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Simple Sentence

Compound Sentence
Complex sentence

Achi Ayu Permata

Simple Sentence
A sentence which consists of
one subject, one verb, and one or
more objects

01 - In using simple sentence, we deal

with grammar rules (tenses)
- Please check your understanding
on types of tenses, functions, and
rules of using.
Compound Sentence
A compound sentence is made up of two independent clauses
joined by a coordinate connector, then resulting one sentence
- Clause : consists of one subject and one verb.

02 It could also be called a sentence. However, a sentence could

consist of one or more clauses
e.g. I read a novel → a clause / a sentence
Tom is singing and John is dancing → 1 sentence /
S V C S V (compound sentence)

(---- clause 1 -----) ↓ (----- clause 2 -----)

*C : coordinate connector
Coordinate Connector

But Or Ye t S o For And Nor

Example :
• To m i s s i n g i n g , Paul is dancing
• To m i s t a l l , Paul is short.
• To m m u s t w r i t e t h e l e t t e r, Paul will do it.
• To m t o l d a j o k e , Paul laughed
• To m i s t i r e d , he is not going to sleep
• To m d o e s n ’ t d o t h e h o m e w o r k , does Susan.
• To m l e f t i n h a s t e , he was already late for
the appointment.

“ U S E C O O R D I N AT E C O N N E C T O R S C O R R E C T LY ”
Complex Sentence
A complex sentence contains at least two clauses: a main clause and subordinate clause.
A subordinate clause, which is dependent on the main clause for its meaning,
may function in a sentence as an adjective, an adverb, or a noun.

(i) An adjective clause (also called a relative clause)

usually begins with a pronoun, such as who, whose, which, where, or

03 when and immediately follows the noun or pronoun which it describes.

(ii) An adverb clause

begins with an adverbial conjunction, such as because, although, if, or
while, and is frequently found at the beginning or the end of a sentence.

(iii) A noun clause

begins with the word that or a question word, such as why, what, or how.
and can function in a sentence in any of the ways that a noun can

• A main clause is a subject-verb combination that

can function independently as a sentence.

• A subordinate clause is a subject-verb combination

that begins with words such as because, which, after,
or if and cannot function independently as a

• Example;
Main clause : the rain stopped
Subordinate clause : after the rain stopped

Main clause : he lost his wallet

Subordinate clause : which he lost.
q What he discovered was important
( C S V )
Noun clause (S)
note: what he discovered is a noun clause used to replace a
noun that used to be the real SUBJECT.
maybe the real main clause: His discovery was important
q The man whom I saw was a Native American.
( C S V)
adjective clause
note: whom I saw is an adjective clause used to describe “The man”
main clause: The man was a Native American
q It was difficult to observe the stars before the telescope was invented
( C S V )
adverb clause
note: before the telescope was invented is an adverb clause.
it is used to explain the time (when) of situation mentioned in
the main clause.
main clause: It was difficult to observe the stars

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