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432 Arch i t e c t u r a l Sys t e m s a nd Int er ior F inish es

Figure 14.11 Most buildings have a structural system of a foundation, floor, walls (or columns), and ceiling/roof

multistory buildings, the floor also provides acoustical control and is part of the fireproofing assembly to keep
potential fires from spreading from floor to floor.

In some cases, the primary structural floor also serves as the finished flooring material. Floors that do not serve as
the finished flooring material are often referred to as the subfloor. For example, a concrete or plywood floor system
may not be appropriate for the desired finish and therefore serves only as a structural subsurface for an applied
finish material.

Three primary types of flooring systems, used alone or in combination, are wood, steel, and concrete (Figure 14.12).

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