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I nt e r i or Environmenta l C ontrol a nd Su pport Systems 321

Figure 11.11 Passive solar design involves three basic approaches. Each is studied for its winter, day and night, heating
needs and its summer cooling features.

photovoltaic collectors that convert sunlight into electricity that powers the building’s electrical needs for power,
heating, cooling, and ventilation (Figure 11.12). If more electricity is generated than needed, the extra is sold back
to the grid of the utility company, resulting in credits to be applied at a later date.

One of the most common active solar heating systems found today is that used for heating domestic hot water.
In some cases, the initial installation costs can be offset by the payback of lower operating costs over a period of
time. An active solar system has six basic components: collectors, transport medium, distribution, storage, backup
source, and controls (Figure 11.13).

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