'7i7ilioJ- fh.-rr-*! 9"C6l>J.V"7 This Proclamation may be cited as the "Electoral
11 cpJ!. eft
' r C' ~ f clHlI
Iilf :Ii! ~.9"» I'll Ii,. Law of Ethiopia Amendment Proclamation
li.m4ofa .e :r-I\A:: NO.532/2007".

'#1. -rC~O? 2. Definitions

f~li. h1llll Ibl\ -rC1.9" f°?"!(lmoJ- I'JAIf~ Unless ',the context otherwise requires, in this
Ofa1'+C OIl.V hCP~! proclamation:

II "FORE'; means the Federal Democratic Repub-

lil «h,,"o.~,.t» °71i-r f h. -rr-*! ~f..~I\~
lic of Ethiopia;
~,qoh~""!'P. tTllt\.h ~l»'::
21 "ConstitutiQn" means the Constitution of the
If «V1 OD1"7{)~» Olfli-r fh..~.~,.t.V1OD1
"7fa-r ~OJ-::

(I «hAA» °71i-r OV1OD1"7fa1: h1"'tJ !11 31 "Region" means a Region established in

Oo(lt-r f1'.**OD hAA (I,1f1' lill,V accordance with Article 47 of the Constitution,
hCPJ!. hA. '89" (I,llA h~,fa hOll')CJ and for the implementation of this Proclamation
'(-1o~CP1 .eQ;l.9"~A::
shall include Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa',

QI «9"C6l>J.» 1171i-r O~f..~ACJ OhAA V1 41"Election" means.general elections, local elections, by-
elections and re-elections' conducted in accordance
OD1"7fa:1'-r 'h1"lV,9" Olbli,."f h"7llll
with the constitltions of the FORE and Regional
1lI\TOJ- V~T <7P(I~-r fO~I'J~.(- fm~ constitutions and other relevant laws;
1\1\: fhI'JllO,' f07DJ.! tD.e9" f.(-;J°~
9" C 6l>J. ~oJ-: :
51 "General elections" means elections to the
~I «m~I\I\9"C6l>J.» °7 Ii-r h"?llll lllioJ- V"7 House of Peoples' Representatives and
<7P(lt-r fO~"~~ fVlIlI 1'tDI'Jr-:r-CJfh Regional State councils conducted in
AA 9"hC o..y.~f hlll\-r ~'C6l1. ~oJ-:: accordance with. relevant laws',

II «f hI'JllH. ~'C6l>J.» '.7 Ii -r h"7f1l1 fJIi OJ-

61 "Local elections" means elections to Zonal,
V"7 OD(lt-r fO~I'J~.(- ft'1: ftDl~:
Woreda, City, Municipality, Sub City or Kebele
fh1".'" f""II;J~ o.-r: fhCj:1i h-t"7 councils conducted in accordance with relevant
tD.e9" f.,.nlb 9"hC o..y."f hfJl\-r laws;
9"C6liJ.~oJ- ::
71 "By-elections" means elections conducted to fiU
1;1 «1l'1?;''' SJUC6liJ.» °'lI1-r n.eOJ-~~A ')
in vacant seats of members whose mandates are
tD~9" nOY1~OJ-9" ?Ph')!"" Off-.~)faJ-
terminated due to recall or any other reason;
fO~17- f1'~f-.t\, f9"hc 0."" hfJl\-r
OD+<7P6l1.sP"f1 1i.0lfDJ.1\-r roV1~.(-
111 i:iUfj~ ~~.".A ~.7{"'" .~/f,nl <liTe jii M. l~ ""J
IUr'.iii 'U" Federal Negarit Gazeta No.54 25th June, 2007... page 3756

l;/ «1::J°? VOC"I.» °7/\T OH.U u.., OO"'l.T 8/ "Reelection" means an election to be conducted
(lC~ 1: :J°7. VOC"I.
"'''t 11~1: f"l.tD"" upon the decision of the Board in accordance
tD~9" "au TtD}J~tsPT ."h.A 1:VOiJ with this Proclamation or where candidates get
0°?..,' ;r:fO>- VOh"T hi'ili &.0>-' 00/\ equal votes and becomes .impossible to
fT 0°7 ~~AO+ 'l,tI. f°?I1~1: VOCtifiJ, determine the winner;
Ii/ «U1IO 0>-"''1.» "7/\+ Oh..~.}J..t. U'lOO 9/ "Referendum" means a system of voting
,..,,..+ oo()l.+ f"l.tD()') fU"lI C;:'I"1-r' conducted when decided in accordance with the
/\ OD /\ 11+ " li fu" 11' OJ-",'1. /\ °7 tD:" Constitution of the FDRE to assess public
1:VOiJ f°?"''''O+ "'C'i-r ~OJ-:: interest andto know the decision of the public,

I/ - «foo&o(.5t>".f 001l'l1l» D?/\-r Of~l.~OJ- 10/ "Electoral Roll" means a record wherein voters
/\ D? 11~1: VOCtifiJ, 00 &0au U1IlI OVOC"I. are registered at polling stations as electors for
nlO.lOJ- ooo&o6f.b~-r fo?ooH'l1l0+ elections conducted at every levels;
001l'l1l ~o>-::
III "Elector's Identification Card" means an
IiI «fuP&-~f 9"1I1fJ uP;NDctl t)c~» ".,/\+ identification card issued to an elector upon
h,}~ fla.. OuP&-6Jl'~+ h-tuPH10 0:\'1 09"
registration at polling stations;
C6l>}. nlo./OJo fotflmOJo f-t uP1'.;J0.~+
uP;rOJ4:1 ~a).::

Iftl «I' T/\-tt) ~C~+ OJ1-9" fT/\-tt) :rC-t» 12/ "Political Organization or Political Party" means
'* 117/\+ fT/\-tt) TC',?&-OD.'} OU.;Jtf. uP'1~ a grouping legally registered to promote its
/\ 11711"uP ~ OU"I -tuP'u'?n 1''''1.,}4>1)4>,.. O.~'} pol.itical programme in a lawful manner,
13/ "Constituency" rrieans an electoral district
If/ «fVOCtifiJ, hAA» (17/\-r /\VOCtifiJ, hL'lOVO established by dividing the nation's territories
,,').q.loo"'f "C; U"O. tDh,/\o:f.') in accordance with the law and in a manner
",.q.ooC'" OU.., oo"'l.-r fU'ltrf: ..,tJ-r conducive for the execution of elections and for
Th~c;:/\o f°?~t.~ fVOCtifiJ, hl111o. the people to elect their representatives;
14/ "Polling station" means a location where voter
IQ/ «fVOC6l>1.nlO.l» D?/\-r Of~l.~OJ- 0°?11 registration, voting and counting is carried out
~~ VOCtifiJ,sP"f V01l'lll f°?I1~1:0-rT for elections conducted at every levels;
oot.(.5t>"f 1:VOiJ fD?"'m.OT "C; ~m&o
f°?I1~1:0-r fl;r ~OJ-::
15/ "Observer" includes both local and foreign
I'{;/ «;rtJo.» "7/\T fU'lC 0>-"'''' fVOCtifiJ,
C; fa>- 6f.b fVOC
election observers;
';r tJ0. tifiJ, ;r tJ0. ')
II1-r ;rA::
16/ "Local election observer" means a legally registered
IiI «f01C 0J0'"'I' 0 U"I
1'9"C 6l>}. ;Nfo. » "., /\ + and independent domestic organization that in
f-tuP'U10 "C; /\ 117'}9" 1 t\OJ1~ 1/\t\-t~
accordance with the license given to it by the Board
IJ1C 04>t\ ~C~+ 11'c;' hnc~ O"tflmOJ. observes elections by assigning its representatives;
t,.:1" ~ uPfI(. + 0°'1. tOh/\ a.. fI OJ. 9" C 6l>}.'}
fOt;J~H'n ht)t\ ~0J0::

Fi, I «I' 0). 6Jl' 1'9" C 6l>}. ;J~ tin'» 117/\ + h 1ti: 0-t 4> 17/ "Foreign election observer" means governments or
0'1 :f-fa). ,..9"9"H"1. (.+
to 1-9" uP'),?
uP lP international, Regional and sub regional
,..+ h,..t,.'I1. 11'c;' fl./110J. 9"C6l>}.'} ,,'},'S. organizations, or governmental and non-
..J~HO. f°'1..;J11tlfa). uP'},?"'~+ OJ1-9" CJ/\ governmental agencies operating in or out of the
country invited to observe election in accordance
9" h 4>t;:T h U1.(I"tf.T ht,./\hu1.&-tf. fl1'~.C; 00
with' international law to which a country is a party
1C 0).'" 'I' 9" 11'~ h 0 1C OJ.(J;). I'°7. '}4>1)4>fl.
uP'},?'" ;J~tf. to 1-9" uP'},?'" ;J~tf. 1 t\ 11'~. ~ C
or upon the invitation of the Government where
~'Y.1. 'i.fa..::
1?: ;:i'ij;x =t:t /"'Y,,/roA ~.~t,,,, ,~,/,nl <IITC .YQ (I). It
Hi.~jjj OJ.9" . Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 54 25th June, 2007... page 3757

Itl «fU1Hl :1'tfo.» ('7ftT O""W}~ 18/ "Public observer" means an impartial resident
9" C 66J. h A A "C; 9" C 66J. tJlCl.' 9" C 66J.1 of each constituency or polling station elected
"'~.:rHO. OUl111 fO~ODGm' 1I\AT~
by the people to observe elections;
fhftflo. '1CPt sP"f c;fo>-::
Iiil «T4>('761!' mh.A» °7ftT 09"Ct>LJ. 19/ "On site representative" means a person
ftODm~f.C OTODH10 1:C~T f Tft'tft represented by a political party or private
.m~9" f"lA "a}: fo~mhAC; 09"C66J. candidate running for election to a specific
hAAC; 09"C66J. tJ/o., T4>9"(f1 f9"C66J. constituency or polling station and observe the
"l.f.T1C; fmhfto>-1 hftA ODl1T election process on site and follow the respect
ODhOC1 fo~h.+'''A (10)- '10>-:: of the rights of the body he represents;

'IN «~'+~~1 mkA» ~~+ nre~ ~~m~. 20/ "Mobile Observer" means a person represented
f.e n1'~H1n fT~-tt, f:e~+ mf.r by apolitical party or candidate running for
n"JA hab ~(oh~.. n"'f: re~ hAA election and observes the election process and
o)'(}'f' nOY.11' fre~ "10.'9'"1' hf1"+ follows the respect of the rights of the body he
~"'(t f9"e~ 'I.Y.+,r, fmh~a)', f:e~+ represents by moving to different polling
mf.l)" f"JA hab ~..n+ ~hne foY.h;1'
stations in a constituency;
1'A (to)' ~a)'::
21/ "Grievance Hearing Committee" means a
li~1 «1\0.1::1' (I~ 110~-t» °'1ftT Off.t.~o>-
Oo~1~ OhAA :toC166J.~ ~U~ T 0. T
committee established in accordance with this
¥ =-

Proclamation during elections to give

9"C66J. hAA "C; f9"C66J. ffIO...f ft °7"'1(1.
:to~ :1' sP"f h {).,. ~ f. b- ~ 0>-I}~ fO~ (Il'
administrative decisions to complaints lodged
at a regional electoral office, a constituency and
OH.U htp~ OD(lt.T ft9"C66J. m:toT
a polling station level;
f~**9" t1D?-t '10>-::

ligl «~U~T o.T» ('7ftT f 1\.Tf-*", l1rh 22/ "Secretariat" means Secretariat of the National
t.~ 9"C66J.f1C1: ~U~T o.T '10>-:: Electoral Board of Ethiopia;

lirl <<(10)->>(''1ftT fT~1'C' (10)- (lJ~9n OU"I

23/ "Person" means any natural or juridical person.
f(lO"'1T ODl1T fT(lmO>- 1\ftA '10>-::

r. fT~'~"T OJ()1
3. Scope of Application
~U htp..~ ftm:to"" 9"C66J."'~.LJ'9" "'~
"lfl11'11: ft 1\ftfl 0. 9" C66J.=- {\f''1o:l.
ft 1: .')°"1. 9" C 66J. h C; 0 U1 OD1"1f)1:
, 9" C 66J.

This Proclamation shall be RF:')!icable to general
elections and as appropriate to local elections, by-
elections, reelections and referendums carried out in
ft°~ft~1: UlIO 0>-1}'" T~'~ ~"C;A:: accordance with the Constitution.

blj:_A.~u.l1~ PART TWO

SJ".tJ..&-t;:...h' ~ BOARDGENERAL
flf\FC~ ..(lCt: Cha pter One
The National Electoral Board

~. OO**F 4. Establishment

~I Tmt '11: ft~t..~.t fU1111Tmftf-".f 9"hC 1/ The National Electoral Board of Ethiopia
0."" flf'111rh.(~~ 9"Ct>LJ.f1C 1: IhH.U (hereinafter referred to as "the Board")
0;\" «f1C1:»1 h fTflft fO~m(~ fU"1 accountable to the FDRE House of Peoples'
(lO>-'1T .fftO>- htl71~0>-9" TbtJ'i 'I' Representatives is hereby established as an
f"'1C; h(~(1.1 f~ft f9"C66J. 1\f)~'0~ independent and autonomous organ for
1\ftA OH.U htp~ T*4Io:l.A:: conducting elections having its own legal
'1\ ritnY~ t.,y.{..t:\ ~.:Jt.''}- ;Jll.n, <IITC .~!i rH. IX "") Iin~Hi ~.SI" Federal Negarit Gazeta No.54 25th June, 2007... page 3758

1/ f(1C~ '1)(; ~U~:,. 0.:" h~.') hOfJ 2/ The Head Office of the Board shall be in Addis
~lfr;/.\:: (1C~ f?"Ct>l>}.'},)t. /\07,)L(J?" Ababa. For the purpose of conducting elections,
h~Y..t./.\ ~,)h ?"Ct>l>}.nlO.1 outp~-r '} the Board shall have permanent and temporary
0 ou HC ;J:" 07. ~ r; 'l.t~ 1 ~ ~ C '}t>l>}.
«r: branch offices from federal down to polling
~UL:" o.~T ~Cj-r;r/.\:: station leveL

~. ,,, "'l 5. Objectives

(1C~ f"!h.,.l\-:" ''''''lsPT ~Cj~;r/.\:: The Board shall have the following objectives:

Ii/ U1°U'}OI,)'I:'} OU(){.:" W'7f:{.., ~'I 1/ ensure the establishment of a government

-1/\/.\,,.r,:r; «r::""~ ~)Ct>l>}.
007t}Y,f: OU elected through a fair, impartial and fair
11.0 f:lJD/J f,,,ou{.m ou'}.,,):,. ~ '}~.* election conducted in accordance with the
*9') "7f:{..,I

1/ U1°U'}.,/}'I:,} ~r,' OU., f.,.ou(){.'I: .,.* 2/ ensure the existence of an electoral system that
~:,.~ f~lh~-r f7/\~t} f:C~~T enables political parties and private candidates
~r,' "/\()(1T O~h./.\~:"r; l/\hf:/.\9I that respect the Constitution and institutions
f°7.tJJ ~ -r 0:" f9') C t>l>}.'I. :,. un Cj-r '} established by it compete equally and
'"" '""
"7 (.."J 11' I impartially;
r/ H."IT OU1°U,}",)'1: 0"'''Ir,'(Jf.:''
,,. ., IfP r
3/ enable citizens to exercise their constitutional
tM,(). 0 /\.e 9')
'"" 'J' r; derryocraticrights to elect and be elected.
rouou{.'J' ou~:,. o~,~:"r; O~h./.\~:"
~ '}~.m4'ou, °7 f:{..,I

i. fOC1:. .hq~T 6, Members of the Board

Ii/ (1C~ OU1°U'}.,,)'I: h,}4'/J Iifl OU(){.:" 1/ The Board shall have nine members appointed in
accordance with Article 102 of the Constitution by
Om~"~ °7.~.,):"-r h~t,O):" OUlI~ the House of Peoples' Representatives upon
'NJJt}f-:f ?"hc 0.:" r°7.i"ou. Hm~ recommendation by the Prime Minister.
h fJ\":,. ~ Cj-r ;r /.\::
2/ . The prime Minister shall, before nominating
1/ m~"~ 0"1.~.,):"-r ou,)LC'I:'} rO?IOJ./\' Board members who fulfill the criteria, ensure
()9J:f'} /\(1Cf: hfJ/.\~:" /\9')hc 0.:"
that there has been sufficient consultation
h"7~{'0' o~,:" 09')hc 0.'1: ouq>oufiliJ. forum for political organizations that have seats
,f',,:f OJ- /\. /\,.:f r 7 /\,t: t) f: C~.,.:f ~ 'J;b
in the House of Peoples' Representatives to
/\.If~.- fa? :f/\, "/\()(1:f ~,ci 1/\/.\'''r,: ascertain that the nominees are independent and
unlfr,':foJ-'} W'7{.,"J1'J' 1.~~ ",e
,,.,,:"e: ~ '}~. Cj/~:foJ- r°7.!,) T/.\ 0 t
r9')hhc ouf:{.h ~'}~.Cjt J''"''C,''J/.\::
3/ The composition of Board members shall take
r/ r(1C~ hfJ":" 'J''}~'C 'n,.h.t,~ '''CP/J'',}
into consideration national contribution, and
-" r,' f-"""":f '} ,, :"e: h.,9'):" OJ-,)'J' gender representation, and at least one member
J',)1fJ Iftj' hhfJ"'1: unt}t./.\ O.J''},)
of the Board shall be a lawyer. The members
>.'}~ fUOI fJ/\lfP.f oulf'} h/\O:":: shall: .

hfJ" 'I:?":-
U. /\U1un,}",)'1: :J-1I7~ rlf~, I a) be loyal to the Constitution;

/\. h7/\,,:t} f:C~,":f (JJ1,}'''~~:'' ~, b) be non-partisans;

rtr~, I
,.1,. rlfP 1 ,n:P:" J',,:,:OJ-r,'I c) have professional competence;

un. 0 OU/.\t}9') ')~9''''lfJt,:':(JJ- rO?,:J-(JJ~ d) be known for their good conduct.

unlf'} ~1fJ:ftp/.\::
, t'f'i.:(~=W t..,f./..A ',."1(,'''' ;JII.fl/ 4t'rC !l!i M. H: ""} xv.nv. 'U''' Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 54 25th June, 2007... page 3759

Q/ rnc~ h'llt-r rftt, Hon'} h?"ft-r hon-r 41 The term of office of the Board members shall
lYlf tl7,}~0J.?" rnc~ h'lA ft~"'Q~1/'7t be five years. However, a Board member may
h'}~ rftt, Hon'} l1r oj; ;J°7. serve for only one additional term.
ft..f 1ft<'lA .e:'f It A : :

"{;/ hlt.e O'}h.ft h'}~O Q rTf.'1110J- 5/ Without prejudice to sub article (4) of this Article, the
House of Peoples' Representatives may terminate the
O.lfC?" h'lft.Ot.(}. ?"h'}f-r hft~~
term of a Board member if he resigns for personal
to.e?" rU"Hl1 TtOl1f- T ?"hC o.-r
reasons or if the House of Peoples' Representatives
h'}~ rnc~ h'lA believes that

01 Ouon?,' ?"h'}f-r T'?'l~,} 0~"'1Cl.°J- a) the Board member is unable to properly

0.'1:..-:1' °7hC;'tO'} h.e TA?" to .e?" carry out his duties due to illness;

ftl h'l~ rft'1?"'?'lC 1.~ft-r ;J-.e~"O;J-A b) the Board member has committed
11ft.. f'l..f?"'} hnc ~ h'lA'1-r serious misconduct.
ft..f(}C;'11TOJ- .e :'fltA::

}/ ?"hc o.~h hlt.e O'}h.ft h'}~O "{; rTf. 6/ The House of Peoples' Representatives shall, upon
'1110J-'} 0J-1')'1. (}.fft~,..ltA~ OU1on'}'?ft~h
making decision in accordance with sub article (5)
above, give instruction .to the prime minister to
on(}~-r m:t>lt.e °7. '1.ft-r~ {bit "au recommend another nominee in accordance with the
"'}~..f~Cl1 fI1A:: Constitution.

Z/ rnc ~ (}111')(l "e; ?"h-rA (}111')Cl. 7/ The Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Board
flhqlt~h onl1hA Om:t>lt.e °7.'1.ft-r~ shall be appointed by the House of Peoples'
h~'t,O. '1-r OU'U11 ~"'tOl1r-:'f ?"hC o.-r Representatives from among the members upon the
.e(}r'!7 ft.:: recommendation of the Prime Minister.

f;/ rnc~ l\UL-r o.-r tpe; ~It,(. ~?"O ron 81 The Chief Executive of the Secretariat of the
ftm-r on~O-r 1').e'l~0J- rnc~ O{h,(. Board shall be a non-voting member and
.elfe;A:: secretary of the Board.

~. r~-'b_J'}&\~'1'LT_""1_~C 7. Powers and Duties of the Board

nc~r°?h,,"'ft.-r ftAfJne; ~"''?'lt--r .e'l~;J-A; The Board shall have the following powers and duties:

{if OU1on'},?ft"h "e; OH.U htp~ on(}~-r II execute impartially any e:ectbn and referendum
roVly,~ "7'}~0J-'}?,' ?"CIWJ. "e; U"}fO conducted in accordance with the Constitution
0J-1')'1. 01ftAT~'1-r r07ftLfJ?":- and this Proclamation;

~/ 0 f 1, t. ~ (II'
0 f 1. H.OJ' f 0?.'1Y.PI' I}"C 6fiJ.9) l'
21 facilitate and ascertain that elections held
'1.,{,' ~-r'/<P,
Olf" un,}1f: f°?)lY.P,.O-r'} . periodically and at every level are conducted in
tJ.'1..;.:I' fa? UlJ ~ ~~-r 'he;' fOU.?1,. 1" a free and fair manner;

E/ ?,'CfiL].'} N'7ftLfJ?,' r07..fftLA 1. (}'1'" :'fc;' 31 prepare and distribute documents and materials
4:1')4:,,:'f r"7H:)~ -re; r"7(}t.m.-r:- necessary for conducting elections;

2/ I}"C6fiJ.'} ~lIunAh'Y. t\U1'O. fll'1H.?'j' fun 41 widely provide to the public civic and voter
t,'(}'-"1' -rl}"UC -r 01l4.-r f UlJllm -r 'h'j' education relating to elections, issue license to
-rl}"UC -r t\ O?.f'lm. ~t}" -r /..:J>f: funllm -r 1" . other bodies engaged in civic and voter
fUlJh;)""A C;' fUlJ~(f'mC 1"
education, follow and supervise their activities;

"{;/ ft?,'CfiliJ. :rtIOJP'.f L:P ~ ronftm-r:- 51 issue licenses to election observers and follow
ronfl:r"'"A C;'ron~fJ'mC:- and supervise their activities;

}/ rTft~t:11 ~C~'f':'f'} ronon"}f111:- L:P~ 61 register and issue license to political parties,
ronftm-r; OU1. on(}~-r ronh;J-~"'A follow-up and supervise them in accordCiJ1ce
"C;' ron~fJ'mC:- with the law;
','" i.'i'i,t.~;'i '--Yu/..A ~;J"'''' .?/I.n, <#I'PC.~~ (J). 1=1; ""J Bin" "UlU Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 54 251h June. 2007... page 3760

~I Of~ch~. f\°'l.IJV',. 9"Cfili},S')l' ht..,09" f°'l.f 7/ recruit, on permanent and temporary basis,
ilt.A 1. f9"Cfili}, hilt. "°,/. ~ut."" 0..r'1''} competent and non-partisan electoral officers
foP'f .n:""" fJf\O)' 1f\A"'~ f()O)' '/ ~A
required to conduct elections .at every level,
O*°'l.~"": 01.ltflf.~"" to~9" nt''}''''t,.'''' provide training to them and a~sign electoral
f°,/ Y.t.."f:..,.c,' hf\.f\"1' .,.*°,/"" O""OJ'il""
OUUOJ'().(' fOUt°'ll,."" ~ '}~.IJ.9" f9"Cfili}, officers seconded from other institutions;
hilt..,°'l.S"1''} f°,/()Am'}:

tl Of 1,t1.OJ' f°'l.1.1.1.""'} 9"Cfili},S')l' ht. "09"c,' s( evaluate the implementation of periodical

f9"Cfili}, U11' fUlI19"19": 'J'c,'"" f°'/IJYo.(': elections and electoral laws, undertake studies,
il:J"f:il-f:lJlf. UUt.1iS"l' '} fUlI/Hl().n ~c,' collect and compile statistical data, identify
f°'/mt",''''C 0'/7I7If f°'l.filt.A;J:t~aJ''} 1.~r-1' areas that require amendment and submit same
f\~.r, f\°'l.uuf\h.,.OJ' hlJA f°,/.pI..nT to concerned body, keep properly any electoral
~'}~.IJ.9" o'/'lTOJo'}9" f9"Cfili}, ()~P.1' documents;
OhIJJfJO. ~'}-'tffl' f°,/.('I.'1T

9/ organize and coordinate political parties' joint

f}1 fTt\-t1-J f:C~,""f1 f;Jt- oof:t.h f{l?
f..(,.1. T r, f"? il.,.fI(lC:
10/ investigate, cancel election results, order re-election
II 09"Cfili}, '/.Y."" f.,.t.OUU fLl'1 uunlil: f°'/
or order injunction of the act and bri~rpetrators
6£!,OCOC: (I)~9"r()"1 9"c,' O'J'..J' °,/ 1.
before the court of law where it has received
.('C1,"" Oil4-":C,' O~~ H: f9"Cfili},OJo')
information about violation of law in the election
,. O)'m."" ~'}1.°'l.f.J'}~ h"'tO~~t f7'f\'t1J
process, fraudulent act or disturbance of peace and
.('c)!-,r'1.T h'1A ~Q;b9'1.T h..J'.'O.9':f.T
order of such magnitude and type which wOuld
h9"c6lil. hilt. .,o'/,S')l' to ~9" hf\."1 h°,/')
determine the outcome of the election from political
~OJ'9" 9"'}"£!' uut.1i 1.C(I"" "'(J;I,fJ6£I'~1:,}
organizations running for election, private
0 t..(). °,/ nil,."" f I.;J '1'J' (I)~ 9" .,. t. 00:1.A
candidates, observers, electoral officers or any other
.nf\.. Ot,.(). ().f9"') IJ.~..J'O)''} fUlJUUcuuCT
source and has verified its tangibility through
OJom.'1:1 fUlI()I.'UC,' 9"CMiJ. ~'}~.IJy..('
investigation or has been convinced that an offence
~ 9" .(' C1.'1: ~ ')~. ~ 9" f°,/ WUT 'J' 4-.,. 7f'l' has been committed;
OU'1 ~'}~.mf4t f°,/.('I.'1T
II/give administrative decisions for disputes that
Iiil (l?"Cli61. 'I.'.T t\.Hu''''': l-tt\ooIJ/IlIl''':f occur in the election process,
l-til.,..~f../" ~ 00 Cf:-r Y. f 00 il m -r :
rectify electoral irregularities and decide on
f9"C6l>J, 1.f:t\.Y,:f1 f"?'.?"£,' t\°?4>C(l.
complaints submitted to it;
~~:rS1'"f aJ-t)~ fooilm-r:

III fS"'C6l>J, aJ-m,,""f1 f"?t.;J11'r,' (l.e4-. f"? 12/ certify and officially announce election results;
t)(J)~ :

13/ prepare and submit its budget and utilize same

Ifl 01. -r l-tH;J~'" f"?~t.11r, "'.~4>f:9" upon approval;
(lil/', ".e f{I?CPA:
14/ recruit and assign electoral officers from
19.1 f..l-til~" 1.~.t: tJ001""1il-rr,' 001""1il;t-~ governmental and non-governmental
I-JA If~. l-t1-J"-r f9" C6l>J,l-til~ 'Ia'!.S1':f 1
organizations as necessary;
(looooA ooAr, (l0000f..11 f"714>t)4>il:

17;1 fS"'C6l>J, l-til~ .,U?S1':f (lSJ"C6l>J, il/,.:t:aJ- 15/ protect electoral officers from any influence
S"'h1 .f-r t\.f..Cilfl:faJo tJu'!.:fA .t'(J/Jcr that they may come under in relation to their
ooh"tJA: (lS"'C6l>J, il(,. (loot).t'4-.:faJ- work and protect them from any denial of their
00 11-rr,' 1'~{17 :t~aJ- "'~.e,}f..AfI:faJ- rights and benefits due to their participation in
00 m (l:,>r, 00 the election activities;
tJ" tJ t.'\ 1

I~I tJu'!.oot\tJ;t-TaJ- l-t1-J"-r ;JC (looool-JtJC 16/ issue, improve or amend timetable for elections
(lff..t.)faJ- fU7.1-JY.~ 9"C6l>J,S1':f f1.H. conducted at every level in consult- ation with
"'I\.~ f{17aJ-nl-r: f{17i'fi'fA: foot\(J}1' concerned bodies and officially announce same;
(l(J}~'f: t\U'H11 .e4-. f{I7 f:t.""I:
11'\ ri'i.?;f~ji t..Yv/..f.\ ~:J(,o'" ;JIl.fl/ 4I'f'C !jri /'I). It Iiif:Hl '},jI" Federal Negarit Gazeta No:54 25th June, 2007", page 3761

Iz/ fll\fI/,.aJ- ,,'}cp{},p(). 0 r1.1taJ- l\U1HI 17/ submit to the House of Peoples' Represent-
rt-lDl'Jr-:f 9"hC Cl.-r tTC-r r°'lcp1.1F atives periodic reports on its activities;

It/ Orf.~~'OJ' rO?11' 'rnc~ ~U&..} (1..} 18/ supervise and follow the perform.ance of officials
::'J,,&.9'1' IPlrrf'7f'1''} rt'l~ h&.IJ09'J and employees of the Secretariat of the Board at any
ron~I1'mCT ronfl;J' rf'A ht'l&." 1. hC9'J~9'J level and take necessary measures;
rUlJOJ''''~ -:

If}/ 9"C6l>J.aJ-'} OJAll -: '1.,c,' ~-r-tcr. l\ t,"/f: l. °1 19/ issue regulations or directives which enable to
r°?l.~ ~ ,}11 (J)f!.9" uouot! conduct transparent, free and fair elections;
r°"/aNll-r -:
~~/ r~u&..} (1.rf: cpr, ::'J"&. t'l6.oV} °7hc,'(f}'} 20/ delegate one of the deputy chief executives of the
II.e l' A .,.
"'. C c,' 0)<)1A c,' on t'Im .} Secretariat to the position of the Chief Executive
007.e 'f'AO.} 1.tI. 1\" ::'J"&. ht'lhO?r9'J where the Chief Executive of the Secretariat is
nc ~ h9'J)).}A cPc,' ::'J"&.9'l' h '}P,.'} unable to carry out his duties and not in a position to
OOJ'))AC,' h'}~."'Ir r07~~'1-: give delegation;

?;/i/ oaJ-6J.b h1C r°?'1~ h,-rr-*,.faJ-.f,} 21/ study and submit to the House of Peoples'
Representatives ways of enabling Ethiopian
09" C 6l>J. r o'/.'..rf-4-0 -r '} u. ~ .+ h 'I' '}.y.
Diaspora to participate in election;
l\UlI11 rf-(J)I'Jr-:f 9"hC Cl.-r rt'"/cpl.11-:

,. ?;f{j OU1 uo,}'1f11: h ,}4'1\ :j;'ji ,}O.fI h ,}4'1\ 22/ conduct elections to state councils where a state
council in accordance with Article 61(3) of the
r uo'Pl.-r rhAA 9"hC Cl.-r rtoYuIo Con~titution decides that members of the House of ,

7i'} 9'JhC Cl.-r hfllt-r'} 0c#>'I',r hUlI11 Federation be elected directly from the public;
"'}~. UOl.m. f'I.(J)fI'} 9'JC6l>J.r°"/I'J~f:-:

?;r/ f!.u'} hCP~ l\t'"/flt.09'J r°"/..f'1H' 23/ to perform such other duties necessary for the
rt-uottttf!. rt-'1f1/'.-r'} r°"/hC;lD'}:: implementation of this Proclamation.

8. Powers and Duties of the Board Chairman

t, rnc ~ f'l11ttQ flAfll'}C; rf-'1l1C
The Board Chairman shall have the following
rnc ~f'llIttO. r°"/.hrf-l\.-r flAfJl'}C; rf-'1f1/'.-r powers and duties:
11 call and preside over the meetings of the
M rnc~'} fI'Of'lfi f!.m4.A; f!.uo/'.A:: Board;
2/ ensure the implementation of the decisions of
!!.I rnc~ aJ-tt'1.9':f 0 fl/,. Itf!. uocplt:raJ-'} the Board;
.f t.:.J°lfJIA::
3/ supervise the activities of the Chief Executive
el rnc~ 1\ut.-r Cl.-r cpc,' ~ltt:} r fI/,. of the Secretariat of the Board;
"'}cpfl'p(). OOltf!.'1-r f!.~fJlm/'.A::
4/ preside over the joint political parties' forum;
gl rTl\rt:1'J f:C~.y.:f'} r ;J/,. uof:l.h
Of'lllttO.'1-r f!.uotrA::
5/ submit to the Board a proposal to take
(il rnc~ 1\ut.-r Cl.-r ~ltt. rfl/,.
CPC; measures 'against the Chief Executive of the
'1f:t.-r f'I.t.Il9') "C9"n "'}~.lDf'lf:O-r Secretariat, where the Chief Executive
raJ-tt'1. -ttt11 l\nc~ .f<l>CflA:: OJ-tt'1. commits disciplinary misconduct, and imple-
aJ-'}9') .t-'1f1trcr. f ~C :.1A:: ment decision upon approval;

'hI tunc aJ-6f.b h(lfl'I'~ lD1'1:f :.JC r°?f.l. '1 6/ Oversee any dealings with third parties abroad,

o"/'}~ OJ'9') °/,} ].'1-r 001t f!.'1-r f!.uo /'.A; delegate the Chief Executive of the
",}~flt.lt1. '1'1:9') r1\ut.-r Cl.rl:,} cPc,' ~ltt. Secretariat as necessary;
l\.lDhAf!. :fltA::
- . -

-1 r
~ .. u~~~{}~~L.
:~~~ ;;~~~ ~~; I

and the Secretariat or delegate theChjef

-- ~._-----

:YPl"lItivp "f thp ~p('rpt"'ri",t t" ~" c",mp

t\.CDI1A ,e-'f"A::

C""9"hTA (ll1"R._llAll"S' T'7~lC 'owers and Duties of the Deputy Board

_..~ , .-. . -.
lfJt--r ,elJ~;rA! 'he Deputy Board Chairman shall:

A nAn Ln.- nnnnlO,.n~ #II.. Jl.. nA I .....

-- ,
10.0J- / W'7li-:f0J-sr' 9"1111-r {}t-0J-1
- :/ take over the chairmanship, until such time as
f'lt--r t-aA:Ft\ 1\" 011...0. OH.U htp~ another chairman is designated in accordance with
(. -r h {}h. 0 f9" f: (. {} 011...Cl. IYlJ this Proclamation, in case where the Chairman is
""A: : ,u"\n.hla t,.,. A;C" h

0 11...O.OJ- t\,e.y. f07.omoJ-1 t\.t\..".f ./ perform other duties specifically assigned to
''''''fJlr-r .f hlf OJ-IfA:: him by the Chairman.

{ules 0'- Procedure 0'- the Hoard

C"" rnl1(1f1 n~nC'iT

JlC"" Cl.11{} OCDC h 1 f: 1.11. OODf.0~~-r rhe Board shall meet at least once ina
p-ta°ofJA; IYlJsr'. sr'CIifi}. Ooy,t-a~f:O-r nonth: however. it mav convene a re!!ular
1 n _.. ".~ l'1IIA.n

t\.f1)"l¥: Y.'''''A::

U The Board Chairman mav c;

.. - ~... .. .
h-l m6- U.6.A"" WlI'lIl.ur I\wr').p extraordinary meeting if one-third of the
{}l1ofJ ,emt-A:: memher~ demand ~o-

There shall be a quorum where more than

I 1.'7' "".".-. ..." - II --
. '."
half of the members of the Board are present
at its meetings.
~~~ -- -. - - ~ - --- _. - I
y.,(UO".A: lPD'~ R<J~O hU'A r'f'l .11 I
majority vote; however, in case of a tie, the
nL<>irm<>nc;:h<>1I h<>vp <> 1":::!c;:tin<1 vot-
h 1 f.1Y ~ 011... Cl.OJ- f f. 1 ~ OJ- '/ ... 11 f f

- I
f1C"" f t-o.1 f{}110fJ
. .hlll} T - _UDll-r ghts of Board Members

nember of the Board shall have the

J-sr' fnC hfJA f°7..h.,..t\.-r ODl1.f".f n<1 ri<1ht".

To participate and vote in any meetings of

0"71 ~ OJ-sr' f nc {}110fJsPT f OD'" ""lj:
the Board;
f:9"iJ fOD{}m-rI
11. ti'i}f';';: /...f./..I:\ ";1/"'" :)/1."/ </I-rC .Y!!tH. I~: .,..t J.jWiii 'HI" Federal Negarit Gazeta NO.54 25th June, 2007... page 3763

;:1 ~nc~'} (}1lf'1fJ 'J't ""r. ~,:')~ OtD""'1: ""r. 3/ To be called by the Board for meeting and know
0 ~ °/ fJ0. r (1'1°'--';:,. -: the agenda in a timely and proper manner;

W (lff.tJ ~<P~ ~ '}cf>() X 1;:/ ODt'lt.:" ~(}TIJ..e

4/ To request for an extraordin~ry meeting in
(}11t'lfJ ""'}~.rnt. accordance with Article 10(3) of this
{;I J'I\9'1,}9" 'f'()""£{' ""r. {JIAJP 11l~:" (}t.OJ-') .
rl''1tJc,' en '} "" £,' 5/ To perform his duties without any intluence
and interference;
'kl (lnC ~ ~fJA ~'I: I\.Y1~ rO?"1fJOJ-') hCf:Y
r (1'1°'--';:,.: :
6/ To get payments he is entitled to as a Board

12, Ethics of Board Members

If, rnc~ hfJ4'\-r "'~~""lfiC
Any Board member shall:
1''1'}~OJ-9'1rnc~ ~fJA:-
1/ discharge his responsibility impartially,
~I r.ft'lrnOJ-') O"l&.~:" 011\A1'~~:"-: o~,~:"r. freely and in good faith;
0~1'} Anc,' 1''1tJC,'tD'}~I\O:"::
2/ not directly or indirectly support or oppose
" !f.1 1''1'}~OJ-,}9'1 09"Clilir°'1.tI1'Cf: r TI\'I:I1 any political organization or private
~c ~:"9" lr~ rO/A ()Q;b (lcf>'J':1'9" -lf~ c(}ndidate participating in the election;
0'" fI<PCPt OODf.1Cf:9'1 lf~ OOD'ptD9'1
OD') cf>t) cf>() r 1\0 :,. 9'1 : :

3/ not seek any benefit out of confidential

;:Ion C~ ~ fJA ~'I: 9" h '} ,r :,. fJ11oJ- 171.() 'J' t. 'P.
information that he obtained by virtue of
ODI. n 'J' ..,.9'1 1\(1'1'" 1 :,. OD ') cf>t) cf>()
being a Board member;
4/ not disclose to a third party any confidential
W rnc~ '} °1.(}'J'C l\i:~ tD1'} ~t)Ac:.
information of the Board;
OD(}rn:" eD.e9" °'1llh'} rl\o:"9"::
5/. refrain from any act that in any way damages
?il W''1'}~oJ-9'' LJ.~;r rnc~'} tD.e9" f~fJI\.,} the credibility, impartiality and independence
l' ~(I'1t~:" -: 11\A 1'~~:"r. ~,~:,. tJ°1. "I~ of the Board or its members.
eD.e9" tJ°1.,r"l ~Cf: °'1,)~ OJ-9" 1'..,fJC
OD~rnll ~I\O:"::

If. fnc~ hfJ4'\-r f'J'.p9" ""l6f.l':" 13, Conflict of Interest of Board Members

~/ ~'}~ rnc~ ~fJA r1't'lrnOJ-'} ;)"I&.~:"

(lCf::"tJ'P.~:"r. 011\A1'~~:" O~"'fJO. t)"'1tJr. 1/ A Board member shall not be present, vote
tD') r°1.,r.., f.OJ- "" r. onc ~ OOD,orr:" "I.e and in any way participate in a meeting or
111\ 1''1'}~OJ-9'' 1.~.e ;JC r1' ,r ,rfl r1'}fl11 action where it has been proved that he has
tD.e 9" rt\ "I 'J'''''9'' ..,'}1. ~:,. ,r 1\OJ- OD lf~. financial or any other interest in the matter
t'I.t.:)1'J' Ofl.O. (}llt'lfJ tD.e9" 1'''IfJC being considered by the Board that would
~ 9" () () rn :,. tD.e9" 0t\ "I
11:" -: OD
affect his fair, impartial and proper judgment
W''1 ') ~ OJ- 9'1 O. ~ :1'
OD t) 1'Cf: r 1\0 :,. 9" : : on the matter.

!f./ tJ"I.e O'}~.(} ~,}cf>() Ii r1'rncf>t'lOJ- r'J'''''9'1 2/ A Board member shall inform the Board and
"'6V':" OD£{'~ r ;rtD cf> OJ- 1.~~ tD~9'1 1''''fJ~ distance himself from the meeting or action
onc~ OD
:rr:" tD.e9" ODtJC,'tD'} t)~ODt. where the contlict of interest provided in sub
0:\"1 tJlf~ 1.~~ r°1.ODI\tJ1'OJ- rnc~ ~fJA article (l) above has been discovered after
O.~;roJ-'} I\nc~ O°'1(}t.~:" tJ(}llt'lfJOJ- the Board has started looking into the matter
tD.e9" tJ1''''fJ~ ""~t'I.'} 0'1..,1\1:\~I\O:":: or action.
'm i.'i'i.l,x;';ii /...f.t..A ~.')t...,. .:J/I."I 4r'J'C :Iii tU. It .p'} 'HU Federal Negarit Gazeta NO.54 25th June, 2007... page 3764

;:1 h~.e (no.c) h'}ef>6 li hC,' ~ r'I'f.'t110J- 3/ The meeting or action shall be recorded in
lJ."1.:r ()J,,""" 1.~~ 0,Pt\ 1.{)h. '1'.ell minutes and decided by the remaining Board
" C)lI(){)OJ' m .e9" 'I'OJ{)~ Oef>tP):~ rnc f: members where the confl.ict of interest
h{)~"" .em()c,'A m,e9" ,ehc,'mC;A:: provided in sub articles (1) and (2) above
g/ h 1. ~ ~ ;:JC r 1'.p9" OJ6J}>"" ,r t\ OJ' r n C f:
h{)A lJ."1.:rOJ-'} 1').e1A6 0c)r(l(){)0J- m.e9" 41 The decision or action may be re-considered,
0'1'''1{)~ '1'1'):r&, ouolf'} 0J-1')"1. r'I'~t\&. changed or rejected where the Board member
m .e 9" '1'OJ() ~ r,1' h c,' m't h If 't OJ-I')"1.OJ- that has conflict of interest with the matter
m.e9" 'I'OJ{)~ onc~ h'}f.1C; t\.:1'.e-: participates in the decision or action without
t\. t\ m l' m .e 9" OJ-f:.p t\. f. t. °1 .e:'f ~ A :: notifY.ingthe Board about the situation.

(;/ tl? '} ~ OJ' 9" ()OJ- m .e 9" r T t\ 'l":I-J f: C,~ ..,. 5/ Any person or political organization claiming
h '}f: rnc f: h{)A hO?Yhc;oJ-'toJ- '1'°I{)C
that a Board member has conflict of interest
;JC m .e?" OTI') '1'&.0"" c)1I(){) Ouo :rr"" with the action he is involved in or with the
matter being considered in a meeting he
~ .e I-Jt\ OJ- 1.~ .e ;J C r l' .p 9" OJ6J!''''' h t\ OJ-
r(lt\,. I-Juo't tl?c)t.~ OJ''} (D~.Y°J-'t. t\nc ~ participated may submit their evidence to the
tl?.pt.'(l .e:'f~A:: Board immediately.

Chapter Two
ilt\I1CS. ~ULT J1T . Secretariat of the Board

ni. oocJ:cJ:ljD
14. Estabiishment
nc~ Oh'}f: 'Pc,' ?~&S OlJ.t\"" 9"h""A 'PC; The Board shall have a Secretariat headed by a Chief
?~&.p):'f r°?'uo". ~u&...,. 0."" .etj't.'PA:: Executive and -two Deputy Chief Executives.

15. Appointment and Accountability of Chief

I~, rl1C~ s-ut."" o.-r ;}"&.sP"f h~~lJDC; Executives of the Secretariat
II The Chief Executive and Deputy Chief Executives
M r~u&."" o.'n 'PC; ?~&S 9"h""A 'Pc,' ?~&. of the Secretariat shall be appointed by the House
P):.t, OA9" ~:fOJ'c,' 0 :'ft\":1':fOJ- TuoC mOJ- of Peoples' Representatives upon recommendation
by the Board in consideration of their experience
one ~ h .p".0. 't"" 0 U1111 'NDI-Jr- :'f 9"h C and competence.
..,. (\. tl? t\. : :
Cl. .e

2/ The Chief Executive of the Secretariat shall

!!.I r~u&."" o.'n 'Pc,' ?~&. 'I'mt'1'n t\nc~ be accountable to the Board.
31. The Deputy Chief Executives of the
el rnc~ ~u&...,. 0."" 9"h""A 'PC; ?~&.sP:'f Secretariat shall be accountable to the Chief
'hnt'1"" t\'Pc;0J- ?~&. .elfC,'A:: Executive.

16, Powers and Duties of the Chief Executive of the

Ii. rs-ut.-r (1.1: 'Pc; ~"&~ilA"nC; TOZ{)C' Secreta riat
The Chief Executive of the Secretariat shall have
r~u&."" o.'n 'Pc,' ?~&. rO?hTt\."" c)A"nc,' the following powers and duties:
'I'OJ{)".'} .et;'~:1'A;
1/ direct the Secretariat as its Chief Executive;
M ~lJ&."" o.'n'} 0?~&.'1"" .eUO".A-:
() ill') O. ,'JC
2/ prepare agenda for the meetings of the Board
!!.I htlC ~ Ououol-Jhc rnc~ '} in consultation with the Board Chairman;
rc)11(){) h~:'}~ ,rH,'J~A-:

3/ properly keep the minutes and other

;:1 rnc~'} ,Pt\ 1.{)h.C,' lbt\,.:'f ()'1p,:'f Oho/flO.
documents of the Board;
.e,elIA -:
1~' Ei'i.Z.\'?;'t; t..'u".t\ ~;.It"" ; <IITC :lQ M. X:t .,., Xi!f1i! '}jlU Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 54 25'h June, 2007... page 3765

w~ fnc~ 0J-t}~9':f f\ 07" UUf\ h;1'T OJ- m'ler:f 41 cause the decisions of the Board to be
"1~.'I'1tf\~ f~t.;JA: transmitted to the parties concerned;

(il Ouu1'1{}-r ()/r'I'7f:f fh{}''''~~C U'1 "e; 51 employ, assign, transfer, or take disciplinary
nc~ 0 a?fmnlOJ- ~1~ UU()t.-r ()t.".7f measures against and dismiss employees in
"f1 .e4>1't.A: .euu~CJA: ,fllOJ-t.A: U'1c;' accordance with the civil service law and
(}Cl}-r1 ".h-rf\o f~.(). Tf\.1 "C9"~ Regulations of the Board;
.em{}~A: ,f()c;'~:-"A:

'kl fnC~1 ~U&.-r o.-r fh6f,bCe; ft.~9" 'l.1t 61 prepare and submit to the House of Peoples'
"~Y:c;' O~-r hH,"J~-f f\nC~ ,f4>CCJA~ Representatives the short and long-term work
OUlI~ 'I'ml1r-:f 9uhc o.-r ().O~:"9" plan and budget of the Secretariat of the
",oll]t.~ J~~C,"JA: Board, and implement same upon approval;

%1 Oh14>6 t 1h'{) h14>~ ~ f'I'~'1'l'lOJ- 71 without prejudice to the provision in Article 8

"1~"'m04> O'er h(l{}"';;: m'ler:f ;JC
(6), represent the Secretariat of the Board in
0 a? ~t. 'l. °117.'1'Y.:f fnC ~ 1 ~U&. -r o.-r its dealings with third parties;
.emhlt A :

1;1 OU'luu1'1{}'#:: OH.U h9'~e; nc~ OO?J' 81 take all the necessary actions for the conduct
,. of elections and referendums at all levels in
mnl:fOJ- ~ 1n:fe; uuuutf9':f UU()t.-r
Of ~t.~0J- f°7"I1~~ 9"C66J.9'"fe; U1iO accordance with the Constitution, this
0J-t}~9'"f "1~.11~~ f°7"f{}&.A'l0J-1 lJ.f\. Proclamation and regulations and directives
,f ~C."JA: to be issued by the Board;

i!/ OIl.U h9'~ f\nC~ f'I'()m.-r 1iC1iC f9"C66J. 91 cause the performance of day to day electoral
h&.iJ09" 'I''1CJt.-r1 f{}&.6t1?A::;1'~ functions vested in the Board under this
00''1. f9"C66J. h&.iJ09" 'l.~r-:f It.e fTf\'t11 Proclamation, consult political organizations
~C .~,y. :f1 ,f/'?ht.A: on basic electoral operations;

101 forward to the Board matters that seek its

II - onc~ uum()1 fa? 'lCJ:t~0J-1 'l.~r-:f
decision for its necessary consideration
hh{}'I' ,ff'#: ,"JC f\nC ~ ,f4>CCJA:
together with his recommendations thereon;
I~I f(lC~ ~U&.-r o.-r 9"h-rA cpe; ~1t~.9':f 11/ present proposal to the Board on taking
f{}t. '1~&.-r ().&.60D. "C9"~ measures against deputy chief executives of
"1~.m()~CJ:I~0J- rOJ-t)~ lJt}~ f\nC~
the Secretariat where they show misconduct
,f4>C'1A:: 0J-t}~0J-19" 1''1CJt.~ ,f~C,"JA: in their work and implement the decision;
nv r~~t.Ac;' rhAA U'luu1'1{}:-"-r1 UU()t.-r
121 . prepare and subm it to the Board election
W'? ~ t. '1 r9"C66J. h&. iJ09" r'l.lI. ()f\. ~
timetable on the basis of the federal and state
hH,"J~'f' f\nC~ ,f4>CCJA~ ().O~~>9"
constitutions and implement same upon
'I''1CJt.~ ,f~C;JA: approval;
lEI rnc~ ~U&.-r 0.0}- Ot.(). 'I''1t}0'1-r m.e9"

present to the Board, by its own initiative or

OhAf\o:f OO?4>C~f\-r 1'fck UU()t.-r
UU/rab U1i11 ,ff\" 1'1A-r ouut.6f,b'1-r in response to requests from states, proposal
to organize polling stations in a way that will
"1~. UUII'l~e; ~9'>6 "1~.1'11' 9":1:
enable electors to register and vote without
r9')C66J. nI0.f9':f "1~.~t.~ rOJ-t}~
inconvenience and implement same upon
"t}~ f\nC~ ,f4>CCJA~ .
1'1.&.4>~9') approval;
'I'°lCJt.~ ,f ~C;JA:

IQ/ (}f\ ~U&.-r o.,#: r{}t. "1:"(}~(), Or1.II.OJ- 141 prepare and present periodic reports to the
Board about the activities of the Secretariat;
tTC-r htl,"J~'f'f\nC~ ,f4>C'1A:

, I"{;/ hnc ~ rO?()m.-r1 f\.f\o :f "''1'1t.-r 151 perform other duties assigned to him by the
,ffJe;oJ-c;' A: Board;
i:i'i.U?;% /...r./..A 'i:Jt..,. :m.fll .p'PC .~!i (a). IX .,..t n!.l~:w '},?" Federal Negarit Gazeta No.54 25th June. 2007... page 3766

1'k1 t\,.",.a)- .pA1'if:li' h(}&./a1, Olf~ ODm'} 16/ delegate its powers and duties to his deputies
h () A 1I I'} li' .."'? ll-r t\ 1\ 0 &...,. 0. 'I: 9" h ..,. A as deemed necessary to expedite the work;
cpe; ;}It&.sP:'f OO)-hAe; t\.I'11' .e:'fltA-=
17/ delegate one of the deputy chief executives in
111 AC~ O~f,~CO"" ~~ h9"h""A cpe;
writing in his absence.
;}It&.sP:f. h'}~ '} ObLJ.~ f,(DhltA-=
17. Powers and Duties of the Deputy Chief
[:t. r2\'U.(.T 0.1: 9'"hTA cpe; ?t\~~?''f ftAlI,'}e; .
Executives of the Secretariat
.."., q C
The deputy chief executives of the Secretariat
f1\O&''''' 0.'1: 9"h""A CPli' ;}It&.sP:'f shall haye the following powers and duties:
f°?~"t't\."" (}AlIl'}li' ,t''?llt,'''' .e~ t,:fCPA;
1/ manage the Organizational Support and
M 01\0&''''' 0.'1: uocp.pC a)-(}1' f ~c.~ ;r«p' Services and Relations sections as identified
~.'J~ tfC~,} Ali' rn1A'?t\".y.".fe; in the organizational structure of the
°1'}1'~"" tfC~'} OOltf,~"" f,uot.t\.:: Secretariat;
2/ perform other activities specifically assigned
~I OCPli' Olt&.a)- ,t't\.e.."a)- fO?oll}.:fo)-'} to them by the Chief Executive of the
/bt\,,:')" 'I''?ll(~:'f J'hli'o)-e;t\.:: Secretariat;

tl f1\lJ&."" 0.'1: CPli' ;}It &. O/bl\O""

3/ act on behalf of the Chief Executive in his
OOV'tll,:fm. a)-hAli' uoOt."" - CPli' absence in accordance with their delegation.
Oi\&.o)-'} .t'h,t'a)- .eot,l\.::
Chapter Three
9'"ot-~ r Other Electoral Offices
ftt\t\.t\o 1- r9'"C~ h{}&.~"7.sP"f

18. Re2:ional Branch Offices of the Board

I~, rnC& J~lM~_A_~C'~§:$J~L~_J1"'"
11 There shall be an election coordinating
~I OhAA 9"C6IiJ. r°?fft,t'lll1C .pc'} branch office at Regional State level.
6IiJ.~ 1\0&."" 0.7- .efJ:*1'7A::
2/ The Secretariat of the Board shall, among
~I f(JC~ 1\0&."" 0.7- f.pC'}6IiJ.~ 1\0&.""
residents of the Regional State who are
0. 'I:'} ;}It&S f\.t\,,:f ot.,t't1':f'} roo'.f' competent and non-partisan, recruit the head
-fl:P"" t)It:fa)-li' 1l\A't'~ hlf~. fhAt\. of the branch office and other staff.
~CPt9':'f uot)hA h(l)~~(~ .e"'1't,A::
3/ The Board, in consideration of the size of the
PI .
(JC~ fhAl\,,:'f (}4.""li' fuot."",:f'} -flt,"" Regional States and the number of voters,
uoot."" W'7~ I.'? t\hAA .pc '}6IiJ.~ 1\0 may establish permanent or provisional
&...,. o.'Y.:'f 'l'tnt flf~. "7(}'t'llOt.f' 1\0 coordinating offices that are accountable to
..,. ~..,. (D .e 9" 01. tf. f «p.~..,.
&. 0. r :'f 0 °1. Regional State Branch Offices. The dutie~
* ..,.
t\..f' fJ:th 9" .e :'f ItA : : rl'7 (}'t' II0 t.f' 1\0 &. and responsibilities of the coordinatin~
o.'Y.'.f ,t''?llC-= olt&.~""e; nOt,C (JC~ offices shall be determined by the regulatior
O07..f'tDlI,a)- r. ,}11 f,tDOli' A:: to be issued by the Board.

Iu. r(1C~rhAA ~C'~~f\U&.T 0.+ .."..,q

19. Powers and. Duties of Re2:ional Branch Office
Cc; :}t\.«.~+ of the Board

A.f''}~,}~ r(Jc~ rhAA. .pC'}6IiJ.~ 1\0&."" Each Regional Branch Office of the Board shal
0."" htf.U O;r:'f f't'tft.tft.o)- ""'?llCli' have the following powers and duties:
;}It&.~T .e~ t.CPA;
11 direct, coordinate and supervise elections (
~/ (JC~ O07.f(DlI,a)- r. '}11e; uouotf uoo
State level in accordance with the regulatio
1.+ r°?t)~r.o)-'} 9"C6IiJ.
f,uolrA -= fft,t'llllt.A -= f,~lI'mt,A-=
and directive to be issued by the Board;
1?i ei'i.l,f;';:i, t...Y.t..A ~.:lt..,.. <II'PC ~H! tH. D.: ""J nn:Hi '}.9" Federal Negarit Gazeta NO.54 25th June, 2007... page 3767

~/ Ofa~ r°,/J':!l:oo"r r9"C6T>}, ?\UL-r o..y.:r 2/ submit recommendation to the Secretariat of the
fal\°?,f.t..~:O-r 0.*,.:1' I\nc~ ?\UL-r o.-r Board about ways of organizing electoral
coordinating offices to be established under it;
Oftll .rcl'CCJA:
31 follow up and ensure that' documents and
e/ 1\9"C 6T>},r°'/..rfaLA 1. (a"p.:fr, 4:ft4:,..:f 1\°,/.
onl\t);r:,~oJ- r9"C6T>},?\UL-r o..y.:f om""~ materials required for the election reach the
onY:(.ft:,~oJ-'} .eh;r-t'itA; .rt.;J<>JfJIA: concerned electoral offices on time;

4/ offer and coordinate voter and civic education. in

w nc~ O°,/.(amoJ- onontf on(at.-r h°?,on collaboration with other concerned bodies in
I\h;r:foJ- ;JC oon-t-CJOC rfa"lI.;Jr, ront- accordance with the directives to be issued by the
(}>b_:f-r9"UC-r .e(afJIA; ffa-t'CJlIt..A: Board;

l;/ nc~ O°?,(afJITOJ-L:P Y: on(a(.-r rfa., lI.;Jr, 51 coordinate and supervise organizations that in
ronlr(}>b:f -r9"UC-r f'°?,(am. Y:C~ .y.:r'} accordance with the license they get from the
.rfa-t-CJlIt..A .e~fJlmlrA: Board offer civic and voter education;
'hI f'ont..(}>b:f itonH;J111; f'h{J;b9J:f it cl't.t. 61 follow and supervise the voter registration,
11'1 f'Y:9"iJ i\(afJl'" faCl}-r U1. O°'/.L~' nomination of candidates and voting
f.OJ- on(at.-r hf'-t-I]Y,f. onlf".'} .eh:1'-t- procedures to make sure that they are
itA; .e~fJlmt..A: conducted in accordance with the law;
%/ OH.U it,}cI'iJ '}().fa it,}cI'iJ ~ O-t-mcl'(a. 1.~ 7/ investigate and decide on grievances and
~:r it.e f'~)~-r'} ""&;r~:rr, -t-:P~ complaints at regional state level submitted on
t(09)'.f OhAA f.t.~ hf'ont.ont. nc~ matters provided in sub article (6) of this Article
in accordance with directive to be issued by the
O°'/.fmfJloJ- onon t.r on(a(.-r .emfa'I A: Board;

;j;/ f'hAI\.'} f'9"C6T>},'I.f.-rr, oJ-ffi.-r 0 °'/. on 1\ 8/ submit to the Secretariat of the Board report on the
h-r I\nc~ ?\UL-r o.-r tTC-r .rcl'C CJA: election process and results of the Regional Sstate;

w 1\ 9" C 6T>}, it L '109" 0 O?, f on :f on A h. i\ <>JCJ

11 91 collect and analyze data that help the .
.rit:t~oJ-'} ont.~9):f hf'(aO(aOr, hfmCj' execution of elections and periodically report
0f'1.H.OJ- I\nc~ ?\UL-r o.-r tTC-r them to the Secretariat of the Board;

I/ fal\fat- h '}""fa:Pr\oJ- Of'm""~ I\nc ~ ?\U 101 submit periodic reports about its activities to
L-r o.-r tTC-r .rcl'CCJA: the Secretariat of the Board;

Ili/ nc~' O°?,.rmfJloJ- onontf on(at.-r Oh 11/ cause the establishment of political parties'
AA: 09"C6T>}, hAA hr, 09"C6T>}, fJlO.f joint forum at Regional State, constituency
f.t.~ f'TI\-1:1] Y:c~.y.:f f';Jt. onY:t.h and polling station levels in accordance with
},'}~. 'PcI'C f f.C;JA: OhAA f'°VI:!l:onOJ- directive to be issued by the Board, chair the
f'T 1\-1:1] Y:C ~-Y.:f f'.~t.. on Y:t.h (a11ftO. forum established at Regional State level;
Oonlf'} .r 11\ <>J
it A :

I~/ f'hAI\. ~'C'}6T>},~ ?\UL-r o.-r i\o.-I:;r 121 the Grievance Hearing Committee of the
(a°?, tao,/.-I; nc ~ O°'/..rtDfJloJ- onontf Regional State Eelectoral Office shall be
0n,J.t.-r .e!l:!I:1'"lA: established in accordance with the directive
to be issued by the Board;

If/ nc~ f'°'l.onY:lIl\-r'} 1\.1\..:f -t-<>JCJt..-r

131 perform other duties assigned to him by the
.rh,,'oHi' A:: Board.
.~.( L'i'i.U~.t 6"f.t.A ~;1t..,. ;1,VJl <II'I'C .iHi M. n .p'} nil:W Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 54 25th June, 2007... page 3768

tI. fSJ"C 65}. he\fto T 20. Constituencies

AI I\m-rl'jl'j 9"C6IiJ. it&..(I09" f°?!11\"/1\. f9" 1/ Constituencies for general elections shall be
C6IiJ. hAl\o T h '}.( o:?h.." 1\OJ- .e.(lr;fI\.;; organized as follows:

vI I\9"C6IiJ. it&..'09" """/flC fhAl\o:f a) For the purpose of holding elections, the
~,}OC h '}.(""mO~ IYlf (Dl.~,) territory of the country shall be divided
uP...l...} W'7~ l."/ it 1t;l: OU1100 into permanent constituencies that may
~ m t. OJ-to. ..} uP"'l. ..} (17fI..,. t) h A be re-arranged in accordance with census
I\.'(l. °lfl:foJ- 0°? :fl\. 0*°7. 9"C6IiJ.
results by taking the Woreda as a basis
hAl\o:f ..}tl4.&..I'j1\:f: .and without affecting State boundaries;

b) The number of constituencies, which

1\1 fV1t.t: 9"C6IiJ. hAl\o:f ~TC fit...}r-
shall be determined on the basis of the
~.f UlI11 oO"..}'}C; OA~ ..}tl.l...} oJ-h
AC; f~"'fJl:foJ- fU1100 oOtJ;r:foJ- it" population of the country and special
fI.,.;;: 00rh.l.'" (1:f C;' U11(1:f ') representation of minority nationalities
and peoples, shall not exceed 550 and
~TC uP...l...} OO7~1."/ h(;.~Y f07.e0
shall contain proportional number of
AT lYe:' fUl100 oOtJ;r:fOJ- it"fI..,.;;:
people except In the case of
flY" 00rh.1."'(1:fc; U11(1:f f°?cDhl\.O constituencies where minority
..} '} f9" C 6IiJ. h A A ... .eat 9" C .,. ~ Ir
nationalities and peoples are represented;
.,. IrO. flY" fUlIoO oOtJ..}'} f°?.f-r~
.e1YC;' A;:

c) There shall be constituencies, where in

rhl OU1uP'}"/fI.t: it'}~c) yg uP"'l...} f",.l\f accordance with Article 54 of the
OJ-hAC;' .f'" &..A."J:f cPA .,. 001\0 f :r uP Constitution minority nationalities and
fl:foJ- ~Tt':foJ- h3" f(17.f'}"', fU1100 peoples whose number is not less than
11tJ:r:t:OJ- it "fI'H;: flY" 00(h.1."'(1 :fc;' 20 and are believed to require special
u1w:f f07.cDhl\.fl:foJ- f9"C6IiJ. hA representation, shall be represented;
I\o:f .ee:' t.I\.;:
d) Minority nationalities believed to require
uPI f,,.l\f a)-hAC; f01..f'"&..A."J:fOJ- fU special representation shall be
1100 .fl',:r:foJ- it "fI.,.;;: flY" 11rh.1.'" determined in advance by the House of
(1:f ~ ~qu 0°?t'."J~ "lAc) uPfI&"C..} Federation based on clear criteria;
uP...l...} O~.(,~'} 9"hC ~..}
.em...c;' A;:
e) The Iist of constituencies shall be
11.'/ f9"C6IiJ. hAl\o:f 1'C11C (1C~ itT'}'Y. decided and announced to the public
001..f~COOJ' uP"'l...} O~o.(, ~'} by the House of Federation upon the
9"hC ~..} .,.mfle:' I\U1100 .e1I\'A:: study and report of the Board
submitted to the House of Federation.

J.I Of~l.;foJ- f01.t)~~ fit t)fl O. 9"C6liJ.9':f 2/ Local elections at different levels shall be.
OfhAI\. U"/ uP"'l...} I\f9"hC ~.y.:f. conducted by establishing proportional
constituencies by taking into consideration the size
f01.uPl.m'..}'} itfll'j..}C; fuPt.tJ;}:'} oOl,..}
and the number of deputies to be elected and the
uP"'l...} .f .(1.1. ,,"uPfJ/fJl>ti f9"C6liJ, hAl\o:f electors in accordance with the laws of State
W'7**9" .ehc;mC;I\.:: governments.

el ".f')~,}~ f9"C6IiJ. hAA "'}~olfl11,,.t: Oll.U 3/ Each constituency shall, as appropriate, have
itCP~ Oit'}<f>C) j '}o.fI. it,}cf>?1 E f.,." a three-member Election Execution
t.II~..}'} uPfI&..c'Y.:f\.' E 1'19':f'} Committee that fulfils the criteria provided in
f .fll f9"C6bl, itfl&..'1°1. t,01.'1; .elf t. CPA:: Article 6 (3) of this Proclamation.
1~' ei'i.U?i!! I"..Yu/..t:\ ~;J(,'''' ;Jlj.fl, 4r...c !Ui tU. l:t Ijj.Ojj 'J.SI" Federal Negarit Gazeta No.54 25th June, +°07... page 3769

!i/ "f1~1~ f9"C6liJ. hAA "1W"Il1J~1: 41 Eacheonstituency shall, as appropriate, have

1t\A.,.;;: ftf~.' flC~ O°?f(DfJloJ- public observers not exceeding three who are
ooootf oo()t:T tunl1J fO?oot:m. hr impartial and elected from among the public in
fI1l1.eOAm. fUlI1J :rI10.9'T .e'lt:fI'A:: accordance with directive issue.d by the Board.
The public observers at the constituency level
:rl1o.9':f.9" Of9"C6liJ. fJlO.foJ- 0.,. oot: m. shall be elected by the public observers elected
fUlI1J :J--I1R9':f f°?,oot:m' .etf'lt\.:: from each polling station.

.~ / ".fJ1~1~ 9'JC6liJ. hAA 09"C6liJ. hAt\. 51 Each constituency shall have a Grievance Hearing
~Ia&, fO?oot.' O.t\T fUlI1J .-r110.9':f Committee chaired by the Chief Electoral Officer
~IlA f°?tf~.OT ~o.1::J-- ()o? t.O?i; of the constituency with two of the members being
.e'lt:CPA:: 11ClI~ flC~ OO?.f'(DfJIOJ- public observers. Particulars shall be determined
by the regulation to be issued by the Board.
~11J .e(D()'A::
21. Powers and Duties of the Constituency
tUi, f9"C"'i hAA itAfJI1'1 .,..,IlC
Each constituency shall have the following
",f'1~1~f9'JC6liJ. hAA fO?h.,.t\'T itAfJnc; powers and duties:
-1'"lllt.T .e'l~:rA i
1/ in accordance with the timetable issued by
fit flC ~ OO?..f'(DfJIOJ-f1.U. ()t\.~ oo()t: T:- the Board
" 0/ f9"C6liJ. ~ IJ~(a:f t\9"C6liJ. fJIRJ'9':f a) distribute election materials to polling
.f' t. 6liJ.A =- stations

t\I hat:9':f1 .eOOH"lIlA;ooitLC1:1 '~t\. b) register candidates and issue 10 cards to

hat:9'T OO:r(D~f I-JC.(- .e()fJIA: candidates who fulfil the criteria.

M/ h9'JC6liJ. fJlO.f9'T fO?OOm' ()~p,. :fc; f9'J 2/ ascertain that documents and election
C6liJ. ~1J~(a:f O~"lllO. "'CP>A-I'OJ- OO9"fJI materials that come from polling stations are
:J--:foJ-1 .f't::Jo,fJIA': .et:hllA 1" 0'J'1.P~ properly filled; receive and keep them safely;
"1~..f'H. f ~C .'JA 1"
3/ Supervise the proper functioning of polling
t:/ 9'JC6liJ. fJI0..f'9':f ",o,llt.ToJ-1 O~"lllO. stations.
tI?h'l'(nC;ToJ-1 .e~fJlmt-A:
4/ decide on grievances and complaints submitted
.91 OU"I oo()t:T t\°?<I>CO. :"/0 :J--9' :f 'I
in accordance with !o.w;
~o.1::J--9':f oJ-lJ~ .e()fJIA:
51 determine winners by 'adding up results sent by
polling stations, announce the results to the public
?i/ h9'JC6liJ. fJIO..f' foom. f9'JC6liJ. oJ-m.'" :f1 and dispatch same to the Board by filling the
W'?~OOC ~7i'l'&,9':f1 tlt\f 0:\'1 OJ-m.1:1 necessary forms;
t\U'1I11 .e4- W'?.(-t:"I ~itL'I1. :,.~ :f1
Ooooo'itT t\flC~ .eAI-JA-:
6/ issue 10 cards to winners in accordance with
'k/ flC~ 0 O?..f'(DfJIOJ- oooot,f' oo()t:T the Board's directive;
f",oot.6J!'~T OO:J--(D~f I-Jc.(- t\~7ic;&,9':f
.e() fJl A -: 7/ dispatch the list of representatives of
candidates to election officers;
%/ fhau (Dh.t\.. T1 '11C11C t\9"C6liJ. fJIRf9'T
fit-I''A4-A 1"
8/ cause public observers to be elected in
accordance with the directive issued by the
'/;/ f9"C6liJ. hAt\,1 fUlI1J :J--I1R9':f flC~
O°?.f'(DfJIOJ- oooot.f' oo()t: T .f'itOOCfJIA-: Board;

9/ establish political parties' Joint Forum as

i!j fTt\1:1-J .(-c~,":f f .'Jt. oo.(-t:h t\.f~t.~
.e :f'lA =-
i.'i'i.:W:' I...fu(..t:\ ~:J/.'''' :J/ "I're :Iii M'.E ""} nww 't9" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 54 25th June, 2007... page 3770

II h(lC~ m.e9" hhAft. ~>C166J,~ YiU~"'" 10/ perform other duties assigned to it the Board
(1"'" fO?J.m.""'1 fbftp..f '",?CJt.''''' .(lhtj' or the Regional State's Branch Electoral
OJ-lj"A:: Office.

rJ'1. f~Caili}. ~lCl.rsPT rtl\tPJ'k*-cr 22. Establishment of Polling Stations'

{il f9"C66J, nllll~:f (lC ~ OOVD{}~OJ- {}~ 1/ Polling stations shall be established at places
t8 U.~:r f°7.**Oo.lj" ftU1fl1 O.e~ and under conditions to be determined by the
fO?1ftO. .eO'lj"ft.:: Board and officially announced to the public.

gl hll.e 01().{) i\ 14>Yi li f.,. f.~110J-0.'C9" 2/ With,out prejudice to the provision of sub
(lC~ fi\Cl1,y. i\f.or1 U1fl1 i\5:5:c ooFi article (1) above, the Board may establish
W'? f:t. '? r14>1)~7i f9"C66J, nI0.9):f1 .
mobile polling stations in consideration of
tt.l* c#:9" .e :fllA:: the way of life in pastoral communities.

t"1 f9"C6bJ, nlO..(l9):f foot."",:f 9"1f1CJ: 3/ Polling stations shall serve as places for
f f:9"iJ 00{}66J, "Otj' f~mt. nlO.l O'~OJ- voters registration, casting and counting of
.(11ft "/11ft.: : votes.

w (lC~ ft9"C66J,OJ- i\{}~II1. 0''1 n.l170J- 4/ The Board may, as necessary, change the
f 9" C 66J, n 1O.l (I :r ~ :f 1 ft. NP OJ-'1' location of polling stations. It shall, in
.e:fllA:: ftoJ-m.19" 010'{) i\14>iJ- li accordance with sub article (1), notify the
oont."'" ftU'tf11 .e~ If.C:JA:: c~ange to the public.

(;1 m:rf.t.~ t-J9"r:f: frft.{) nlO..(I~:f: 5/ Military camps, police stations, churches,
~rhC{}""'llj"""'lj" 00{}1~f: mosques, hospitals, premises where alcoholic
O'{}'f.:rftp:f: OOml}' (1,y.:f: frft'f:t-J drinks' are sold, buildings occupied by
m.e9" f" .ell?'"'" f:C~''':f U1'1~:f: political or religious organizations and
00'11,.(1 (1''':f f9"1f1CJlj" f f:9"iJ 00{}66J, residence premises shall not be made to serve
pC;: t. 000 0' 1 ft.l 1ft'? ft. i\ .e :f ft.9" :: as polling stations.

'hI "0l 1 ,{',1 ~ 9" C 66J, n 1O. .(1 fO?..(I {},"lj" '? f. OJ-
6/ The number of voters assigned to each
foot."",:f l1tJ"'" hlii'i. ool1ftl}' fftO""'9"::
polling station shall not exceed 1,000.

7/ There shall not be more than one polling

%1 Oi\ 1 f: (I:r II.e hi\ 1 f: 9"C66J, nlO.l
station at a place.
Oll.e. oo'lC fftO""'9"::

~\.(I1 ,{',1 ~
8/ Each polling station' shall, as appropriate,
1;1 9" C 66J, n 1O.l "01 ,{', '? CJ11~'I:
have a committee comprising five electoral
OH.U i\lJ',~ i\14>iJ j 10.{} i\14>Yi E frH
officers who fulfil the requirements provided
'."or""'1 oo{}~c,y.:f fO?..(lUJ.ft. ~ f9"C66J, in Article 6 (3) of this Proclamation. The
i\{}~ '1°?9) :f1 f .(111tIO?.f; .e'l t.lJ' A:: f9"
., II~. tl a?~.f; OJ'1 0 n 111)0. Chief Electoral Officer chairs the committee.
C 66J, (fICl.loJ-
~..,.. .eoot.A::

9/ Each polling station shall have five public

W "o.(l1,{',1~ f9"C66J, nlO..(I 1ftA''';;: fO'~.lj' observers who are impartial and elected by
OU'H11 fO?oot.m' h~ .(lAOftm. fU1f'(1
the people.
9) ..)". .e L;'or :r A : :
:" II0.
10/ Each constituency shall have a Grievance
XI ~\l1,{', 1~ 9"C6bJ, nlO..(I 09"C66J, nlO. Hearing Committee chaired by head of the
.(1OJ' ~II~. fO?oot.lj"
fU1fl1 :rllll9):f g polling station and having two public
i\CJA fO'~.O"'" i\(1'I::r nO? tl°7..f; observers as members. Particulars shall be
.e'l t. A:: 1fC1for (lC~ OO?lmnIOJ- determined by regulation to be issued by the
f. 111 .emnlj" A:: Board.
11, ei'i.XrG-fi 6-.Yp(.'A.~:J/.'''' <II'I'C .YU(t), I:s ",.t Iii.~'1jj ~.9" Federal Negarit Gazeta No.54 25th June, 2007... page 3771

fir. f~C~ nut' nAnl')' T'1f1C 23. 'Powers and Duties of Polling Stations

"f,)WJ~ 9"CfifiJ. nlo..e. nc~ 0 O?..eennlOJ- Each polling station shall have the folIowing powers
f. ')11'1 ()t\.~ OD(a~-r f°7..ehlJoJ-lJ:foJ- and duties that it discharges in accordance with
f°?,h.t'".-r ftAn"lJ T"lllC f-.Li~;1'A i regulation and timetable issued by the Board;

/i/ OD t--(Jffl ""f 1 f-.OD H"lll A =- . 1/ register voters;

~/ h 9" C fifiJ. hAft. f°7.'HI' f 9" C fifiJ. <IttJ 41 "f 1

2/ ensure election materials dispatched from
0'l'1:Pet "'~.fH' f f.C:JA =- constituencies are kept properly;

E/ 9"CfifiJ. ft"r~~A =- 3/ conduct elections;

Q/ OU1. OD()~-r f°?, .,.CO. ~~;1'sP"f1 4/ receive complaints submitted in accordance

fftTIJ"I~A=- with the law;

{;/ fT(am°J-1 f:9"iJ ~mt. 007t"r~f: f9"CfifiJ. 5/ conduct vote counting and announce results
OJ-m.-r1 (ll'?ft;1'eDtf ()t\.~ OO?OJ-nl-r to the public by posting the results on a
ftU"HlI ftJoJ-:PA:: notice board;

I' 'k/ f9"CfifiJ. ()~P."f1J 4ltJ41""f Oh"lfiO. TquA 6/ ensure election documents and materials are
T OJ- 'I T m 11.,.OJ- ft9"CfifiJ. h-Aft.
filled in properly, kept safely and dispatched
" to the constituency;
"'~.i\h. .ef.C:JA =-

%/ f9"CfifiJ. nlo..e fU1f'fI ;1'ttO.sP""f1 .eftODC

7/ cause. polling station public observers to be
nlA=- elected;

;j;/ hnc~=- tlhAA ~C1fifiJ.~ 1\U.(.-r 0.1: 8/ perform other duties assigned to it by the
eJ) f-.9" Board, the Regional State Electoral Office or
h9'JCfifiJ. hAft. f°?,()m.-r1 t\.ft..""f
the constituency.
"'"lllt.t .ehlJoJ-IJA::
24~ Special Polling Stations
fI~. OA~ tJ.~;r fO?!I:!l:r~C61i~ nW.f
1/ The Board may, for the purpose of enabling
AI flC~ h9"C~ hAI\:fOJ' C.,.OJ' 0"'9"'1' f07.~~. military and civil personnel who live in camps far
w~~~~~ ~KA n~~~~ ~'~~9" from their constituency ac we II as students of
Ohtt:~~ T9"UCT ~*07T f°7.,D?~.tI.'f1' higher learning institutions to participate in
09"C~ fD?.'I~4-0T' I"~~ 1\07UO:f.:fT
elections, establish poning stations at or near the
UO~""'1: 0°7.,1'"5.0T fl;J' W~9" ~"''lo. A~ place where the electors are to be found.
9"C~ "'0.1 1\°7**9" ~:r'I\A::
21 The electors listed in sub article (1) above
~/ hi\f-. 010.ft h1+iJ Ii f"'H~H~-r ODt-- shall register and vote at special polling
(Jffl"f fD?ODH10'-r f:9"iJ fO?()m.-r
"'I stations.
OA~ 9'JCfifiJ.nIO.fsP"f f-.lfIJA::
3i An elector registered in the abovementioned
E/ hi\f-. O"'m",()oJ- 9"CfifiJ. nlO.f f"'ODH10 polling station shall elect among candidates
ODt.6f!> OJ1. t"r9'J"f. enf-.9'J enf. -r 9" UC-r
fielded in the constituency where he had been
.,. !I:00. hOD9"nl1: O&.-r f-.LiCO-r O~O~OJ-
living before he came to the camp or higher
f9'JCfifiJ. hAA oJ-ft'l' ftOJ-f: f:C h"'~O.-r learning institution.
"'J;b9J"f ODt"rhA f-.ODcnIA::
4/ The Board shall announce results by adding
g; nc ~ f 9'JCfifiJ.OJ-m.'" "f 1 0 ODftf -r tlf9'J CfifiJ. up the votes in special polling stations to
hAft. O°?,f.C()oJ- oJ-m.-r i\f-. W'7~ODC results coming from each constituency.
OJ-m.1:1 f-.4- .ef.C:JA::
5/ Particulars shall be determined by the
(;/ 1fC1fC h.(. 'flOO, nc ~ 0°7.,fennlOJ- 1.111 regulation or directive to be issued by the
enf-.9" ODODtf f-.en(aIJA:: Board.
'11; i.'n.?XG'i: ~rut.A ~;Jt..,. <II'PC :t!! tH, I;;; ""} 1jjr'.H! 'H" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 54 25'h June,2007. page 3772

hf:A fllJ-r PART THREE

r06-f: 1t'J.J:" Chabter One
m~44 ,e-'/ZJP:r General Provisions.

tI?;. f~C6li. "'C~'-" 25. Electoral System

. .
r~9Uchf,J, p'Cl}'I: Olt'}~ f9"C6l>J. hAA 0J-"''I' A candidate who received more votes than other
h °VJ} ~ f. ?- {)(;};t;9) :y. 00 q tlA It >(l" 6l>J. ~ 9'"/\ candidates within a constituency shall be declared
.f17 {)(;};b 09"C6l>J.0J- ltOc,",{, f°?lf'}O.}o the winner.
f9"C6l>J. "'Clt.}o ~0J-::

26. Electoral Principles

tll. fSJDC6li. ooClfsP"f
11 Any election shall be conducted on the basis of
M °'1'}~OJ'9" 9"C6TiJ. 1J.I\.}'4>tp 4>'f'1'~: 09"{}m.C universal suffrage and by direct and secret ballot
f:9"0 },(Jfll'f' Ollt,at: t..<J>~ ') m.,.,,,,, r°'l.1A through which the electors express their consent
00"" "rS fl\9",}9" A~""" OhtJ.A Ul/fJ<P. -1'1') freely with out discrimination with equal
""c: 'I,e r-l'UlJ(JtA' ,e1fC,"A:: participation.

!l/ foo9"~'I' (lJ~~ foooolo'I' oo>(l.~ OU'? 2/ Any Ethiopian whose electoral rights are not
,fA1'1f.O (I?'}~oJ-~ It.'-''f'*".f~ foo9" legally restricted shall be eligible to elect or
,. (lJ ~9"
1o'I' foooolo'I' oo>(l.}o ltt\oJ-:: to be elected.

i:/ h.f,}~,}~ oo/,.6f!> fo?t'lmoJ- ~9"1J hh.A 3/ Each vote shall carry equal weight.

'w (I?'}~OJ-~ It.'-''f'*",f~ t\ 00 ~ lo'I' 9" lf~ 4/ No Ethiopian shall be compelled to elect or
t\oooolo'I' lt~ 1f.~9":: be elected.

tli. f~C6li. h~.,.y."f 27. Types of Elections

Olt. .}of'*".f fa? qy'~ 9"C6l>J.9):Y. fo'/.tJ.f't\..}o Elections conducted in Ethiopia are the following:
c,":foJ- i .

?i/ m ~J" 9" C 6l>J.: 1/ General election

" 2/ Local election
f:/ fltqfJO. 9"C6l>J. =-
r / o:J..o:J...f 9" C 6l>J. =-
3/ By-election
4/ Reelection
!i/ ~ ,')0,/. 9"C6l>J. =-
5/ Referendum
l; / U110 OJ-t')~ =-

tI~. m:"/t/t ~C6li. 28. General Elections

!i/ m~/t/t 9"C6l>J.Oflt9""'.}o ltoo.~ f°?qy'~ 1/. General elections shall be elections to the
fU11>(l .f'(lJqf':y. hCJ fhAA 9"hC n..y.:y. House of Peoples' Representatives or State
ltfJ/t'-" ~C6l>J. ~OJ-:: Councils conducted every five years.

~/ m~/t" 9"C6l>J. ooo/t lJ1t.~ O'f'oot'}t'}~ 1.11.

2/ General elections shall be conducted throughout
~qY.~A:: If£l9'' flC ~ It, 1. If£l the Country simultaneously. However, where the
t'I..f170J-hC," 1.~~ OUlI>(l .f'(lJqf':y. 9"hC Board finds it necessary and decided by the House
n..}o 4'Cfl OJ-t'}~ t'I.f1~ O'f't\.ff 1.tI. of Peoples' Representatives, it may be conducted
h '}~. qy'~ t\..f f.C'? ~ :Y."A:: at different times.

;:/ t\&..f.trA fUlI>(l .f'(lJqf':y. 9"hC n..}o 3/ Only a single representative shall be elected
hlt'}~ f9"C6l>J. hAA It'}~ 'NJ}q~ >(l;F to the Federal House of Peoples'
~oolo"lA:: Representatives from a constituency.
'11\' ti'i.:U<ft I..,l'u/..A ~:Jt...,. :J/ "''J'C .Ii!! IU.I:s .,..t Ijj.~:Hi 'u" Federal Negarit Gazeta No.54 25th June, 2007... page 3773

W f'hAA 91Jhc o.,,,,:f hCl~"'" ~'PC Of'hAf\. 4/ The number of representatives elected to state
V"1 OOlP~"'" f'°VD(}') IfCj 9"hc o..y.~ councils shall be decided by the Constitutions of
f'hClf\..;FTOr') <II'PC f\OO~f'C o.CDfa~ the respective States. If State Councils decide to
change the number of their mel)1bers, they shall
f\Tf\1:t} ;rc1:$P"f oct f'1I"1~"'" ".11.
give political parties sufficient time for
OO(}m1:,) ;rl)R °71:~"1 .emO:"ClTtJ'A::

11i!. f'1t 11f1(l ~C6liJ. .

29. Local elections

lif f'ht}Clo. 9"C6l>J. OV"1 01'J.',.".,.,Or OO(}~"'" 1/ Local elections are elections to zonal,
Of' J.',.~~or 0°? "1' f"I'): f'CD~~: f'h1'I'7: Wor.eda, city, municipality and sub-city or
rr'7tl.')~ 0.""': f'h~f\ h.t'1'7 CD.e9" f'~Ofb Kebele councils conducted in accordance
9"hc o.,,,,:f ~Cl~"'" 9"C6l>J."Or:: with the law.

gf f\ht}ClO. 9"C6l>J. Oh ') 1: 9"C6l>J. hAA 9"') 2/ The number of representatives elected in a
.f'VA .t'mt}r-:f h,)J.',.°7.oo~m. h')J.',.f'9"C' constituency for a local election shall be
6l>J.Orh.e.,,,,,,r,' f\f'9"hCo.1: f'°7.oo~m.""'') determined by laws of Regional States on the
hCl~"'" OO(}~"'" W'71:~"1 Of'hAf\..:': U"1 basis of the type of election and the number
.em(}r,' A:: of seats in each council.

i:f f'ht}Clo. 9"C6l>J.f'o?t}~~O"'" ".11. OhAf\..:f 3/ The time to hold local elections shall be
* U"1.')"'" OO(}~"'" .e1fr,'A:: determined in accordance with the laws of
~egional States.

W f'ht}Clo. 9"C6l>J. .eU')') hCP~ oo(}~"'"

4/ Local elections shall be conducted based on
0/'7 1:~"1 (lC ~ O°?.f'mnIOr J.',.')-or,' regulations and directives issued by the
oooot,.f' OO(}~"'" f'°?hr,'CD') .e1fr,'A:: accordance with this Proclamation.

30. By-election
f'''70.7. ~ SJDC 6IiJ.

1/ By-election shall be conducted:

lif f'1'7OJ..f' 9"C6l>J. f'°? t}~J.',.Or:-

a) where councils at different levels request

0. Of'J.',.~~Or .f'f\. 9"hC o..y.:f 01'f\ff'
the Board to replace council members
9"h') .f'''''' f'1'~J.',.f\.ClTOr hCl~"'" h ')~.
whose mandates are terminated due to
OJ.f\,~:'~Or f\(lC~ 'P.f'ct (}..f'~CO.:
varIOUS reasons;
b) where a request for recall lodged in
f\. aU.,. OO(}~"'" f'~~0 f' .eOr~1:A ') accordance with the law is accepted.
Cl.e.,,,,,, (}..f'''~:
'P .f' ck .t' ~
"Or: :
2/ The Board shall hold by-election in three
gf (lC~ 'P.f'ckm' Of,~(}Or or mc 1.11, Orfa'P months from the receipt oftherequest.
f'1'7OJ..f' 9"C66J. .f't}'I.~A::

tf h~.e O')O.fa h,)~') Ii hr.' g f'.t'J.',."""Or 3/ Without prejudice to the provisions of sub
0. tfC9" h,)1: 9"hCo."'" f'fat. 1100". articles (1) and (2) above, no by-election
f\..f'A:" 1; (HC f'~~Or tnr., f'1'7OJ..f' shall be carried out to a council whose tenure
9" C 6l>J. h .et) ~ 1: 9" : : terminates after six months,

f/j Ii. 1:;JO'f. SJDC 6IiJ. 31. Reelection

?if 1:.')°7. 9"C6l>J. h07J",'f\...,.. 9"h').f'.y.:f Oh 1/ Reelection may be conducted for one of the
')~ f\.t}~1: .e:f~A:: following reasons:

0. OUJ} htJ'~ h,)4>') Z ')O.fa h,)~') I a) where the Board decides in accordance
on(}(.,}, (lC~ (}.mfa,): with Article 7 (10) oJthis Proclamation;
1~ i.'i'l?'f~g C..f./..A ~;lt'''' ;lII.n, <II'PC :Hi In. Ii; ""} nn'.H! 't.!/" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 54 251h June, 2007... page 3774

ft. OH,U hCP.~ h,}4>t> if} '}O.,.. h,}4>t> E b) where candidates receive equal votes in
oo()G'-" "au 'I'tOJiAtS'J:f hh.A accordance with Article 76 (3) of this
f:91Jt> 0/"1"17:l'~o" SJ"h'}f'-" hrici &. Proclamation and where it becomes
OJ-'} ooftf'-" hfl;~';Jt flf~ h,}~lf~:: difficult to determine the winner.

II f: ;J °1. 9" C tib1.(),t) ~ f: :- 2/. While conducting reelection:

U. t\.1j hJi.fI f006.~:f 9"111CJ 'Iffl&..A"1 a) only those voters who had been
09"Ctib1. hAft, tOf,9" "f"1~ f.l'tu'l"'l1 registered in a constituency or polling
stations where irregularities occurred
TO" f9"Ctib1. nlo.fSJ1:f OJ-fl'f'
1'0011'1 0 OJ- O~O~ 006.~:f shall be eligible to vote without the need
f,t)~JiA: : to conduct new voter registration;

ft. t."f, O,}O.fI h,}"'t> (i (0) oo()G'-" b) where it has been decided to conduct
9"Ctib1. h ,}Ji.t)~~' (),to()'} hJi,fI reelection in accordance with the provision of
fh(.J;I;S'J:f 91J111CJ 'I.rfl&..A"1 4>f:'fP Article I(a), only those candidates who had
0,t-OOll10. hauSJ1:f oot)hA 11;f been registered earlier shall be eligible to run
h '}~,t)~f: f,f.G;JA:: for the reelection without the need to conduct
new candidate registration;
rh . f 9" C 6liJ. :"fI.,.'I 1'7f: G"1 f,t-hfth"
~OJ-:: c) campaigning shall be prohibited.
;:1 f f: ,'J°1. 9"Ctib1. l1Cl1C h&..IJ091J nc Ji. 3/ Particulars of reelection shall be decided by
OO?.,rtOnlOJ- f. ,}11 mf,9" oooot.r the regulation or directive to be issued by the
f.m()r,' A:: Board.

32. Referendum
@Jl. U110 lD''I~
11 Referendum is conducted to assess public
M OlJ1oo'}"}fI'l: oo()G.}' h"1CJl1 CJftoJ- ht)A interest or make decision when decided by a
(),to ()'} f U1I11'} CJ: ..,..,. ft 00 t) .-,. m f, 9"
" " competent body in accordance with the
ftootO()'} f:9"'1\ f°1.()'f'O'-" flCh'-" ~0J-::

II lJl10 0J-'I~0J- h ,}Ji,t)~f: ftO()~OJ- ht)A .2/ The Board, in accordance wi~h the directive
OO?,()moJ- ooootf oo()G'-" nCJi.
given by the body that authorized the
lJl'OOJ-'I~ .rfl&..ft10'-"'} 1.Jif, ftooftf'-" referendum, shall hold the referendum by
OO?,ffl :f ft OJ- ooAt.. f f: 9"'1\ oofltib1.
organizing polling stations in a way
n'0,f9J:r.'} W'? f.ll'~:.}' lJllO 0J-'I~0J-'} convenient to execute the referendum.
3/ particulars shall be determined by the
;:1 'IIC11C h&..IJOOIJ' nc Ji. OO?,fmnlOJ' ~'H) .
regulation to be issued by the Board.
f.m()(i A: :

.-,. Chapter Two

9" 6 6- CJ: v.ft
f OIJ 6-CA' 'f 9" 1I1CJ Reeistration of Electors

@r .0006-6J.1"~'-" ftoooo11111 fDtfOcfl ooooH~P''f

33, Conditions for registration
M II?'} ~ OJ'9" () OJ': -
1/ Any person who:
0. h.,}'r-A,.r'P. tllr~: a) is an Ethiopian;
ft. 09"111lJOJ' "ft'} "~.tI~OJ' It t}UlJ.}'r,' b) is 18 years old and above at the time of
tlll.,r O".f'~ tllr~:
the registration;
""J nn:w '}J'"
'm ti'i.U(;'(; t..J>./..A '1:J/.'''' :JI/.nl "''I'Co Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 54 25'h June.2007.. page 3775

,.It. 09"C6l>J, hAft. o..r'}(} Z mc pert. c) has been residing within the constituency for
tllf~: Oon/,.6V'~:" ft.onll1'O ,e:fi'jA:: at least 6 months may be registered as an

~I tlit ,f'~ (l'} (J.() '} .,. t> ?i(ft) p.,.m .,. 0 OJ- 2/ Where there is doubt as to whether the age of a
P",ulJ'II:JO.m' I:t
C}onT (}ftonV'~.
person is 18 as provided in sub article I (b), it shall
be decided based on the testimony of a senior
'rcnl&. o.crc 00..,.,..0. h'}.'J~ hllA m,e9" member of the family or relative of the person and
lion Y: ~,~o. tit\. ft. (}ftG/ftoO. "AY:l"I'l oa1.,r where these are not available by any person who
m':" 0f\.1t om' P9"(}hC~'''' :PA ,emo';'A:: knows about the age of the individual.

t"1 hlt-,e O')(J.(} h,}"'t> ?i P"'f.~11m' o.erC9" 3/ Without prejudice to the provision of sub
tllI.iJ O;r:f p.,.onftt,'I::" Oon/,.6I.b~T. article (I) above, the following shall not be
ft.unll10. h,e :f.f\.9":: eligible for registration:

tJ. Oh09"(~' iJon 9" ?"h'} "1- ponmo'} a) a person who is proved to be incapable
h:"9" Pf\. ft OJ- on (f~. pa'/.;rm:" 0 OJ-T of making decision due to mental
ft. ott:cY: p','mo~OT') P"A(}/,.'''' :,onlT b) a person serving a term of imprisonment
OonLlJ9" It,e .rft OOJ-: passed by a court of law;
,.It. pon9"t.'r on.(J.,: (JUG/ P"'1f.f10T c) a person whose electoral rights are
0 OJ-: restricted by law.

@Q PSJ"1I111 P1.lI. ot\~ 34, Registration Timetable

?if Pm:"1t1t 9"C6b), 9"'U1lJ Oh1C h"'tt: f.t.n 1/ Registration for general elections shall,
flC~ Ol"l'l.m(}';'rm' "'';'..,. pa'/."f:onc';' pl"I,/. throughout the nation, begin and end at dates
m';' .,.:,. ,elf';' A:: flC ~ P9'''U1lJ "'';''1: '} to be fixed by the Board. The Board shall
tlUlJmo~. 0~,'1' PTft.,:1-} Y:C~'f':f''} consult political parties before deciding on
,f"1h/'.A: :
the dates for registration.

(}C~. fun/,."'l,'.f'} P9"'U1lJ oft:'- 09"C6l>J, 2/ The Board shall indicate the date of
registration in its election timetable and
f'l.lI. Of\.~m' O"11-}.,..1. 9"'U1lJm' tlon"f:
un~ tilt; ""} o~.,.,. ~9"(~ O.NI;r;J.,e continually announce the date through mass
Oon1';'~. 'WI'''''}';' 0I'1(};rmt.rS"'.f hl',/I-}
media and advertisement~;J5 days before the
start of the registration.
,e~'1' ftWUO. ,e1AIJA::
3/ The Board may, under special circumstances,
i:1 flC~ Af. tJ.~.;r o..f.'J'r9" Af. P9"1/111 .,.'}
decide a special registration date.
ft.m(}'} ,e :t.ItA::
4/ Any person who was unable to register
w 1'1'g:m.9" tlh:"9" Olt,e P(f~ lJ.~;r
because of force majeure may, upon fulfilling
,f.'Jmonm' oaJ- O/UJ hCP~ onO(.''''
the requirements to be eligible for
oun/,.6V'~.1- ftunon'U1>O pa? r(}:fftt'J-'}
registration, register in accordance with the
un(}Lc.1. pl"I?:,~~1t t/(f~ flC~ O~1.,fmnlaJ-
directive issued by the Board.
UlJUlJl.,r unO(. .1. ft. on '11'f) ,e '.fItA::
5/ The Board shall, based on the constitution or
<il flCP,. PI"I1.unfttl;J.:,:m''} hAft..:f U1 un'} decision of concerned Regional States, issue
G/(}.1. m,e9" m'l)~ on~~' O"1Y:(.'? Phl-}llO.
registration timetable for local elections. It
9"C6b},9".f'} P9"1'1lJ P1.II. of\.~ ,fmnlA:: shall hold consultations with political parties
P1.II. of\.~OJ-'} 0'"on ftt/.,. tiT ft ": I-} .
on the timetable.
Y:C,~'f.:f' .'JC ,eonl-}tI/,./.\::
11\ L'i'i.r.Y.(t~ t.,f.('.A '1;J{.'''' ;JIV'/ </I'I'C :ill M. It ""} liiY.:Hi'HU Federal Negarit Gazeta No.54 25th June,2007... page 3776

1Jj~. rr1l'll]u(l;r 35. Place of Registration

lil 9"1111] uulr(}ib".f Ofo~'cJ.O-r cl>0t\.

. 1/ Registration shall be conducted at a polling
OO~**9" f9"C6IiJ. nln.f ,ehIJ'CDlIA:: station to be established in each Kebele
11''19'' h9"C6IiJ. nlO.fOJc (Dc~ o.-r t\o.-r where electors reside. However door to door
CD,e 9" 0 -t' UU I') I') ,e (1 ;1' Af -t' WPCDcJ. 9" 1111] or the like registration is prohibited
°'1hllCD1 f-t'ht\ht\ "oJc::

II hll,e 010.() h 1c1>t> li f-t' f. "11°Jc O.'C9" 21 Without prejudice to the provision of sub
OhC1H>' hf.{":".f ht}l]O. A1~fl'('lI1. .,-~ article (1), the Board may conduct
-f'1c1>l'):P7i f9"1I11] ll'1ohA WI'1**9" regis.tration in pastorialist areas by
fi:TDt.(}ib".f 9"1111] °'1hIJ'CD1,e:rIlA:: establishing mobile registration centers as

31 Each polling station shall have its own

t:1 h.r1~1~ f9"C6IiJ. nlo..r ft.t'I. fuut.(}ib".f
electors' roll.
uu1'111 ,e'lt.tpA::

36. The Registration Process

lJji. fhuuH;J111 (}C'i-r

lil -t'uu1';J0.OJc Oo~'CO-r f9"C6IiJ. nlo..r II The elector shall be registered in a polling
* uu ;1'CDtf CD;e9"
ll'11"'~1 fO~ 1At>
;r(}TC-r ouufll t\uuuu1l111 ,e"'fIlA:: . station where he resides by producing . an
identification card or passport.

II fuu :JcCDtf t}c~ CD,e9" ;r(}TC-~ 1.11. 21 The identification card or passport may,
.rt\'('O-r 0.11'19" h 11). t\9"1I11] t\.f1t\'?A irrespective of its validity, serve for the
,e"'fIlA:: purpose of registration.
;:1 fUU :JcCDt.r t}c~ 0t\.t\0-r CD~-r O~CO. 31 In the absence of an J.D. card, evidence of
c:-y..'?t.~ -f'f.C"IO-rf-f't'lm h1f. fuu1jf identity such as a driving license residence
.(.:P~: fuu'l&f f9"(}hC CDt.cI>-r: permit, a military discharge document, a
hOJc-r~CC;' f-f'1t\t\0-r t'I.,~: 0-f'1]0cJ.-r refugee card issued by the UN bearing a
uu1,?(}:Jc-r f-t't'lm f(}f.-f';;: t}C~ recent photograph of the elector, shall be
fuul')t'lt\. fuut\.r ll'1(}t.jf9'"'f t\uuuu1l111 deemed to be sufficient document for
f°'1..r() ".ft\. t'I.,Po".f of'f.C 1°Jc ,eCDt'I~t\.:: registration purposes.

41 In the absence of the aforementioned

Q/ tJH.U Oll,e f-f'mcl>t'I.-r fuut\f ll'1(}t.jf9'"'f documents, registration may be carried out
WI'1,e'lcJ.O-r co~-r uu1,;J0.9'"'f uut.au1 upon recognition of the elector's identity
t\,e-f'oJc f°'1.foJc<lt-r tnI''' CO,e9" 01mC by the electoral officials or through
ht}l]O. t'I.11'1 OI]UII'P.C;' Al1'1~'P. tI~ traditional or customary means in the case
-f'uull;J0.oJc1 t\uut\f-r f°'1.:rAO-r lJ.-,,;Jc of rural areas.
t}t\ 9"l'11]0Jc ,ehC;'collA:

(;1 09"C6IiJ. nlo..r OUlIl1 f.f'uut.m. fUlIl1 51 Registration may be carried out where it is
;Jcllo.9'"'f O°'1.t'lm.-r 9"flhc"-r -f'uu1,;J0. possible to recognize the elector based on
OJc1 t\uut\f-r fO~:rAO-r lJ.-,,;1' t}t\ O:P the testimony of public observers, which
t\1.1]h. -f',ell 9"l'11]0Jc t\.hllco1 ,e"'fIlA:: shall be recorded in minutes.

'kl t\uuuul'111 1141 f"".C;' h~9" fO~f1 61 The disabled and the blind who are eligible
I') :f OJc t'l9' ".f h C;' h ,e ., () OJcIr 1 0 t. ~ .f. :r :1~oJc shall be registered in person accompanied
hll.,t}~n-r Oht}A -f'1~-t'OJc t\.uutl10. by their assistants.
,e ".fllt\.::
1K' i.'i'i.:tf(:':t I...Ya/..t:\ ~;J/.'''' ." <liTe: :t!i M. I~ ""} liiY.'iii 'UD Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 54 25th June, 2007... page 3777

~:I l\oot.6f!>'1T 11<#l Plf'1 nOJ' (H-H:JlOJ' 71 The name of a person who is eligible to
poo/r~"'y. 0011111 ",e i'loo, ,eooH1f1A:: elect shall be entered into the elector's roll.

1;1 Oh"1f10. P1'ooH10 1'?'}~OJ'9') no" 00'1\. 81 Any person duly registered shall be issued
i'l9') tJ'1hJ'1:: po? tiCOT hAA: ,~'}: with an elector's card bearing his full name
enlo~: 4>0t\.: P9"C6Ji}. "IQ.f': Po.T including grand father's, the Regional State
<#l1'C: oo,}f.C en,e9" "'1': poo'U111 where he resides, zone, Woreda, Kebele,
<#l1'C: P9"1J1f1 1't-<#l1'C: poo1l111 1,): designated polling station, house number, ~.COJf: pooll;JQ ~.CO?: village or locality, registration number,
P'I'ooH100T 4>,} 1'CfOA.y. poo/r~"f serial humber, electoral roll page, elector's
9"1I1f1 oo;J--en~f ...C~ ,enmtpA:: signature, registrar's signature and date of

01. poot-~"f 0011111.. ~1I-r 37. Particulars of the Electoral Roll

poot.~"f 0011111 p°?tJ1'ft'T'} hCtJi'I.Y."'y. The electoral roll shall have columns for entering
the following particulars:
ft 0000." T p°?'.f'i'I"'y.ft. h9') P-"f ,eti';";J--A:-

1/ serial number of registration

/il P9"1f1f1 1't. <#l1'C: 21 date of registration'
~I P9')1f1f1 4>,}: 31 full name, including grand father's
rl P'I'ooll.~O,o"
00, ft. i'l9') tJ'1h.f'T:
41 age
QI tJ~OJl: 51 sex
1;I ? ..J-o
: 61 duration of the residence within the
~I 09')C6Ji}. hAft. Pti loOT 1,H.: constituency
ZI P9')111f1O" tJftT P6ULT en,e9" PhO,.t. 7! signature or thumb mark at the time of
"IT ~.CI'?: registration
tl P9')C6Ji}.tJftT P6ULT en,e9') PhO,.t. "IT 81 signature or thumb mark during voting
!il P().T <#l1'C/OO'}f.C en,e9" "'1'1: 91 House number Ivillage or localityl
II fthi'lL"1. i'lt. h'}~ h9')~: 101. remark

! 0~. f"'}~_T__lU:~-r'L_~Chllll 38. Documents Distribution and Transfer

~I (1C~ 09"C6Ji}.O" P1.H. nt\.~ oonloT 1I The Board, in accordance with the election
ft9')1I1f1 PO'/..f'tlLA 1.T') n'1P-"'y. oen:,..t: timetable, ensures that documents required
ft9')C6Ji}. "10,J'9)"'Y. h,}~.f.CtI J'f.C;JA:: for registration are dispatched to polling
stations on time.
~I 09"1I1f1 h1A"1ftpT ",e ptpft. n'1P-"'y.
hC,' OO1'1(1"'Y. chhl1 i'I'1i'1ChTC,' 1.H. 2/ The procedures and time for delivery of
(1C~ 0 O'/..f'en"I OJ' 00 00 t.f' oonloT documents used in the registration shall be
,eennc,' A:: determined by the directive to be issued by
the Board.

0JJ. h')1: lit hc;h'}1: (1;J--1I~ i'l1\00 0011111

39. Registration at one time and at one place
~1 I'?') ~ 0"9') 00 9')C 6Ji}. "1O..f'
t. 6f!> 0 h '}~
11 No elector shall be registered more than once
tJh '}~ 1.tI. o",e 000011111 en,e9') tJn '}~
in a polling station or in more than one
9')C6Ji}. "10..f' o",e 000011111 PftOT9')::
polling station.

~I h'}~ oot.6f!> h'}~ poot.~"'y. 9')1I1f1 2/ An elector shall have only one elector's card.
oo:ren~.f' ...C~ 11;r ,etilotpA::
Federal Negarit Gazeta No, 54 25th June, 200L, page
'11\ i.'i'i.1:j'G"~ ~fut.A ~.:It,}- ; <II'I'C ~Hi t'I~ It ""} Iii.f:iii '},9U 3778

F./ O?'}~o>-?1> fUlJ/..b""bl' UlJ;ND+'f I1c~ fm<J-.O"" 3/ Any elector whose elector's card has been
tof. 9" f r (lI1Ii0"" UlJ I..6(!> h~ 9"t) UlJ () 6li£0>-
lost or damaged may inform the matter to the
hl\"" 0&."" OO?'}~ OJ'9" f9"C6li£ {J'Cl.f°>- polling station during working hours before
f P' I.. 1.1t (0f. 9" 0 ~ 9" t) UlJ () 6li£0>- h 1\ ..,. 1\9" or on voting day. Where the poling station is
C 6li£ 10.f OJ' 1\. f UlJ 1\h"" f.1' "IA : : 09" C 6li£
convinced of the matter, the eiector may get a
~u.(."" Cl.1:9" h;J'UlJ"O"" 1..';~ 0:P1\ 1.111\.
r f.I' 09"..,.h. Ib"l I\J'mO>- tof.9" ~9"t) 1\.1"'1'
replacement or be allowed to vote.

!1. ilf\oo~(l"b"f 0011111 00";10]. 40. Closure of the Electoral Roll

ji/ 0 f 0 1\1: 9" 11111 h r m c;4>4> 0:\ "I f UlJI.. (;libl' 1/ UpODconclusion of each day's registration, the last
iiP11111 fol\1: fUlJlJJ,(.if rUlJlI;>O <I1'J'C elector's serial number and date shall be filled in
(1-1'II;>~: OJ' f UlJ
O ?f :,.t) "If. f:W lJJ,I. if the form prepared for this purpose and signed by
OJ''} rUlJ11;>(l, <I1'J'C~' 4>,} 0 UlJ UlJ
11111 UlJ'U;>
electoral officials and public observers.
(l9J1'~' fU'U11 ;J'tl(l9'1' f.'('~t.oD'O;J'A::
2/ Registration shall continue until the conclusion of
the electors' registration following the procedures
jl/ h"lf. O'}o.() h'}4>t) li Or 4>UlJm OJ' t}.'t.~
I..~ l' 9"'U111 h ()h.m c;4>:" ~ I. () 9"'U111OJ' provided in sub article (I) above. On the final day
f UlJ
of the registration the officials and observers
f.4>'J'''IA:: 09"111110>- O?m:Pl\f 01\""9" h"lf.
mentioned here in above shall sign in the open
frm4>"."" hl1"1"" OUlJ1110. "If. hUlJlJJ,lifOJ' space provided immediately after the last
r UlJ'U;>(l 4>'J'I\.. 111\OJ' h ~ ..,. (1.+ .,. .(.(..C UlJ registered elector.
I' 0>-0"" UlJ'U10. f.1I;>A::

(lC}}. 01'f\r [J.'h..r I1AtD()~ Ofl1'<I>C 0011

3/ l!nless otherwise determined by the Board,
no elector shall be registered or nothing shall
10. h1'H;Jc; h1'~t,~{1D'OT 0=\" be entered or written on the electoral roll
oou1l10. ",e i\~.fI out.6f!> i\,eooH1119":
subsequent to its closure.
r°?(}~C tD,e9" r01."~ ~1C i\,ecrC9"::

!1lii foo~(l"b"f 0011111 f\UlI11 '?lAiJ ilf\u?1;~,? 41. Displaying Electoral Roll to the Public

II Upon conclusion of electors' registration, the

!il rout.(l"b:-;' 9"11111 h1f.1'mc;<I><I> roul..
(l"b:-;' ou7'111 09"C6l>J. fJlO.fa>- :t>If'C "10. electoral roll shall be officially displayed to
a,. fl1' tDIf' .y.
the public for five consecutive days within
f\ l' h:r :r ,e (; 4>r, T ,e ~
the premises of the polling station.
U7111 O"1A') h1~..fra" ,ef.~:JA::

(I C }}. 2/ Particulars shall be determined by the

~I 7'C1IC i\~"OOD' 0 °1..f tD fJ 1 a,.
directive to be issued by the Board.
oooutf ,etD(}c;A::

42. Complaints on Registration

!11. f9"1I1!11'?(J}cqo'_OToof\h""
11 Without prejudice to the provision of Article
lil OH.U i\tp~ i\1<1>1\ :it r1'f.~11O}c 93 of this Proclamation, any person or
h 1 f. 1'm 0 <I> lJ'cr 1''11;;:a" 9" ()a,. tD,e 9"
political organization which has complainton
rrf\-t.11 Y:C~T 09"11111 ",e 1':Pa,.qo the registration may lodge the complaint
l1f\a,. .,..:P a" qoa,. 1 h~9"h1.f~ f\9"C6l>J. supported by evidences to the Polling Station
~QfO}c i\~~~ ()~ ~~1' ~f<l>C11 Grievance Hearing Committee.
2/ The Poling Station Grievance Hearing
J.I r9"C6l>J. fJlO..fa" i\~~..r (}01. tl°1.1> h",e Committee shall look into the complaint
01().fI i\1<1>,) !i r<l>~oa"1 i\~'I::r lodged in accordance with Sub Article (1)
,,,,ouAh'Y. llf\1.~~ ouAfI h1~."'1f' 11f.~1 arid decide on the matter after hearing the
0;\" a"',,~ ,e(}fJ1A:: response from the person against whom the
complaint was lodged.
~;Jt,,,, ;J/J.,fl/ June, 2007... page
11\ ;:i'i.1,f(ti! V.t.A 4r'l'C ~Hi M, It ""} nn~.w 'HI" Federal Negaril Gazeta NO.54 25th 3779

!5f. h?"1f111 itl\OD(a(.1f 43. C~ncellation of Registration

fil °71~aJ.9\J r"OPlI;JO. O}..~9"C' UOP9'J 9'Jh1 1/ Except for persons who are insane or
y~ t\OPaJ(t1 rO~~ft\.t\aJ- m~9'J WI7 registered in fraudulent wa}'s, or deceased
6Jl>OCOC fr"OPH10 m~9" fqurf' m~9" or convicted, no registration shall be
0.~(.~0~ trAtf., O{}rf'4'C oot 4'crO cancelled from the electoral roll following
~o>-qu hop t.6Jl>"~ 9"1I111 }..~(t('119":: a complaint.

OP6,'" :'f (t.~t'. ~ll :fo>-: f }..~9"(~ ih OP9" 2/ Where electors are convicted, rendered insane
~I or deceased or found to have registered in
rf'tf:f (,. m ~9" (t.qurl: m~9" }..6Jl>0 fraudulent ways, courts, hospitals and
GrOt'.o>- 0.17. (j:C~ O.-f-.:f: tf{}'f.:1't\..:f community based associations shall have the
"hC; "h~C'"f LI.~:rO>- "h1~rf'h(trf' m~.y duty to immediately report the incident to the
0>-". t\nc ~ fhAA ""C1tJo].(j: ?\U.t~ (1.~ Regional State branch office of the board or
~ 9" t\ 9'JC tJo]. h A A (JJ
~ 9" t\ f9'J C tJo]. constituency or polling station.
nlO.Y t;rc~ ftl7~t'.°1 "/1..:1' }..t\ll:fo>-::

;:1 fhAA ""C1tJo].CJ: ?\U.t~ (1.+:f m~9" 31 The Regional State branch offices or
f9'JCtJo]. hAt\..:f m ~9'J f9'JCtJo]. nlO..fP':f constituencies or polling stations shall,
hlt~ 010.{) }"14't> fl OP(tt'.~ OP(.~ . upon getting information in accordance
"h1 ~~t'.1):f0>- }..{}.tlt1.0>-1 "hC9'J~ with sub article' (1) above, take the
* OP0>-(t ~ }..t\ ll:f 0>-: : necessary action.

(a{}~ Chapter Three

?" ()t.c;:
f()Q;1JP'T ?"1I111 Registration of Candidates

!j! . eAQ;b ?"lI'lrl (J;J--

44. Place of Candidates' Registration

Registration of candidates shall be carried out in

f"hQ;l: 9"1I111 nc~ aOtymnlO>- f9"CtJo].
constituencies in accordance with the timetable
f1.H. (tt\.~ O>-{}'I't\"hmp'T 9"1I111 Or"YHO>- for candidates.' registration to be issued by the aJ.{}'I' 09"CtJo]. hAt\.."f ~hc;mc; A:: Board.

!jl;. t\A(J;)r"~ {at\O?fOcfl ODODnrtP'T 45. Criteria for Candidature

fi/ '171~ O>-9'J (to>-:- II Any person shall be eligible for candidature,
where he:

Lli }...~r-*, .f~ flr., =- a) is an Ethiopian;

t\1 f07.(JJ~~CO~1 11(h.6.~ hAA m~9'J b) is versed in the working language of the
f }..t,1l0.aJ'1 f{}6. *,* f07.!0>-"" Regional State or the area of his intended
htf., =- candidature;

(hi 09'J1'111 ~t\~ "h~0I/.0>- iU; ~OP~ . c) is 21 years old or above on the date of
(JJ~9'J tW..f Olt~ ftf"oJ- =- the registration;

uo/ h9"C~aJ' ,,1\ -r ~fI'" f:'1" 09"C~ hAI\. d) has been regularly residing in the
(J)'fI'I' O(ft).l'.0;;:'t-r I\I}.I\-r ~UlJ-r hei (. constituency of his intended candidature
eJ)~9" (l:J.a). 0"Q;b't-r
f-rOJ'Af:. for two years immediately preceding the
1\."'C'UO-r 0t.1\ 'l0-r fS"'C~ hAA a)'fI'I' date of the election or his birth place is
fnn (J) fl'i,07aJ. tJJ~S'" CO(.~OJ'
~S'" within the constituency of his intended
h~,}f: o,,~ fS"'C6J>1. hAl\u1' f07.':'Jt;:
candidature or where the city or Woreda
fnn ClfI'l,07(J). CO~9" ocot.~(J)' a)'fI'I'
I\(}.I\ -r qUlJ-r OUlJ.l'.0;;: 't-r f()I,. fnn
has more than one constituencies or he
Oll..fOJ' h"-'°7 eJ)~9" CO(.~OJ' 0t.1\ 'la)'
has been regularly working in the city or
fS"'C~ hAA T
wereda for two years, in the wereda or
city he choose.
!l!i M. l;t
""J liil'.W cUI"
'i~ i..F.(,.G\ ~;I"'''' ;lII,n/ 4I1'C Federal Negarit Gazeta No, 54 25'h June, 2007", page 3780

IPI OU'? fOOSJ'"t.'f' m~SJ'" fOOOOt.'f' e) is not deprived of his right to vote and to
00111: !A1'1LL T be elected;

t.1 l\aJo1:1:C f.,.t.O' frl\rtI'J 1:C~T t) has accepted and signed the election
m~SJ'" O'?A f"'t.O hQJJ OH.UhCP~r; code of conduct to be 'issued by the
flC~ Oh14>1> {if~ OOOt.T Board in accordance with Article 105 of
. f°'l.!(DfllaJo1 fSJ'"C6liJ. "'~SJ'"'?rtc f.111 this ,Proclamation, if it is a political
1'4>111\.. fLt.OOT organization or private candidate.
Ohau~T t\.4>C11 ~:f"A::

21 The provision in sub article 1(d) shall not be

II h" ~ 01().'" h 14>1\ {i «00» f1' f. ~11aJo
oDOOUr,: :- applicable to a person:

a) who has been outside of the constituency

01 O,..&- m~SJ'" OTSJ'"UCT SJ'"h1!T hSJ'"
C6liJ. hAI\. aJo6J!>f~0t.1 oaJo T on a duty or study leave;

b) who, having been previously elected in

1\1 hH.U O~.T OSJ'"C6liJ.hAt\. 1'ooCfO
the constituency, is on duty.
000"'6.T ,,~ !t\1 oaJo h~oot\h
3/ Without prejudice to the Criteria provided above, a
el h"~ h,,. f. ~11aJo oooour,: 01'Q;\."7t O'?A
* private candidate shall produce endorsement
f4>t.O hQJJ OhI'Jrto.aJo oo"""~f:C signatures of not less than 11,000 from among
f1't.:J1m h1:CTIJ.!:faJo I~ hOOTri hH.! pe'ople who are certified by the local
O,,~ htft;~~m' 009"t.'f' Ou'? I'JA,,.ht\ht\. administration to be residents of the constituency
fSJ'"C65J. hAt\. ~CPtS/):f aJo"''f' hh11: i'i.u of his candidature, are 18 years old or above and
f/7,f1,.. f1:,~~ ~.C"7 "7""t.11 ht\O''''':: not barred by law from voting.

46. Nomination of Candidates

~i. fAQ;)r h+&-(.l1
1/ Any legally registered political organization
{i/ "71 r,:aJo?" OU'? f,,.ootl10 f rt\of:I'J may compete in elections conducted in
1:C~T ou.u hCP~ OOOt.T 0°'l.I'Jy.1: accordance with this Proclamation by
?,'C6liJ. OO"'LC 1: 1 f07.!~," h&r;b nominating candidates who fulfil the criteria.
007""t.11 t\.(J)~f.C ~:f"A::
21 The top leadership of a political organization
III ort\'I:I'J 1:C~T 1'(J)ht\aJo f°'l.(J)~f.~ shall notify the Board the list of candidates
h&£bS/):f1 11C1'C t\flC~ f07.!l}aJo+aJo nominated by the politi,cal organization.
f1:C~1: h~1'r,: h006.C ~lfriA::
31 An evidence of nomination by a party and
r ort\of:I'J 1:C~T ,,.mhl\.. t\°'l.+c,n hQJJ consent of the person to be nominated shall
O,TCof:aJo oomht\.1 hC,' Oh&J;b~T 'be presented along with details of
1\00""t.11 00"'''7/'7,1:1 f07.1AI> "7"'t.-n candidature for candidates nominated by
hh&£b~''''' "7"'t.-nm. ,~C ,,.! ~" 00:"t.11 political organizations.
41 Apolitical organization shall nominate only
~ h11: frt\of:I'J 1:C~T Oh11: fSJ'"C65J. one candidate for a single council seat in a
hAA t\h11: f?,JhCo.'}- 011+006"1,h11: constituency.
",1;1: 11;F "7""t.11 ht\O'}-::
51 Any individual who fulfils the criteria may
l;/ "7') r,:(J).?," oo,..LC'I:') f07..f"X" fJ/t\o.n present himself as private candidate.
',!'.o.') o,\,r;t;~,}- t\..f"~c.n ~ :t'''A::
'l~- i:i'i.r.~itb !..'ut.-A ~:J/,'''' ."JIJ,fll >IITC :Ii! (t). g .,..t IiiY.:W ~.9" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 54 25th June, 2007... page 378]

~/ 1171;;:OJ'9" "'J;b (l°/1f1C ooo:'>~l1 0000 61 Any candidate shall register in person.
11111 hI\O""':: 00/1f1C 4'Cn oooo'U111 Where the candidate is unable to register in
""A;FI\ 1\"'J;b~"'" f07..rO<lt oo{)i.C.f.:Y. person, he may register provided that
117°J."'~1 f07..r~;J°/m' ''' documentary evidences and. witnesses that
m ~ 9" f ()OJ' "7{) ~ ~ 9) :f 'J;b OJo1 fl4' ~ 0 OJo ascertain the candidate's fulfillment of the
~C~..,.. " criteria for candidature are presented through
TI\'t:"" m~9" omh.I\' h"7t)~
~,.,. W''~'~l1 1\,0011111 ~ :Y."A:: the political party that nominated the
candidate or through his representative.
~z, orc"'"/. f~(J)~~ ~ foo1"'1(a+ ()~"'7f'f
0011+ 47, Rights of Government Employees Who Run
fif 1I"l1~0J'9" foo1°/{)'r ()t..,.~:- for Elec'tion
11 Any government employee:
o. 0°/1\. m~9u fTI\,t:t) f.'C,~.}- hfiA
Ooolf'} 1\9UC66}.oom~f.C ~:Y."A:: a) may run for election as a private
candidate or a member of a political
1\. 09"C66}. t'Jo~1:C Oooo/l].~ 9uh1,r'r
.,. L 1,m' '} f ()t. OJ'(J"b'r ()t) 00 ff,
" " b) may not lose any benefits as a result of
~/,{) Ot'Jom.'1: Ah "'°f'i"'~ ,rI\0""1
his running for election as long as he has
1':'>9" I''ff,'r fI\O""'9"::
achieved the required performance.
* fV h"~ 010,{) h 14't> fi f.t. ~ ~11t'Jo n. LfC9"
~;;:T m;J-f.C m~9" TI\.{) Ot.(). tri~9" 21 Without prejudice to the provision in sub
~C~..,.. article (1) above, any judge, soldier. or
OTI\.t:"" h"'l""~~"'" "{;);b
't-tJ)~~6 lfLf h4'~O f.rlloJo1 foo1,?{)"'" policeman shall resign from his post if he
()t. ooA4':'> hI\O'r:: runs for election as a private candidate or
candiqate of a political party.
rf ~;;::- m:rf.C "ci TI\.{) 09UC66}. OJ'~~C
31 Any judge, soldier and policeman may not
1.11. 1'71;;:OJo19" .,.m~~6 1\I''{)oo~ l'
000 f.1tt::- 0 ooCj'1C T ooo~tt:ci oool)()I\...,..
participate in political campaigning through
speeches, writings and the like in support of
.t-I):rt. h~lf19"::
any candidate. '

!if 1''1~oJo9'; OJ:J'~C OJ~lJD 7~f\,(a OTI\-t:"" 41 A member of the armed force or police force
~C~'r {)11()fI m~9u 09"C66}. ",~,{)~()' may not participate in party meetings or in
ool\f-OJ'1 h~C'1 OOI).,.tt: h~:Y.A9":: election activities with his uniform on.
.~:, h"'1A ~(;J;}J f1::J~ d.CUY(af\oo(am+ 48. Endorsement of Private Candidates

h'}~ fOO9"t.'J' UD.f).}- ,rl\OJ' ~CP6 09UC66}.

No resident who is eligible to vote shall sign for
hAI\. 1\m' 1: 1:C 1.4'1.0."'- oo4'UD66}'9):Y.O,,~ endorsement for more than the number of seats
I\lf~. "'J;b9):Y. f ~ .?~ t,CI'' oo{)m"'- available for the constituency.

~jj, f~Q;}rsP'f 1111+ (af\oof\f+ 49. Determination of Number of Candidates

/if Oh 1 ~ f9"C6l>J. hAA ftU1,11 ,,.mt)f-:y'

9"hC 0."'" l\oooo~1' f°1.tJ)~~cJ. 1/ The number of candidates running for election to
"'J;b9):Y. hX!{ 00111\1' fl\fI:foJo9":: the House of peoples' representatives in a
constituency shall not exceed 12.
!{f f"{;);b9):': 'flll"'" hh{)l,. o.I\'r hOl\m
21 Where the number of candidates exceeds 12,
fTI\.t:"" 1:C~'f'"f. O~'~°'1..r 0"'J;b~"'"
political parties shall be made to register first.
",~.ooll10. ~~/.:JA::
1~ i:i'i.Xf'it~ ~Yut..A ~;Jt.,,,, .:lII,nl
:;~ (j). It ""J nn:iii 'H" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 54 25th June, 2007... page 3782

i:/ ort\1:t} 1:C~'Y.".f r4>(.o.~ ~ab9J"'f 3/ Where the number of candidates nominated by
hh(M. u.t\~ o".e tnr~. fJt\~aJ< 9"C6fiJ. political parties exceeds 12, priority shall be given
hlt:1';;: 1:9"0 ""7' hfa1:fa~' t\"7.enAm. to not more than six political parties that received
the highest votes in the previous election. The
1:C~.y."f :"1:°7.f .e()fJIA:: 4>t9J:f. remaining political organiz- ations shall be
rrt\1:t} 1:c~.y."'f O~fJI .et\.ft\.:: determined by lot.

Q/ ort\1:t} 1:C~.y."f r4>(.o. ~ab91"f hhfat. ,4/ Where the number of candidates nominated by
u.t\~ O;r"f htf~ r4>~~ 11;r91".f political parties is less than 12, the remaining
fJt\ ~ aJ< 9" C 6fiJ. hlt: 1';;: 1: '1"0 fJ17' r"l A places shall be filled by private candidates who
'ND~~t91"'f ~ '}~.qut\. .ef.(.;JA:: received the highest vot'es in the previous election.

(;/ fJt\~aJ< 9"C6fiJ. ~h.A 1:9"0 f"TaJ< ~ab9}"'f 51 Where there are candidates who received
t}t\. O~fJI ~ ,}~.t\~ .ef.(.;JA:: equal votes in the previous election, they
shall be determined by lots.
'hI 1 ~ f9"C6l>J. hAA fthAA 9"hc 0."" to f.9"
°" ft.::;, 6/ The number of candidates nominated to state
ft II. f9" C 6l>J. f. t.~' 1- f "1. 4> CO. h lJJ: $I}l'
councils or to other levels shall be determined by
'Uti"" OIlCP,. f.tO()C,'A:: fhlJJ: ~1'C IlCP,.
htD().,o)' ~1'C Oilf. flf., h1f.lf., the Board. Where the number of candidates is
O".U "14>1>
1CJ.() "14>1> r:!i more than that decided by the Board, it shall be
hC,' (; uu()t."" h1f.tJ.~;J'o"
f.tO()c,' A:: determined in accordance with sub articles (3), (4)
and (5) of this Article as appropriate.
%/ ClH.U h'}4>O on()(.~ ~ab t\ont\r~
r07.(J)fJlaJ< ~fJI r°7.ont\h,TTaJ< ~ab9J"f
7I Lots to determine candidates in accordance
with this Article shall be drawn in the
. cD.e'l" '''(J)t}f';F:faJ< O'''17.0.r .eh"(J)(iA::
presence of the candidates concerned or their
legal representatives.
j. laAl1Q;)JOIJztl!cf:.f .!lct 50. Issuance of Candidature card

/i/ h".e' Oh'}+O ?if! on()(.~ t\aJ<1:1:C 1/ A candidate, determined in accordance with
r°7.+coOJ< ~ab h1't\r 0;\" 06ab91".f Article 49, shall be entered into the
onon'H1Qf :"0 fa00. ~ ,}~()lt:C l' f.C.., candidates' registration form and issued with
r~Q;)J~~ on;r(J)4:.f t}C1: .e()mq'A:: a candidature 1.0 card.

~/ rrt\'l:t) 1:C~~ ~ab91"f r~ab 21 Candidature 1.0. cards for candidates of

on ;r(J) 4: .f t}C1: t\ ~ (J;):91:f. h t}A (J).e 9" political organizations may be given to the
"faonH1fJ:faJ< 1:C ~~ t\.()ip t"f"A:: candidates in person or to the pQlitical party
that nominated them. .

jli. 11Q;)JsP"f1 t\Ul111 lat\OIJt)CDcf 51. Announcement of Candidates

~(J;):9J"'f OU.U hq'~ on()(.~ h1't\~ 0;\" The constitUency electoral office shall, subsequent
I1C~ OO?fcDfJlaJ< r'l.tI. ()t\.~ on()(.~ to the ascertainment of the candidates in
r9"C6fiJ.//JJAt\. ?\U~~ (1~ r'ND~~t accordance with this Proclamation, publicize the
~ (.););9' ".f'} fa'1" 1'C'tIC t\U1,-n .e4. f f.C ,'JA:: list of candidates in line with the election timetable
to be issued by the Board.

jl. fat\l1Q;)JsP"foot\! sP'At1~

52. Symbols of Ca,ndidates
/i/ "7'};;:aJ<9" ~(.);); r°7.(J)~f.CO~,} ont\.f
1/ Any candidate may submit his own
'I"Ah~ t\.f+C-n (J).e'l" I1C~ t}H;J~:aJ<
ont\.f 9"Ah~ t\.onCip .e"'f"A:: candidature symbols or choose from those
prepared by the Board.
~/ rh'}1: rrt\'tt) 1:C~~ ~ab91"f Ou.t\.9"
r9"C6fiJ. f.('~91"'f h'}1: f}.e~~ 9"Ah~ 21 Candidates of a political organization may
t\.m4>oo, .e"'f"t\.:: use the same symbol at all levels of election.
i:i'i.1.fiit ("Yu/..A ~:J(.'''' :JJI,fll </I'J'C .YU(J). xr; ""} nWHi ~.9" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 54 25th June, 2007... page 3783

el rh'}.f: rTt\'l:t} .f:CJf-~h'J;b9)"f t\r9"h 3/ Candidates of a political party shall use the
Co.1: 9"C6b1. tlO,t\'9" r9"C66J. hAt\" "f same symbol to elections for eaoh council in
h '}.f: l}.e~~ODt\JJ rAh~ ODm4>9" all constituencies.

0/ f9"CIil>J. oollf 9"Ah-r O;rC1:9" If~ O"1A 4/ N() party or private candidate shall have
'"hah O.e,'..j'~-r ~1.f'tl9":: If 'i 9" ~,}f: copyright of symbols. However, a political
fTII1:I1 f:C:~-r t01.9" f"1AhQ;b CjIl~O}' party or private candidate may be given
9"CIil>J. f1'm<#>00(l-r'} 9"Ah-r ~f:°7.f priority to choose a symbol it used during the
1'()",'Y.T h,}~,ooC'" 11,1.1."1 1.:r'/jt\: previous election.
(;1 tlrC61>1. ODt\! rAh~ "'.e t\°? ~o. ht\OD 5/ The Board shall give decision on disputes
"?flflf-"f (lC~ hfl~A1.°J-') oJ-l)~ .eonlA:: regarding candidature symbols.

'kl O?'}~oJ-r ODt\! 9"Ah~:- 6/ Any symbol of a candidature shall not:

01 hl\.t\,,"f hmsP"f ODt\! rAh~ ;JC a) be similar to that of other candidates;

rl'? .eOD/}OA:
t\1 tllll'h.C lll'h.~Oll: tltlC: W/.e°?cr~ b) be a cause for hatred and conflict among
ODt}hA 'r"':F'I "?61!'~ rO?.eL 'rC: nations, nationalities, race or ethnicity;
l'hl r{J1C~~ lD.e9'J rl\.'" U1lD'r .f:C1, ~ c) be one that propagates war or any other
ODAoh~ rO?efl'I''''A~=- unlawful act;

00/ h~.f.,,.A9" tf~ hhAA UlJ,}"1f1..j'-r ()'}1.~ d) be similar to flags or emblems of Federal
~/jo7 t01.9" ~C°'l t01.9" ht\. 1I,,:r, and State Governments, emblems of
fTII1:I1 f:C~.y.:r, ~C°'l (°1.'1" hA~ A~ political organizations or flags Or
~1I9"~<#>~ f:C~.y.1- ~C °'llj' (),}f.~ emblems of international organizations
~/j°'l (°1.9" hV1.°'ll;-r f:C~,y.:r,
9"Ah.Y.:r, ;JC f°'l1.oot'j()t\:
or signs of religious organizations;

,pI fUlIll') ifP/.-,A =- fl~ r"?flc hC,' rOD/}

e) violate public morals and ethics.
Ot\,~,} rl'? .e'rfl
ODlI",} .ecrCtl;rA::

53, Change and Replacemem of Candidature

!If. ~..~~.b1"'_T1~ltW~_- OD.T.I]!t Symbols
?if (1C PI' oU-roo-r 9"h') fT (01.9" O~ '}<#>o :if[ 1/ The Board, for printing purposes or in
'}O,fI ~'}<#>o i oo()t.-r f~,}f: TII 1: 11
accordance with Article 52 (6), may change
f:C~T') (01.9" f"1A hQ;b oollf 9"Ah-r')
II,IIO}'". t01.9" h'}~,IIOJ'". lI,fll 1.:r'/jA::
or order for change of the symbols of a
political organization or a private candidate.
~I rhm rAh~ tlU~OD~ lD.e9'J tll\.'"
2/ Where the change of a candidature symbol is

9'Jh'}!~ h '}~,t\lD'r tl(lC~ O,lDO'} rhm

9)"f 9'J1I1f1 h'l'mC,'4>4>tl~ 1.H. 1:9'J(~
decided by the Board for purpose of printing
or other reasons, the decision shall be
on; 4>1 OJ-fl'r oJ-/}~oJ-'} t\Tt\1:t} .f:C
communicated to the political organization or
~'I: lD .e9"t\ "?A h 'J;b OJ- h '}~,! OJ-4>OJ-'I
private candidate in 15 days after the closing
"'t\«p6T!' 9'JAh~ ','}~,!4>Cll In.e9'J
of candidates registration and shall be made
. ~ '}~.ODC'r .ef.~,~A:: to present or choose a replacement symbol.
PI fTt\,tt} .f:C.~~9'J lf~ r"?A hm 4>f.9'J 3/ Where a political organization or private
0 A r'OD~mOJ-'} 9'JAh~ tll\.'" t\ODt\lD'r candidate wants to change a symbol chosen
O'LA"? rh'J;bsP"f
9"1I1f1 h,l'tn'l4>4>tl~ earlier, it shall notify the change to the Board
iU. h'}fl.,. tlhflC 4>r,~ OJ-fl'r t\oJ-m,'} in writing within 10 days after the closing of
t\'(lC~ tl,)O'~ ll?/}CU:"ht\tl~:: candidates registration.
tn-it!! /..,fp{...f:\ ~;Jt..,. ;JII.n/ 4ITC ~l!i tH. I:s ""} Ii!.i~:U! 'Ho Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 54 25th June, 2007.. page 3784

fhab hro-'(-1;C. ooC&fllTc; ooTt]T 54. Withdrawals and Replacement of Candidates

!if h1f: fTt\1:1-J f:C~T OJ~?" fUJA hat: 1/ A candidate cf a political organization or a private
tWJ-f: f:C ht.().1 t\,!1A ~ :'f'lA:: candidate may withdraw from the election.

,2/ A political party candidate who has withdrawn

f{1 h",e o'}o.t) >',}<I't'I ji UUO/.""" hOJ'~.('c
.('C~..,.. from the election in accordance with sub article
"&oo.'} 111\" r7'''1:11 "btb (1) above shall notify his decisioh in writing to the
"mh"oJ' r 7'''1:11 .('C~..,.. Ot'ltJ'CJ: °1t)tD~.
political party that nominated him.
3/ A political organization may change or
;:1 fTt\'l;1-J f:C~T hat:0J-1 oot\OJ1' (J)~?U replace a candidate during registration of
oo,t-I-JT fO?,','ft\oJ- O',at: ?u1I1ll m:"T
candidates only.
1I:F ~OJ-::
4/ A political organization whose candidate has
W h'thOJ- Ot.(). 1..:1'f: h?"C6bJ,oJ- ft\4>4>OT withdrawn on his own terms may replace
fTt\.tl-J f:C~T fhat: ?U1I1ll flU. another candidate within the timetable for
() I\. ~ () h O?..eA :,. f: (. () I\. 'I h'lJ: t\, ,,..I-J
" registration of candidates. However, if the
~:t''IA:: lfer?" habOJ' ht.().1 .e1t\t\0J- candidate has withdrawn on the final date of
OlU. ()1\.~0J- fOD(;IJ.(.7t 4>1 hlf~ ht.(),1 the timetable, it shall be made to replace the
1-J1t\t\OT 4>1 ~'I"(~ Oh1f: '?"1T ltl. candidate in one week after date of the
oJ-()1' 1\.'1 hat: h 1~, .t-I-J ~f.(.;JA:: candidates' withdrawal.

~, fAQ;k- ~fT 55. Death of a Candidate

Ii fh1f: fTt\1:1-J f:C~T hat: fhat: II Where' the candidate of a political

9"1I1ll 1-Jt\1.. 0:\'1 fqo.,.. h 1 f.lf~ hat:OJ- organization has died after the end of
fqo.,..OT fTt\~1-J f:C~T hf:?"6 candidates' registration, the political
OD()6bJ,OJ-4>1 hH; 4>1 O&.T llt\oJ- ltl. organization may replace the candidate
oJ-()1' 1\.'1 hat: t\,.f'1-J ~:'f'lA:: within 15 days before the voting date.

~ h1f: mf. OJ-f:f:C f1ll fTt\1:1-J f:C~T 2/ Where a political organization running for
h'l~ 010.() h14>6 Ii OD()(.T O.,..CJt\OJ- election has not submitted a replacement in
1,tI. OJ-()1' .f'''''h, 1-J'I4>(.0 ?"C6bJ,OJ- CJt\.T accordance with sub article (I) above, the
hat:P>:f (l'I'J}tft\T 1,tI. OJ-()1' ~hC;(J)C;A:: election shall continue with the remaining
candidates in accordance with the timetable.

r h1f: fTt\.tl-J f:C~T h~ f?"C6bJ,oJ-

3/ Where the candidate of a political party has died
in less than 15 days preceeding the voting date, the
4>1 hOD.(-(.(). H; 4>C,'T CJ~() 1,tI. oJ-()1' election process in the constituency shall be
flfP.f' h 1f.lf~ O?UCtil», tJAt\. fO?,I-JY.f.oJ- .

discontinued and another election .shall be

9"C66J, .y,lfP hat: fqo.,..OT f Tt\1:1-J conducted in accordance with the decision of the
f:C~T h~ h1~,""1-J .,..f.C"t (lC~ Board after the replacement of the deceased
OOVJ)()~oJ- OD()(. T 1\.'1 9"C66J, ~I-JY.~A:: candidate.

Q h'l~ 01h'r. h14>6 f.,..1t\OOJ- o.erC9" r 4/ Without pr~judice to the provision in sub article
(3) above, where a political organization informs
hab f'lfP.f'OT f'Tt\1:1-J f:C ~T """"h, the Board in writing that it cannot replace the
hab 07:"(.11 h1f.°7~"fA 06lJ.~ f'1t\O deceased candidate, the election shall continue
h1f.lf., 04>~T habP)','f ool-JhA with the remaining candidates in accordance with
O'f'.etft\T 1,tI. ?"C66J,oJ-t\,I-J~f: ~:'f'lA:: the timetable.

~ h'l~ 01~() h14>6 ~()T 0.,..1t\OC& 5/ Where the date of election is changed ill
OD()(.T f'?"C66J,oJ- 1,11. f.,..t\OJm h1f.lf., accordance with sub article (3) above, the electior
O'l"C66J, tJAt\, .,..0011.,0 OJ- shall be conducted by replacing the deceasec
ODt.(;fil>:'f 1\.'1 9"1I1CJ '~I-JY.f:; candidate only while the voters and othe
candidates registered early remain unchanged.
hab lIfF .f'.,..tJ.f.C; I\.t\o:r: h~P>"f
h1~t\, If,,oJ- 9"Ctil»,oJ- ~I-JY.~A::
1~' i:i'ij;ritl; ~fvt..A ~;1/.'''' :J/I.fll </I'J'C :l!i M. Ii: ""} I ii.nii 'UI" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 54 25th June, 2007... page 3785

~ hl\,e (l')().(} h,)4>t> l; onlP{.:'" t\°'/.tl~~OJ- 6/ A candidate that has replaced the deceased
9"C6fiJ. (lqn't'OJ- hat: fO~ TI-JOJ- "1~()'Cl candidate for the election to be conducted in
ht,().') t\°,/(} TtplD:" f9"C6fiJ. :"(}4>/t accordance with sub article (5) above may
",/1:{'"1 ,e:fI\A:: conduct campaigning to introduce himself.

!II. Oh~L'_~k~b"Aullt\~~&KC 56. Running in a Single Constituency

li "'/ ') ~ OJ-9"() OJ- (l h ') 1: f9" C 6fiJ. h AA 'Cl;r 1/ Any person shalI be nominated as a candidate
(lhat:":'" ,e4>CflA:: in one constituency only.

2/ A candidate may be transferred from one

I. h11: hat: (lhat: 9"1I1fl flit ()t\.~
(lJ-(}'P hh,)~ f91JC6fiJ. hAA lD~t\.I\OJ- constituency to another during the period of
c().ndidates' registration in accordance with
f9"C6fiJ. hAA TI10J-C' (lU1. on(){.:'"
t\onlD~~C ,e:fI\A:: hL'OOD. (l(lC~
the law. Particulars shalI be determined by
,em()c,' A:: the Board.

57. Immunities of Candidates

!Ii. fhQ;bsPT A~ on'Cl-r
1/ No candidate shalI, during the course of
(i. hl.IJ:9':f hfl1: m,)~:A ().Lt>OD. h~ election, be arrested except in the case of
tlL ')~ I-JAT.fH. (l(}T4>C 91JC6fiJ.OJ- flagrant de licto for a serious offence.
hr.t)O~mc,' 4>:" 1:{.(} h,efH.9"::

I; (lH.U h,)4>t> ,)h.(} h,)4>t> li hTm4>()OJ- 2/ Where candidates alIegedly commit an

(lTt\f LJ.~:1' oat:9':f U1lD'P 1:Cl:'" offence in situations other than those
fLOOD. h,)~lf" U;J«p' hC9"~ fO~lD()1: specified under Sub Article (1) of this
flrOJ- f9"C6fiJ.OJ- OJ-m.:'" (l()C~ h"'/I-J,e Article, legal action be taken against them
.,:,.. (l,e4. t\UlI'Cl hT1t\O (l~1\ 'Cl;r only after the electoral results are officialIy
,elfC; A: : announced by the Board.

. r. hl\,e (l')O,(} h ,)4>t>

h7ic,'~.oJ- ()oJ- (l9"C6fiJ.lD:"-r
fT ~ "1110)- (l.'C9"
3/ Without prejudice to the provision in sub
article (2) above, a winner shalI be held liable
(D,)~A fO~mf4>oJ- (lo~ont\hTOJ- 9"hC for the alleged crime during the election if his
0. :,.. f U"1 h t\ 1\OJ- ()."1/t "1oJ-: : immunity has been lifted of by a concerned
?Dot-«f: ht--r Chapter Four
f?DC6liJ, Hon;r Election Campaieni
58. Conduct of Election Campaigning
!I~. f?DC6liJ, HOD;r (}t\I1I/t]~1:
1/ Any candidate, after the date of issuance of
A. ~ ')Y: "at: 1'(O~~t O"ab":'" 1,unl1'1n candidature 1.0. card and up tilItwo days
UII:NDtJ'O)''} 111""50:'" <I>'} ~ ,}iH>' 9"C tW]. OJ'
before the voting day, has the right, by
(J.n:'" <I>') "f) h, <I>t. OJ' Y: t. f) h ~ f)l' ~ .f,c;,9" If., respecting his legal duties, to calI rallies and
hO?";J~' et:'" &.:J>Y: I'),em,e:'- OO?I')(O:'-
.n:;. U.~'P. "/.f"..J'9':r:'} OO?hOC 01..(1.9" If., hold peaceful demonstrations by his own or
Of,;J&.9':r: hO?I1,e.,:", f Y: ;J~ f).f)(1C19"f''} through his supporters by notifying in writing
run.,.?,:'" (O,e9" (1ljO?'P. (1t.\~ fO?'" the administration or municipality and
ulI.n:'" hnOJ':: "'}~,(J,9" n9"CtW]. OJ'Y: Y:C;. without requesting for permission. He shalI
,em:'>Olh~t.\ J'1j:r~OJ'') CRJt.~9':r. tlnc?,. also have the right to request for information
fO?"/]:'" 01)"1:'" ,e'it.CPt.\:: useful for election campaign.

I. ,,(.(;};9':fc; f..~~.9';r:,~oJ- (lC~ (lo'/..fmnIOJ- 2/ Campaigning activities carried out by

~,)11 on(){.:'" fO~fI-J'l~:'" f91JC6fiJ.OJ-1: candidates and their supporters in accordan,ce
1: C '):'> (}:P (). 1: 9" t> on (}m :,.. h on ~: on ~ with the Regulations issued by the Board
h (}. t\ :,.. 4>C;:,.. (l ~ >:,.. on m 'I' 4>:,. h t\ (l :,.. : : shalI wind-up two days before the voting day.
'11; i:i'i.nd /"'J'u/..A ~;Jt..,. .'J/t.fl/
"''I'C Y!i (J). I~ "") n!Y.'.Hi 'UI" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 54 25th June, 2007... page 3786

E. fsruC6LJ. OJ'Y: Y:C ",:",..:1>/\ U1UP1"1,..-t:C,' 3/ Campaigning activities shall be conducted

""1CJ'n~:" yl\rOJ'1 4\.11"1' U11':- fUPt."'-"1'1 peacefully and democratically by respecting
up,n:" :- f 4\.II..1- "at: sP1'1 f UP W~,( C uu 11:" the constitution and other relevant laws, the
0°'/t10c Ol'l"o,/'P.c,' (I~.lf"t1t.""Y'P. up11Y: rights of voters and other candidates.
uul]~y: ""0:"::
4/ The rights under sub article (1) of this Article
9., OH.U h'}.,.t> '}o.,.. h,}"'t> li f'-f'm"'()'T may not be exercised in contravention of the
oo--(1,y..:f .0U'"1 hToot\h1:T f:'};J1.sP:f law.
oJo6J!'TL'°'l. t\.~~ 1. h~'ft\.9";;
5/ The Board shall issue campaigning code of
(;. 9"C6l>J.oJo()t'jllll~ 'he; e;:T-!~ Olf~ ooAh. conduct to make the election process
°7he;OJ') 'h '}~.;FA (lC~ f9"C6l>J. ~"''''t) peaceful and fair.
f"'~9"'"1llC ~ '}--(1!wnlA;;
59. The Mass Media
:lji. ilft!!D1e;_2"l
1/ Political organizations and sections of the
li Ooo'}'"1"'T 4l'J''J'C ,..C ft\'T'} oo1c,'~ community that are in support of a candidate
--(1H." ') °7 t\ T 9" &.~. f- tb ii. 1f '} e;
=- -t shall be entitled to equal access to state-
;JH.(o'f'} f'hal: ~;Jt. flf~'T f 7't\,-l:f1 owned mass media including radio, TV and
f: C :P:.y..'f e; f U--(1
~ ,-f'()--(1 he;: t\.. 'f f t\ newspapers.
hf:A9) t\oom"'9" oo--(1T ht'jrOJo;:
* 2/ Candidates shall be entitled to get access to
~ 'hal:9):f Ooo,}'"1"'T foo1c,'~ --(1H.',) ~, free airtime on the state-owned media.
fhfC 1.H. h'"1~T(JJo fOOm"'9" oo--(1T
ht'jrOJo;; 3/ The mode of utilization of state-owned media
r f'UU1"1"':" UU1C,'~ 11H.,/1 "m:P4>sru "'Cl}:" shall be in accordance with the directive to be
f°,/,..:J-W4:Y DI/.~."'<f;Ch(lC~ ;JC OUUlf1 0°,/. issued by the Ministry of Information
YtDl1'O)' Y:AY:A UPl'lt.:" ,etJr,'tD'IA:: Y:AY:II. together with the Board. The allocation of
19" 'f'tD~~6 fTII1:1] Y:C~'Y.1' "'~.YO)'<Ir:" free air time shall be notified to political
"c,' ",...,. Yf:" "'~.l'Im'O:" ,e,(t.;JA:: organizations for their opinon.

Q foo1c,'~ --(1H.''}e; f ;JH.m~:f f9"C6l>J. 4/ code of conduct of election reporting of mass

hH;J1--(1 "'~9"'"1llC (lC~ O°?fOJnlOJo ~ '}--(1 media and journalists shall be determined by
oo()~T ~OJ()e;A;; the Regulations to be issued by the Board.

~. f~1"l"'T__oh?i91--_~t..z 60. Obligation of Government Organs

007,}~OJo9" ~~;Y f°'l.17' foo,}'"1"'T hf1t'jT With a view to effectively' carry out campaigning
;}t'jt.sP:f f9'JC6l>J. OJof: f:C 'h ,}~"':J>(). 'h '}~.t)f1 activities, government organs and officials at any
t\°7 f:~ '"1 Of'lt'jt.~:rroJo "'C f°?17'T'} f&. level shall have the obligation to create conducive
f: f- nlCl.f sP:f =- f,.. --(1 (Ill h ~ t. (I':f =- ;J H.(0 :f e; condition to provide, both for candidates and their
foot)(lt\'T') lJac9):fe; ~;Jt.9);F;foJo ft\hf: supporters, equal access to such facilities as radio
AsP t\oom4'9'J f°?f,..:ft'jroJo O'~:r f0700 station, meeting halls and newspapers that are
;F;fT '"1Y..:r ht\llroJo;; under their respective authority.

~6. f9"C8iJ. (J}4f:1:C "'~"':J''''' fD?~1. ('"1llr(J}4 61. Places Forbidden for Campaigning Activities
li f°?t"f't\'T (I:.rsP:f f9'JC6l>J. OJof: f:C
'h '}:",..:J>(). h~f.~'"1ll;foJo9'J -: 1/ Campaigning activities shall not be carried
out at the following places:
0/ o.'-f' hC,.. T ,elf:f :-
ci) churches;
t\1 00
"'1.p:,f :- b) mosques;
rhl f19'J7':f 'h r,' 7' t\.'"
c) military camps and police stations;
n/O. f sP:f =-
'/1\ i:i'i.:tY.'it:t t.,Y.(,.A ~;.It,}- ;.III,n, <II'I'C j!j M, I;t
"") Ijjl:Hi 'Hu Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 54 25'h June, 2007... page 3787

UIJI fUlJ°'lC °'lfl1'°'lC 'I.YoT 1'<111C hf1' d) within 500 meter radius of educational
tJ'j'm~ OO7.1~OT m:"T oTrucT institutions during the conduct of
(1.''''1' h'j' oTrucT (1.''''1' t.-.111l0, classes; .

o?;f OI/.TCtf.t, hAA T

e) within 500 meter radius of official
'Pl U.t"') fhl\ T tJhl\ T <1.n.eT f07./..iJ
9"1l:r~OJ' h'j' 01'OJ/'I~, <#>'j'T 01m C9"
market places in rural and urban areas
l1'~ otJ.,.o,/ 0.e4. 10f f°'l.11 Y.~Il:r~OJ'
where marketing takes place daily or
(1:j'9)l' O?; f UlJ.TC tf,tf hAA T during some fixed days

1.1 fOO')"?f).}- lD~l}" fUl1ll 00 ~(1~ t) governmental and public institutions

f)t, (100 hC;'lD'} 'I~ f07.17.(PfoJ- during working hours;
foo'}"?f).}-C;' fU1,1l '''*''7.}- T
g) places and areas where public meetings
.... U'UC1'P. f)11...Cl "f"'I1Y.~ Clt\ClTOJ- are being conducted.
fl;r P):.y. "C;' h I1ClRP):'Y.: :

2/ Particulars shall be determined by the

!!.I 1'Cl1C h~ 'ODD. flC ~ (1°7.flDtJIOJ- ~ ,}1l
regulation to be issued by the Board,
~lD"'c; A::

~')&-t;: ul\rilT
Chapter Five
ill\1;VU6 h"'Il'1'
" Votin1!
~f. ill\~CIifi tJ/Cl.r il&- oo1..ooc 62. Beginning of Operation of Polling Stations
liI f 1; l}"/J 00 f)m .}- 'I.~ .}- (1lJ.t\.,/" l}"C iii>/.
1/ Polling stations shall be operational
tJlO..fP):'Y. flC~ (1°?tJJf)~oJ- +') h '}1; 'I~ simultaneously on a date to be fixed by the
~~:oot.A:: Board,
gl h"~ (1'}(J.f) h'}+/J li f'''f.~11oJ- (1.crc l}" 2/. Without prejudice to the provision of sub
hf)1P'~ lJ,-":r$":'y. "'.f .~1'°D' f°7.oot\h article (1) above, in case of compelling
:r:I~OJ' l}"Cfib}, tJlO..fP):'Y. {)t,:I~OJ-'} (1,,.t\f circumstances, the Board may fix different
+') ~'}P'.~:l}"cr flC~ t\.lD{)'} ~:'Y.'IA:: dale for the beginning of operation by polling
stations concerned.
[I flC ~ (1°7..f lDtJIOJ' OOOOI,.f 00"'1. .}- 3/ In accordance with the directive to be issued
f 1;l}"/J h",tJlm. {)I,.:- by the Board, voting shall begin:
lJl f Tt\.tl1 1;C~.}- "ci f"?A "'Q: a) in the presence of representatives of
lDh.t\..:'Y.T fUlIll ;rtl(1.P':'Y. T fl}"CIiI>/. political parties and private candidates,
h{)~'07.P):'Y. "C; {)~{)Ch.}- h{)'''ClCl electoral officers and election wardens;
I,P):'y. (1'''"7.(1.}- T "C;.
b) after the Chief electoral officer of the
t\I frC651. nlO.f
f ~riJ~"ka}' UlJfl651. polling station shows to the bodies stated
IJ'I'"} Ilt. O«I}» 1\1'11\0'T
UlJlJ'~."} tJ".e in (a) of this sub article that the ballot
"11"T O°'/lJfT f9"C651. "''I'~' 01'tf,;J~a}' box is empty, sealed and put in an open
0'/i'i1.f :.Vii.., O.oj,tl0. 9) l' ~.T I\~.T place and within close distance to
o:"c,n 1,.e .oj''j' O<1AiJ fllj:(,. tJ"'<#>UlJm
(D.e 9" tJ." observers and after minutes are recorded
1\ 0 :\" fI1\" Y: °,/ UlJIi.
and filled in a form specifically designed
:1'1\1,1lh. l' .e,1 (1CP,. I\tf,&}' 1'<1IlC
for this purpose.
11",;JY:OJ' :t>iJ .e tJl' tfU" 0:\":
.eY: UlJ(,.A::
~f. f~CIifi tJ/ClfsP"f I.U'~:"
63. Security of Polling Stations
iil f9"C651. n'0.f9)1' f~riJ UlJfl651.OI\T tJUlJ~
1./'1. O~.T YoU"}~;1':r~OJ''i' 'I' 0 :I' r OJ' "fl'" °,/ °,/ ~
1/ Polling stations shall, prior to polling day, be
organized in a manner that they are sufficiently
0l1'~ &}.~:j. UlJH,;JY:T "l\llrOJ'::
secured and protected.
11\ i.'i'i.:tfitt. /"'Yu/..A ~.:Jt...,. </I1'C j!! ,u, H: ""} lii.nii 'H" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 54 25th June, 2007... page 3788

III 1\9"C~ 1'?flLfJ9" fit. h1'(}O?~"'" flfl1'4>C 2/ Persons who are not electors and electors
oot.~'f fAIf.,.e; f:9"iJ f(}m. (}?J:f who have already voted, other than those
09"C~ nIO.foJ- hAA OJ-ll'P 00'11..,.. engaged in conducting electoral activities,
f f\CVf OJ- 9" : : shall keep out of the vicinity of the polling
station. '
EI O?'}~oJ-9" (}OJ- h9"C6fiJ. nlfl.fOJ- fllif
Wt""'C (h9"fI"'" oo.y. O1/.""'C) H.Cf hAA 3/ No person may be present within a radius of
OJ-fl'P Ofll1C1' ool)tf flool11 CDJ!.9" fll\.i\ five hundred meters of the polling station
OO?C;:foJ-9" fJ'P;1--'} O°?f ~LCfI hl).=\ '} while drunk, carrying a weapon or in any
0011..,.. fl\fI""'9":: OH.U (}."1:.;1--h1'119" other situation disturbing peace. Where a
f9"C6fiJ. nIO..fI;.'Ji\c(.OJ- hflLi\1.°J- "C9"~ person is present in such a situation, the chief
"i~.CD(}f: 1\..e~C"/ J!.'fi\A:: electoral officer may authorize necessary
measure against the person.
QI {'9" C 6T>1.(Jill. f 9) 1" '} f. U '}.,.} {'°'1 {}tIC]C :} "I&..,.}
{,9"C6T>1. f\u&'.} (l.'f1" :}"I&.9'1' f,lfliA:: 4/ The responsibility of ensuring the security of
(,9" C 6T>1.t)IJ&..} (l.'f1" :} "I&.9' 1" (IJ f, 9" {' 9" C 6T>1. polling stations rests on the chief electoral
frill.! ('u'tl'f) ..J.'lo. 11t)"I.} {'{JIlI.faJ''} f. u'}.,.} officers. Where the chief electoral officers or
It °'11'1hOC {,TIt.iI :}f,A 'h,}f.°"l.fil&.A'? t)uu.,. public observers of the polling station believe
'h'}~. uu f. 'n"l:J~a" {'O'/.uutttJ1'aJ''} 11t)A uum{':" that a police force is needed to defend the
.e 1'''1 It.: : If Ii 9" ('U'tl'f) .+'10.9'1'. 'f' fck f:fa"'} security of the pollingstation, they may make
{'o'/.f<l>CO..} 09"C6T>1. f\u&'.} (l.'f1'. :}"I&.9'1" a request to the concerned body. However,
* 11°,/t)f,".} f,lfliA:: public observers shall present their request
t~rough the chief electoral officers.
(;1 f9"C6l>J,oJ- nlO.f ;.'Ji\C(. 09"C6fiJ. nIO.foJ-

OJ-fl'P oo"/(]..,.. (}0J- CDJ!.9"

fl\.l\fI""''} 5/ The chief electoral officer may order the expulsion
f9"C6fiJ.oJ-'} ,,'}.7f>fI:J'o. I\O?CDh fqvht. '} of a person who should not be present in the
1'?'}~0J-9" (}0J- h9"C6fiJ. nIO.foJ- "'}~.CDnl polling 'station or has attempted to disturb the
l\.f1l J!.'fi\A:: J!.U'} ""'~tf1l fi\ hOt. (}OJ- electoral process. Where the person disobeyed the
h9"C6fiJ. nlo..eoJ- order, the chief electoral officer may call upon a
111\ f TI\.fI (}J!.A mC'"
policeman to take the person out of the polling
"'}~.CDnl f~C;JA:: TI\.(}.9" J!.U'} station. The policeman shall leave the polling
1'"/(]cr'} "'}~LfJOO h9"C6fiJ. nlo.foJ- station and return to his assigned place as soon as
oooOJ-nl"'" CD~"I'oo~OO"'" (I:r J!.~~A:: he executes the order.

ZI 1'?'}~OJ-9" U1CD'P (}.,f: J!.ff 09"C6fiJ. nlo.f 6i The chief electoral officer, acting upon
fll\oo11..t: hl)l'?~ 'PctW? f4>t.OO""''} (}OJ- credible tip off, may search a person who
f9"C6b), "lU.foJ- ;.'Ji\C(. f(}.I\.9" f TI\..tl1 allegedly possesses unlawful documents in a
f:C~""" "e; f"/A "a;\: CDh.I\..:f ,,'}~.(}.9" polling station in the presence of all
fU1I-ll :rtfO.9J:Y. 0'1'11.0"'" 1'mCnltOJ-'} representatives of pol'itical organizations and
..,.. (] private candidates. The chief electoral
1\.L 7i J!.:f i\ A : : l' (J;\. 61" If cr h "1'119"
hflLi\ 1.OJ- U.9~ "C9\)~ "'}~.CD(}f: officer may order taking necessary legal
f~C;JA :: action against the person if the information
turns out to be true.
~§, f1:9"iJ ooitli6J. (lh+
64. Voting: hours
~/ nCPI' 01' It (' IJ.'l. ..J' t) A (IJ()., 0 il1' <I>C (' ~ 9" t)
()t}.} I Jl 1/ Unless the Board decides otherwise, voting
uuil6T>1. ()t}.} hm'P"h I Jl 'hilh 9"7i-f:
()11.} ~t.iI f,If','A:: hours shall run from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

III (lC~ 01'l\f (}."1:.:r ff:9"iJ onfl6ri), (}~..,..

fCD"," ,,'} f.If'l OA ~ (}.",.;1-- f1'CD(}"OJ-'} 2/ Where the Board decides otherwise under
ff:9"iJ oofl6fiJ. (lh"'" V1I0. flJ!.~ special circumstances, it shall officially
"'}~.f°J-4>CD' .fI~C;JA:: announce this to the public.
1~' ei'i.?;~
iti! /"'Yp{,.A ~;.I{.'''' ;.IlI,nl </I'I'C ~Hi M. Xt ""J
nif.:w 'UI" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 54 25th June, 2001... page 3789

rl f ~9"1> OllflfiIiJ. t'lh.} t't.!0~ f9"C65J. 31 Where the final voting hour is completed, the
nlO..f'O" .eH .:JA:: If 'I 9" 09"CfiIiJ. nlO.!O" polling station shall be closed; however,
~'J':C .,0. O"flIf' 1-0"'0" ~9"1> ftOllflm.} electors in the process of voting and within
0 Ollm Cl0 ~ ".e .r ft. Do{,.{Jib:f ~ '}"I> the premises of the polling station shall be
OllfIm.} h ft Cl:fa,. : : allowed to vote.

~I tJII.e 01h.flh1cf>1> li f'I'mcf>rio" 0. LJ-C9" 41 Without prejudice to the provision of sub

nc}}. f9"C61>].o"'} ",e; ~t'/cr.".} .eOAIf' article (1) of this Article, where the Board is
.r t'I~ A 11ft.. tJOll f ~ 9" ,) uriflfiIiJ.t'Ih .} 1
" convinced that it helps to the conduct of free
-It.!t.1f9'' .e".fIlA:: and fair elections, it may extend the voting

l; I f9" C fiIiJ. nlO'.' 91".f ft9"C fiIiJ. h Ollh L;r:f 51 No person, except electoral officers, public
0"9" If" ~9"') ht'lnlm~ hA~ h"'H1. observers, representatives of candidates and
0:\11 h9"CfiIiJ. hfiL '°1.91:f: tJUlI-o ;r110. authorized election observers, may be
1)1:f: hhac "'tDtJr-:f he; h.,.Lcf>f.lI:fo" allowed to enter polling stations before the
f9" C fiIiJ. :r 11O. 91 ".f 0 fI.,. cf>C 0" 1 ~ a,. 9" t'lo,. opening and after the closing of polling
tDI. '}"CfiIiJ.nlo..rOJ- Oll.,Cl.} h.e ".fA9":: stations.

~~. f:?"/J (lAfDflmT 65. Casting Vote

* lil {'''1~0).'}'' Ollt.6f!' OhtJA 00ll17.}. 0 00' ft. 11 Any elector may cast his vote freely where he
",,,.} ~'}",) .et'lnIA:: appears in person.

IV h!1~1}}' Ollt.6f!' ~9"') f°1.t'lmOJ- h1~ 21 Each elector shall cast his vote only once.
1.H. -O~ .elfe; A:
rl {'''1~0'''}'' 0ll{,.6f!' ~'}",) ftOllflm.} fa?~ 31 Any elector shall cast his vote at a polling
:fftd" 00llt.6Jj.",} 0"'OllH100.} f9"CfiIiJ. station where he has been registered and
nIO.! -O~ If~:- where:

tJI fOllt.{Jib:f Oll;r(Dt.r tJC~ t'I.'~o,.: a) he carries his elector's card;

ftl OOllt.{Jib:f 0ll1l1-o 1I.e floo. t'I~{~ b) his name is listed in the electoral roll;
. f
(hI ~9"') !At'lm Olllf". t'I.~;111f' -O~
c) it has been ascertained that he has not
voted yet.
"0" ::
41 Unless the Board' determines otherwise, all
~I (1C}}. O.,.ftf tJ.',,;r tJAtDt'I" Ofl.,.cf>C
electors shall cast their votes in a similar time
tJ.ft.9" Ollt.{Jib:f O"'OllfJfJ.e f1.H. 11.-0
O"flIf' f:'}",:fO"1 .et'lnlt\.::
66. The Voting Process
~i. f:iJD/J fOllflm.} ~gT
1I The elector shall hand his elector's card to the
liI h .r 1 ~1}}' t. 6f!' f Ollt.{Jib :f '}" 1I1Cl Oll :r
electoral officers of the pofIing station,
tDt! tJC}}.1 ft9"CfiIiJ. nIO.fO" f,},'CfiIiJ. whereupon they shall proceed to verity his
hfiL ,°1.?':f 11f1~hO 0;\11 f,},'CfiIiJ. hfiL identfty by examining the card.
'°1.?'~: fOllt.ac1 {'?1".} Clcf>~OO,.('?fI
~jf .eft!ft.::
21 After verification of his identity and that he
gl {'?1".} hll.e O,}O.fI h'}cf>,) li has not voted in accordance with sub article
t'I~ T h.,. ftfe; cf>I. '}" t'I.A .r A Oll~ m (1) above, the elector shall be made to sign in
Olllf". tJ"'~.:J1m 0;\11 OOllt.(!ib:f 0ll1l111
the column of the electoral roll designated for
('''flIf' ft&.C('? O'I'H;1 ~:o,. h9u ~ 1I.e the purpose.
h 1~.LC,),' .ef.~;1A::
1~ ri'i.~fj ~.r'u".A '1;1t-'f ; <lt1'C !lij (J); I~ ""J
nH::Hi 'UP Federal Negarit Gazeta
, ,,/~
No. 54 25th June. 2007... page 3790

Cf U"6-at: OUIJ'U111 'If. ht.I.UIJ 0:\'1 3/ After the elector signed on the electoral roll,
1\OJ'I,.fI'1:'}; 1\OJ'I,.fI,:" ht\. 1\OJ' 0'/1~OJ'19"
his thumb, if he doesn't have a thumb, his any
t\. 'I fI':" 0.,..U;>~:OJ' r o'/f. 1\:,. 4>1\9" h '}~. 4>rJ
h.,.. ~ (. 1 0 :\ UIJ () 6l>}. (lJ (. 4>:,. .,.. /'l 'I'.y.:,. other finger, shall be marked with indelible
'I r .(- 9" 0
(Pf. o'/.()m.C .(-9"0 UIJ() 6 l>}.
OJ' h~A f.1rJA:: ink after which he shall be. handed with a
fI"Y.1' rt\.I\OJ'. tnn r9"C6l>}. 1\()t.IW'I.9'1' ballot paper and directed to the voting booth.
1\1\Of' 9" (.m.1 t,(';>1m. 0:\'1 h 1~. UlJC'I' If he doesn't have fingers, the electional
f.f.(.;>A:: officers shall allow him to vote after
ascertaining that he has not voted.
Qf UlJI,.at: tP~ 9"()m.C .(-JiO UIJ()6l>}.OJ'h~A
1,tH' r°1.UlJCmOJ' ~. Of'I\, 9"Ah:" 4/ In the booth, the elector shall put on the
n°'l.1~0:" rJI\1\I,.:" °'lOU1 fl..)' 'If. r"x" ballot paper an '!'X" or a thumb mark in the
?,'Ah:" t,~1.10:" tPf.9" Ofl':" 1\7j".OJ' square corresponding to the symbol of the
ht. (. Of'0 :,. 0:\ 'I r ~ 9" 0 UIJ()6l>}.tP(. 4>.,: 1 1\'I' c: candidate for whom he wants to vote, after
0,.)' tln. 9) l' &.:,. 1\&.:" 0:" C 11 h f.;J' 0"1A 0
() ~ I,. ()6fi}, ... which he shall fold the ballot paper and insert
0'" 4> m OJ'
r .(-9"0 UIJ
'I' 1 tP f. 9"
tl{~' ~ OJ'()'I',.)'A::
it in the ballot box placed in front of and in
close sight to observers.
(;/ fl'7 .f'~(].li' fl'7 J!.iJ~ 00 ~,(;f'b"f hnl.y. ;F:f0>-
5/ Illiterate electors shall vote by pressing one
h'~' 1\1I.UO.t'H;J~O>- 4'1\9" h~h~ ..,..
0=\" of their fingers in the square corresponding to
ho?ooCm."'" otJ;b ool\! 9"Ah"'" J!.~
the symbol of the candidate for whom they
0°1.110>- lJl\ h~"'" °70,"' hC;:"'" (1:1' "J!.
want to vote after dipping it in the ink made
" fnl"'" hri~.:fO>- "'~.!Clj: 007Y:1."} f;9"iJ
J!.On,,,,: :
available for this purpose.

j/ 00 t.tJ;b f -t'0 m 0>-' f Y:9"iJ 00 fl66J. tDI. 4' ..,.. 6/ Where the elector fails to properly make use
J!.9u f-t'O"ri of the ballot paper, he may return it and cast
lJ"}lJO. 'I J!.m 4'9"0"'" f<#>I.
his vote upon receipt of another.
0"'" ", 1.1f~ J!.U'~' ooA~ 09""'"h. 1\."
(loo4'OA Y:9"iJ I\ooflm"'" J!."f"A::

j 7/ The electoral officer shall put a special mark

Z/ f9"C6b1. nlCl..f' ~"", h"J!. O'h.fl h'<#>iJ or 'invalid' at the back of the ballot paper
0001."'" -t'00"7i f-t'1.1.10>-' fY:9"iJ returned in accordance with sub article (6)
00 fl66J. tn I.4' ..,.. f -t'1\f 9"A h"'" (D J!.9" above and dispose it into the box provided
f-t'O"ri f°?A O~ClJO>- "J!. hY:C-'JO"'" for this purpose.
I\H.O' O.t'H.~~O>-\'I".' O>-fl". J!.h-t'fJ'A::
67. Electors Who Need Assistance
~Z Y:;Jlj: f"t6.,;VI~ oot.~'.f'LOTODt\hT
1/ Any' elector whq/ needs assistance to put a
lif 09" C 6l>}. .(- 9" 0 1\/'lfI' l' 9" A h:" 1\°,/ .(- (. "fer mark on his ballot paper and insert it into the
f.(- 9" 0 UIJ()6l>}.(lJ(. 4>1:1 (lJ~ .(- 9" 0 UIJ()6l>}. OJ'
ballot box has the right to decide his
"''1'1 tPf.9" h~~ I\UlJh.,..:" hC~~ assistant.
r°1.,()t.A 10J' 0'/1~OJ'9" ~/,.6f!>
I, r°'l.(.~Or1
/'lOJ' hl,./'l. rUIJ(lJ/'l1 UIJ{I:" NI\OJ'::

2/ Without prejudice to the provision in sub
h'lf. 010.() 1\14>0 li r""~"110J' h1~ ""m04>
11'Ir O.(-;>~ t.'1.OJ' r""UIJ(.mOJ' /'lOJ' O.(-~ article (1) above, the assistant shall be 18
I:t 1\UIJ:" },r.' h II.' 0'1 f. 11't;> hat: (Pf. 9" years old and above, and shall not be a
r },at: .,..(Pt, f. UIJ11'1 r 1\0 :,. 9" :: candidate or representative of a candidate.

~~ 1:VUiJ foo"'m+ 'Lg+t'''7.e*l.T/)t\t7DIf~ 68. Non Interruption of the Voting Process

lit Y:9"iJ fooflm"'" '/.1.""'. ft.*I.'" (DJ!.9" 1\.~9" I/ Voting operations shall not be interrupted or
hJ!. "fA9":: stopped.

fl/ h"J!. O'O.fl h'<#>iJli f.t'1.~110>- "'1.-t'm 2/ Without prejudice to the provision in sub
O<#> Ire:':- article (I) above:
1~' Ei'i.:O~':ai I...f./,.t:\ ~;Jt..,. ;J,j,fl/ ofr'rC j!i M. I:): "") I./H"'.iii 'UI" Federal Negarit Gazeta No.54 25th June, 2007... page 379\

V. f f:?"tJ h(}I1'm. 'I.f.. T Or"t\.ff ?"n a) where the voting operation was
1fT t\1'4:T "lit?" 0.0'1 h1'*;' interrupted for a while due to several
v.~.+ar OU{}r"t}ht\. O?"C6l1. h{}~' reasons, but believed by the electoral
o?9':'f h,+OU~OT 0:Pt\ 1.fJh. l' .et' officers that the situation has been
lD~.far~. ff:?"tJ h(}I1,m. 'I.f..T restored to normalcy, the voting
t\.~1'A .e:'f"lA:: process may resume after this has been
recorded in minutes.
II. r~?",). itI'IfI''r 'l.f.of: r.,.*l.mO.} (}.'l..oJ'
(j t) ht\ t)t\:r-II b) where the reason for the interruption of
hit:"?" 0" .e If 11.111'
(}.'l..oJ.m. o:P II 1.fJ1\. of'.el' r ~9",) itI'IfI''r the voting process has been beyond
'I.f. of: fJIIO.} .y.CfP toPr.f 0)'''. it m:P" .e control and cannot be normalized, the
(). 'l. .oJ' OJ. II 0" .e .} (l..} voting sha1l be discontinued and this,
9"C66J. ~ Uto
t.TC.} .ef.l.;Jt\:: after being recorded in minutes, sha1l be
reported to a higher electoral office.
E/ tJ"I.e 010.{} h14>tJ !:(t\) OU(}t.T f1'*t.m
3/ A voting process discontinued in accordance
f f:9"tJ h(}I1,1' nc~ OO?lD{}~ar OU(}t.T
with Sub Article 2(b) shall be conducted at
0t\,"1 1.tI. .et}~~A::
some other date to be fixed by the Board.

;tu f:crlJ OU{}mT' {}l\ou:PlDcr

69. Complaints on Voting

li CI?1~ar9" OUt.6J!' f f:?"tJ ou{}6l1. lDt.4>T

1/ A representative oLa candidate may, before
hOU(}mrl: O~.T fh{J;b 1'CDt}.e f;9"tJ
the issuance of ballot papers to any elector,
OOU{}mT 'I.f..T "I.e ft\~ ()~
complain that a person who is in the process
fout.6J!'~T OUo(1T ft\,t\ar lD.e?" 09"C6l1.
of voting is not an eligible voter or has not
1110.far Ooulr6J!'~T fA1'ouH10 ~ar been registered as an elector.
W'?t\T t\.:PlD?" .e:'f"lA::
2/ Where an elector is denied of a ballot paper,
!: h 1 f: f f:?" tJ ou {}6l1. lD t. 4>T
ou t- 6J!' the elector himself or one of the\hA ht.(}. lD.e?" hh{J;b 1'lDt}fc:'f representatives of a candidate may submit a
h1~ r,,:parqo t\.f4>C11 .e:'f"lA::

r fh~];B r"lDt}.e lD.e9" out.~];B h"l.e 010.{} 3/ A representative of a candidate or an elector

h1<1'tJ li hr.' !: tlr"f..~11'T OU:PlD°?.f may, other than the points for a complaint
~1'n:f a}c6J!' Olf~ W'",~ar9" f?"C6l1. given in sub article (I) and (2), submit a
h{}~'O? fh~];B rNUt}.e lD.e9" 0t\,"1 complaint on any improper action by the
09"[.'6l1. I1IO..far ar{}1' 0'"1''' (}ar h'?fJo(1 electoral officer, representative of a candidate
.f A 0' ~ f: [.'1. T r":Parqo t\..f 4>[.'0(1 or any other person. present in the polling
.e:'f"lA:: station.

Q f9"[.'6l1. 1110.fa}c ho. rl::r (}O? t_O?.t;h"l.e 4/ The Polling Station Grievance Hearing
f 4>t. 0 m'1 h 0. rt:.+ ou t\ h r" 0:\ "I Committee shall, after looking into the
h 0. '1::r "I4> t.0 a}c () a}c en.e9" h t)A complaint submitted, notify its decision to the
art}~m'1 .ft}a}c:PA:: complainant.

?; f9"[.'6l1. 11' ~"I~. OH.U h14>tJ 5/ The chief electoral officer of the polling
OU(}t.T f4>t.O. ~~:r9':f1C; t\~~:r9);t: station shall keep a record of the complaints
f'''(}m. ouA(I:f1 ftJlJ'~ (}~f: OOUt.:cr~T submitted in accordance with this Article and
.e.e'IA:: the decision given to the complaints.
t: 1.H..f'f 1:crlJ. nl\OU{}mT
70. Temporary Voting
?i tl".e Oit'}<P,) ~i! UII(Jt..} f:9",) h'}Pr.e(J'r l/Any person against whom a complaint has been
.,.:pm.tfP r<pl.Oo.} 1'10" 1.n.f«P. ~9",) UlJIIm of:
lodged during voting in accordance with Article
it IIto 1. 'Icu. '1111.. r9"C66J. fI,' it(l.rh.oJ.
" 69 above, sha1l be made to cast temporary vote in
I'ICI? tICl?.1; t)UII" WIt.,];}: IIII.U O."II;Jl':m'
an envelop prepared for this purpose provided that
TII;J. 1.ItJ'«p' f:9",) ~\,}Pr.(J'r .ef.t.:JA::
the Grievance Hearing Committee of the po1ling
station believes it is necessary.
rj'[.X.~:H{ t...f./..A ~.:J"'''' .~J".nl "'1'C !Iii M. g ""} nww 'HI" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 54 25th June. 2007... page 3792

g hi\.e' (I,)h.{) h,)4>t> i oo()~-r r'/'()m 2/ A vote cast in accordance with sub article (1)
1.H.J'cr. ~9ut> (lh,)4>t> 1~ oo()~-r .OJ-l)~ above may be included or rejected upon
",)~1'" (I~mt. ra? t)'/,-r (V f.9"OJo ~:,. decision in accordance with Article 95.
ra?,,~"'1 f.lfC,'A::
71. The Ballot Paper
aIi i.,\ 1:9" (J DO()651. cot. 4>T
. 11 The Board shall prepare for any type of
li nc~ t\J'')~')~ r9"CIili}.hf.~-r election a ballot paper that can be easily used
(I"'IAt> A~~OJo ra? "'fA "{)h'l';rt\ ~~() by the voters and one that is not exposed to
N'76f.1>(lC(lC r07f.00",f r~lJUt> 00{)1ili}. any, fraudulent act.
(D~4>-r J'H;J;fA::
2/ The. Board may prepare a ballot paper that
contains candidates' photographs, candidature
f nc~ r"at:9'"'f ';:"'"'It.«j:= r"at: 00t\J' symbols, full names of candidates and names of
lJUAtJ-r= r"at:9'T 00't\. ()lJUr. r Tt\'l:t) their political organizations.
~CJf;r:foJo oom&J' r:~'I'oo(l-r r~lJUt>
00 {)Iili}. (n ~ 4>-r t\. J' ff;J ~ f.",f i\ A : : 3/ The Board dispatches ballot papers
corresponding to the number of electors
r nc~ (lr9uCIili}. flIClJ'OJo (I'/,ooH1(10Jo
m II(I t .f
registered in each polling station along with a
DO",.6f!> 411' C A tJ c,' t\ 00 few extra ballot papers for contingency.
ra?lf,) r'l'(J}()~ 4I1'C .ft\OJo r~9"t>
" 00{)1ili}. (J)~ 4>-r f.At)A:: 4/ The Board and electoral officers at every
level shall take great care and protection. to
Q nc~ 'h~i Of1.('~OJ' J'II.. f?"C6l>}. ,,()t..,°1.S"'f' ballot papers.
II.1:?"" UI'()6l>}. W(.4"y.'f. t!lj:.,.r.: If''}.P4:lj'
If'fI.P"1 1: (. UJ .em fI:,of!:r tp A: : 5/ Any transfer of election documents from one

person to another shall follow the legal
~ tl7')r;OJo9U rl)"CIili}. ()~~ hh 1~
transfer procedures.
mf.t\.i\oJo ()OJo (la?'/,i\t\«j:(I."f' 1.11. U.'Jcr.
rctJtJ'fI ()CLJ-r') ,/,h-rt\,. oo~fJl)" ht\(I-r::

Chapter Six
9" f)t.--«j: () ~ T
r 1: 9" (J -fm t.--c," OJ-m. T 1i\lt(J Vote Countine: and Announcement of Results

72, Vote Counting

at I'*' mt (1;t-
1/ Vote counting for any election shall be carried out
lil rt'7')r;OJol)" l}"CIili}. ~l}"t> ~mt. ra?t)y. at the polling station where the voting took place.
"OJ' ~l}'.t> (I'/'()m(l-r l)"CIili}. fll(I..f ~oJo::
2/ Notwithstanding Not to the provision of Sub
II hi\.e (I')().{) h,)4>t> li r'I'f.~11(JJo (I.ttCl)" Article (1) above, where due to compelling
h{)1~~ (llf~ l)"tJ')J"}' rl}"c~. fllfI..fOJ' circumstances, the polling station electoral
rl}"C6fi}. h{)~ ifa? t\l}"C~. tJAt\. l' .f~ officer requests to the constituency and is
h:J'Cn ().~4> ~ mf.l)" rl}"c~. tJAt\. accepted or where the constituency electoral
r~"Cf>l>}. h{)~ ifa? ().OJ{)') ~mt.OJ' (I9"Cf>l>l. officer decides, the vote counting may be
carried 'out at the constituency election office.
tJAt\. 1\U~ .}. (I...,. f.t)Y.~A::

3/ The vote counting conducted in accordance

rf hi\f. (I')().{) h ')4>1\. g oolJ'~ T (ll}"Cf>l>l.
with Sub Article (2) above shall be carried
hAt\. 1\U~'''' (I..}. ra?t)y.f.m' ~mt.
out in the presence of representatives of
r?"CIili}. f'lfI..fOJo r','J;b mh.t\,. ",}'.c,' rU1Hl
candidates of the polling station and public'"'}" (1'/,11.(1'''' f.lf£,'A::

!if t\If.U h,)4>t> h~iffJl)" nc~ on 00 t.f 4/ The Board may issue a directive for the
t\..fmfll f.",}"i\A::
implementation of this Article.
'/f; i:/i.:tnr /...r./..A ~:)/.'). :J/ "I'I'C :Iii M. I~~ .p'} Iilnil '},\I" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 54 25th June, 2007... page 3793

t:r ff:",iJ ~m~ h~"'IOUC~ 'L~T 73. Be(!inniD!~and Process of Vote Countin(!

M f: C}"0 h,.. fl 1m. h '} f. 'hn c.'4>.,. r C}"C 6li}. 11 Soon after the closure of polls the chief
fllll..e(J}' lJ"t. ~mt. fl.nD~:unc rh~J;U electoral officer of the polling stations shall,
mh.fI...:f ~\c.'rU'lIi] ;r11Cl.9):f h ,}~.17' in the presence of candidates' representatives
(I II? f: I. °/:- and public observers:

vi (lofl.'/: f:C}"o r"'m.out.~:f') -(JIlT a) record the number of electors who have
.eOUlfO/fJA: voted; and

fl.1 r ,,~(I" i'i.Cj' j)t. .e .eAcPfl.. r f: C}"

0 b) 'count and record the number of ballot
unj)6li}. mi. .,..y.:f ".(lIIT .eun W?fJA : papers invalid and not used properly.

J.I f:C}"o ~mt. hun~: un~ (It.T r f:C}"o 2/ After the bodies indicated in sub article (1)
unj)6fo}.(J)' I),..'} ~\aOI .eA'HIt..,~ ~\(i f:C}'Jo above ascertain that the ballot box has not
unj)m'} hun~:un~ (It.-r (I:ri'i1(1-r V.'1.:r been opened, remains sealed and not
un~r'l: '): I)",".C}'J .e A .,~.,. f.f.S -(JAa-r corrupted in any way, this shall be recorded
.eAf.t.,..(lT unl'''',) tl".e (I'}(}.j) h,}"'1\ li in minutes and the ballot box shall be
opened; and all the votes taken out. It shall be
r'hn"'''','} hf"J"o}' f"J1..~1m'
h~ ~fl.1.fJh.
ascertained that the box is empty.
tH' .elf (1:\" ~\a1. ') (lunht. T f:C}'J0 r.,.,..
mfJ:':(J). ml..,..y.:f (I00. fl.. .emfllfl..:: I)",".C}'J
qp. UOI'''' .e/..~1flIA::

3/ Votes given to each candidate should be

i:1 fI.~\.e')~'}~. 0~J;U f:C}'Jo r"~"'mfJ:r-(J}'
arranged and counted separately.
ml.""Y"'}" "'fI..e.,~a" .e~mt.fI...::

o..y. l' tnf'1

4/ Where' the election is to different councils ,
w 9"C6b}.(I)' f'Hl,h.,l'.(I)' I\'N'f~ 9"hC
OUlJJ-:UlJ/,.f' I\f9"hC 0..,: f"~(Jm'.} ff:9"o
votes given to each council shall be arranged
UlJ(J6b}. (l)t.4>.y.:r. h"~1\~ O:\/t 010.(1 ~14>o E first, after which votes for each council shall
UlJ(J(...,. f~1P,. 9"hC o..} .,~~'J'(~ "1P,I\4> be counted separately in accordance with
fl\./teJ}' OUlJ4>mA .e~m/..A:: Sub-Article (3) above.

(il rf:C}'Jo ~mt. 'I.~-r (lnc~ a"I)'1.. f"JAIf., 5/ Unless decided by the Board otherwise, the
(I j).,. .,. c fl..!': l. ,.. m .e C}'J fl..~ C)" h .e :f A C}": : vote counting process shall not be interrupted
or stopped.

t:§ j)t\ tp;J hAfJ r f:",iJ ouj)Qi], CD(.+.y.1- 74. Invalid Votes

lil f:C}'Jo r''''''mq:,:a'' ml..,..y.:f hOY.h,,.fI.'T 11 A ballot paper shall be deemed invalid for
C}'Jh'}.e.Y.:}: (li\,)~ tp,~ hAfJ t'\.If'" one of the following reasons:
.e :f" fI..:-
vi ruot.(.J;U I'?'}",} (lj)C)" r"'1f1.fJ(I-r a. where the name or identity of the elector
has been disclosed;
C}'JAh-r b. where the elector has voted for more
fl.1 h.,.uot.~:f ~,..C (I".e
candidates than the determined number' ,
r"'f.1.1(1T tllf": . .

(hi C}'J'}C}'J
C)"Aho}' .eA'" f.t.1(1'} c. where the elector has not voted for
tn''': anyone;
un unt.(.J;C I'?'}'} h'}~unl.m
d. where it is difficult to determine the
intention of the voter;
roy..ej):':fJ/C tn''':
lJ.'I U.~~ r f: C}'J
0 un j)6li}. m l. .,. -r .e A If., . where, it is illegal
polling station.
or not issued by the
m .eC}'J (l9"C6li}. fllll..ea" fA .,.,..t.lJ.1.
r f: C}'J0 ou j) 6li}. (n l. .,. T h If ., :
'11\' Ci'i.r..n!i (..Yu/'.A ~;Jt.-'" ,'111.°1"''I'C ,if!! /'I); Ii; ""J Iiif1.ii 'UI" Federal Negarit Gazeta NO.54 25th June, 2007... page 3794

II hlt,e (n~.fa ~,}4>t> !i oo...~.} CP.~ ~ACI 2/ Ballot papers invalidated in accordance with
f"'f.~'" tD~4>,,.:'f O~CCI:I~OJ- «oJ-.f:~» sub-article (I) above shall be counted
f07.A t>U.~ .,.t>t::CI:fOJ- f\-o;F:foJ- separately and sealed after they are marked
'''~1'~oJ- ,e:~i'i~f\.:: "INY ALID" at their back.

c:~ {}I\ .f:iJD6 ~mt- oomCj+~ 75. Conclusion of Vote Counting

09"C61>1. fllO.f f°7.l1~~OJ- f .f:9"~ ~mt. Upon conclusion of vote counting at a polling
,,'} ~ '''m'''+4>:- station
{if OtDCP'1:Ofl;roJ- f"'''7' f9"C61>1.~fa~,o7J}J:'f 1/ electoral officers, public observers and
tDh.f\..:'f representatives of candidates present shall
fU1l11 :~tIOJ1):'f "'" f"'W
~m:J>lt,e f.f:9"t> ~(afll1' f~mt.oJ- ascertain that the voting and counting process
"'" and the results thereof are valid by signing on
'I.~.} ",}~.O'9" oJ-m.t: .}hhA faf\oolr~.
the' minutes recorded and on the form
I\H.O. O°7.H.~~: OJ- :J>f\ ".Clt\. "'" f9"C61>1.
designated for the purpose. However, any
fllOur oJ-m.} 00,"('7OO?/ ~'t> It,e representative of a candidate who has
,e~t.~('''f\.:: lfc:'9" O'l.~.t:' OOJ-m-t: complaints on the process and results may
~Io;r .r f\ OJ- f"m tDh.A ~1o;roJ-'} register his complaints on the form.
I\.YfaooH "1-0 ,e :'fltA::
2/ The votes counted shall be sealed and the
~I f"'~m~oJ- f .f:9"t> oofa6l>J. tD~4>.} ;ro"! results confirmation form, minutes and the
'" hlt,e O,}O.fa ~,}4>t> l!il oo...~.} f"'_~~ form for announcing election results signed
00 OJ- f9"C61>1. fllQf oJ-m.} oo.,.o.,oo?/ in accordance with sub-article (I) above shall
~t>:- :J>f\ .,.CI% "'I f9"C61>1. oJ-m.} o.,t'jtD be sent to the constituency.
t.r ~t> f\9"C61>1.hAf\. ,eltt"JA::
3/ A copy of the form confirming the election
el f .f:9"t> ~mt. oJ-m.} oo",u.,oo?/oJ-'} f\~
results' shall be issued immediately to the
~oooJ- f"m representative of a candidate that has signed
tDtl.A ~,,}.f: ~~. tD~.f°J-~.
,e"'flIA:: on the form.

ei f~mt- lD-m/,,'i\ .,lt1\6

76. Announcement of Results
iiI 09"C61>1. fllQ.r f.,. ~~., f~mt. oJ-m.}
I! Results of the vote counting conducted at a
~ m t.OJ- 0 .,. m 'I 4>4> 0 ~ '}.f: ...t}.} OJ-fal'
polling station shall be posted on a notice
09" C 61>1. fl 10..r OJ- W,.,fa;r tDt .r ...t\.~ It,e board of the polling station in an hour after
m1'''' f\U1H~ n.e~ ,e.,I\'A:: the concl usion of counting.

-fll f9"CI>l>}, hAA f9"C61>1. ~U~.} o..,.:'f fU 2/ Upon receiving the results of the elections to
',,-0 .,.tDt"Jf-:'f'" fhAA 9"hc 0..,. '.f hClIt.} the House of peoples Representatives and
9"C61>1. oJ-m.} hf9"C61>1. flIO.f°J- "1~~ regional councils from each polling station,
~t'j:,~oJ- "'tD~~t9):'f tD,e9" tDh.f\..;F:foJ- constituency electoral offices shall, in the
0"'''7'0.} ~~9"~oJ- f'''''70J-'} OJ-m.} f\U presence of candidates or their
11-0 ,e~ f ~C~I\.:: representatives, add up and announce the
results to the public.
el "m "'tD~~t9':'f "h.A .f:9"t> 0°""17
:r:fOJ- 9"h'}.r.} hi'i'l ~,OJ-'} f\oof\f.}'
hfa 3/ Where two candidates receive equal votes and
:':.~t flf~ ",}~lf~ "h.A .f:9"t> .r"7'.} the constituency electoral office is unable to
"'tD~~t9):'f -O;F .,.f\,e.,.OJ- flC~ 0°7.lD determine the winner, reelection shall be
fa~OJ- ".11. .f: :J°7. 9"C61>1. "'}~.t"J~.f: ,e~ conducted only between the candidates who
~.~A:: have received equal votes at a later date to be
fixed by the Board.
w f9"CI>l>}, hAA f9"CI>l>I. ;}1t~,9):'f hlt,e O'}().fa
4/ After announcing the results in accordance
~ '}.,.~ f[ oo"".'} ,e~ .r ~,. .,...,.'} oJ-m.}:- with sub article (2) above, Constituency
Electoral Officers shall
'/Yi fi1.:Q:t?; /...f.{..1:\ ~:J/.-'" :JU,n, "1'1'r. .~ii M. y.~.:.p'} nnw '}.Y" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 54 25[h June, 2007... page 3795

vi t\".(J)~~t9':f m.e9" mtl.t\..;r.:,:m. a) issue a copy of result confirmation

fm.m. -r un".tl7un~ .et'lnlt\.: form to candidates or their
t\1 nm'm.-r tI7t'Jm4>..e:"0 qPA'f'OJ- ~,}f:
:,.:q. t\(lC~ ?\utt-r (t-r 'hci b) fill in the result in the- form provided
fQr the purpose and send a copy to the
nf f.t.:ql'J-t\°?17' :"C'}6b},~ ?\utt-r
(t,y.:f ,eAt)t\.:: Secretariat of the Board and to
electoral branch offices at every level.
(;1 (lC~ n~m'pi\.e f9"C6liJ. 0J-m.-r
51 The Board, until it receives all results from
hf9"C6b}, hAt\. "'mc,'~ 'h{)h.f.Ct'loJ- f:t.{)
each constituency, may announce provisional
hf9"C6b}, hAt\. funnlt\-r'} fUll11
resuits for the House of Peoples'
'MIJt)r-:fc,' fhAA 9"hC (t,y.:f ~f}i\-r
Representatives and regional councils at its
f9"C6liJ. m'm,'} nl,,>,e~~-r n(lC~
f\lJtt-r (t-r .e4. t\..ef.C'? .e',fi\A::

~I hi\.e n'}o.{) ~,}4>0 ~ f.f'm4>t'loJ- ~t'I".C 61 The practice stated in Sub Article (5) above
t\~t)f}o. 9"C6liJ. OJ-m,-r9" 'h,}f.v.~;}-m' may be applied to local elections as
".alf}".~ .elfC,'A:: appropriate,

<:1 .e 4-lf un,? t\ Ii5J. 77. Official Declaration

" f9" C 6liJ.OJ- 'I. f.. -r h .f' m CJ<#><#>CJ ~
() tt i\ 1. un t. :q
9' :f Upon the conclusion of eJection and collection of the
h".t'lnt'ln. n:\i\ (lC~.e4. f}mnIOJ- flIt t'lt\.~ necess'ary information, the Board shall, in accordance
unt'lt.-r tlH.lJ <#>'Pt\..f"'(7Dt\h1:-r'} ~1'(l:f f YH with the timetable it fixed, issue an official declaration
.e4.~ un'?t\6liJ. .emnIA:: containing the following particulars:

~I f".unH1n. unt.(}ib:f 411'C: 1I. The number of registered electors;

f: 9"0 f t'Im. un ". (}ib:f 411' C : 21 The number of electors having cast their vote;

unt.(}ib:f 31 The percentage of registered electors having

1:1 f:9"0 ft'lm.r, .eAt'lm. 'f'unll;Jn.
unm'} (lun.y.r,:: and not having cast their vote;

41 The list of elected candidates and their

w f'I.unt.m. 'h(JJ;9':f f{)9" llC'UCC,'
respective constituency;
f".unt.m.n-r f9"C6liJ. hAA:
51 The list of winner political organizations and
?;f f ~nc" t. T t\'1:t) f:C ,~:f.:f {)9"c,' nf9"hc(t'1: the number of seats they won for each
,en ~~ -r '} un 4>un 66), 'flIt -r -:


'kj 1':"9" i\.e fern: YAern: h1':"9" 0J-61!' 61 The number of used, blank and invalid ballot
f if ~ f f: 9" 0 un ()66), m t. 4>..,. t;J;b
Y ')~ '}~ papers and the total votes each candidate has
" "
nf9"C66), nlCl.ym' .e170J- f .f.:9"0 0J-m."" received in each polling station and other
Ci t\. n.. :t. 'UC 'UC un t. :q9' :t, h f 9" C 66), particular information shall be announced
hAn. ,,'} f, f.t.t'lm' "c,' ~m c,':,,(~ ',') f.(;L),t.t'I upon the receipt by the Board of same form
.e4. ,e f.C ,'JA:: each constituency,

SJD6 ~ ~ t'If}-r Chapter Seven

tll\SJD C tiI>J. ;t' tJQsP 10 T f 6 (;QJ (J) h. 1\010 T :JtI. m 7f 10 'I Election Observers. Representatives of Candidates.
fun~(}ib 10 -rSJDUC-r hO"I1' A1!ents of the Media and Voter Education
tf~ tll\SJDCIi5J. ;t'tJQsP1o 78, Election Observers

M f9"C6b},OV) 'I.fJ,' t\UlI;)',,1J fO?ttA1. f~1C II Interested domestic election observers may
0J-{)1' f9"C6b}, ;)'lln.9':r, h(lc~. nO?t'l1' observe the election process upon the
&.,p f: 9"C6b},m") nUll ;J.",tJ ~ :}'-i\n.:: issuance of license from the Board,
'I~' rif.H:t~ /"'Y.{,.A ~:)/...,.. :JfI,nl <II'PC j~ M. r~~ ""J nn:H! 'Uln Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 54 25th June, 2007... page 3796

~I h1t't: f',t'4>Ot\;F:t:oJ- (}9"91J~'f':Y. ~,)f..'t' 2/ Without prejudice to international conventions

mO<ll lf~(lJ- un')ol{}:" h{}L"1. lftJ t'l.l to which the country is a party, the
1](lJ- f'0J-6f.b f'9"C6l>1. ;1'IIO)JJ:Y.') t\..~1111 government may invite foreign observers as
.e :Y."A:: deemed necessary.

ttii fait!..? 1: h"nt'" 79. Licensing

fil flC~ f'9"C6l>1. f';1'IIO.~T L:Pf: If'.r4: 1/ The Board may issue election observation
t'l. 4>C 11 t\ T If'.r 4: OJ-') .r 4>t. 0 OJ- f: C :~ T
; license and to. Card where the requesting
lJI- OU.~lf. un,)1f: L:P f: h OJ-If'.y.
a) is legally registered and operating
f'°? ,)4>lt4>{} f'h1C 04>A f:C~T
un lf~. ') :- domestic organization;

b) is independent of any political

t\1 h"?');;:oJ-9" f'7't\'I:11 m1,),t'~~T f'(J~
unlf~.,) :- partisanship;

c) has made preparations that create a

(hi t\9"C6l>1. ~T'Ilf.~T ~"~Tri t'lt\"'/~~T
conducive atmosphere for a free, fair and
9":(: lJ.'1.,+ f'°?LIf'C 1''1~T
peaceful election; and
, "'/ f: t. 1.') :-
d) upon investigation by the Board of the
unl f:C.~'t: f'°'/..rt'l"'//'.:t:oJ- '1t\t'lfl:Y. 9"C
capability of the election observers
6l>1.(lJ-') 01t\Arf'~~T t\un ;1'1111 :y.t\,,;1'
deployed by the organization to observe
.r" :f0J- untr~.') W',/fJlt.Tri OflC ~
the election impartialIy, and where the
f""'f.~~: oJ-') f'9"C6l>1. ;1'IIO.9):Y. f'{}~ organization and its observers sign the
9"o/llC f..').0 m.e9" ununt.r un4>
election observers code of conduct
0,,:r:0J-') f:C.~rf:,)1I mh.t\,,:(:') W',/{}
issued by the Board.
Lt.9" f' ;1'110.~T L:P f:1I un ;1'mct.r
I1Cf: t\.t'llf' .e:Y."A::
2/ Where the Board denies an election observ -
lil flC ~ h".e O')().{} h ')4>,) li f'rf' f..~110J-
ation license in accordance with sub article
llt\un~",t: L:Pf: f'ht\ht\ ~,)f..lf~ .eU')~' (1) above, it shall notify this to the applicant
t\hunAI1:r: O')lJ.~ .rltoJ-:PA:: in writing.

~I ",/');;:OJ-~' f;l"C6l>1. ;1'110. h{}~9"'111C f.. ,) 3/ Where any election observer is found to be
h111oJ- '1 Yo;1' O}'l.') 4>" 4>{} h't'1] flC ~ operating in violation of the code of conduct
h')f..tJ.'1.;1'oJ- t\°1t\t'l0.9" lf~ t\mflt\oJ- and the commitments "it made, the Board may
f:C~T "'/{}m')4>ct.r Oun{}mT (}Urf"t:,) issue warning to the organization that
h'}~..rC9" (\I''/ f:t. '1 m.e9" L:P f:') deployed the observer to rectify the
h{}hunt'lt.lI f'°?f..C{} ~C9"jf f\.m{}f: irregularities witnessed or may take measures
.e:Y."A:: to the extent of revoking its license.

it f9"CQij. ;1' tin. DO11T 80. Right of an Election Observer

fit f'9"C6l>1. f';1'110.~T L:P f: f'rf't'lmoJ- f'f:C 1/ A repres.entative of an. organization who is
~T mh.A 09"C6l>1. fJlO..r Oun1ltpmc issued with an election observation license
OJ-') 'I. T f' un h:r rf' A II rf' 10. un ,t.jf
f' 9" C 6l>1. f. has the right to monitor the election process
m.e~ f''''/'1]T DOl1T ht\OJ-:: and request and obtain appropriate

~I f'9" C 6l>1. ;1' IIO. 9'

:y. f'9" C 6l>1.oJ-
') 'I. f.. T 2/ Election observers may report to the
0°?, unt\hT f' ,+119.:f(J)'') m.e9" .r ,~m secretariat of the Board any irregularities
~:foJ-') .1.f:t\.y.'f t\flC~ ~ULT o.T they observed or encountered related to the
f\.Y4>CO. .e;:y."t\.:: election process.
'I~' ri'i.?;t:~?; /...f. {,.t\ ~.:1/"'" , </I'PC:; 11 M. l:i: .,. 't Xin:Hi 'HI" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 54 25th June, 2007". page 3797

ii f~C6li/.;J:-ljo.sPT fl}fv;J- 81. Duty of Election Observers

iil °71~0J-~ &..:P1: 117 f~C6liJ, ;hIO.:': 11 Any licensed election observer shall:

vI I';rtJO."T 00 ;rmt1aJ-1 00 1 11e; a. carry and display his election

°7ftrT hftOT:: observation license;

ft/ r9"C6liJ, hfl&..,0"!.9':f r07.(lm'T1 b. respect the order given by electoral

oooot,.r °7hOc hftOT:: officers;

rhl r9"C6liJ,OJ- 'I.f.T OThhAe; 01l:PT c. have the duty to refrain from any act that
""t~1: h07..r f.C"/ °71~0J-9" may obstruct the proper and efficient
rl'"/(]C OO~mll hftOT:: conduct of the election process;

001 nc~ .rmflI0J-1 rfl.,-9""/(]C f.111 d. respect the code of conduct for observers
('7hOC hftOT:: issued by the Board;

,pl r9"C6liJ, ;rtJO.oJ- r9"C6liJ,OJ- OJ-m.T

e.. refrain from making assertion about the
0.e4. hOO1ftO. O~.T Oh 1C OJ-fIl' 9"
, If., tJh 1C OJ-6f!> If LJ fIft9"C6liJ,OJ-
election within or outside the country
before the official declaration of results;
hfl1' 1rr~1 OOfimT r1'hfthft ,,0J-::

t.1 lIClIC t,TCT hH.~~'Y. ftnc~

f. have the duty to submit detailed report to
ra7.rt.1I "/J!..;r hftOT:: the Board.

~I h"l.e 01h~fI h 1cf>t> Ii 1'1'f..,110J- 2/ Without prejudice to sub.,article (l) about a

1 f. rl'm 0 cf> If LJ I'OJ-6f!> 1'9"C6liJ, ;r tJQ foreign observer may observe the election
"nc ~ 00Y.1mflI0J- oooot,1 OOflt.T
process impartially and by respecting the
01ftArl':S"T: rV1k~1 ft~h"l~"Te; A~ sovereignty of the state and its different laws
A~ U"11'- W'7hOC r9"C6liJ,0J-1 'I.f.T in accordance with the directive issued by the
OO.-rHlI .e:f"lA:: Board.
~iif fU1111 ;rtJQsP1'- 82. Public observers

"M ".r1~1~:- 1/ Each

01 l}"C6liJ, hAA Oh 1cf>t> 1; 10.fI h 1cf>?\ a) constituency shall have 3 public

Q OOlPt..'t I'a"!.oot. m. r rUlIlI observers elected in accordance with
:rtI0.9J:f .eLJ~;rA:: Article 20(4).

ftl l}"C6liJ, fllo..r OO6.~);l: UlI11 0.e4. OOY. b) polling stations shall have five public
f. t. "/ftT 1't, 00 fIt. T 0 oy.1 f. C10J- observers elected by the public.
in an
fl11f1(] rOy.oot.m. l; rl}"C6liJ, fllCl..r official meeting.
;rtJO.9J:f .eLJ~:rA::

~I nc ~ rUlll1 :rtI0.9J:f OO?oot.m.fI.} 1."-

1'(JJ~~t, I'Tftrtt"t 1:C~.y.:f "e; r"/A 2/ The Board shall invite in writing political
"ac9J:f "1~.17' 0?\0.Cj: "1~.~OH' organizations and private candidates running
.rf.C~A:: for election to be present during the election
of public observers.
rl rUlIlI ;rtIQ9'1'-1 oo"!.OOfthT nc~ llClIC
oooot,.r .rmflIA:: 3/ The Board shall issue detailed directive
regarding public observers.
1~ ri'i.znx t..fu(,.t:\ ~;Jt"" ;JJf,flJ 4I1'C :Ii! tH.IX ""J Iil!'1ii 'J.9" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 54 25th June, 2007.. page 3798

if fTt\1:1] 1:C~+ ~"hYmr'2lA,)1JJI..~lLt\oT 83. Representatives of political organizations and

private candidates
(il 071~ aJ- 9" 1\9" C filiJ. 6 ,);0 f .,.(. 0 f' 1\ -f: 11 r
f: C ~ 7- f'9"CfiliJ.aJ-1 'I.f. 7- f'°~ h:r'" 11 Any political party that. has fielded a
AI\7-:- candidate may:

01 I\OVD~f.C07- f'9"CfiliJ. hAA ?\U~7- a) assign one fixed representative to. the
0.7-~1f: "''''(l76J!> (Dh.A: constituency for which he runs.

1\1 oo~m~f.C07- f'9"CfiliJ. hAA flC b) assign one fixed representative to each
. polling station under the constituency for
I\o7.1>ti I\"f1~1~ 9"CfiliJ. {fIRf
~ 1 f: .,. .,. l'7 6V> (D h.A : which he runs.
ununf.r(] ,e:r-"A::
(l71~m'9" f''1A 6~:- 2/ Any private candidate may:
a) assign one fixed representative to the
01 I\o~m~f.C07- f9"CfiliJ. hAA ~1f:
.,. .,. (17 6V> m h. A : constituency he runs.

b) assign one fixed representative to each

1\1 OOVD~f.C07- f'9"C6li. hAA flC I\o~ . polling station under the constituency he
17' I\"f1~1~ f'9"CfiliJ. {fIRf ~1f: runs.
un un f.r(] ,e :r-"A::
" """'(l76J!> mh.A

3/ Each political organization or private

1:1 ".f'1~1~ f'TI\~f:11 f:C~7- m,e9" f''1A candidate may assign not more than 5 mobile
"');0 0~1f: f'9"CfiliJ. hAA h?; f'(l7,eOAm. observers to a constituency.
.."wptpt mtl.I\..:r- ununf.r(] ,e:r-"A::
84. Publication of representatives
11 f(J)h.t\o "f111ClIC,..I\III/I)OJP
11 Any political organization that has fielded
(il (l71~aJ-9" 6');0 f"'(.O f'TI\-f:11 f:C~7- candidates or any private candidate shall
r, f'-" iftptpt
m ,e 9" f''1 A 6,);0 f''''' .,.(176J!> notify the constituency electoral office where
mh.I\.. :r-, {)9" 11Cl1C -"mClCl~ mh.I\":r-, they run in writing the list of their fixed and
(J;}.9"(~ hf:9"() un{}filiJ.aJ- 61\7- I .,., mobile representatives and reserves 10 days
~{}.,.f:'(O I\o7.m~f.C07- f'9"CfiliJ. hAA before the voting day.
?\U~7- 0.7- O()O.~ (17I}m~ ~I\07-::
2/ The constituency electoral office shall duly
II f'9'JCfiliJ. hAI\. ?\U~ 7- 0. 7- Of'9"CfiliJ. {f1Cl. publicize the list of fixed and mobile
.raJ- f'.."un f.0. ..""'(l76V>r, -"Htptp t mh.I\.. observers assigned to each polling station.
:r-1 I\f'9"CfiliJ. {fIO.faJ- om~rf: fl}aJ-~A::
85. Right of Representatives
it; ~OJll~ .~~+
11 Any fixed representative of a candidate has
(il f'°71~aJ-9" ,,~ """'l'76V> mh.A O.."un the right to monitor the election process;

aJ-1 'I.f. 7- f' un h :r -" A :

f. (107- (1:r f'9" CfiliJ. make a complaint and obtain appropriate
:"~:raJ-1 f'(l7~('11 ',r, un(.~ f'(l7°/77- information.
unr(]7- ~I\aJ-::
2.' Any mobile representative of a political
II f(171~aJ-9" -"m~~t f'TI\-f:11 f:C~7- organization or private candidate has the
m,e9" fa/A ,,~ ""Utptpt mtl.A o-"un right to obtain information related to the
f.OO7- (1:r f'9"CfiliJ..'If.7-1 OO7.oul\tl7- election in a place where he is assigned.
-"10. un(.~ f't17'177-OUr(]7- ~I\aJ-::
31 Any representative of a political organization
EI f07'};;:OJ'9') ""tIJ~~t fTt'\1:t} j?;C~T tlJf.9" or a private candidate shall carry out his legal
f"1A ',at: tlJh.A fll9"'}9') -f"/JO(, ClU"1 responsibility of representation without any
f-NlmO)''} fO)'hAlj' "'"111C fhlj'O)'lj' A:: influence.
1~' rfi.Xf:ii! /...Yut.A '1;16'''' ;11bnl -111'C :J!j ~); Ij; ""} Ii!f:iM '},9" Federal Negarit Gazeta NO.54 25th June. 2007... page 3799

W {}/\~&,,"(}(JD' (1C~ lIClIC oooot! !lOnlA:: 4/ The Board shall issue detailed directive for
the implementation of this article.
11 fmh.t\oT '11..;r
86. Obligations of representatives'
°'11;;: 0>-9'1 l' WI' lJ' t 9'1 If'1 'I' 4' (1'16f!' lo tJ. A : -
Any mobile. or fixed representative shall:
ji/ f9'1C6l>J.~i\&.o>- f°?Omo>-1 T61111 (l'1hnc
~/\OT: : . 11 obey orders given by the Chief Electoral
~/ ~'1fJ.o fJ/\o>- ~I-]A" 00:rlOt!o>-1
(l'1ltfT ~/\OT:: 2/ show his ID card when asked by a relevant
e/ f9'1C6l>J. U1.1 (l'1hOc'j' OU'1 f1'hl\hl\.
'I'°}fJ/"T1 hooL09" oo~m.o ~I\OT::
3/ respect the Electoral Law and refrain from
committing unlawful acts;
w (1C~ f°'1.!lOnlo>-1 flOh.I\"T f{}'19"'1fJC
f.111 oo&..t.9'J'j' (l'1hOC ,e1fJlJ'A:: 4/ sign and respect the code of ethics for
representatives issued by the Board.
ii fmh.A ~/\oocrc
87. Abs~nce of a representative
, ~l °'11;;:0>-9" hlJd: lO,e9" fhlJd: lOh.A 0/,.0.
11 No candidate or his representative may ask
9"h1!T 0'1'00 ~OOT (1:1' fJA'I'1':TiOT
for cancellation of electoral activities where
lo:" T f '1'1-]~~ f 9" C 6l>J. 'I' '1fJt,. T a>- Y::"
he has not been present at his assignment
h1Jt~t.'1I\T /\.m,e:" ~,eTA9":: place due to his own personal reasons.
g/ hi\,e 010.{) ~ 1.4'1> ~ f1' ~ '1110>- O.c.C9"
2/ Notwithstanding to sub-article (1) above, this
lOh ft. !A1'170>- lf1 1'.01\" O'I'&"mt.
Article shall not be applicable where it has
9'1h1.rT oolf'1. O.t..~1'}' ,eU ~ 14'1\ been ascertained that the representative
'I' &.."°'1. ~ ,e lr 19'1 : : absence was due to a deliberate act.

iP: 00 ;rmt.f' t,c Y: {}/\oo{}m T 88. Issuance of ID. Card

(1C~c1\U11.o ;rtIO}p:f -: 1\1'4'(I'16f!'CJ' 'I'HlJ'lJ't
The Board shall issue or cause to be issued ID.
~ lOh /\,,:f -: /\~ttm'T:f hCJ' 1\9'1C6l>J.;rtIOJP"f .
Cards to public observers, fixed and mobile
oo;rlOt.r I-]CY: ~H~~1" ,eonlA lO,e9" representatives, agents of the media and election
h1~.O'}' .r~C~A:: observers.

111 fil'1n.;Je; fOO (,-(.lib "f -r 9"tJC T

89. Civic and voter education
~/ (1C~ f1'/\.r~ f001'j';;: H1..$P:f') Ooom
1/ The Board shall, through the use of mass
4'9'1 00/,.lJd: {}1\9'JC6l>J.o>-ot '11tlCl.
media and other means that raise to
f°?.r1~OT {}AT ooo4'f{} f{}'1H.~'j'
foo/,.(;6b~f T9'1UCT ,eonIA:: public awareness, offer civic and voter
~/ (1C~ f{}'1tt~e; foo/,.(;6bT T9"UCT Ot\i\
2/ The Board may license other organizations as
Y:C~T oo{}mT ~{}&..i\1. lfc:' O.!170>- deemed' necessary to offer civic and voter
f(llI{}'I'°'1C &..:PY: ft.o'}' ,e :fi\A::
r/ tlC~ ~{}&.i\1. lfc:' 0.'170>- ~'1fJ.o 1-]1\0>-
3/ The Board may, as deemed necessary, enter a
~I-]A ~C OootptpA f{}'1H.~ he; fOOt,.
contract with a relevant body to offer civic
(;6b:f T9"UCT h1~.o'}' 1\.!~C'1 and voter education.
t.,Yu{..A ;)ff.fl/ <IITC :Ii! IH. I~~ ""} IiiY.:Hi 'Ht> Federal Negarit Gazeta NO.54 25th June, 2007... page 3800
1~' ri'i.~.~ '1;J{.''''

:I fL? 1: 11~n,1' 90. Issuance of license

(lC ~ 00 t-."'" "f 1 . Where a request for license to engage in civic and voter
fOU,1'°'/C L:P1: 'Pfck
~.4>Cl1f\""':- education is presented to the Board, the Board may
issue a license and 10, Card by ascertaining that.

lil 'Pfcf:Or1 f4>t.Oor 11I'}A:-

1/ The requesting body:
of OU;J'P. 00111: I,.:P1: 110r'P.y. f°'/.14> a) is a legally registered and operating
tt4>() 1f\Arl'~ f111C 04>A 1:C~~'
non-partisan domestic organization;
oolf~.1 -=

f\1 f\oot-.""'''f -r9"UC-r fCDn,Or1 00 () I,.
b) fulfils the criteria issued to engage in
C-r f°'/.f~'I oolf~.1-= voter education;
{hi rl' '111-r 1 011:P-r f\. CDn, f°'/. 'fA c) is able to discharge its responsibilities
oolf~.1 -= efficiently;
001 f1'CDhf\or °1/\1'111 h°'/1~Or9" f Tf\ d) the person represented is independent
1:1'} h1.p(}:Pf'l. 1f\A1'~ oolf~.1-= of any political activity;
,pi f 1:C ~1: rl'CDI'},e rl''111-r 1 f\oD 1,.09" e) the person represented is capable of
11:P-r ff\Or oolf~.1-= carrying out his duties;

1.1 1:C~rt: f(}~H.;Jlj' oot-.""'''f -r9"UC-r1 f) contributes to creating an enabling

W''1(}~~-r ~-r"'P.lj' ~, 9"C61iJ. . environment for the conduct of free
f\°,/I'}'t1: 9":f. O.~;r f°'/.I,.'PC and fair elections by expanding civic
oolf~.1-= and voter education and ensuring that
oo,/n,t---rlj' (lC~ fH;J~ar1 foot--""''f the requesting organization and its
-r9"UC-r 111'1n,'P (}~9"'111C ~ 111 004>0 .
representatives have accepted and
'ITOr1 1:C ~1:1lj' CDh.f\..:f.1 O°,/(}l,.t.9" signed the code of conduct for voter'
f(',/() l' °,/C I,.:P1: lj' 00 ;rtD 4'.f I'}C1: and civic education.
f\.I'I'P ,e "f'l A: :

~I (lC~ t~"!.?. 010.() 1114>,) li f1'Ht.H-r-r1 2/ The Board may not issue license to any organ
f\(',/ f~ 'I 11I'}A I,.:P1: 11,el'l'P9" 11f\00~ that does not fulfil the criteria in sub-article
4>~19" (MO.~ f\11OOAI'}"f fttor:PA:: (1) above and shall. notify its refusal to give
license to the applicant in writing.
i:1 (''/1 ~ Or 9" f°,/ () rl' °,/ C I,.:P 1: f l' 1'1m Or
3/ Where any licensed institution or his
1'*9"9" lf~ 1'CDI'},e h(}~9"'111C ~ 10.lj'
h 111Or
() h l' 17 representative is found to have been
'1 Yu;r Or t;t). 1'1.14>tt 4>
(lC~ h1~O.~;rOr 0'1f\I'I0.9" lf~ f\CDh operating in violation of the code of conduct
f\Or 1:C~-r 0'/(}m14>4'.f Ooo(}m-r and his commitments, the Board may issue a
(}U1-rt:1 h1~..ec9" f\ (''/1: I. '1 CD,e9" warning to the representative or the
I,.:P ~ 1 h (}tJ001'1I. 'H f°,/. ~C () hC:9"~
institution to rectify the mistakes or may take
f\.CD(}1: ,e"f'lA:: measures extending to revoking the license.

4/ An organization licensed to offer voter

Q/ 01111: 9"C61iJ.CD:"-r fOol,.""'''f -r9"UC-r
f\oo(}m-r O(1C~' I,.:P1: frl'I'ImOr education in an election shall not participate
. in observation of the same election.
1:C~-r OH.fOr 9"C61iJ. 'I,e 09"C61iJ.
;rtJO.~"'" oott1'~ 11,e"fA9"::
J...~.t.A ~.:Jt..,. .:Jltfll <IITC .~!! tU. It ""} Iiif'jii 'tI/" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 54 25th June, 2007... page 3801
= c7ij;

'1li nl1:JII.m?f"f 91. Journalists

Ii jil"71?/ aJ-l}') ;>lI.m?/ (lC ~ r°'l..f'tmaJ-1 1/ Any journalist, who carries the ID. Card
00 ;1'(D4:' 000'11 rl}"C61>J,aJ-') 'I. ~ T issued by the Board, may r.eport the election
ftooh;1'-I'A ~ T"A:: process.

J[I 1171?/aJ-l}" ;>lI.m?/ h"~ 010.{} h'}cf>t> Ii 2/ Any journalist shall refrain from any act
r -I'm cf> f't -I' OJ Cl?- '} f't. ,h r, aJ- '} l}') C 61>J,aJ-1 obstructing the election process while
h°'l.,f-r,:"«t: D?1?/aJ-l}" -I'OJClC oo~ml1 carrying out his activities provided in sub-
hftOT:: article (1) above.

rl 871?/ OJ-l}" ;> II.m ?/ r l}"C 61>J,aJ-aJ- to. T 0~ ~ 3/ No journalist shall give opinions about the
h001ftO. O~.TOU1C aJ-{}1'l}" If~ hU1C results of the election within or outside the
aJ- at. If if {}ft l}" C 61>J,OJ- aJ- to. T
oo{}mT rftOTl}"::
h {}-I' r T , country before the official declaration of

fH 117,}?/aJ-l}" ;>lI.m?/ (lC ~ r07..fwnlaJ-1 4/ Any journalist shall respect the code of
rl}"C61>J, hH;>111 r{}~l}"OJClC ~ 111 117hOC conduct for election reporting issued by the
hftOT:: Board
~C)t-«t: ()~1T Chapter Ei1!ht
Complaints and Disputes Arisin1! from the
Qrc_Qi}. 'Lf-T nt\Dt~(a.. nCL-J;:1'1P"fc;bCtl(~T
Electoral Process
'11 . UDev 92. Principle

!il (lC~ Ol}')C61>J,'I.~T r07.~f't. hftOOOJClCl.y.:f 11 The Board shall establish, at every level, Political
oaJ- ~~TC,' O{}l}')l}')~T ftoo«t:;rT r07..f{) Parties' Joint Forum that enables to resolve
TA rTftrl:t) f:C~.y.T r ;Jt. oof:t.h disputes related to the election process through
dialogue and understanding.
or~t.~aJ- ,*4I"7A::
2/ Any decision-making body to whom
~I OH.V l}""t.«t: oof'tt.T hchC'T "hr,
complaints and grievances are presented in
hC1.rf:;1'sPT rcf>t.O.ftT OJ-,,'" f't~ ht)A
accordance with this chapter shall look into
r l}"C61>J,aJ- 'I.~ T ~, 1" «t: T ifcr.r, f't °7 «f If if the matter and give instant decision based on
l' A ft°7 Mf A r l}"C61>J,aJ.1r" 1.It f'tt\. ~
1-'t cf>
"oof'tt.T . the election timetable to ensure that the
OD?f:t.OJ oocf>OAr, h~nfij aJ-"'" election process continues in a free, fair and
oo{}mT ~ifCO;1'A::
peaceful manner.

i:1 ('71?/aJ-l}" hC1.rf:;1' Ot>U.«t: 00:"1.11 hftOT::

3/ Any complaint should be presented in
gl (lC~ ft°?cf>CO.ftT hC1.rf:;1'sP"f ow:,..f:
oo«t:Trh. ftoo{}mT r07..f{}:fftaJ- hf'tt.C 4/ The Board shall put in place a system in
or ~t.~aJ- 0°'1.17' rl}')C61>J, t>V~T C1.'Y.:f
electoral offices at every level to give a
~flt.;>A:: timely decisioQon the complaints submitted.

(;1 r l}"C61>J,hAft. ?" ~. l}"C61>J,aJ-10 f't"°7cr.r, 5/ The head of the constituency electoral office
V:J~ Olf~ 0011f: ft°7ttr,w1 h{}~"1. Olf~ may ask for the assistance of a police force a~
oom'} r Tft.{} U~A 1 Tl1l1C ft.m,e.:" deemed necessary to conduct the election in ,
~:f"A:: peaceful and legal manner.

'hI Ofl.V htp~ h'}cf>t> {tj}: 1. "hc" 1./i h-l' 6/ Except for Articles 79, 90 and 91 of thi!
~ ~11aJ- O{}r"cf>C °71?/aJ-l}" rTftrf:t) Proclamation, any candidate of a politica
f:C~T W~l}') rOJA "haD (lC~ Ol}')C61>J, organization or private candidate may objec
'I.~ T r °'1.f'tm aJ-1 aJ-1) '1. w ~ l}') T" tl1l to the decision or order given by the Boan
ooo'pWl}" ft~ofot.A m:""~ «t:Cf: C1.T and appeal to the Federal Supreme Court.
~OJCl~ ('7:"1.11 ~:f"A::
1~' Ei'i.ff!t t..f./..A '1,:1/"'" </1'1'1. :Ii! (U. r.:J.: "") Ii!.~:Hi 'uu Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 54 25th June. 2007... page 3802

XI nc~ (J)~CJ" Of~l.jfoJ-f°1. 17' fCJ"C6l>J. 7/ The Board or electoral officers at every level
h () ~ '101.91'f f 4>l.H. h 0.1: ;r 91:f 1 .ft 00 If: may subpoena or order to present written or
.or-r f°1./{):fA foo''1{)-r hIJA1 (J)~CJ" other evidences a government body or any
ool.jf tt/IT f°1.:fA "71~0J-CJ" ()m. OhlJA person who is able to provide evidence to
h 1~. 4>C-Cl (J)
~CJ" f,)V.lf: (J) ~CJ" (\."\ 117{)l.jf decide pn the complaints.
h1~./4>C11 ft./l1 ~:fi\A::

;J;I nc~ fCJ"C6l>J.'I.~-r1 f°1./~C;:"lf: 117C;:r 8/ Where the Board is aware or received a
0J-9') (J)1~:A oo~tJoP'1 (J)~CJ" ooo~tJCJ" complaint supported by an evidence that any
i\~ 000'.,.1 ()./0J-:" (J)~CJ" oool.jf f-I'f. 1~ criminal act that obstructs the election
hCl. 1:;r ().~c()aJ- U.~~ hCCJ"jf h 1~.m()~ process has been committed or is being
1.~~1 (J)~07.oofth-t0J- hlJA ~ool,.A:- committed, it may refer the case to a
~h;r .,.i\A:: concerned authority for a legal action and
follow the matter.
nl 11
uH.U CJ'(,t.lf: tIn \, ~~h
n1.,-') 1~
,''-,).... 1;' h
ron nil)
'\ t ... ~h

0-1' ~ .,110J- oo()l. -r

O.,.4>oomoJ- 1.tI. ho.-I: 9/ Any person who has not submitted his
complaint or appeal within the period
:rOJ-1 (J)~CJ" ~'1Cl7.1 li\4>l.O "71~m'CJ"
()0J- ho.-I::r (J)~CJ') ~'1Cl~ f"7:"1.-Cl oo-Cl-I: specified in Articles 93-96, shall be barred
O~C_~ ~.or1~A:: from submitting his complaint or appeal.

, 10/ Courts shall hear electoral cases. lodged

XI If:C~ o.'Y.:f f.l.jfOJ-1 m-Cl~ f4>1.0i\:fm'1 following procedure in accordance with the
fCJ"CIi6}. 1.~~ OlJ1 OO1'1{)-1: hr,' h '1Cl11
Cli\:roJ- u'):f oo()l.-r .f'{)-I'ri'1~ft.:: h{)~i\l constitution and relevant laws. They may
assign a tribunal that looks into electoral
lfti ().1~CJ" fCJ"CIi6}. 1.~r-:f1 f07.oofth-r
:fft,,-r ft.oo~O. ~:fi\ft.:: cases as necessary.

III Courts shall not hear an electoral case

I~I If:C~ {l..y.'-f onc~ (J)~CJ" Of~l.jfoJ-
indicated in sub-article (10) above that has
(l°1. 17' fCJ"CIi6}.h{)~ '101. hlJ'I -r 0:" ~O?l
not been heard and decided by the Board or
.fA;rfr,' fooatl.7i OJ-I)'" /'1171. hi\~ electoral officers at every level.
01h'{) h14>') I f"'~"110J-1 fCJ"CIi6}.1.~~
117f-r h~"fft.CJ"::
93. Complaints Relating to Electors' Registration
. 'if Hoot.~T CJ"lI'lCl'l.g-rilt\~~"".hcbC'T
1/ Where a person is denied of registration as an
.M 1171~0J-?' i'lm' Ooot.6J.1'''-r hOOOO1f1-Cl elector, he shall have the right to lodge a
f07. / "I ~ lJ..,.;r ()..f;J T 00 OJ- ft CJ"C Ii6}.
complaint with the .electoral office of the
fJ10..fO" ho.1::r ()°1. fI07.-1; ho.-l::rOJ-1 polling station and seek decision thereon.
h:"cn OJ-I)'" fI17'17-r OO-Cl-r hft°J-::
2/ A person or political organization
gl 00 -Cl-r f t\. ft 0" en~ CJ" 0 00 t. 6J;I>"
-r 00 00 11 complaining that a person who has no
() OJ- l fth "I Cl-Cl .,. 00
1 -Cl f t\. ft O-r 1''1 l)..A eligibility to register as an elector has been
f07.A -I,:POJ-qn lftO,. ()O,. (J)~CJ" registered shall have the right to lodge its
fT ft -t:IJ ~ C }: -r-I':Pm. quOJ-1 ft9"CIi6}. complaints to the polling station Grievance
fJlO..fOJ- ho. 1::1' ()°1. fl°1.-1; h:"Cn Hearing Committee and seek a decision.
OJ-I)'" f"7°17-r oo-Cl-r hftOJ-::
3/ The Polling Station Grievance Hearing
;:1 fCJ"CIi6}. fJ10..fOJ- ho.1:;r ()07. tI07.-1; Committee shall, upon investigating the
f 4>l. O.ft -r 1 h 0. -I:;r 91~-f 00 C CJ')(": 0 ?;"Q matter, give decision within 24 hours.
()h-r OJ-{)'}' °"1)'" .f()fJ1A::
4/ Where the Polling Station Grievance Hearing
!il fCJ" C Ii6}. fJlo. / OJ- h 0. -I:;r () 01. fl 01. rI; hi\ ~ Committee fails to give decision to a
01h'{) h14',) li ft4>l.Oft-r ho.1:;r Ol!Q complaint submitted in accordance with Sub-
()h-r OJ-ilT
oJ-I)'" IJA()m 0 ho. 1: ;r Article (1) above with in 24 hours, it shall be
h :"t.O. OJ- T l <k h 1 ~ il"7°7 ~~mt.A:: deemed to have agreed to the request made
by the complainant.
1~' [it;r;H 6..fu('.A ~;Jt..,. .~II,nl </I'I'e jfi (U. I;r; ""} H!Y.:Hi '}.9" Federal Negarit Gazeta NO.54 25th June, 2007... page 3803

{;I hl\.e o'}o.(} h'}eI>t> g t\eI>~OO}< ho.1:~ 51 Where the Polling Station Grievance
P9'JC66J, nlO..f'O}< ho.1:~ t'l°? tlO? -t Ol!§ Committee has not responded to a complaint
t'lq.-,.. O}<(}'f' O}<I}~ t}At'lm ho.'l:~ submitted in accordance sub-article (2) above
h;h~.o.O}< t\9'JC66J, tIAA t>UL'-'" 0.'-'" within 24 hours, the complaInt shall have the
h 0. '1:;r t'l°? tl o? '1; 0 ~t t'I
q.-,.. O}<() right to appeal to the constituency Electoral
.e"lfJ~ Ptlll'-"~l1 unll'-'" ht\O}<::
Office within 48 hours.

£IlOue O}< h 0. '1: ~

. 6/ An appeal to the Constituency Electoral
'kl 09'J C 66J, t'l°? taU?,1;
Office in objection of the decision given by a
P'I't'lmO}<'} 0}<1}'h oun .pm9" t\9'JC66J, hAt\.
Polling Station Grievance Hearing
ho.'l: ~ t'l°? tl°?,'1; PO? eI> C11 .e "1fJ~ O}<I}
'h Committee shall be submitted within 48
h'l't'lmO'-'" o~t t'lh'-'" O}<(}'f' un'-"~ll hours from the time of the decision.
7/ The Constituency Grievance Hearing
XI P9'JC66}, hAt\.ho.'l:;r t'l°? tIO?,1; Committee shall investigate and decide on
PeI>~Ot\'-"''} .e"1fJ~ un C 9"(": O?;§ t'lh'-'" the complaint within 24 hours
O}<(}'f' 0}<1}'h .et'lnlA::
8/ Where the Constituency Grievance Hearing
tl P9"C66J, hAt\. ho.'l:~ t'l°? 11°?,'1; Pel> Committee has not given decision within 24
~Oo}< .e"1fJ~ t\un6-6f]>~'-'" hunun1f11l hours for a complaint of denial of registration
p'l'ht\ ht\ t'I.lf,} "hr. O?;§ t'lh'-'" O}<(}'f' a's an elector, it shall be deemed to have
0}<1}'h t}A t'lm O.e '1fJ~ h~Jt.O.o}< l' .e<k consented to the demands of the complainant.
" "h'}f.'I'(}o,/"? .e~m/~A::
9/ Where the Constituency Grievance Hearing
ill t\9'JC66J, hAt\. ho.'l:~ t'l°? tl°?,'1; PeI>~ Committee has not given decision in 24 hours
Otl~'1fJ~ P'l'unH10'} unt.6J!' t\un'pm9" for a complaint of objection to the alleged

t'I.If'} "hc,' O?; § t'lh'-'" o}<(}'f' 0}<1}'h t}At'lm illegal. registration of an elector, the
.e"1fJ~ fJ~ O?;§ t'lh'-'" o}<(}'f' t\m~~o}< complainant b<1s the right to appeal to the
~CY: 0.'-'" .e"lfJ~ Ptl?'-"~ll unll'-'" ht\O}<:: Woreda court in 24 hours.

10/ The polling station electoral office shall

II P9'JC66J, hAt\. ho.'l:;r t'l°? tIO?'1; OO?t'lmO}< conduct its duties in accordance with the
0}<1}'h unt'l~'-'" P9'JC66J, nlO.YO}< t>UL'-'" 0.'-'"
decision given by the Constituency
(}t.o}<') .ehc,'o}<r.A::
Grievance Hearing Committee.

llil P9'JC66J, hAt\. ho.'l:;r t'l°? tl°?,'1; Ot'lm°}< III Any individual or political organization
OJ'I}'h .-,.C P'I't'l7 t'lo}< m.e9'J PTt\'I:t} dissatisfied by the decision given by the
Y:c~'-'" t\(JJ~~(J}< ~CY: 0.'-'" o?;§ t'lq.-,.. Constituency Grievance Hearing Committee
OJ'(}'f' .e"1fJ~ PtI?'-"~11 unll'-'" ht\O}<:: shall have the right t6 appeal to the Woreda
pmt.~OJ~ ~CY: 0.'-'" Pt'lmO}< 0}<1}'h9U court within 24 hours. The decision given by
puna1~i1' .elfr.A:: the Woreda court shall be final.

IgI hl\.e o'}o.(} li

PO?eI>Cll ho.'l:~
h'}eI>t> 12/ A complaint to be submitted in accordance
Punt.bfW:Y. P9'J1f1fJ P1.H. t'lt\~ "h(}h°?m with Sub Article (1) above shall be lodged
r.4>'-"O'-'" 1.H. .elfr.A:: until the end of registration of electors in the
election timetable.
lEI hl\.e o'}o.(} h'}eI>t> g P°?eI>Cll ho.'l:;r
hunt.bfW:Y. P9'J111fJ cf>'} ~ 9"(": pun t.bfW:Y. 13/ The period for lodging a complaint indicated
un1111l .e4. p°?If'}O'-'" 1.H. "h(}t)o?.eA'-" in Sub Article (2) above shall be from the
Y:~(} .elfCJA:: date of registration unti I the end of the date of
public display of the electoral roll.
1~ Ci' ~~.(rA ~.:Jt"" ;JH.1l/ <IITC !lQ /'I), I;r; "") IUl'.Ht 'J.r Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 54 25th June, 2007... page 3804

10 ~ {)~_SP "f . JJ~1I1~ 'lgT"'A~~~ J1C_bC"T 94. Complaints Relating to Candidates Registration

~/ °71~0}<9" (a0)< m~9" r 7't\1:"" '1:C~~ 11 Any person or political organization denied
Oi\au~~ hOOOO1l111 r°7.!"11: V'~;r of registration for candidature shall have the
(a.! ;J 'J'00 O)< t\ 9" C 6fiJ. h At\. h 0.1: ;r (a°'1. right to lodge a complaint to the Constituency
11°'1.i; ~~:rO}<1 h~C(J ooAfl r07"11~ Grievance Hearing Committee and get a
ooll~ ht\O}<:: decision.

~/ h11: oat Ooat~~ oo~(.l1 rt\(l~9" 21 Any individual or political organization that
r°'1.A rf''po}<qo .ft\o)< (ao)< m~9" objects to the registration of a candidate shall
r 7't\1:"" 1:C~~ I\9"CliliJ.hAt\. ho.1:;r have the right to lodge a complaint to the

(a°7. 11°7.i; ho.-f:;raJ-1 Constituency Grievance Gearing Committee

J\~C(J o}<t')~
r07"17~ ooll~ J\t\aJ-:: and seek a decision.

r9"CIiIiJ. hAt\. ho.1:;r (a°7. 11~ i; 31 The Constituency Grievance Hearing

r/ Committee shall investigate and decide on
r"'('0t\~1 J\0.1:;r ooC9"~ O?;'Q (ah~ the complaint submitted to it within 24 hours.
o}<fl'J' o}<t')~ ~(afllA::

4/ Where the Constituency Grievance Hearing

Q/ r9"CIiIiJ. hAt\. ho.1:;r (a~ t}°'1.i; h~~ .
Committee does not give decision within 24 hours
01h.fl h1.,.o li t\"'(,0t\~ J\0.1:;r O~Q
, (ah~ o}<fl'J' o}<t')~ ""A(am O~o.1::r
to the complaint submitted to it in accordance with
sub article (1) above, it shall be deemed to have
h~t.o.O}< 'J'.fck i\1~rf'fl07°7 ~~mt-A:: . agreed to the demands made by the complainant.

"(;1 h~~ 01J\.fl h1.,.o f[ t\"'(.0°)< ho.1:.+ 51 Where the Constituency Grievance Hearing
r9" C IiIiJ. h A t\. J\0.1: ;r (a°'1. t!°7.i; 0 ~ Q Committee does not give decision in 24 hours
(aJ\~ o}<fl'J' o}<t')~ ""A(am ho.1::r for 'a complaint lodged in accordance .with
J\cft-o.o}< 0C'f[ (a~~ aJ-fl'J' t\hAt\. sub article (2) above, the complainant may
cfC11i1iJ.~outt ~ 0. ~ ho.1:;r (a°7. 11°7.i; appeal to the Regional Electoral Office
~"111~ °7~('1I ~:'f~A:: Grievance Hearing Committee within 72
~I I\i\~~~ hoooo1f111 rrf'ht\ht\ r 7't\1:""
1:C~~ i\au (J}~91J r"1A i\ac i\ 1~.V.9" 61 A political organization or private candidate

~ r h 11:1 i\au 9"1f111 r°'1..Pm9" (ao)< (J)~9" denied of registration for candidature or
objects to the registration of a candidate may
r7't\1:"" 1:C~~ r9"CIiIiJ. hAt\.1 ho.1::r
(a~ tti'J1.'i; o}<t')~ Ot7D~m9" t\hAt\. reject the decision of the Constituency
~ 1\Vtt ~ 0. ~ h 0.1: ;r (a°'1. t)°7.i;
cfC11i1iJ. Grievance Hearing Committee and appeal to
the Regional Electoral' Office Grievance
OG'~ (a~~ O}<fl'J'~"111~ 1\07~(.11 ~T~A:: Hearing Committee.
%I rhAI\. ~C11i1iJ.~ 1\utt~ o.~ ho.1:;r (a°'1.
.71 The Regional Electoral Office Grievance
11°'1.i; ~"111~ "'Clll\~ o~t (ah~ o}<fl'J' Hearing Committee shall give decision to a
o}<t')~ ~(afllA::
complaint submitted to it within 48 hours.
r;/ t\hAA ~C11i1iJ.~ 1\utt~ o.~ ho.1:;r (a°'1. 8/ Woere the Regional Electoral Office Grievance
t}~i; r.,.(.oo)< ~"111~ t\i\au~~ Hearing Committee does not give decision to an
hoooo1l111 rrf'ht\ht\ (a.lf1 i\c; o~t (ah~ appeal' about denial of registration for candidature
o}<fl'J' o}<t')~ ""A(am 0~"111~ h~t.O.O}< in 48 hours, it shall be considered to have
'J'.fck i\1~rf'fl('7°7 ~~mtrA:: conceded to the demands of the complainant.

i!/ 1\tJ A A c;:: 1\ utt

~ C 11i1iJ. ~
h 0.1: ;r (a°7. 0. ~ 91 Where the Regional Electoral Office Grievance
tt°'1.i; r.,.(.oo)< ~"111~ rh11:1 i\au Hearing Committee does not give decision to
9"1f111 ooo~m9" ""lf1 i\c; o~t (ah~ an appeal about objection to registration for
o}<fl'J' o}<,..~ ""A(am ~"111~ ll~ o~t (ah~ candidature in 58 hours, the complainant has
o}<fl'J' I\hAt\. m~~~ ~C1: o.~ ~"111~ the right to appeal to the Regional Supreme
r('7~('11 ooll~ ht\O}<:: Court inn 48 hours.
1j\' C7t;i;rl; ~~.MJ\ ~;.Jt-'" ;.Jll.flJ ofJTC !/!j IU. l;i; ""J lUr'.Hi 'HI" Federal Negarit Gazeta No, 54 25th June, 2007" ,page 3805

II fhAt\. :"C')6l>J.C;:~u.<.-"I' 0.-"1' ho.1:;1' O~ lOt The Constituency Electoral Office shaH carry
tI°?,rl; fl°?,Omo>- OJ-I)~ 000(.-"1' f9"C6l>J. out its duties in accordance with the . decision
hAA ~u.<.-"I' 0.-"1' c)6-°>-') fh'lo>-'IA':: given by the- Regional Electoral Office
Grievance Hearing Committ~e.
Ilil flhAt\. ~C')6l>J.C;:.f~U'<'-"I' 0.-"1' ho.r#::.r 0°? 11/ Any complainant dissatisfie'd by the decision
tlO?,rl; flrt'Omo>- 0J-1)~ :,.C frt'07 ,e'?ll~ of the Regional Electoral Office Grievance
ll,e ,e'?1l7'') 0J-1)~ hrf'Omfl-"l' 1.11. h,)C).y. Hearing Committee may appeal to the
fl48 Oh-"l' OJ-c)T t\hAt\. m:"",e ~C1: 0.-"1' Regional Supreme Court in within 48 hours
I'?~('rfl ,e:f"A:: ~C1: 0.1: fO?OmOJ- of th,e decision. The decision given by the
oJ-I)"" foo,;Q.(. if ,elf'l A:: court shall be final.

HV fl/la1;~-"I' hoooo1l1rfl frf'ht\ht\,) f Tt\1:tJ 12/ A complaint about denial of registration for
1:C~-"I' 1O,e9" f,,?A ha1;') fl°?,oot\h-"l' candidature of a political organization or a
fO?cJ>Crfl ho.r#:;1' fha1; 9"1I111 f1.H. Ot\.~ private candidate shall be lodged until the
hc)h°?,m'l"':"fl-"l' 1.11. ,elf'lA:: end of the registration of candidates,

Irl f h ') 1:') /la1; 9"1I111 floo :P109" f°?, "'Crfl 13/ A complaint about objection to the
ho.r#:;1' hha1;sPT f9"11111 .,.') ~9"C' registration for candidature shall be lodged in
frt'ooH1fl. ha1;sP:f ,e~ hc)h°?,lf')fl-"l' .,.') the period between the beginning of
1:('C) ,elf'lA:: candidates' registrations up to the official
announcement of registered candidates.
j?;. ng;?Vt)noltfl1Tn 'LKTlJt\~1o- _bCbC"T
95. Complaints Related to Voting
IiI h,)1: 006-6f.b 1:9"iJ hooc)m-"l' f°?"f'?f.O>-
tJ.",. ;1' O..<.m C 1O,e 9" fl 00 6-6f.b~-"I' 00 rfl1:
1/ Where an elector is denied of voting or when
there is objection to his voting right, he shall
",e rf' :Po>-qo O. "'Crflfl-"l' :"1o;1'0J-') lO~.f
O>-~. t\l}"C6l>J. "lO..f ho. r#:;1' 0°?, tlO?, rl;
have the right to lodge a complaint to the
rfl-"I' h t\OJ-: : Poling station Grievance Hearing Committee
W'?:" (. rfl OJ-I)",. f/'?'?7 -"I' 00
and get a decision,
~I f9"C6l>J. "lO.f ho.1:;1' 0°?, tlO?,rl;9":-
2/ The Poling station Grievance Hearing
Committee may
01 1.H.fCf. 1:l}"iJ h ')~.OT fl/'? 1:(. '?
1.~~ ') 1Of.l}"C6l>J. hAt\. ~u.<.-"I' a, allow temporary voting and refer the
0.-"1' floo"h OJ-I)"" h')~.f1~ case for the decision to the Constituency
t\.ff.C'? ,eT"A 1O,el}" Electoral Office; or
t\1 1.H.fCf. 1:9"iJ ooc)m-"l' ft\fl-"l'sP' rflt\..
t\.1Oc)') ,e:f"A:: b, decide that the complainant shall not cast
temporary vote,
rl h",e fl,)O.c) h').,.iJ ~ (0) 000(.-"1' 1.H.f~ 3/' A vote casted in accordance with sub article 2
1:9"iJ fOm 006-6f.b h9"C6l>J.hAt\~ ho.1:;1' (a) above shall be made invalid unless the
0°?, tl O?,rl; 1O,e 9" h ') f. tJ. ~ ;1' OJ- h 1O(. ~OJ- complainant presents before the adding up of
C;:C1: 0. -"I' fOO9" (. T OOrfl-"l' h ,)~t\0J-
votes an evidence from the Constituency
f°?,1AiJ '0>-1)",. f1:9"iJ I'?~oo~ hOOm'l"'c1l Electoral Office. Grievance Hearing
fl.(.-r t\l}"C6l>J. hAt\. ~u.<.-"I' 0.-"1' tJ"4'(.fl Committee or from the Woreda court as
fOmO>- 1.H.fCf. 1:9"iJ OJ-1::" ,ef.(.;JA:: appropriate stating that he has the right to
vote, .
QI fl,)O.c) h ,)4>iJ ~ (t\) frt'OmOJ-') OJ-I)~
flOO:PlOsP' t\9"C6l>J. hAft. *u.<.-"I' 0.-"1' 4/ A complaint about objection to a decision

fO?"'Crfl ho.r#:;1' f1:9"iJ 00c)6l>J. Oh-"l' given in accordance with sub article 2 (b)
h"?t\c1l fl.(.-"I' oJ-I)"" 11l/'?7-"1' ,e'i'Cfl;1'A:: above shall be lodged before the conclusion
l}"C6l>J. "Ifl.Y°J-l}" flOJ-I)",.OJ- 000(.-"1' of the voting time. The poling station shall
,e.<.iJ"?A:: implement the decision.
1~' ri'; <"Y.t.A ~;1t."'" ;1/1."1 </I'I'C !t!i M. 1;'t .,.") nn:Hi '}.SID Federal Negarit Gazeta No.54 25th June, 2007... page 3806

(;1 09"C6l>J. hAt'\. ho.1::1' 0°1. 11°1.-t a"''1~ 51 Any person dissatisfied by the decision of the
:toc rTOJ 1.H.f~ f:9"iJ hoo{}m"" Constituency Grievance Hearing Committee and
oa,. CD~.fa"~, .e"1llJ''} t'\CD~~a" denied of temporary voting may immediately
rTht'\ht'\ appeal to the Woreda court. The Woreda court
~Cf: 0."" (l1.p~11 .e:r-ItA:: rCD~~a" ~Cf: shall give its decision before the conclusion of the
0. ..,. r f: 9"~ OD {}6:i},a,. 0 h ..,. tJ 00 m lj' ef>~ voting time; and the decision shall be final.
0.(."" a,.tt~ .eOfllA; a,.tt~a"9" rooaJ.~7j
.etre;A: :

~I rh'}f:'} oot.6f!' f:9"iJ oo{}m"" r~~a"9" 61 Any person objecting to the voting right of an
oa,. hlt.e (lT~~'l'la,. ooo~..,. ho.1::1'OJ-'} ele~tor shall have the right to lodge his
(lr-~~jfa,. r(l1~~~11e; a,.tt~ rU1"1J"" 0011"" complaint and get decision in accordance
ht'\a,.:: with the procedures provided above.

1i n~mt-'LfJt'i OJ-m.Tuf)ltt1?~o.hCbC"T 96. Complaints Relating to Vote Counting and

..,. It.e .p &.:1'
iiI (If: 9" iJ m t. 'I.~ ..,.e; (Ia,. ~
f t'\ a,. (11'} ~ a,. 9') r T t'\1: ... f: C ~..,. CD.e9') 1/ Any political organization or private candidate or
r "1 A h 'J;\: (D .e9') CDh.A .p &.:1' a,. '} t'\9" . representative who has comaplints on the vote
counting and results may get his complaint
C6I>j, fllO.,fa" ho.1:;Jo 0°'/. t1°'/.rl; h{}oo
recorded to the Polling Station Grievance Hearing
" 1-1"1(1 .eU'}~. .p&.:1' (I~t ol}"" o"{}'P Committee, and may submit the same complaint to
t'\9"C6l>J. hAA ho.1::1' O~ 11~-t ~f .the Constituency Grievance Hearing Committee in
4>Cl1 .e:'fItA:: 48 hours.

gl r9')C6l>J. hAt'\. ho.rl::1' (to'/. 11°1.rl; hlt.e 21 The. Constituency Grievance Hearing
(I'}O.{) h ,}ef>iJ li ooo~..,. ref>~(lt'\""'} Committee shall investigate and give
ho.1::1' OOC9')~ (I~t Oh"" a,.{}'P a,.tt~ decision on the complaint submitted in
.eOfllA:: accordance with sub article (1) above in 48
EI hlt.e (I'}O.{) h ,}ef>iJ g (lToma,. a,.tt~ .pc
rTOJ ho.rl:;Jo a,.tt~ (lToma,. 31 Any complainant dissatisfied by the decision
0(; 4>'} OJ-{}'P .e "1ll ~ t'\(1C ~ U1.p~ 11 given in accordance with sub article (2)
.e:r-ItA:: (1C~ ref>~(la"'} .e"1ll~ OOC9"(": above may appeal to the Board in 5 days. The
rOOaJ.~7i a,.tt~ .eOfllA:: Board shall investigate the complaint and
give final decision.
Q/ .e"1ll~ ll~ (1C~ roma,.'} OJ-tt~ (l00~
CD9') (1(; ef>'} a,.{}'P t'\~!!ut.A m.plt.e 41 A complainant dissatisfied by the decision of
~Cf: 0."" .e"1ll~ (11.p~11 .e:'fItA:: the Board may appeal to the Federal Supreme
Court in 5 days.
l;1 r.(o!!utrA m.plt.e ~Cf: 0.""9" hlt.e
51 The Federal Supreme Court shall give decision
(I'}O.{) h'}ef>?\ Q ooo~..,. t'\ef>~(lt'\""
a,.tt~ .eOfllA:: to the complaint submitted to it in accordance
.e"1ll~ (lr";Ft'\ ~'P~"" with sub article (4) above as soon .as possible.
9"6t-Cf: Hm~
r T h t'\h t\- T"1ll t- T
Chapter Nine
11 m:"ltlt Prohibited Acts
97. General
(lh...(o.~..t. rCD,}~:A UOl (lU1-Ill~ 9"C6l>J. he;
(If:9')iJ hOfll'P It.e r°'/.~f)OD' rCD'}:P.A Without prejudice to the provisions related to
f:'}~~~:r- h1~Tm(l. tr~OJ- (I~U 9"ht-~
popular elections and vote casting in the FDRE
Pena Code, committing acts prohibited in this
r T h t'\h t'\. T "1llt.""'} dO ~ f) 9" (IU"1 f {}ef>fll A: :
Chapter is punishable by law.
1~ ri'i.~n t.,Y.6.A ~;Jt..,. :J/ "''S'c .Y!i (J). I~
lii.I:'.Ui 'i.II" Federal Negarit Gazeta No,54 25th June, 2007... page 3807

j~ fSJDC"'i (a~p.."f") OtJ1CD1' OD")1~ OI\"'Irf'SJD 98. Illegal Printing and Possession of Election
~'1 OD.fll Documents

(1?")~OJ-9') ",oJ- m~9') 1:C~T h(lC~ t.~ 1: Whosoever has, without the consent of the Board,
OJ-6}!> (1?1~oJ-19" f9"C6l>J. "'~1:Cj', cftt)4IO printed, duplicated, forged any election document
.frf'oo: .ffltl: ft.O~h m~9" ~U1 foo"'t\ and material' or found to have possessed or
U1m'l' f9"C6l>J. "'~1: hCJ 4tt)cftO ~I' frf'11 distributed such document and material shall be
(D~9" ,f"t\ h,}"lf~ OhOt.T m~9" 0004'(!>b punishable with imprisonment or a fine.
~+nlA: :

] U fSJDC "It], "'IO;rCDt.f'") 01\"'11' ~ T 99. Removing of Ele~tion Advertisement


1 ~ OJ-9" 9')C 6l>j. hrl' ~ 00 ~ 0 T 4'")
... OJ- Whosoever has, from the commencement of the
election process up to the official announcement
h1 f OJ-m.T hOh°?1t\f)OT 4'1 1:~O
f(1?1~oJ-19" hm rf'm~~t TOrf'C") m~9" of results, damaged, removed or tore apart a
f9"C6l>j. (1?"';rmt.f1 .fO"n .f...m1" m~9"
poster or election advertisement of any cand9idate
shall be punishable with imprisonment not
f+"" h1"lf~ hi! C}ooT O(1?~OA'I'h...t.T exceeding one year or a fine.
m~9" 00+(!>b ~+nlA::
100. PrQhibition of Election Forecast
f fSJDC~ .r10Sf1'hdbt\ ilttt1D~~
Whosoever has, on voting day, prepared and
(1?")~ OJ-9" "'OJ- 09"C6l>j.OJ- tJt\ T f9"C6l>j. ,

distrib~ted or cause to prepare election forecast or

OJ-m.T T10.f ool~ Otl?H;J~T f"'t.lJ.1. announce this to the public in any way shall be
m,-,9') h1~.H;J~ f"~1: m~9') W'?")~oJ-9" punishable with imprisonment not exceeding one
00111: t\UlIl1 f1t\fJ h1"lf~ hh11: hooT year or a fine.
flAOt\m h...t.T m~9" OO4'(!>b~4'nlA::

SJDtJt.C;: hOC
Chapter Ten
fSJDC"'i O~-SJD"flC hm:J'l\~ ODCtfsP"f General Principles of Election
Code of Conduct
AII' frC"'i O~SJD.,qChlt"'l 101. Objectives of Election Code of Conduct

f9"C6l>j. "'~9'''Jlf1C fO?hrl't\'T C}"t'?sP':'f ht\'T-: Election code of conduct has the following

f11 OYulfPhlr"'.f'P. f T t\1:t-, h ")~o~ 00;F;F 1/ To promote tolerance in' a democratic electoral
A 1 (1?"'t. 11" operation;

!ll ~«J f Tt\1:t-, Hoo;F hCJ "lA1\ UlIfI'P. OJ-~ 2/ To foster free political campaigning and open
~T1 t'?~AOT: hCJ public discussion;

rl ~«JCJ C;:T'/'P. 9')C6l>j. h1~.t-,~1: tl?...;FA:: 3/ To enable the conduct of free and fair election.

AIl rrcliTiJ, l1~r?fJC

102. Election Code of Conduct
M (1?1~ OJ-9') (lC ~ O°?.fmnlOJ- f"'~9')"lfiC
t\001tfT t.~"~ flf~ fTt\-tt-, 1/ Any political organization or private candidate
"'11 willing to abide by the election code of
1:C~T hCJ hm rI'CD~~t"'0.,:-
conduct to be issued by the Board shall
01 t'?hOC:
a) respect the code;
M t\U1111 t'?"'rl'cpm~:
b) publicize the code;
("hi t\oot.(!>b:'f t'?"'rl'(1?C:
c) educate the electors about the code;
rjt~f~ toY.t.t'< ~;Jt..,. ;Jll.fll 4I1'C !1ii t'I~ I~ <1" Iilnil cUlu Federal Negarit Gazeta No.54 25th June, 2007... page 3808

UO/ h{J;k9):r-~OJ'T "'(lJt}r-:r-~OJ'T "fJI\,.:r- ~OJ' d)guide its candidates,.. representatives,

h r, 1.;J &. SJJ :f. ~ OJ' "h 11 to OJ' h '} -'t '} <#>1)<#>(a. members and supporters to respect the
UO?" 6- ~ he.' .e u') '}?" 1\°'1to;J f°?, to~ code and take necessary actions to realize
"'" .
°'1'}r,:OJ'?" hC?"~ uooJ-(a~ "I\O~:: ~.
2/ Any political organization or private candidate
~I °7 '} ~ OJ' 9" rrt\1:t} f:c1:~ he; hat:

01 hf'}~'}~ 11.."1 fat\ °7. Cjl.OJ- 001l~ a) shall publicly explain about the rights of
o.e~ oo"lt\'I\ "t\0~:: every citizen;

Ifl r9"C6l>}. oJ-m.~'} oo4>OAT ooJ-m.1: b) accept the results of the election; or may
:t>t:.:r t}t\oJ-9"OCf:Cf: Cl.~ h '}~,:r take the matter to a court if dissatisfied.
.et\~ "Cl.1::rOJ-'} °7:t>l.-o .e:'f"A::

(:/ °'1,}r,:OJ"9" fTI\,,:t) ~C~~ hC,' h{J;k "'(D~~6 3/ Any political organization and candidate that
h"'I\u1" 09"C651. .,.t.:t}t}6 fTI\1:t} ~c~.r'1' plans to hold a public rally, demonstration or
;JC '1'}''i,''~ OUOlj:mC O"'}~ O"'UlJI)I).e (a~~r, any other political activity shall, by making
(1.-;1' fU'l1"f1 {H1(afJT (a"°'1Cf (aAlj: (lJ.e?"
"''' contacts with other contending parties, ensure
fTI\1:t) h'}.]>fI:J>f\ I\°'1t}"l~ O"'I\!~ "t},,~
that no such programmes have been
"'6 "I\uo1.to1,'} (o.e?" Tr.''16-?'' "I\UO!H'')
scheduled at the same place and time by
°'1to;J1'" "I\O~::
other political organizations and candidates.
9.1 (l7'}~oJ-9" rrt\1:t) f:c1:~ he; hat:
4/ Any political party or candidate shall

a) re~ognize the authority of the Board and

01 rnc~'} faAnl'} roo4>OA h'}""H.O.9"
U;J~ ~bI1H.'} he;ooootf°J-'} respect its orders and directives;
(l7hOc -:

t\1 hnc~ he; 09"C6l>}.h07.cD~""~ /bt\o"f b) establish good relations with the Board
rrt\1:t} f:c1:+"f ."JcooAt}9" and other political organizations running
"I'}7'~~ ooCf:mCT for election;

rhl nc ~ t\ o?.ft}Y,~TOJ- r(l7nlt,~ cD.e9" c) cooperate wit the Board in complaints

r9"coot. fat.$1':'f ~llllC (17f:l."lT screening or investigation activities;

001 rnCf: hfl"~'}T ,p,~.,.1f':'f') hr,' d) protect the secur\ty of Board members,
r9"C6l>}. hfaL "o?sP:'f'} ""u'}~~ employees and electoral officers;
(l71.;J1'J'T Oh~H.U' ."t),,~ ".e take the necessary action to protect these
O.,.cDt}fo;FTOJ- cn.e9" O""."J'(.9';FTOJ- bodies from insult, threat,
faf:llT tl;FT D?faL'~'~~ cD.e9" """."J intimidation or danger by their members
h '}~.e""CfaflTOJ- "faL" 1.OJ-'} O.t\. and supporters;
(171:l. "I T
wI ort\1:t) 1:c1:+"f r;Jt- oof:l.l1:'f e) ensure that their /
candidates or
OJ.e9" O/bt\o"f onc~ O°1.H;J:( representatives are present in the
00 f: l. 11"f ".e hat: 9';F TOJ- OJ.e9" Political Parties' Joint Forum and other
cDh,t\o;FTOJ- h,}~.17. D?f:l."lT similar forums organized by the Board.
?;I (l7'}~OJ-9" r Tt\-tt) f:c1:~ he; hat:
5/ Any political organization and candidate shall
00 1e; ~ -0 H." '} 09" C 6l>}.oJ-if.""~.,. 10.
aI cooperate with the mass media so that the
latter can playa proper role in the
°7STOJ-'} h'}~.~cD1: "faL"1.oJ-'}
(17 election;
~-o-oC f:l."lT >;1t..,. ;1'l.fl' <II'I'C 25th June, 2007... page
""J liil'1v. 'U"
1~ t.,Yut-lA !Ii! In. It FedC(ral Negarit Gazeta No. 54 3809

ftl mh,t\"~T°Jo m~cr ~;J~.sP~TOJo bl take }the necessary action to protect

O;JH.m?,"'T ,,~ 'I'~-rr jounialists from attack, intimidation,
O?{M. 6-6- -r r ~ ~;J r IiliJ.C;r ~ 11;,( fI danger, pressure or assault
~ 1~Y ~CO.flTOJo .,.10,oJo1 ~ccr~
ooOJoO~ ~ftfl;foJo::

~I {1?1~OJocr fTft1:I'J ~C~-r m~9'J ~ab

61 During the election, no political organization
rl'(J)~~t 09'JCliliJ.oJo m:"-r or candidate shall;

vi "l6f!' -r 00 cf>fI 4' fI (D

~ cr I'?fI., "- -r r aI cause or instigate violence;

ftl OrND~~tSJ)~fr OTft1:I'J ~C~-r bl put pressure on candidates, members of a

~fI"-r: Ooob'~T: O~ab mh,ft,.:'f. ,political party, electors, candidates'
m~cr ~;J~.sP:'f ,,~. 1iliJ.r,'
oolj:mC: I .
representatIves or supporters;

rhl avo-r flcr 0?'I'~-rC; fOJo1~" ~o.lj: cl make false accusation or publish
1'?rl'9'J m~cr 1"1"1C O?~t."lr defamatory writings or make a speech of
such nature;
001 flb" ;rC1:1 crAh-r ~ fI 00 fI ft,.
. . 00 m 4' cr : dl counterfeit the symbol of another party;
lPl 11rh.C'):'}: HC'}: ~;r'}: *'} el discriminate in elections nor political
*'}: 4>l\9"'} T 'I~°'ltj':"'} T °'lUOt-tf i\ou activities against ethnicity, n~tiona1ity,
(f .

I'J' ') T 'I.n .-,. '} T .-,. OJ'A f: '} tD~ 9" 1\.1\ race, gender, language, colour, religion,
'};;: OJ-'} 9" i\ 9" ou {t to .-,. 00'/ f: to"1 09"
C 65J. tD~ 9" o;r l\
* -tt,
'}:",..:J'/\?J l' i\ f:
social background, wealth, origin or any
other status.
A?J (J)~9" A ~.,.-,. °'1f:(."1
f ftO -rcr:: 71 No person shall
tI I'? 1 ~ 9'J oOJo :-

aI give bribe in relation to election or

01 tJ91JCIiliJ.m~9'J hTft1:I'J ~ 1:"fI~t'I. ;JC political activity;
o.,..e YH oo~ftY ooflm-rr

Itl OTft1:I'J fll1oflSJ):'f: OlP"I'?~ 'PAC::'f bl carry weapons in political meetings,

~C; olbt\,.:'f fTft1:I'J ~1:"fI:Pt'l.sPT demonstrations and other political
,,~ f(l1C oo"-t.e ~I' 0017-r: activities;

Ihl fTl\rl:t, f:C;(o'-"'} (O~lJ" f"at: ~tO~~t cl damage, remove or tear election posters of
?J1'') flJ"C65J. ;r{}~(~1' "If I\.l\ 1- f9"C65J. political organizations and candidates
<hta <11 l' '} °'101\ j'j .-,.T °'1 {}(J)1 f: T ou:"1. f: : and other election materials;

oul 1\.1\OJ' {to}' l\ out-flib l' '-"9"uc'-" "'}~ dl obstruct the activities of others to offer
~{t'J'T IuC°'l to1.9" f:;J~ ",}~.f {t'l {}11 voter education, collect endorsement
If i\ 'll\ :,. '} '}~ 1. ou l\ 9" A 0'/ f: to"1T If
signatures, and recruit members; and
" " "
lPl flAn'''.1 m~cr AI! 00111:1 Yft~"lfll1 el abuse his power or special privilege.
00 m cf>cr :
f ftO-rcr: :
103. Pretension
6l f lIf/{jooOA
No person shall pretend as
1'?1~OJo9'J OOJo m~9'J ~I'JA:-
1/ a representative of a political organization or a
lil fTft1:I'J ~C~-r m~9'J f~ab rl'm~~t candidate;
mh.A :-
ri'i.:tY.I .IrA ~;J?'''' ; 4I1'~ !Ii M. 1:t ""J Bini! 'UJ". eraI Negarit Gazeta No. 54 25th June, 2007... page 0

1 ~6f I1didate;

~f 'PI,..i'~ tD~cr f9"C6li}. ~i\~.: nber or employee of the Board or electoral

1'110. i'(Dt)~:

,,, n.:Jc,' uof,.{!ib:f -rcruC-r h '}~.OT

.{..,. Y..I\ ~ ...aJ- : uo la/\.. I
one licensed to offer civic and voter education.

~ft 'f) +,.. la/\ Of !IU..TO-r 1..If.

JJ-. oaJ- f:criJ huolam1: hv.t\-r .,.'}. :onclusion of voting, conduct or particjpate
r.' f:criJ uolam-r hlah°?mC;"'''''O-r tical rallies, demonstrations or any other
r 7 t\ -t t) la 110 fI : () i\ tIIJ'P. II activities
".e ~

UOfti'Ct: ft\O-rcr::
I ~eof Election Code of Conduct

anD,.,.. ~ may Issue detaIled electIOn code ot
"h .J-. OJ- '} }. t

ftPf..e{/D;F1'i'~076 lIClIC fcrC6li}. t ( tree and nur electIOns.

'fiC f..'),O t\.ftDnl ~:y.i\A::
A~ A~ f:';J1.sP"f
- =

0.1" h~CII .rlJ~ :PA:: al.

'i'flOC '? 1..:1' .
aJ-9'J f ~fu/,..Acr Federal or regional public institution,
If" fhAA fuo,}'?la-r .
p (1:"': II nrp':::Iniz:::Itinn arnllnina nri\f~tp
p.:;rl\."h ~r~"": (I.~'H rUJA
. - -
ate in implementing this Proclamation.
~ fuoi'flOC '?fu:l' ht\O-r::
.. J

htp~ Olaf,. i\~ h '}~~aJ-A f(}C,'ht\

~rson who obstructs the implementation of
Dclamation or violates the code of conduct
'19'J'?flC ,,')O.'} fnl(} (17'}~aJ-9'J (}aJ- ,e nunishahle hv this Proclamation or the
f(D,}~A U"1 uo()(.~ ~.,.nlA::

i f1'?\'4j.. tJo)"f
1/ Th.. -fnl1r
p.I f°?hi'i

01 f h. -l'f-*,.r f9'JC,.
the Electoral Law of Ethiopia with the
11t\, lI'Iuo1 ')~ .'JC 1\(1"1 n19" I Constituf
~. ~, , ~

',y.' Cit.t.Hfi ~~.".A ~.:J{,'''' ;Jlf,n, <II'PC .~!! 1'1);It ""J
IUnU 'U" Federal Negarit Gazeta No.54 25'h June. 2007... page 3811

l\1 f h. -rr-* f frC661. U"I hh. -rr-* f b}/Amended Proclamation to Ensure the
~ Yo6." «P. Yoquh 6-1\f If t T.l1l\.h Conformity of the Electoral Law of Ethiopia
U1OD1"1f1-r ;JC l\u7nlnlr fevnlm- with the Constitution. of the Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
(i'77i7if) hCP~ ~IJ'C Ii ifi7J.Wx1IT
(ProclamationNO. 187/2000)
rhl fh.-rr-*f frC661. U"I hCP~ c) Amended Proclamation to Ensure the
hh. -rr-* f ~Yo6."«p' ~.quh6.''l.f«P.'
Conformity of the Electoral Law of Ethiopia
tTl1l\.h U1 OD1"1f1-r .~C with the Constitution of the Federal
l\1'7nlnlr fmnla,. h cP~ 1'77i7if Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
"cP~ ~'J'C Qx«JjtrWx:i1;T (Proclamation' NO. 438/2005)

II htl.u"CP~;JC f°7.:f'~ 1 1'7ii.fa"r U"I 2/ Any law which is inconsistent with these
Otl.U "cP~ OrI'ODl\h.t: 1.~r-:f ".e proclamations shall not be applied on matters
rI'L.,°"l. ".elf1?,J:: covered by these proclamations.

110. Power to issue regulations and directives

Ii.fI 1.111'1 ODODtf f"'lOJ-nl-r fI~nl1
The Board may issue regulations and directives to
(lC~ .eU1 "cP~ (\I'7f1LO?,J f°7.~~ ~ 111 implement this Proclamation.
'hr,. ODODt.r l\.fmnl .e:f"A::

i IIi hP:f.fDll.6'10T1.tI. 111. Em.~~tivedate

.eU "cP~ O'1;Jt-r ; ;r-rqu hevnlO-r +1 This Proclamation shall come in to force up on
~r(~ roc; .elfC;A:: Publication in the Federal Negarit Gazeta.

hJln hOf) cu. 1: +11UI'jU't.r Done at Addis Ababa, this 251h day of June, 2007

f ~ -rr- It f 4..1..t.1\ 'e Jl'fPht.r\f'e PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERA

l1CV1'i M9'" ""'D?1 Y:c~:r- ;J-"'oo

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