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Chapter 5


This module covers topics like vocabularies, translations and conversations. Vocabularies
include I, we, you, he, she, ladies and gentlemen/all of you, Mr./Ms., suffix added child’s name,
suffix added to boy’s name, nationality, teacher, student, university, who, age, how old, yes, no,
etc. Translations on the other hand, include sentence patterns and example sentences. In
addition, practical conversation is added to supplement learning.


At the end of this module, the students are expected to:

1. identify/enumerate the vocabularies being studied

2. translate English words/sentences to Japanese
3. answer questions in Japanese
4. engage in practical conversation using the vocabularies learned


1. Vocabularies

2. Translations

3. Conversations


I. Vocabulary

わたし I

わたしたち we

あなた you

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あのひと that person, he, she

(あのひた) the polite version of あのひと)

みなさん ladies and gentlemen, all of you

~さん Mr., Ms. (title of respect added to a name)

~ちゃん (suffix often added to a child’s name instead of ~さん)

~くん (suffix added to a boy’s name)

~じん (suffix meaning “a national of” ex. アメリカ じん, an


せんせい teacher, instructor (not used when referring to one’s own job)

きょうし teacher, instructor

がくせい student

かいしゃいん company employee

ぎんこういん bank employee

いしゃ medical doctor

けんこうしゃ researcher, scholar

エンジニア engineer

だいがく university

びょういん hospital

でんき electricity, light

だれ (どなた) who (どなた is the polite equivalent of だれ)

~さい - years old

なんさい(おいくつ) how old (おいくつ is the polite equivalent of なんさい)

はい yes

いいえ no

しつれいですが Excuse me, but

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おなまえは? May I have your name?

はじめまして。 How do you do? (lit. I am meeting you for the first time.
Usually used as the first phrase when introducing oneself.)

どうぞよろしく(おねがいします)。Please to meet you (lit. Please be nice to me.

Usually used at the end of a self – introduction.)

こちらは~さんです。 This is Mr./Ms.

~からきました。 I came (come) from

アメリカ America

イギリス UK

インド India

インドネシア Indonesia

かんこく South Korea

タイ Thailand

ちゅうごく China

にほん Japan

フランス France

ドイツ Germany

ブラジル Brazil

さくらだいがく/ふじだいがく Sakura Daigaku /Fuji Daigaku -fictitious universities

こうべびょういん Kobe Hospital – fictitious hospital

II. Translation (Please refer to Grammar Translation below)

Sentence Patterns
1. I am Mike Miller.
2. Mr. Santos is not a student.
3. Is Mr. Miller a company employee?
4. Mr. Santos is also a company employee.

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Example Sentences
1. Are you Mr. Mike Miller?
….Yes, I am Mike Miller.
2. Are you a student, Mr. Miller?
….No, I am not a student.
3. Is Mr. Wang an engineer?
….No, Mr. Wang is not an engineer. He is a doctor.
4. Who is that person?
….He is Professor Watt. He is a teacher at Sakura University.
5. How old is Teresa?
….She is nine years old.

How do you do?


Sato: Good morning.

おはよう ございます。.

Yamada: Good morning.

おはよう ございます。
Ms. Sato, this is Mr. Mike Miller.
さとうさん、こちらは マイク。ミラーさんです。

Miller: How do you do? I am Mike Miller.

I am from the United States of America.
Nice to meet you.
どうぞ よろしく。

Sato: I am Sato Keiko. さとうけいこ です。

Nice to meet you.
どうぞ よろしく。

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Translate the following English words/phrases:

1. Hospital
2. People
3. Doctor
4. Good morning
5. That person
6. America
7. Employee
8. Ladies and gentlemen
9. Excuse me
10. I
11. How do you do?
12. University
13. Are you a university student?
14. I am a Filipino.
15. Teacher
16. You
17. Electricity
18. Who
19. We
20. Pleased to meet you.
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Translate the following:

1. I am Mary (Mari).
2. I am a teacher.
3. We are university students.
4. Mary is not a student.
5. Is Mr. Rodrigo Duterte (pronounced as Rodorigo Duterote) an American?
6. Is Mr. Rodrigo Duterte a teacher?
7. Who is that man?
8. Ana is also a university student.
9. Mary is a CapSU teacher.
10. How old are you?


For further learning, visit these sites:


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