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At the beginning of the Educational Technology course,I was curious about just how

useful this course would be to me.Having already achieved passes in Information Technology

and Computer Science,I thought I already had all the knowledge about technology that I would

need moving forward in my professional career.I was wrong.While this course has helped me

with some improvements in the technical use of technology,the greatest impact it has had on me

was the shift in my perspective.

Throughout this course I have learned how to incorporate my existing knowledge base

into the classroom which has caused a refreshing change in how I approach teaching.Where

previously I would have seen teaching as a teacher centered experience,this course has shown me

how to use technology to make students an active participant in lessons.Perhaps the greatest

example of this is an altered approach to creating PowerPoint Presentations,where previously I

would have created a PowerPoint built completely around a lecture-based style of delivering

information,I have now learned how to create interactive PowerPoints that make students a

central part of the lesson.I believe that technology will be a highly useful tool as I begin to dive

more into the teaching experience,not only as a way for students to find new information,but also

as a way to motivate and engage students throughout lessons.

However,while a majority of the information and tools I have learned to use throughout

the duration of this course has already shown itself to be useful,I must say I saw no reason why

we were taught to make brochures.With the monumental advancements made in regards to using

technology in education,I must confess I am baffled as to why such an outdated tool was

included in the course.Thankfully however,that is the only problem I found in the course.
Where previously I would have had at least some exposure to most of the content in the

course,the ASSURE lesson plan model and the ISTE standards were two topics that were

completely alien to me.The ASSURE model in particular was a much different approach to

lesson planning as opposed to the 5E model that I would have been introduced to.However,I

must say that I found it much easier to plan the integration of technology and media into lessons

using this plan when compared to the standard 5E model.

In regards to the ISTE standards,I had not been aware that there were stipulations

regarding how to apply technology in the classroom.Having been taught this I now realize it is

only logical for there to be a standard to help students gain the requisite skills and knowledge to

thrive in an ever advancing technological world,as well as a standard for the skills and

knowledge that teachers need to possess in order to fully facilitate the use of technology in

education.The standards stipulated for the application of technology to create students who are

empowered in their learning ,and can therefore thrive in the digital world provides a

comprehensive roadmap for the most effective use of technology which I am in complete

agreement with.The area that had the most profound impact on me was the steps for integrating

technology,I believe that providing a step-wise guide for exactly how teachers can incorporate

technology into their lessons is a very useful tool that can not only save instructional time ,but

also prevent teachers from misusing technology.The most impactful step for me was step five:

invention.I believe the stage at which teachers begin experimenting with technology to design

the most appropriate activities is the most important stage,because at this stage the teacher will

be able to optimize technology as an active and interactive tool in the classroom.At this stage, the

teacher adjusts their instructional methods, integrating technology as an active, creative, and
socially interactive tool (Toledo, C.). Teachers will begin experimenting to design activities

centered around the best use of technology for the students.

To conclude,I do believe that the time spent doing the Educational Technology course

was very beneficial to me and it has helped prepare me for how to approach technology use in

the classroom-in fact I have already begun to incorporate some of the principles I learned in my

peer teaching sessions.I would also like to to express my gratitude to my lecturer Ms. Melissa

Gayle who was an excellent guide through the course , and who demonstrated great patience and

understanding for the students during the semester.

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