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Acta Anuesthesiol Scnnd 1997; 41: 94-111 Copyright Q Actn Anaesthesiol Scnnd 1997

Printed in Denmark. All rights reserved ACTA ANAESTHESIOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA

ISSN 0001-5172

Pharmacology and mechanisms of opioid analgesic activity

Anesthesiology Research Laboratory, University of California, San Diego, U S A

Opiates by an action at specific receptors can induce a highly cord, this effect is mediated by an action presynaptic to the pri-
selective alteration in the response of humans and animals to mary afferent and by a post-synaptic effect to hyperpolarize pro-
strong and otherwise aversive chemical, mechanical or thermal jection neurons. In addition, it is now appreciated that p and K
stimuli. Specific investigations in a variety of species from ro- receptors in the periphery can modulate the sensitized state of
dent to primate using microinjection techniques to examine the the small afferent terminal innnervating inflamed tissue and ex-
pharmacology of local drug action have shown potent antino- ert an anti-hyperalgesic action. After systemic delivery of an
ciceptive actions to be mediated by a receptor specific action at opiate, it is thus clear that a wide array of central and peripheral
a number of sites within the brain, including the periaqueductal systems serve to explain the powerful analgesic effect exerted
gray (FAG: p receptor), the rostral ventral medulla (p/d recep- by this class of agents.
tor) and the substantia nigra (p receptor) and within the spinal
dorsal horn (p/a/K receptor). Mechanistic studies have shown
these actions in the different sites to be mediated by several Key words: periaqueductal gray; substantia nigra; bulbospinal
discrete mechanisms. For example, in the PAG, the local opiate pathway; rostral ventral medulla; spinal cord; opiate receptors;
effect is likely mediated by the indirect activation of bulbospinal mu receptors; delta receptors; kappa receptors; analgesia.
pathways, rostral projections to forebrain sites and by a local
alteration in afferent input into the brainstem core. In the spinal 0 Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 41 (1997)

mong the remedies which it has pleased almighty God

A to give to man to relieve his sufierings, none is so
universal and eficacious as opium (Sydenham 1680).
definition of the three principal receptor types. Thus,
work by Martin and colleagues (1) in spinally tran-
sected dogs led to the classification of agents as acting
at p and K sites. The subsequent work by Kostelitz
The potent effects of opiates in altering the animal’s and colleagues (2) using in vitro smooth muscle bioas-
or human’s response to strong and potentially tissue says with the then newly discovered enkephalin pep-
damaging stimulus has been long appreciated, as sug- tides led to the designation of the d receptor subclass.
gested by the quote attributed to Sydenham. The po- The profile of this activity is summarized in Table 1.
tency of the effect and the specificity of the action is, Receptor isolation and cloning have been accom-
moreover, indicative of a highly organized substrate plished for the p (3, 4), a (5) and K (6, 7, 8) receptor
which regulates the processing of and response to no-
ciceptive information. The following sections will re-
view some of the mechanisms by which this family
Table 2
of agents exert their actions as defined by preclinical
investigations. Opioid-receptor summary.

Receptor Bioassay Agonists Antagonists

Opioid receptors Mu Guinea pig Morphine Naloxone
ileum Sufentanil Naltrexone
Subtypes Meperidine beta-
At present, agents classified as opioids are believed to DAMGO funaltrexamine
exert their effects by a specific interaction with one or Delta Mouse vas DPDPE, DADLEl Naloxone
deferens Deltorphin, BNTX
more subclasses of three opiate receptors, designated DSLET Naltrindole
as: mu (p), delta (a) and kappa (K). Early in vivo phar-
Kappa Rabbit vas Butorphanol
macological work provided the initial definition of the deferens Bremazocine Naloxone
profile of actions that became associated with the Spiradoline Nor BNI

classes. Sequencing has revealed structures of 398 opening of voltage sensitive Ca++ channels (17, 18)
amino acids, 371 amino acids and 380 amino acids for which will subsequently depress the terminal release
the p, a and K sites, respectively. Cells made to express of neurotransmitters from the cell. These joint actions
the cloned sequences typically display the appropri- lead to a powerful, receptor-mediated inhibition that
ate ligand structure activity/affinity relationships an- is typically observed with these opiates. K receptors
ticipated for the respective sites. In general, they all appear to be distinctly coupled and have been shown
show considerable structural homology with each to depress Ca++ conductance in neurons. While the
other and to other G protein-coupled receptors (93. principal effect of the p receptor appears mediated
All, for example, display a characteristic 7 transmem- through an inhibitory effect, several lines of work
brane spanning domain in their structure. The cloned have suggested that under certain conditions, the p
receptors thus are in accord with the several general receptors may couple through Gs protein and exert a
classes of sites that have been identified in the phar- stimulatory effect (19). The significance of this action
macological literature. is less certain, however, than for the inhibitory effect,
A number of subclasses of the principal categories which appears to be broadly noted.
of receptors have been postulated based upon their
differential pharmacology: p1 and p2 (10); dl and d2
(11)and K~~ (lo), the characteristics of these subtype
Sites of opiate antinociceptive action
receptors continue to evolve as new agents are de- As noted, the systemic delivery of an opioid will pro-
veloped. It is important to note that in many cases duce a selective alteration in the animal’s response to
the clones have not yet demonstrated multiple types. a strong and otherwise aversive mechanical or ther-
However, the possibility of systematic changes in re- mal stimulus. This antinociceptive effect is character-
ceptor protein structure by post-translational pro- ized by a structure activity relationship and antagon-
cessing cannot be discounted. Moreover, separation of ist profile indicative of an action mediated by an
subclasses within the subtypes has frequently de- opioid receptor. The essential question is where are
pended upon a limited and structure activity relation- such receptors located? The methodological approach
ship. Thus, for example, the p1 and p2 receptor separ- to such an issue is to deliver the agent to specific sites
ation has been almost exclusively based on the ability in the organism and to define the effect and the phar-
of noncompetitive antagonists (such as naloxonazine) macology of the action if there is an effect after local
to antagonize one or another effect of an opioid exposure.
agonist (analgesia is reversed, respiratory depression For central delivery, such work has involved the
is not, (10). In the case of the p subclasses no selective placement of microinjection guide cannulae stereotax-
agonists have been described thus far. In contrast, in ically into specific brain sites and affixing them to the
the case of the a subclasses, selective competitive skull. Through the chronic guide, a yet smaller injec-
agonists (al: DPDPE; d2: deltorphin) have been iden- tion cannulae is inserted to deliver small volumes of
tified and a distinctive antagonist activity profile has injectate (0.2-0.5 pl). For the spinal cord, this local de-
been obtained for both sites (al: 7-brenzylidenenal- livery has entailed the placement of a spinal catheter
trexone; a2: naltriben) (11, 12, 13). into the intrathecal or epidural space (20). In each
For the purposes of the present review, emphasis case, the important issue has been to assess the effects
will largely remain with the primary classifications. of a local drug on the nociceptive behavior of the in-
tact and unanesthetized animal.
Membrane action
Agonist occupancy of opioid receptors typically leads Brain (supraspinal) sites
to several events which serve to inhibit the activation
of the neuron. Mu and a agonists have been shown to Mapping of brain sites in animals prepared with
depress cyclic AMP formation. Mu and 8 (14) and on mickoinjection cannulae has shown that opioid re-
occasion K (15) receptors can induce a membrane ceptors associated with systems which modulate the
hyperpolarization through the activation of an in- animal’s pain behavior are found in several surpris-
wardly rectifying K+channel. This effect of the p re- ingly restricted brain regions. Table 2 summarizes
ceptor is mediated by the activation of membrane Go several of the sites of actions which have been iden-
proteins, while the a effects are mediated by Gi/o pro- tified in the rat. The schematic localization of these
teins of a different nature (16). In addition to the sites is presented in Fig. 1 for the rat and Fig. 2 in
hyperpolarization induced by p and a agonist recep- the primate. The best characterization of these sites
tor occupancy, there is a concurrent inhibition of the so identified is the mesencephalic periaqueductal

T. L. Yaksh

Table 2
Summary of characteristicsof actions of opiates given into various sites in the unanesthetized rat.
Antinociceptive action
Microinjectionsites Reflex Escape Pharmacology References

amygdala (corticomedial) 0 ++ P? 1
N. accurnbens + P? 2
Periaqueductal grey +++ +++ p>>6=K=o 3
Mesencephalic reticular formation ++ ++ P 4
Substantia nigra ++ ++ P>>6=K=o 5
Lower brainstem
medial medulla ++ ++ p=6>K=0 6
Spinal cord +++ +++ p=&>K=O 7
Peripheral site' +++ p=K>6-0 8

Reflex: tail flick/jaw jerk. Escape: Hot plate/paw pressure. Relative activity: ++ +>+ +>+>O.
*: Inflamed knee joint or foot pad.
References: 1. Rodgers RJ 1977 (42), Yaksh TL et al. 1976 (22); 2. Tseng LF, Wang Q 1992 (39). 3. Jensen TS, Yaksh TL 1986 (34), Smith
DJ et al. 1988 (155), Sanchez-Blazquez P, Garzon J 1989 (156); 4. Haigler HJ, Spring DD 1978 (33); 5. Baumeister AA et al. 1987 (36),
Baumeister AA et al. 1990 (37); 6. Jensen TS, Yaksh TL 1986 (34), Bodnar RJ et al. 1988 (182); 7. Drower EJ et al. 1991 (157), Malmberg
AB, Yaksh TL 1992 (791, Yaksh TL et al. 1986 (1581, Schmauss C, Yaksh TL 1984 (77); 8. Stein C et al. 1989 (104), NagasakaH, Yaksh TL
1995 (105).

gray (PAC). Microinjections of morphine into this re- injected agent emphasizes the possible activation of
gion will block nociceptive responses in the unanes- bulbospinal projections, as will be discussed below.
thetized rat, rabbit, cat, dog and primate (see below). Importantly, these effects are reversed by low doses
This local effect serves to block not only spinally-
mediated reflexes such as the tail flick, but supra-
spinally organized responses such as in the formalin
test (21), hot plate (see Fig. 1) or the shock titration
(22). This effect on a spinal reflex of a supraspinally

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of general regions in which the Fig. 2. Schematic drawings taken from sagittal histology (1-6
intracerebral microinjection of morphine will induce a signifi- mm from midline) of the rhesus monkey. Each dot presents the
cant increase in the response latency on thermal nociceptive effects of a single microinjection of morphine sulfate given
measures or increase the pressure applied to the hind paw through chronically implanted guide cannulae. 0: <50% increase
which is necessary to evoke withdrawal. A. Amygdala; B. Sub- in baseline shock titration threshold with 40 pg of morphine: 0:
stantial nigra; C. Mesecephalic reticular formation; Periaque- >50% increase in the baseline shock titration threshold with 40
ductal gray; D. Raphe magnus; nucleus gigantocellularis (rostra1 18 of morphine; V >50% increase in threshold with 10-20 pg of
ventral medulla); E. Spinal cord (dorsal horn). See text for details morphine. The stereotaxic axes are given for the most medial
and comments. (:LO) section (30).

of naloxone given either systemically or into the B-endorphin but not morphine displays significant ac-
microinjection site. tivity, suggesting two receptors (39).
In the ventral forebrain microinjections of p, a and
Mesencephalic periaqueductal gray K agonists into the region referred to as the area tem-
Tsou and Jiang discovered in 1963 that the local action pestas have been shown to attenuate thermal nocicep-
of morphine in the periventricular gray would block tion (41).
thermally-evoked hind limb reflexes and this has been
subsequently verified in a variety of species, includ- A mygdala
ing the rat (22,23), mouse (24), cat (25), dog (26), and Morphine given into the basolateral amygdala in-
primate (27,28) (Fig. 2). Within the PAG, a somatotop- creased escape but not spinal reflex latencies (22,42).
ic organization has been reported for opiate action (22, The pharmacology of the amygdala has not been
29). As indicated in Table 2, based on the relative ac- characterized but p opioid agonists are active (22, 30,
tivity of several receptor agonists and antagonists, the 42).
effects appear to be mediated by p but not a or K (30).
Binding studies focusing on the PAG have identified Thalamus and cortex
a single high affinity p site for which a and K agonists Several microinjection mapping studies of opiate ac-
have low affinity and which is coupled to a G protein tion have failed to observe activity following thalamic
(31, 32). or cortical injections (22, 27) but others (43) reported
that microinjection of morphine into the anterior pre-
Mesencephalic reticular formation. tectal region of the rat, but not adjacent nuclei, re-
Bilateral injection of opiates into the mesencephalic re- sulted in an inhibition of the tail flick.
ticular formation significantly increases escape la-
tency with only modest effects upon spinal reflexes
(33). The pharmacology of these systems through the
action of morphine implicates a p site. Supraspinal mechanisms of opiate
Medulla The multiplicity of opiate sites virtually guarantees
Two distributions of opiate-sensitive sites have been that the systems with which the opiate receptors are
identified within the caudal medulla: i) medial sites coupled vary in the role each plays in altering no-
overlapping the nucleus raphe (34), and ii) lateral sites ciceptive processing. Accordingly, it is unlikely that
coincident with the nucleus gigantocellularis (34, 35). all of the mechanisms whereby opiates act within the
The pharmacology of these systems suggest both p brain to alter nociceptive transmission are identical. A
and a sites exist within the caudal medulla (34). brief overview of several classes of mechanisms will
be provided below.
Substantia nigra
Bilateral microinjection of opioids into the substantia
nigra will evoke an increase in the tail flick and hot
plate response latencies in rats without evidence of
significant motor impairment ,or change in the re-
sponse to non-noxious stimuli (36, 37). Examination
of the agonist’s and antagonist’s pharmacology of this
nigra action reveals the role of p, but not a or K recep-
tors (38).

Nucleus accumbens/ventral forebrain I -
Microinjections of opiates into the ventral forebrain, 0 10 30 60
Time after MlcroinJeclion(mln)
notably the nucleus accumbens, preoptic and arcuate
nuclei, will block spinal nociceptive reflexes (39, 40). Fig. 3. Figure presents the time course of the change in the tail
Tseng and colleagues observed that in the preoptic flick response latency after the microinjection of 5 p/0,5 p1 given
into the sites indicated. In this case, a single rat was prepared
and arcuate region, B-endorphin and morphine with a single microinjection guide and injections were made at
yielded a dose-dependent, naloxone-reversible in- progressively deeper sites (separated by 1 mm). Each injection
crease in tail flick latencies. In the nucleus accumbens, was separated by a 5 day interval (22).

T.L. Yaksh

Descending control
Mu and a opiates acting in the brainstem will inhibit
spinal nociceptive reflexes, reduce the spinal neuronal
activity evoked by noxious stimuli and alter supra-
spinally organized pain behavior. As discussed in de-
tail elsewhere (44, 45), bulbospinal pathways exert a
powerful regulatory influence over spinal cord affe-
rent processing. These effects are in accord with
studies in which:
i) activation of bulbospinal pathways which con-
tain noradrenaline or 5-HT will inhibit spinal no- MeduI lopet aI neu ron
ciceptive activity (46,47);
ii) enhancement of spinal monoamine receptor ac-
tivity by local delivery of a2/5-HT agonists will
inhibit pain behavior (48, 49, 50, 51), while the
Fig. 4.Schematic of organization of opiate action within the peri-
spinal action of these agonists will inhibit the fir-
aqueductal gray. In this schema, 1 opiate actions block the re-
ing of dorsal horn neurons evoked by high inten- lease of GABA from tonically active systems that otherwise
sity stimuli (52, 53, 54); regulate the projections to the medulla leading to an activation
iii) opiate microinjection into brainstem sites in- of bulbospinal projections. See text for other considerations.
creases the spinal release or turnover of 5-HT
and/or noradrenaline (55,56);
iv) intrathecal injection of a2 or serotonergic anta-
gonists has minimal effect upon resting baseline ion within the periaqueductal gray can inhibit nucleus
response latencies, but reverses the effects of reticulo-gigantocellularis neurons (61). Fields et al.
brainstem opiates on spinal reflexes and anal- have shown powerful mesencephalic influences upon
gesia (57, 58). medullary cell populations (62). Given the role played
It is important to note that spinal inhibition and the by the medullary system in the ascending pain traffic,
increase in monoamine release both occur after the de- it seems probable that some of these cells may repre-
livery of the PAG opiates. This, in conjunction with sent projection neurons which contribute to the rostral
the absence of prominent effects on baseline responses movement of nociceptive information.
when the spinal monoamine antagonists are given
alone, argues that the effects of PAG opiates are as- Direct inhibition of brainstem afferent trufic
sociated with an increase in spinofugal outflow and Many regions in which opioids exert their effects,
this influence can regulate spinal nociceptive pro- such as within the mesencephalon and medulla, re-
cessing. The mechanisms whereby this increase in ac- ceive significant input from direct spinobulbar projec-
tivity in bulbospinal pathways occur after the local tions or collaterals of spinodiencephalic projections.
PAG action of 1.1 opioid agonists is of particular organ- Cervical hemisection results in a reduction in opiate
izational interest, given the membrane inhibitory ef- in medulla PAG and the mesencephalic reticular for-
fects of the p opioids. Current thinking emphasizes mation ipsilateral to the hemisection (63). This sug-
that the outflow of the periaqueductal gray is under gests that opiate binding may be presynaptic on spi-
modulatory control by GABAergic neurons. Thus, to nofugal terminals and that locally administered opi-
the extent that local opiates inhibit activity in this ates might alter nociceptive processing through a
population of tonically active neurons, there would reduction of the excitation otherwise evoked by the
be an inhibition that would permit the drive of an spinofugal projections.
excitation (Fig. 4). Indeed, opiates have been shown
to diminish a tonic GABA release from the PAG (59), Forebrain mechanism modulating the response
while GABA A antagonists enhance the activity of lo- Ample evidence suggests that opiates may interact
cal neurons (60). with brainstem mechanisms to alter input by a variety
of direct and indirect systems. The behavioral seque-
Brainstem-brainstem inhibition of afferent trafic lae of opioids possess a significant component that re-
Spinomedullary and spinal mesencephalic projections flects a change in the affective component of the re-
are thought to play a role in the generation of the sponse to the pain state. Numerous rostral projections
message evoked by high threshold stimuli. Stimulat- arise from the dorsal raphe nucleus (5-HT) and the

locus caeruleus (noradrenaline) that connect the peri- have been shown to be effective are presented in Table
aqueductal gray with forebrain systems that are 3.
known to influence motivational and affective com-
ponents of behavior, including the n. accumbens, Pharmacology
amygdala and lateral thalamus (40, 64).The locus ca- The pharmacology of spinal opioids has been exten-
eruleus has ample projections into the limbic fore- sively examined from the perspective of agonist struc-
brain and thalamus (65). Both monoaminergic sys- ture activity relationships, antagonist structure activ-
tems are strongly implicated in emotionality and ity relationships and antagonist potency. In general,
maintenance of consciousness. Lesions of raphe dor- on the tests outlined above, spinal opioids produce
salis diminish the effects of morphine (66, 67) and de- a monotonic dose-dependent increase in the latency
pletion of serotonin has been classically known to pro- response (tail flick, hot plate, skin twitch), the magni-
duce rats that are exceedingly irritable (68). tude of the response (writhing, number of paw licks,
change in blood pressure) or the threshold for escape
(paw pressure, shock titration) (see above for refer-
Spinal Action ences). Based on the consideration of the available
Behavioral Effects data, several points regarding the pharmacology of
Intrathecal administration of opioids reliably attenu- spinal opiates may be summarized.
ates the response of the animal to a variety of uncon- i) The structure activity relationship for these
ditioned somatic and visceral stimuli which otherwise opioids over a range of 2-3 orders of magnitude
evokes an organized escape behavior in a variety of are similar on the several endpoints and across
species including the mouse (69), rat (70), rabbit (70), species;
guinea pig (L. Crone, unpublished observations), cat ii) The rank order of potency in producing a block of
(71, 72), dog (73), and primate (macaque) (30, 74, 75). spinal reflexes after intrathecal delivery correlated
The antinociceptive endpoints in which spinal opiates with the potency of agents on the guinea pig

Table 3
Models of nociception in which spinal opiates have been examined.
General stimulus Animal Specific model References

Acute thermal Rat Hot plate (523) Yaksh TL, Rudy TA 1977 (20)
Tail flick
Rat Tail dip evoked hypertension and tachycar- Nagasaka H, Yaksh TL 1995 (105)
Doglcat Skin twitch Tung AS, Yaksh TL 1982 (72)
Yaksh TI 1978 (85)
Sabbe MB et al. 1994 (73)
Primate Thermal escape Oliveras J-L et al. 1986 (97)
Yaksh TI ibid.
Acute mechanical Rat Paw pressure Taiwo YO et al. 1989 (160)
Rat Tail clamp/pinch Kuraishi Y et al 1985 (183)
Acute visceral Rat Colonic distension Ness TJ, Gebhart GF 1989 (161)
Harada Y et al. 1995 (162)
Acute electrical shock Rat Tail shocklvocalization Tang AH, Schoenfeld MJ 1978 (163)
Yaksh TL, Rudy TA 1977 (67)
Primate Shock titration Yaksh TL 1983 (75)
Acute chemical stimuli Rat Writhing Schmauss C, Yaksh TL 1984 (77)
Rat lntradermal formalin Yamamoto T, Yaksh TL 1992 (164)
Chronic neurogenic Rat Autonomy-neurectomy Weisenfeldt-HallinZ 1984 (165)
Rat Chronic nerve compression Yamamoto T, Yaksh TL 1991 (145)
(Bennett model)
Rat Root ligation (Chung model) Yaksh TI et al 1995 (76)
Lee Y-W et al. 1995 (146)
Fictive pain stimuli generated by intra- Rat lntrathecal strychnine Yaksh TL 1989 (166)
thecal drug treatment

T. L. Yaksh
Primate: 51C Tail Dip
ileum and on the mouse vas deferens (76), sug-
gesting a role for the p and d receptors in virtually INTRATHECAL DRUG
all endpoints (except certain neuropathic pain
models (Table 3). Kappa-preferring agonists thus
far studied typically have lower apparent efficacy
iii) Intrathecal opioids are subject to a competitive an-
tagonism by naloxone. For agents classified as p
preferring agonists (morphine, sufentanil, -20 40 loo 160
Time (min)
DAME), the pA2 (dose required to double the
EDs0 of the agonist) is similar across all tests /f T ITDRUG
examined (writhing, hot plate, tail flick in the rat)
and across species (rat and primate) and is about
0.1X that dose required to antagonize agonists
classified as d and K (78), while receptor preferring
antagonists block the agonists for the respective
receptors (e.g. 6 preferring opioids (DPDPE,
DADL) but not p preferring (morphine, DAG)
have been shown to be reversed bynaltrindole 1 10 100 1WO 1woo
Intrathecal Dose (pg)
(79). The pharmacology of these effects appear to
be similar across a number of species, including - 100

rat (12, 13, 79,80) and primate (74, 75,81) (Fig. 5). -z

6o NALOXONE (100 pg)

Based on the above overview, a case can be made that & 40
in the spinal cord of infrahuman species, there are at ae 20

least three distinguishable subpopulations of opioid 0

Mor (1000) DAMGO (30)DPDPE (3000)DADL (1000)
receptors which, according to the homology of their INTRATHECAL AGONISTS (pg)
agonist and antagonist structure activity profiles, re- Fig. 5. Top: Time effect curve for the effects of intrathecal p (mor-
semble the subclassifications designated as p, d and K. phine, sufentanil) and a (DPDPE) agonists on the response la-
tency to withdraw the tail of the cynomologous primate from
Mechanisms of spinal opiate action a 51°C waterbath. Each line presents the mean and SEM of 4
experiments. Middle: Intrathecal dose effect curve for intrathecal
Initial studies demonstrated that opiates applied by p (DAMGO, SUF: Sufentanil, MOR: morphine), 'pk (DADL: D-
iontophoresis (82,83) or systemically in spinally tran- ala2 d-leu 5 enkephalin: DPDPE: d-pen2-dpen5-enkephalin)or
sected animals (84, 85) would inhibit selectively the K (U50488) agonists. Bottom: Reversal of the effects of intrathecal
discharge of spinal dorsal horn neurons activated by Morphine (1000 pg); DAMGO (30 pg), DPDPE (3000 pg) and
small (high threshold) but not large (low threshold) DADL (1000 pg) after pretreatment with intrathecal saline (con-
trol), naloxone (100 pg) or Naltrindole (300 pg). * R 0 . 0 5 as com-
afferents. Fleetwood-Walker and colleagues (83) pared to control.
examined the pharmacology of the inhibition of dor-
sal horn neurons by iontophoretically applying recep-
tor preferring agonists for the p (DAG), d (DPDPE)
and K (U50488).In Lamina I, with nociceptive specific revealed a number of important characteristics of
neurons or with multireceptive (WDR)neurons, p and spinal opiate binding. These revealed that binding
d agonists exerted a suppressive effect upon the no- was limited for the most part to the upper laminae of
ciceptive component. Kappa agonists had no effect. In Rexed, particularly in the substantia gelatinosa (87,
laminae 11-V, p and d agonists were with minimal ef- 88, 89, 90), the region in which small afferents show
fect, while K agonists caused a selective inhibition of their principal termination. The proportions of the p,
the nociceptive component. Recording evoked activity d and K opioid binding sites, assessed by autoradi-
in lamina I1 neurons in spinal cord slices revealed that ography in laminae I and 11, were found to be ap-
p (DAMGO) and d l (DPDPE) agonists produced a proximately 70%, 20% and lo%, respectively. Dorsal
dose-dependent reduction in the excitatory post-syn- rhizotomies resulted in a significant reduction in dor-
aptic potentials. In contrast, the d2 agonists (D-ala2- sal horn binding, suggesting that the binding corre-
glu 4-deltorphin) had less than a 50% effect at the sponding to p, a and K sites were all reduced by 50-
highest dose examined (86). 75% in the dorsal horn ipsilateral to the lesions, sug-
Receptor autoradiography with opiate ligands have gesting that a significant proportion of all three bind-

ing sites were associated with the degenerating pri-
mary afferents (91,92). This association was consistent
with the observation that opiate bindkg was found
in the dorsal root ganglia (93). This organization sug-
\ C Fiber terminal

gested that opiates might thus exert a portion of their Receptors

activity by a presynaptic effect upon primary afferents
and a postsynaptic effect upon dorsal horn projection a
neurons. Confirmation of the presynaptic action was C I K
provided by the observation that opiates in vitro and
in vivo would reduce the release of primary afferent K + I
peptide transmitters such as substance P, which were
2nd Order neuron
contained in small primary afferents. Thus, it has been
reported that morphine, DAMGO, DPDPE and
DADL, but not U50488 (94,95,96,97) would block sP
and/or CGRP release in viva These interactions are,
however, complex as such interactions can influence Fig. 6. Schematic presents a summary of the anticipated organ-
multiple spinal terminal systems and there may be ization of opiate receptors in the dorsal horn regulating nocicep-
tive processing. As indicated, p/a and K binding is high in the
predictable differences on the effects assessed under
dorsal, particularly in the region associated with the termination
resting and stimulated conditions (98). of small unmyelinated afferents (C fibers). A significant pro-
A post-synapticaction was demonstrated by the abil- portion of these sites are located on the terminals of the small
ity of opiates to block the excitation of dorsal horn neu- afferent as suggested by the loss of such binding after rhi-
rons evoked by glutamate, presumably reflecting a di- zotomy. In addition, there is a post-afferent terminal localization
of these sites that are apparently coupled through Gi protein to
rect activation of the dorsal horn neuron (99). The pre- K channels leading to a hyperpolarization of the neuron. Occu-
synaptic action corresponded to the ability of opiates to pancy of the presynaptic p and a sites reduce the release of sP
prevent the opening of voltage-sensitive Ca+ chan-
and/or CGRP in part by an inhibition of the opening of voltage-
nels, thereby preventing release. The activation of pot- sensitive Calcium channels.
assium channels leading to a hyperpolarization was
consistent with the direct postsynaptic inhibition. The
joint ability of p and d opiates to reduce the release of Alternately, studies employing the direct injection
excitatory neurotransmitters from C fibers as well as of these agents into peripheral sites have demon-
decrease the excitability of dorsal horn neurons is be- strated that under conditions of inflammation where
lieved to account for the powerful and selective effects there is a “hyperalgesia”, the local action of opiates
upon spinal nociceptive processing (Fig. 6). can be demonstrated to exert a normalizing effect
There is evolving data that suggests that spinal opi- upon the exaggerated thresholds. This has been dem-
ates may exert a portion of their action by a local re- onstrated for the response to mechanical stimulation
lease of adenosine (100). However, it should be noted applied to the inflamed paw (104) or inflamed knee
that spinally delivered adenosine agonists are, unlike joints (105). As indicated in Fig. 7, examination of the
spinal p and a opiates, relatively poorly effective pharmacology of this articular action has emphasized
against acute high threshold stimuli (101) and do not the likely role of p and K, but perhaps less importantly
block spinal afferent peptide release (102). a sites (105, 106).

Mechanisms of peripheral action

Peripheral While there are opiate ‘%inding” sites being trans-
Behavioral efects ported in the peripheral sensory axon (107), there is
It has been a principal tenet of opiate action that these no evidence that these sites are coupled to mechan-
agents are “centrally” acting. Direct application of isms governing the excitability of the membrane, thus
opiates to the peripheral nerve can in fact produce a the effects are not naloxone reversible (103). High
local anesthetic-like action at high concentrations, but doses of agents such as sufentanil can block the com-
this is not naloxone reversible and is believed to re- pound action potential, but this is not naloxone re-
flect a “non-specific’’ action (103). Moreover, in pain versible and is thought to reflect upon a “local anes-
models examining normal animals, it can be readily thetic” action of the lipid soluble agent. It is certain
demonstrated that if the agent does not readily pen- that opiate receptors exist on the distant peripheral
etrate the brain, its opiate actions are limited. terminals. It has been shown that opiate receptors are

T. L. Yaksh

. Intra-articular T stem will produce a powerful alteration in nociceptive

processing. After systemic delivery, the net result will
likely reflect upon the effects of concurrent interaction
at the sites. Ample evidence indicates that the effects
of concurrent opiate receptor occupancy result in a
powerful functional facilitation. Several specific in-
stances are outlined.

Brainstem-spinal cord
Early studies revealed that delivery of an opioid an-
tagonist into the cerebral ventricles (111, 112) or into
the lumbar intrathecal space (67) can produce a com-
plete antagonism of the effects of a systemic opioid
2 agonist. Given the ability of opiate agonists to pro-
duce a maximum effect with an action limited to
Fig. 7. Figure presents the dose response of the suppressive ef- either site alone, this significant reversal of the sys-
fects of maximum suppression of the evoked change in blood
temic agonist after local antagonist delivery was
pressure (expressed as the mean?SEM of the compression
evoked change in blood pressure) after injection, intra-articu- hypothesized to indicate that the spinal and supraspi-
lady or intramuscularly of SUF (sufentanil), PD: (PD117302), nal opiate systems were interacting in a synergistic
MOR: (morphine),SPIR (spiradoline),DADL (dala2 dleu5 enke- fashion. In other words, levels of local receptor occu-
phalin), DPDPE (d-pen2-d-pen5 enkephalin) and U-50,488H. pancy which were sufficient to produce a behavioral
Each point presents the mean2SEM of 4-8 rats. Because the IA
injection alone of the vehicle produced an augmentation re-
analgesia when both spinal and supraspinal sites
sponse, all IM drug injections were given concurrently with an were occupied were inadequate when either contri-
IA injection of saline. The horizontal lines indicate the mean bution was removed (113). The specific test of this
(so1id)eSEM (dotted lines) for rats receiving IA saline and no hypothesis was provided by Yeung and Rudy (114),
other drug at time zero. who demonstrated that the concurrent administration
of morphine spinally and supraspinally would lead to
on the distal terminals of C fibers and that agonist a prominent synergy, as indicated by hyperbolic iso-
occupancy of these sites can block antidromic release bolograms. Similar results have been observed in mice
of C fiber transmitters e.g., sP; "axon reflex" (108).Im- (115,116).
portantly, the models in which peripheral opiates ap- Consistent with the powerful nonlinear interaction
pear to work are those that possess a significant de- between spinal and supraspinal opiates, and given the
gree of inflammation and are characterized by a considered role of bulbospinal systems in mediating
hyperalgesic component. This raises the possibility some of the supraspinal actions of opiates, it has been
that these peripheral actions normalize a process lead- shown that the concurrent spinal delivery of a2and p
ing to an increased sensitivity to the local stimulus and 3 opioid agonists as well as concurrent p and d
environment, but does not alter normal transduction. agonists can interact synergistically (44).
Previous work has indeed demonstrated that local
opiates in the knee joint (109) and in the skin (110) Supraspinal-supraspinal
can reduce the firing of spontaneously active afferents In the brain, multiple sites exist that mediate an opiate
observed when these tissues are inflamed. The mech- antinociceptive effect. Co-injection of opiates into the
anism of the antihyperalgesic effects of opiates ap- periaqueductal gray and locus caeruleus (117) re-
plied to the inflamed regions (as in the knee joint) is at sulted in a synergic interaction, while co-injection into
present unexplained. It is possible, for example, that it the periaqueductal gray and nucleus reticularis gigan-
may act upon inflammatory cells that are present and to-cellularis (118) appeared to have only a simple ad-
are releasing cytokines and products that activate or ditive interaction.
sensitize the nerve terminal (106).
Spinal-spinal cord
It is apparent that within the spinal cord there are
Interactions between opiate modulated multiple points of interaction for opiates, including
systems presynaptic on C fibers and a concurrent postsynaptic
As outlined above, opioids with an action limited to interaction that leads to a hyperpolarization of dorsal
several sites, notably the spinal cord, and to the brain- horn projection neurons. It is likely that the net effect

Table 4
Summary of activity of several opiates delivered epidurally on human clinical pain.

Drug Receptor Approximate dose Reference

Lofentanil Van den Abele G, Camu F 1983 (167)

Buprenorphine Simpson KH et al. 1988 (168)
Fentanyl Welchew EA 1983 (169)
Sufentanil Geller E et al. 1993 (170)
Hydromorphone Brose WG et al. 1991 (171)
Alfentanil Chauvin M et al. 1985 (172)
Butorphanol Camann WR et al. 1992 (173)
DADL Onofrio BM, Yaksh TL 1983 (137)
P-endorphin Oyama T et al. 1982 (175)
Morphine Yaksh TL 1987 (132)
Methadone Torda TA, Pybus DA 1982 (176)
Evron S et al. 1985 (177)
Meperidine P Torda TA, Pvbus DA 1982 (176)

of spinally delivered agents is mediated by this con- pain relief in cancer patients (124,125,126,127,128). An
current action which reduces the excitatory input and important characteristicof this action is that the time of
the excitability of the dorsal horn neuron. While the onset is relatively rapid for even the water-soluble
importance of this concurrent interaction on the net agent morphine. Gamma scans of human brain after
analgesic action of spinal opiates has not been system- 1123-morphine have shown that the agent, even at one
atically examined, a comparison can be made between hour after injection, remains close to the ventricular lu-
spinal receptor systems that have and do not have this men (129). This distribution is consistent with the slow
property. Thus, p, d and a2 agonists and neuropeptide permeation of the water soluble agent from the ven-
Y have pre-synaptic effects upon C fiber transmitter tricular lumen (130).Given that the rate of diffusion for
release and appear to hyperpolarize neurons through such a drug and the size of the human brain, it seems
a G protein coupling (119, 120). These agents are probable to hypothesize that the site of opiate action in
known to have a significant therapeutic ratio in ani- humans must lie close to the ventricular lumen. In this
mals and, where examined, in humans. In contrast, regard, the preclinical studies in species such as the pri-
agents such as adenosine A1 agonists and GABA B mate have emphasized the importance of the periaque-
(baclofen) agonists have binding in the dorsal horn, ductal sites. Such a site of action would in fact lie in
can increase K conductance through G protein link- close proximity to the ventricles and permit a relatively
ages, but do not significantly decrease spinal sub- rapid access of a slowly moving drug from the ven-
stance P release (44,45). These agents after spinal de- tricular lumen. While an extensive activity relationship
livery have a comparatively poor therapeutic ratio, has not been achieved with human intracerebroventri-
e.g., they produce significant motor dysfunction at cular delivery, morphine and &endorphin have been
doses that alter nociceptive endpoints (121,122). It has delivered and analgesia produced with B-endorphin
been hypothesized that this concurrent pre-terminal appears to show a greater activity (131).
effect on small afferents and the post-synaptic effects
enhance the therapeutic ratio (123). Thus, these two Spinal
classes of agents argue for a potent functional contri- There is an extensive literature indicating that opiates
bution of the two concurrent sites of action leading to delivered spinally can induce a powerful analgesia in
antinociception. humans. The pharmacology of this action has been
relatively widely studied and it appears certain that
p, 8 and to a lesser degree K agonists are effective after
Similarity of mechanisms in human and intrathecal or epidural delivery (132). The effects of
animal models spinal opiates are reversed by low doses of systemic
Supraspinal naloxone (133, 134, 135, 136, 137). Importantly, in the
In humans it is not feasible to routinely assess the site activity of spinally-delivered agents in modulating
of action within the brain where opiates may act to alter acute nociception in animal models, such as for the
nociceptive transmission. However, intracerebroven- rodent, hot plate reveals an ordering of activity that
tricular opioids have been employed in humans for closely resembles that observed in humans for con-

T. L. Yaksh
1 OOOOl 1 tized by a local change in the chemical milieu that is



r-0.872 7 generated by local injury and inflammation. Given
these properties, it is not surprising that the clinically
employed opiates (largely p and to a lesser extent K
agonists) are noted to be particularly effective in the
postinjury/-operative pain state, as they are in the
3. Hydromorphone
L acute nociceptive models (Fig. 8). In each case, it is
in believed that the principal input generated by mech-
L 6. Morphine
w 7. Alfentanil anical distortion of the tissue or by the elaboration of
8. Methadone active factors (141, 142) from the injury similarly re-
9. Butorphanol
10. Buprenorphine flects input that arises from activity in small afferents.
11. Meperidine In neuropathic pain models, the normal processing
.1 1 10 100 1000 of sensory input is altered to yield a hyperalgesic com-
RAT (HOT PLATE 52.5.C) ponent, as indicated in the thermal escape latency in
Fig. 8. The relative ordering of activity for clinically effective the model of Bennett and Xie (143), or in the tactile allo-
doses of spinal opiates in the postoperative pain state expressed dynia in the nerve ligation model of Kim and Chung
relative to the activity of morphine (e.g. morphine=l) in (144) or the intrathecal strychnine model of Yaksh (108).
humans is plotted versus the ordering of activity relative to mor- As summarized in Table 5, in these models, opiates
phine after spinal delivery in the rat model on the 52°C hot plate
test. * indicates that buprenorphine on the hot plate is a partial
have been shown to have distinguishable effects. Thus,
agonist. in the Bennett and Xie model (143), systemic and intra-
thecal morphine has been shown to be effective and the
dose response curves have been shown to be shifted
modestly to the right (145).In contrast, on the tactile al-
trolling clinical pain states. This similarity is indicated lodynia models, intrathecal morphine has been shown
by the close regression observed when the approxi- to have no effect in altering the allodynia, while sys-
mate relative ordering of activity observed in rats and temic and intraventricular opiates have been shown to
after spinal delivery in humans is plotted (Fig. 8). be effective in reversing the tactile threshold (76, 108,
146). These observations, suggesting that at least some
Peripheral actions preclinical neuropathic states may not be sensitive to
The observation that opiates injected in the periphery spinal opiates are consistent with previous retrospec-
led to the clinical studies showing that observation of tive analyses in human causalgic pain states (147). As
injection of morphine into the knee joint of humans the tactile allodynia is believed to be mediated by large,
after knee surgery (138, 139, 140) showed that intra- low threshold mechanoreceptors, the modest, if any, ef-
articular morphine injections have a powerful sparing fect upon the tactile allodynia by spinal opiates is con-
effect upon subsequent analgesics. The appropriate sistent with the current thinking regarding their pre-
controls emphasize that the effects are indeed med- sumed mechanisms of action at the spinal level (see
iated by a local action and not by a CNS redistri- above). In this regard, the apparent efficacy of systemic
bution. These results are in close accord with the ob- or supraspinal opiates in these models may point to an
servation reported in the animal models of hyperalge- alteration in the supraspinal systems activated by the
sia induced by peripheral inflammation. anomalous ascending message generated by the tactile
stimulus in the post nerve injury pain state. On the
other hand, the efficacy of spinal and systemic opiates
Preclinical versus clinical pain states
in some pain models such as the Bennett model and in
and opiate action other models by a systemic or supraspinal action as in
Mechanistic variables the Chung model (Table 5) would suggest that in
A variety of nociceptive models employed in animals humans at least some components of the post nerve in-
have been shown to be sensitive to the supraspinal jury pain state should be affected by spinal opiates (148,
and spinal actions of opiates (see above and Table 3). 149).
A common property of these states are that they in-
volve: i) activity in small primary afferents, as acti- Stimulus intensity
vated by high threshold thermal, mechanical and Opiate agonists generate their effect by an interaction
chemical stimuli; or ii) in the case of the peripheral with a specific opiate site for which it has affinity and
action, a high threshold afferent that has been sensi- the magnitude of effect produced by a given degree

2 04
Table 5
Comparable sensitivity of preclinical and clinical pain states to morphine'.

Rat Human
Spinal ICVT Systemic Spinal Systemic
Somatic (small afferent)
Acute thermaVmechanical (rat') Yes Yes Yes
Post injury (human') Yes Yes
Bennett (thermal hyperalgesia: rat) Yes2 - Yes3
Chung (tactile allydynia: rat) NO^ Yes5 Yes5
IT strychnine (tactile allodynia: rat) Nos - -
Spinal ischaemia (tactile allodynia: rat) - - No7
Nerve section (autotomy) Yese - NO'
Causalgia (human) Nolo YedNoll
Colonic distension (rat) Yes12 - -
Uteral colic (human) Yes13 --
' See text and Table 3 for references; Yamamoto T, Yaksh TL 1991 (145); Yaksh TL, unpublishedobservations; Yaksh TL et al. 1995 (76);
Lee Y-W et al. 1995 (146); Yaksh TI 1989 (166); Xu XJ et al. 1992 (178); Wiesenfeld-Hallin2 1984 (165), Puke MJ, Wiesenfeld-Hallin
Z 1993 (179) (Pretreatmenffextended treatment); Yamamoto T, Mizuguchi T 1992 (180) (Prolonged oral); lo Arner S,Meyerson BA 1988
(147); 'l Cherny NI et al. 1994 (149); l2Ness TJ, Gebhart GF 1989 (161); l3Olshwang D et al. 1984 (181).

of receptor occupancy is defined by the intrinsic effi-

cacy of the agonist. Thus, if two p agonists produce a IT SUF, Mod
given effect with different degrees of occupancy, the IT SUF, High
agent requiring the lowest occupancy is said to have
higher intrinsic efficacy. Agents with low efficacy may
be unable to achieve a maximum effect even when
the fraction of receptor occupancy approaches 1. In
contrast, other agents may produce maximum effects
when only a small fraction of the available receptors
are occupied. The relative efficacy of two agonists
may be compared by measuring the shifts in their $ 1 -20, . .......I . '..'...I . ..'.... .
I . ' ' ~ ' ' '' ~.- ..-
dose response curves in the face of receptor inacti- - 0 ITMOR,LOW
vation with noncompetitive antagonists. Thus, for
opiates, in models of nociception using non B-funal-
5 8 0 -- ' ITMOR,Mld
trexamine, it has been possible to demonstrate after 0

spinal and/or systemic delivery that sufentanil= 8
DAMGO>morphine (150, 151). An important conse- 2 40

quence of differences in efficacy arise in the face of
changing stimulus intensities. It is known that an in- X
crease in stimulus intensity will result in a right shift $ 0
in the dose response curve for an analgesic and if the E
intensity is sufficient, the agonists may be unable to -20, . . ....-. . .
I *'."'I ' . ...'.. . .
I .."..1 ' ' '.--I

.001 .01 .1 1 10 100

produce a full effect, e.g., it will appear as a partial lntrathecal Dose (pg)
agonist. It has been hypothesized that the degree of Fig. 9. Dose response curves for sufentanil (SUF, top panel) and
right shift is defined by the intrinsic efficacy of the morphine (MOR, bottom panel) at progressively increasing ther-
agonist. This speculation has been supported for p mal stimdus intensities (Low, open circles; Medium, closed
opiate agonists (152) and generalized to a2 adrenergic circles; and High, closed squares). All results expressed as per-
agonists (153). An example of this is presented in Fig. cent maximum possible effect (%WE) versus Logarithm of opi-
ate dose (pg) with the mean of 4-6 animals2SEM represented
9. Here, the spinal delivery of sufentanil and mor- at each data point. As indicated, for a given increase in stimulus
phine results in a dose-dependent increase in the ther- intensity, sufentanil shows a lesser right shift than morphine and
mal escape latency. By increasing the intensity of the no decreasing maximum (154).

T. L. Yaksh

stimulus, the doses of sufentanil and morphine are effects on function at levels of receptor occupancy
shifted to the right, with the greatest shift and the de- at which other systems (e.g. respiratory or auto-
pression of maximum being greatest for morphine. In nomic) are not sufficiently affected to produce a
humans, some evidence for this has been obtained physiologically relevant action. This multitude of
from the ratio of potencies for sufentanil and mor- mechanisms and their synergistic interaction
phine defined in mild to moderate pain states (low likely accounts for the most part for how opiates
stimulus) versus that required for intraoperative anal- can exert a relatively potent, yet selective, effect
gesia (strong stimulus) (152,154). In this regard, the p upon nociceptive processing.
opioid agonist buprenorphine is appreciated to be a iv) Finally, our appreciation of the actions of the opi-
clinically useful analgesic, whereas in animal models ate systems provide important insights into the
it is frequently seen as having a plateau effect. This mechanisms by which nociceptive information is
plateau effect reflects upon the fact that at the maxi- processed. Thus, the characteristics of the antino-
mum achievable receptor occupancy, the agent has in- ciception will be defined by the systems with
sufficient efficacy to achieve a maximum effect. This which the opiates interact. In the case of neuro-
is manifested in Fig. 8, where intrathecally in the rat, pathic pain, for example, it might be speculated
on the 52°C hotplate, buprenorphine displays a pla- that in pain states in which the afferent drive is
teau effect and its estimated relative potency (as com- mediated by low threshold myelinated afferents
pared to morphine) is less than that observed in the (as in allodynia), the agent may be relatively less
clinical setting. Thus, the efficacy of the opiate ap- effective than in a pain state in which the pain
pears to have an impact upon the relative potency in state is mediated by a small afferent input (with
the preclinical model and in its clinical use. which opiate receptors are believed to be associ-
ated in the spinal cord).
v) Finally, while the data for human action of these
agents is relatively less exhaustive than the pre-
Conclusions clinical work, there is a prominent comparability
This overview of opioid receptor activity raises a across specifies when site of action and pharma-
number of important issues that are relevant to the cology are considered. Thus, there is little doubt
understanding of pain and pain processing. that in humans, as in the animal model, it is pos-
i) The ability of opiates to produce a powerful effect sible to demonstrate comparable supraspinal,
upon the organized response of the animal to a spinal and peripheral actions. This similarity in
strong and potentially tissue damaging stimulus pharmacology and function provides validating
reflects first upon the action mediated by a speci- support for the conclusion that animal models re-
fic family of receptors. veal mechanisms of processing that are present in
ii) The antinociceptive effects associated with such the human.
receptor occupancy reflects the coupling of these
receptors to specific neuronal systems that are
part of a circuitry that either regulates the excitab- Acknowledgement
ility of a neuronal pathway (as in the bulbospinal
projections that control spinal activity) or serves Work reported herein was supported in part by NIDA 02110. I
to directly impede the release of a transmitter link would like to dedicate this paper to Dr.Florella Magora who
contributed to the early clinical literature on spinal opiates, in
(as in the prevention of the release of a neuro- honor of her retirement.
transmitter from the primary afferent or by hyper-
polarizing the projection neuron).
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