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A: Hello, classmate,

my name is Josue
and you?
B: Hi, my name is
Jhonn, nice to meet
A: Nice to meet you
B: Have you ever
eaten something
A: Mmmmm of
course, 2 years ago
I had a cylinder
rabbit in
Cajamarca, which
by the way was
very tasty. And
B: Interesting, when
I have traveled to
China I have eaten
strangest food there
called Lumpia.
A: Great, have you
ever participated in
any sporting event?
B: Yes, 2 years ago
I have participated
in the Pan
American Games
playing Basketball.
And you?
A: I have played the
national tournament
with my Adeu
school and I
have managed to
win it. A very nice
B: Have you ever
talked to a
A: Only once, 4
years ago I met
Paolo guerrero in
Lima, I was training
with my team and
he came to greet us,
I took a photo with
him. And
you, have you ever
chatted with
someone popular?
B: Great, I have
received a greeting
from the player
Lapadula, I was in
the stadium the day
I play Peru vs.
A: Have you ever
done something out
of the ordinary?
B: I have visited the
morgue with some
friends looking for
it was very scary.
And you?
A: Hello, classmate, my name is Josue and you?

B: Hi, my name is fernanda, nice to meet you.

A: Nice to meet you too.

B: Have you ever eaten something unusual?

A: Mmmmm of course, 2 years ago I had a cylinder rabbit in Cajamarca, which by the way was very
tasty. And you?

B: Interesting, when I have traveled to China I have eaten the strangest food there called Lumpia.

A: Great, have you ever participated in any sporting event?

B: Yes, 2 years ago I have participated in the Pan American Games playing Basketball. And you?

A: I have played the national tournament with my Adeu school and I ave managed to win it. A very
nice experience.

B: Have you ever talked to a celebrity?

A: Only once, 4 years ago I met Paolo guerrero in Lima, I was training with my team and he came
to greet us, I took a photo with him. And you, have you ever chatted with someone popular?

B: Great, I have received a greeting from the player Lapadula, I was in the stadium the day I play
Peru vs. Argentina.

A: Have you ever done something out of the ordinary?

B: I have visited the morgue with some friends looking for adventure, it was very scary. And you?

A: I would be scared, I went to the cinema at 3am to see the premiere of the movie The Avengers,
I was very anxious about that movie.

B: Have you ever bought something online?

A: Yes, I have bought 3 polo shirts through the Wishh virtual store. And you too?

B: Yes, but I have bought a computer from Ali Express, I was very worried because it took 2

A: Great friend, very interested in your experiences.

B: Also yours, see you soon.

A: Thank you, Blessings

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