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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Review Article

Julie R. Ingelfinger, M.D., Editor

Uses of GFR and Albuminuria Level

in Acute and Chronic Kidney Disease
Andrew S. Levey, M.D., Morgan E. Grams, M.D., Ph.D., M.H.S.,
and Lesley A. Inker, M.D.​​

From the Division of Nephrology, Tufts idney disease is common in adults, and testing for kidney dis-
Medical Center, Boston (A.S.L., L.A.I.); and ease is part of routine clinical practice for patients with acute or chronic
the Division of Precision Medicine, Depart-
ment of Medicine, New York University, illness. The initial evaluation includes determination of the glomerular
New York (M.E.G.). Dr. Levey can be con- filtration rate (GFR), estimated on the basis of the serum creatinine level (eGFRcr),
tacted at ­alevey@​­tuftsmedicalcenter​.­org and the level of albuminuria, assessed on the basis of the urinary albumin-to-
or at the Division of Nephrology, Tufts
Medical Center, 800 Washington St., Box creatinine ratio. These tests are inexpensive, are widely available in clinical labo-
391, Boston, MA 02111. ratories, and enable early detection of most kidney diseases. Calculation of the
This article was updated on June 2, 2022, eGFR from the serum cystatin C level alone or with the serum creatinine level
at (eGFRcys and eGFRcr-cys, respectively) is a recommended confirmatory test but is
N Engl J Med 2022;386:2120-8. less widely available, particularly in countries outside the United States and west-
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra2201153 ern Europe. Rigorous evaluation of GFR and albuminuria has enabled advances in
Copyright © 2022 Massachusetts Medical Society. clinical practice, research, and public health, but greater use of these measures is
CME needed to improve health outcomes related to kidney disease.
at It has been 20 years since the first clinical practice guideline on kidney disease
recommended the use of the GFR and albuminuria for defining and classifying
kidney disease.1 In this review, we briefly discuss the conceptual model and clini-
cal approach to detection, evaluation, and management of acute kidney disease
(AKD) and chronic kidney disease (CKD), using internationally recommended
nomenclature.2,3 We then focus on advances in clinical evaluation of the GFR and
albuminuria and application of these measures as criteria for the definitions of
AKD and CKD, risk factors for cardiovascular disease, eligibility criteria and end
points for clinical trials of kidney disease progression, and risk prediction instru-
ments for clinical practice (Table 1).

Cl inic a l A pproach t o K idne y Dise a se

Current guidelines define kidney disease as heterogeneous disorders characterized
by abnormalities in the function or structure of the kidney, with implications for
health (Fig. 1).4-6 Functional abnormalities are related to a decreased GFR, where-
as structural abnormalities are inferred from markers of kidney damage, including
increased albuminuria and abnormalities in the urine sediment and imaging. New
biomarkers of kidney function and structure are under investigation.7 AKD and
CKD are differentiated by their duration: less than 3 months for AKD and 3 months
or longer for CKD. Acute kidney injury (AKI) is defined as a subset of AKD, with
an onset within 7 days before presentation. AKD with or without AKI can be super-
imposed on preexisting CKD.8 Kidney disease is classified according to the cause
and severity (stages) of GFR and albuminuria (known as cause–GFR–albuminuria
classification, or CGA staging) because of the importance of each of these factors
in prognosis and treatment.

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Uses of GFR and Albuminuria in Kidney Disease

Table 1. Clinical Uses of the Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) and the Level of Albuminuria.*

Clinical Use GFR Albuminuria

Clinical significance in the general Overall index of kidney function: decreased GFR re- Marker of kidney damage: increased albumin-
population flects decreased nephron number or decreased uria reflects impairment of permselectivity
single-nephron GFR barrier of glomerular capillaries to macro-
Normal range in the general Mean value is approximately 125 ml/min/1.73 m2 Mean AER is approximately 5 mg/day in young
population in young adults, with a wide range; lower mean adults, equivalent to ACR of about 5 mg/g,
values at older age because of aging and kidney with a wide range; higher mean ACR at older
disease age due to higher AER and lower creatinine
excretion rate
Detection of kidney disease
AKI Urine output, increase in serum creatinine from NA
AKD or CKD Initial test: eGFRcr Initial test: ACR in untimed spot urine sample
Confirmatory tests: eGFRcys, eGFRcr-cys, mGFR, (early-morning sample preferred)
mClcr Confirmatory test: AER in timed urine sample
Definition of kidney disease
AKI Serum creatinine increased by 0.3 mg/dl in 48 hr or NA
by 50% in 7 days, or oliguria for >6 hr
AKD AKI or GFR <60 ml/min/1.73 m2 or GFR decreased ACR >30 mg/g for <3 mo
by 35% for <3 mo
CKD GFR <60 ml/min/1.73 m2 for ≥3 mo ACR >30 mg/g for ≥3 mo
Risk of adverse outcomes
AKI Increased risk of CKD, KFRT, death NA
AKD Increased risk of CKD, KFRT, death Insufficient data
CKD Increased risk of AKI, KFRT, CVD, death‡ Increased risk of AKI, KFRT, CVD, death‡
Clinical trials of CKD progression Predictive biomarker for eligibility Predictive biomarker for eligibility
Clinical end point: kidney failure (GFR <15 ml/ Surrogate end point: mean reduction in ACR
min/1.73 m2 or KFRT) >30%
Surrogate end points: 57%, 40%, 30% declines
in GFR or mean reduction in GFR slope
>0.5–1.0 ml/min/1.73 m2 per yr
Risk-prediction instruments for CKD CKD onset, CKD progression, KFRT, CVD, death CKD onset, CKD progression, KFRT, CVD, death
(absolute risk) in general popu-
lation and patients with CKD

* For the urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR), albumin is measured in milligrams and creatinine in grams. AER denotes albumin excre-
tion rate, AKD acute kidney disease, AKI acute kidney injury, CKD chronic kidney disease, CVD cardiovascular disease, eGFRcr estimated
GFR based on creatinine, eGFRcr-cys estimated GFR based on creatinine and cystatin C, eGFRcys estimated GFR based on cystatin C, KFRT
kidney failure requiring long-term replacement therapy, mClcr measured creatinine clearance, mGFR measured GFR, and NA not applicable.
† Other markers of kidney damage in AKD and CKD include urine sediment abnormalities (hematuria and pyuria), imaging abnormalities,
pathological abnormalities, and electrolyte disorders due to altered tubular function.
‡ Adverse outcomes of CVD include death, coronary heart disease, stroke, heart failure, peripheral arterial disease, and amputation of any
lower extremity.

There are numerous risk factors for and death. Kidney failure generally causes symptoms
causes of AKD and CKD (see the text and Tables and may require short-term or long-term kidney-
S1 and S2 in the Supplementary Appendix, avail- replacement therapy (dialysis or transplanta-
able with the full text of this article at NEJM tion). Kidney failure requiring long-term kidney-
.org). Older age, diabetes, hypertension, and replacement therapy is also known as end-stage
obesity are among the most common risk fac- kidney disease. Complications may involve virtu-
tors. Regardless of the cause of disease, adverse ally all organs and tissues, but causal mecha-
outcomes include progression to kidney failure, nisms are incompletely understood (Fig. 1). Kid-
complications in other organs and tissues, and ney failure and complications associated with

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Complications Related to
Complications Related to Complications Related Both Decreased GFR and
Increased Albuminuria to Decreased GFR Increased Albuminuria
Hypoalbuminemia Drug toxicity Cardiovascular disease
Hyperlipidemia Acid–base or electrolyte Fluid overload
Deep-vein thrombosis complications Anemia
Pulmonary embolism Metabolic or hormonal Malnutrition
complications Infections
Neuropathy Cognitive impairment

Increased risk of
kidney disease Albuminuria as a Decreased GFR Kidney failure
Older age eGFRcr GFR <15 ml/
marker of damage
Normal Diabetes mellitus Death
Increased ACR eGFRcr-cys min/1.73 m2
High blood or dialysis
AKI: onset within 7 days
AKD: duration <3 mo; CKD: duration ≥3 mo
Populations for application of risk-prediction instruments

Figure 1. Use of the Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) and Level of Albuminuria to Ascertain the Development, Progression,
and Complications of Acute and Chronic Kidney Disease.
The white rectangle lists complications associated with kidney disease; such complications refer to nonkidney outcomes that occur more
frequently in persons with than in those without kidney disease. The white squares indicate the antecedents and stages of kidney dis-
ease. The squares also list examples of risk factors for kidney disease and tests for evaluation of the level of albuminuria and the GFR.
Arrows pointing to the right represent the development and progression of kidney disease, and arrows pointing to the left represent re-
mission. Death from kidney disease may be due to kidney failure or complications associated with kidney disease. The rectangle with the
darkest shading indicates stages of acute kidney injury (AKI), the rectangle with medium shading indicates stages of acute kidney disease
(AKD) and chronic kidney disease (CKD), and the rectangle with the lightest shading indicates populations (e.g., persons with an increased
risk of kidney disease) that are appropriate for the application of risk-prediction instruments. ACR denotes albumin-to-creatinine ratio,
eGFRcr estimated GFR based on the creatinine level, and eGFRcr-cys estimated GFR based on the creatinine and cystatin C levels.

kidney disease (especially cardiovascular disease benefits of treatment (risk reduction) outweigh
[CVD]) contribute to decreased quality of life, the anticipated harms.
higher costs of care, and increased mortality,
especially among older adults. Cl inic a l E va luat ion of GFR a nd
The general clinical approach to AKD (with A l buminur i a
or without AKI) and CKD consists of six steps
(Box S1): first, recognition of patients who are at GFR and albuminuria reflect the glomerular
increased risk for kidney disease; second, testing contributions to the excretory function of the
of patients at increased risk, even in the absence kidneys and are the most well-characterized
of symptoms; third, detection with the use of measures of kidney disease. GFR, the product of
guideline-recommended criteria; fourth, evalua- the number of nephrons and the average single-
tion of cause and stages (cause–GFR–albumin- nephron GFR, is generally considered the best
uria classification); fifth, assessment of progno- overall index of kidney function in health and
sis (risk) for kidney disease progression and disease.9 The nephron number declines with age
complications; and sixth, implementation of risk- and kidney disease.10,11 Physiologically, the con-
based therapy, including cause-specific therapy sequent decline in GFR can be counteracted by
and stage-based nonspecific therapy. Treatment an increase in single-nephron GFR (single-neph-
is designed to slow progression and reduce com- ron hyperfiltration), which can blunt the decline
plications for patients in whom the anticipated in the overall GFR, but over time, this may result

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Uses of GFR and Albuminuria in Kidney Disease

in hemodynamic injury to the remaining neph- referral centers or as part of research studies.
rons and accelerated progression of kidney disease. Urinary clearance of endogenous creatinine, gener-
The true GFR cannot be measured directly in ally assessed from a single serum measurement
humans. GFR can be assessed from the clear- and a 24-hour urine collection for measurement of
ance or plasma (or serum) concentrations of the creatinine excretion rate, is readily tested but
filtration markers (low-molecular-weight sub- is less accurate than mGFR and may be less ac-
stances that are eliminated primarily by glo- curate than eGFR.
merular filtration). For evaluation of the GFR, Increased albuminuria, reflecting impairment
current guidelines recommend using GFR-esti- of the permselective barrier function of the glo-
mating equations, with eGFRcr as the initial merular capillary wall to macromolecules, is a
test, and confirmation with eGFRcys, eGFRcr-cys, marker of kidney damage. Increased albumin-
or clearance measurements, as appropriate for uria is seen in early stages of kidney disease due
the clinical setting (see the text in the Supple- to diabetes, other glomerular diseases, or hyper-
mentary Appendix).5 GFR can be assessed more tension and in later stages of almost all causes
accurately with the use of estimating equations of kidney disease.9 Numerous pathologic pro-
than by the concentration of the filtration marker cesses, such as inflammation, infiltration, or fi-
alone. The equations developed by the Chronic brosis, can cause albuminuria. Irrespective of the
Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration are cause, albuminuria and the presence of other
recommended for use in North America, Europe, macromolecules in the tubular fluid may incite
and Australia. Alternative equations for eGFRcr tubular damage and accelerate the progression
are used in some regions of Asia; there are lim- of kidney disease.
ited studies from South America and Africa.12 Albuminuria can be assessed by means of
Furthermore, recent recommendations encour- albumin-specific assays or as a component in
age the use of serum cystatin C levels in estimat- total urinary protein, with the use of quantita-
ing the GFR because cystatin C is not affected by tive or semiquantitative methods, in either a
race or world region and appears to enable a timed urine collection or an untimed spot urine
more accurate eGFR determination.13-15 Assays sample (Table S4). Current guidelines for albu-
for cystatin C are more expensive than those for minuria evaluation recommend determining the
creatinine, and use of cystatin C is currently albumin-to-creatinine ratio in a spot urine sam-
limited by reimbursement policies, but there are ple as the initial test (an early-morning sample
opportunities to reduce its costs and advocate is preferred), with the result confirmed by as-
for changes in policy. sessing the albumin excretion rate in a timed
The accuracy of the eGFR is affected by non- urine collection, as appropriate for the clinical
GFR determinants of the filtration markers, setting (see the text in the Supplementary Ap-
which are better understood for creatinine than pendix).5 Assays for urinary albumin may be
for cystatin C (Table S3).16 Creatinine is affected more expensive than assays for urinary total
by muscle mass, diet, and drugs that interfere protein or dipstick testing, and use of the albu-
with tubular secretion (e.g., trimethoprim). As min-to-creatinine ratio is limited by reimburse-
compared with creatinine, cystatin C is less af- ment policies in some countries. Equations have
fected by age, sex, race, and world region but is been developed to estimate the urinary albumin-
more affected by obesity, smoking, inflamma- to-creatinine ratio from the protein-to-creatinine
tion, and alterations in thyroid and glucocorti- ratio and dipstick testing of protein, but accu-
coid hormones. The accuracy of eGFRcr-cys is racy is limited at low protein-to-creatinine ratios
greater than that of either eGFRcr or eGFRcys and low dipstick protein values.17,18
because the use of both creatinine and cystatin C
reduces the error due to the non-GFR determinants Cl inic a l A ppl ic at ion of GFR
of the two filtration markers. Measured GFR a nd A l buminur i a
(mGFR), determined on the basis of urinary or
plasma clearance of an exogenous filtration Definitions and Burden of AKD and CKD
marker, is more accurate than eGFR; however, Either a decreased GFR (<60 ml per minute per
such methods are typically performed only in 1.73 m2 of body-surface area) or increased albu-

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Table 2. Predictive Instruments Using GFR and Albuminuria.*

Interval from Recommended
Risk Prediction No. of Predicted Risk in Risk Threshold
Instrument and Target Population Outcome to Outcome Hazard Ratio† Predictors Target Population‡ for Clinical Actions§
GFR ACR 1st decile 10th decile
years percent percent
KFRE: GFR <60 ml/min/1.73 m2 KFRT 2 29 2.6 4 <0.1 93 >10: Multidisciplinary care
>20–40: Dialysis access and trans-
plantation evaluation
KFRT 5 29 2.6 4 <0.1 100 >5: Nephrology referral
CKD with Severely Decreased GFR: KFRT 2 4.1 3.9 9 0.8 42 Same as for KFRE; high risk of CVD
GFR <30 ml/min/1.73 m2 CVD 2 0.9 1.2 9 3.8 34 and death influences overall
Death 2 1.3 1.0 9 2.6 36 management
KFRT Risk Tool for Kidney Donor Can­ KFRT Lifetime 2.3 2.6 10 0.1 6.0 <1–2: Acceptable donor candidate
didates: GFR ≥60 ml/min/
1.73 m2 and ACR <300 mg/g

CKD Progression Calculator:

GFR ≥60 ml/min/1.73 m2, no DM 40% GFR decline 3 1 2.4 12 0.2 7.8 >1–4: Use medications to slow
GFR ≥60 ml/min/1.73 m2, DM 40% GFR decline 3 1.4 2.3 12 0.4 18 kidney-disease progression,
GFR <60 ml/min/1.73 m2, no DM 40% GFR decline 3 2.7 2.3 12 1.4 42 more frequent monitoring
GFR <60 ml/min/1.73 m2, DM 40% GFR decline 3 1.6 2.6 12 1.2 65 >5: Consider multiple medications
to slow disease progression
Incident GFR <60 Calculator:
GFR ≥60 ml/min/1.73 m2, no DM GFR <60 ml/min/1.73 m2 5 13 1.4 9 0.1 46 >5: Measure albuminuria if not
GFR ≥60 ml/min/1.73 m2, DM GFR <60 ml/min/1.73 m2 5 6.9 1.4 11 2.1 68 done, use medications to slow
disease progression
SCORE plus Kidney Variables Calculator: Death from CVD 10 3.0 1.6 7 0.6 27 >5: Improves risk prediction
general population free of CVD beyond SCORE¶
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l

PCE plus Kidney Variables Calculator: ASCVD event 10 1.7 1.3 11 0.3 54 Same as for SCORE plus Kidney

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general population free of CVD Variables Calculator

* Shown are instruments developed and validated in large, generalizable settings by the Chronic Kidney Disease Prognosis Consortium (https://ckdpcrisk​.o ­ rg/​­). Web links to the in-
struments are as follows: KFRE (https://ckdpcrisk​.­org/​­kidneyfailurerisk/​­), CKD with Severely Decreased GFR (https://ckdpcrisk​.­org/​­lowgfrevents/​­), KFRT Risk Tool for Kidney Donor

n engl j med 386;22  June 2, 2022

Candidates (https://ckdpcrisk​.­org/​­esrdrisk/​­), CKD Progression Calculator (https://ckdpcrisk​.­org/​­gfrdecline40/​­), Incident GFR <60 Calculator (https://ckdpcrisk​.­org/​­ckdrisk/​­), SCORE
plus Kidney Variables Calculator (https://ckdpcrisk​.­org/​­ckdpatchscore/​­), and PCE plus Kidney Variables Calculator (https://ckdpcrisk​.­org/​­ckdpatchpce/​­). The cause of CKD is generally

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m e dic i n e

not known and is not included in these instruments. Other instruments are available for use in CKD with specific identified causes. ASCVD denotes atherosclerotic cardiovascular dis-
ease, DM diabetes mellitus, KFRE Kidney Failure Risk Equation, PCE Pooled Cohort Equations, and SCORE Systematic Coronary Risk Evaluation.
† Hazard ratios are for a GFR of 65 versus 95 ml/min/1.73 m2 for patients with a GFR of 60 ml/min/1.73 m2 or higher, 25 versus 55 ml/min/1.73 m2 for a GFR of less than 60 ml/
min/1.73 m2, and 15 versus 30 ml/min/1.73 m2 for a GFR of less than 30 ml/min/1.73 m2 and a urinary ACR (with albumin measured in milligrams and creatinine in grams) that is in-
creased by a factor of 8 (e.g., 320 vs. 40 mg/g or 40 vs. 5 mg/g). Hazard ratios are rounded and, in some cases, are averages across nonlinear associations.
‡ The risks are based on data from multiple U.S. health care systems. Deciles are categorized by predicted risk for each outcome computed from the target population in OptumLabs
Data Warehouse (OLDW) cohorts. The OLDW is a longitudinal, real-world data asset with deidentified administrative claims and electronic health record data. The 1st decile represents
the lowest 10%; the 10th decile represents the highest 10%. The range between the 1st and 10th deciles allows an evaluation of the range of predictions with respect to risk thresholds.
For example, for KFRT, the risk at 2 years ranges from <0.1 to 93%; thresholds for clinical actions at 10 to 40% are well within this range.

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§ Risk thresholds are based on expert opinion regarding the implementation of risk-based, guideline-directed therapy. The thresholds are likely to vary among clinical settings (e.g., high-
resource settings vs. low-resource settings) and to change as experience with guideline implementation accumulates.
¶ Examples of other CVD risk-reduction strategies are as follows: for a risk threshold of 5 to 7.5%, discuss risk and consider the use of a moderate-intensity statin; for a risk threshold of
greater than 7.5 to 20%, use a moderate-intensity statin; and for a risk threshold of >20%, use a high-intensity statin.
Uses of GFR and Albuminuria in Kidney Disease

minuria (albumin-to-creatinine ratio >30 mg per The annual number of deaths from kidney fail-
gram, with albumin measured in milligrams ure is 1.2 million, with an additional 1.4 million
and creatinine in grams) constitutes the clinical deaths due to CVD attributed to CKD; thus, 4.6%
criterion for the definitions of AKD and CKD, of all deaths are due to CKD (making it the 12th
whereas the only criterion for AKI is a decreased leading cause of death). These results under-
GFR (indicated by oliguria or an increase in the score the need for detection, evaluation, and
serum creatinine level from baseline) (Table S5). treatment of even early stages of kidney disease
The thresholds for the disease definitions do not to slow progression and prevent complications.
vary according to age, clinical characteristics, or
coexisting conditions. Risk Factors for CVD
A lower GFR and higher level of albuminuria CVD is the most important complication of
are associated with greater risks of kidney fail- CKD. Both a decreased GFR and increased albu-
ure that requires replacement therapy (dialysis or minuria are independent risk factors for many
transplantation), a broad spectrum of treatable manifestations of CVD (Table 1), including coro-
complications (e.g., CVD), and death (Table 1 nary heart disease, stroke, heart failure, periph-
and Figs. S1 and S2).19-22 These risk relationships eral arterial disease, and need for amputation of
provide the rationale for the GFR and albumin- any lower extremity; the strongest associations
uria thresholds used for disease definitions, as are with heart failure and death from CVD.30-32
well as for the GFR and albuminuria categories There is a higher incidence of many CVD events
used for staging of disease severity and guide- in CKD than of events of kidney failure requir-
line-directed care (Table S5). In CKD, a lower ing replacement therapy. Including the GFR and
GFR and higher level of albuminuria are associ- the level of albuminuria is as important as in-
ated with an increased risk of adverse outcomes, cluding traditional risk factors in assessing the
regardless of patient age or the presence or ab- risk of CVD. A lower eGFRcys is more strongly
sence of diabetes, hypertension, or obesity; thus, associated with CVD than is a lower eGFRcr,
a decreased GFR or increased albuminuria can- which provides additional justification for more
not be considered normal in any of these sub- widespread use of cystatin C. Studies show that
groups.23-26 A decreased GFR is an indication for the occurrence of CVD events, particularly heart
adjustment of drug dosages; testing for electro- failure, in patients with CKD hastens the pro-
lyte and acid–base disorders, anemia, and meta- gression of kidney disease, suggesting a bidirec-
bolic bone disease; and planning for initiation of tional relationship between CKD and CVD.33,34
kidney-replacement therapy. Increased albumin- Current guidelines recommend evaluation and
uria is an indication for treatment with renin– treatment for CKD in patients with CVD and
angiotensin–aldosterone inhibitors. Both are evaluation and treatment for CVD in patients
indications for strict blood-pressure control and with CKD.35
sodium–glucose cotransporter 2 inhibition to
slow the progression of kidney disease and re- Clinical Trials on Progression of Kidney
duce the risk of CVD. Disease
The aging population and the obesity epi- There are few treatments to slow the progres-
demic are leading to a growing burden of AKD sion of kidney disease, in part because it is dif-
and CKD globally. In Alberta, Canada, the 1-year ficult to conduct clinical trials of treatment for
incidence is 2.5% for AKD (0.75% for AKI and CKD. An important obstacle is that in many
1.75% for AKD without AKI).27 Each disorder kidney diseases, the mean decline in the GFR is
has been associated with a higher risk of adverse only 2 to 3 ml per minute per 1.73 m2 per year,
outcomes and death, as compared with no kid- requiring a long duration of follow-up to reach
ney disease. In the United States, the reported the clinical end point of kidney failure. Use of
prevalence of CKD among adults is 11.5% over- predictive biomarkers (markers associated with
all and up to 40% among people 70 years of age an increased risk of the clinical end point) and
or older.28 By contrast, the prevalence of kidney surrogate end points (markers that occur earlier
failure that requires replacement therapy is 0.2%. than clinical end points and predict the treat-
Worldwide, the prevalence of CKD is 9.1% (rep- ment effect) can help facilitate the conduct of
resenting approximately 700 million people).29 trials. Both a decreased GFR and increased albu-

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

minuria are predictive biomarkers for the pro- albumin-to-creatinine ratio, age, and sex to pre-
gression of kidney disease and are widely used dict the 2-year and 5-year risks of kidney failure
as eligibility criteria for enrolling high-risk pa- with replacement therapy for patients with a
tients in clinical trials. The validity of these GFR of less than 60 ml per minute per 1.73 m2,
measures as surrogate end points depends on and its routine use is recommended by current
many factors (Table 1 and Table S6).36-38 guidelines to guide evaluation and treatment.40
A decline in the GFR is a step on the path to A higher predicted risk can be used to prioritize
kidney failure and is therefore a meaningful end referral for a consultation with a nephrologist,
point for CKD from all causes and for all inter- multidisciplinary CKD care, or planning for
ventions. Regulatory bodies now accept as end kidney-replacement therapy. The GFR and level
points a 30% or 40% decline in the GFR and of albuminuria can also be incorporated into
mean changes in the GFR (slopes) over a period existing CVD risk prediction instruments to
of 2 to 3 years in various settings, in addition to modify CVD risk predictions.41 More frequent
the established surrogate end point of a dou- use of these and other instruments holds prom-
bling of the serum creatinine level (equivalent ise for improving a broad spectrum of clinical
to a 57% decline in the eGFRcr). An increase in outcomes across the full range of GFR and albu-
albuminuria is appealing as a surrogate end minuria values.
point because it can occur before a decline in the Older age predicts a lower risk of kidney fail-
GFR, often within 6 months after the interven- ure that requires replacement therapy in the Kid-
tion is begun. However, an increase in albumin- ney Failure Risk Equation and other instruments
uria is limited as an end point because it is ap- because of the competing effect of death, which
propriate only for diseases characterized by emphasizes the difference in prognosis between
albuminuria, interventions targeting albumin- older and younger people with CKD. Some peo-
uria, and study participants with increased albu- ple have suggested that the GFR threshold for
minuria at baseline and because longer follow- the definition of CKD should be age-adapted (a
up may be necessary to determine changes in lower GFR threshold for older people than for
the GFR and the safety of the interventions. younger people) because of the higher preva-
There is also interest in using changes in both lence of CKD and lower relative risk of kidney
albuminuria and the GFR as a combined end failure among older people.42 In our view, the
point.39 Trials of recently approved drugs, in- absolute and the relative risks associated with all
cluding tolvaptan in polycystic kidney disease, CKD outcomes, not only kidney failure, should
glucagon-like peptide agonists and finerenone be considered, and the evaluation and manage-
in CKD with type 2 diabetes, and several inhibi- ment of CKD, not the definition, should be
tors of sodium–glucose cotransporter 2 in CKD adapted for age and other risk factors with the
with or without type 2 diabetes, have shown use of appropriate risk-prediction instruments.43
successful application of these surrogate end
points for the progression of kidney disease. Trials C onclusions
involving patients with other chronic diseases in
which CKD is common (e.g., CVD, cancer, infec- The GFR and level of albuminuria are powerful
tious diseases, and autoimmune diseases) may measures for detecting and staging AKD and
also benefit from the use of these surrogate end CKD and for predicting the risk of kidney-­
points to evaluate the potential synergistic ef- disease progression and CVD, but they remain
fects of therapeutic agents on the progression of underused. We suggest that greater use of these
kidney disease. measures can lead to further advances in clinical
practice, research, and public health.
Risk-Prediction Instruments for CKD Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
Outcomes the full text of this article at
We thank our long-time colleagues Tom Greene, Mark J. Sar-
The GFR and albuminuria are used in risk-pre- nak, Josef Coresh, Ron T. Gansevoort, Kunihiro Matsushita, and
diction instruments such as equations to guide Hiddo J. Lambers-Heerspink for their contributions, Yingying
Sang for providing risk predictions, and Ogechi M. Adingwupu
clinical decision making (Table 2). For example, for assistance in the preparation of an earlier version of the
the Kidney Failure Risk Equation uses the GFR, manuscript.

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