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Theresa’s College of Cebu

High School Department


Name: ___F.G. O. Kaquilala_________________________________
Grade and Section:______11 STEM A__________________

I. Instructions: Read the items carefully and write down your answer in the blank.
__A. animism___1. It is a belief that every object contains a spirit or soul, its basic principle is
“everything is alive”
A. animism B. monotheism C. paganism D. polytheism

___B. Hinduism__2. Which among these religion follows the practices of polytheism?
A. Christianism B. Hinduism C. Islam D. Shintoism

__B. Non-Formal___3. It is an organized educational activity that takes place outside the
framework of the formal system.
A. Formal B. Non-Formal C. Primary D. Secondary

___D. State__4. It is an association of people characterized by formal institutions of government,

including laws, permanent territorial boundaries, and sovereignty.
A. Band B. Chiefdom C. Nation D. State

__C. Transfer___5. The transfer of good and services from the government to the needy people
without expecting a return?
A. Reciprocity B. Redistribution C. Transfer D. Institutionalized

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II. Read the items carefully and answer true if the statement is correct and false if not.

__false___6. The Ayuda provided by the Government is an example of redistribution.

_true____7. The ancient Filipino people are also practicing polytheism.

_true____8. The separation of Church and State is written in Article II, Section VI of the 1987

Philippine Constitution.

_true____9. Tuob is an example of alternative healing practices in the Philippines.

_true____10. The STC solidarity program is a form of redistribution in economics.

III. TABLE: Fill up the table, write down an issue and possible solutions to the issue provided.


Not everyone has equal access to Financial support to the poor

EDUCATION education. families.

Discrimination against members of Have mutual understanding

RELIGION other religion. with each other and develop
respect to each others

Lack of modern technologies The head of health

HEALTH institutions should take risk
to buy more modern

Increase of prices Create a price cutting

ECONOMY strategy.

Corruption Expose corrupt activities and

GOVERNMENT risks that may otherwise
SYSTEM remain hidden.

IV. ESSAY: answer the following essays, minimum of 5 sentences. (5pts)

5 pts - the content is clear, accurate and coherent to the given topic/question/situation 
4 pts - the content is somehow clear and coherent to the given topic/question/situation     
3 pts - there is limited content and accuracy of answer to the question given 
2 pts - there is minimal evidence of the content required to answer the given question
1pt - there is mol evidence of the content required to answer the given question

20-25. What is the relevance of studying 1972 Martial law declaration to our current society?

The importance of studying 1972 Martial law declaration to our current society is to be aware of what
really happened back then. To know if it was really bad or good for our country. If it wasn’t good for our
country then we will know to not repeat it again because someone who doesn’t know anything about
history is bound to make the same mistake again.

36-40. 25-30. Illustrate a symbol of Philippine economy, provide an explanation of your illustration.
Explanation: It’s a pesos sign going down with a flag around it. It means that our economy is
bad and it will lead to the downfall of our country.

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