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Benefits of Legend

[BOOK] Using Legend, Hero pg 122.

• Legendary Deeds: Once per story per dot of Legend, add (Legend) in bonus successes to any action.
• Rerolling an Action: Spend one Legend point on a failed or botched action and reroll it. Can use this
only once per failed action.
• Defensive do-over: Spend one Legend point to retroactively increase your DV against a successful
(already-rolled) attack by (Athletics/2).
• Using powerful Knacks/Boons: Some Knacks/Boons require Legend spent in order to activate.
• Fueling Magic Spells: All magic spells require the expenditure of Legend (doing a Sacrifices can
substitute the expenditure of Legend, though).

Benefits of Willpower
[BOOK] Using Willpower, Hero pg 111. Only one point of willpower may be spent per action.
• Automatic Success: Spend one willpower point and gain one automatic success on a given action.
• Activate a Virtue: Spend one willpower point to gain (Virtue) in bonus dice on a given action that can be
construed as applying to channeled (Virtue). Can do this once per story per dot in the applicable (Virtue).
• Act in opposition to a Virtue: Spend one willpower point to take an action that violates one of the
character's four Virtues.
• Resist mind-influencing powers: Spend one willpower point (supernatural characters only) to
automatically resist the effect of supernatural powers that influence the mind or emotions.

Regaining Legend Points

[BOOK] There are three methods of recovering Legend Points.
1. Performing a Stunt: When you perform a Stunt, you regain Legend Points equal to the die bonus from
that stunt. [note it is unclear if you get Legend Points only if the action is successful or just for the
attempt itself]
2. Virtue Fulfillment: When you perform a significant action in such a way that exemplifies one of your
Virtues, you regain 1 Legend Point.
3. Start of Story: Characters begin new story arcs with completely refilled Legend Points.

Regaining Willpower Points

[BOOK] There are four methods of recovering Willpower Points.
1. Nature Fulfillment: Accomplishing the “Trait Effects” task in accordance with your designated Nature will
recover 1 Willpower Point.
2. Spectacular Deeds: Performing an “exceptional action” or behaving “in a heroic manner” that befits your
“role as a Scion” will recover 1 Willpower point. [note this is very vague]
3. Phenomenal Stunts: Rather than receiving Legend Points for a 2- or 3-die Stunt bonus, you may instead
choose to recover 1 Willpower point.
4. End of Story: Characters complete story arcs with completely refilled Willpower Points.

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