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Youglish is a tool that provides the correct pronunciation of words in multiple

languages via YouTube videos

What is YouGlish?
YouGlish is a very easy way to learn the correct pronunciation of words by hearing
them spoken on YouTube videos. That YouGlish name makes more sense now,

This tool uses YouTube to provide the accepted pronunciation of words in various
languages by employing native speakers. It's super simple to use and, thanks to it
being YouTube-based, YouGlish(opens in new tab) is accessible from any device
that has a web browser.

This isn't just spoken by people from the local country though. You can also get
pronunciations from different places around the world. It does this by allowing you
to pick the area you want from three options, or all three if that's what you select. It
even works for sign language.

How Does YouGlish Work?

YouTube has lots and lots and lots of videos -- as of 2020, there are 720,000 hours
uploaded daily. That means that if you wanted to watch an hour's worth of
uploaded YouTube videos it would take you about 82 years. Why is this relevant?

YouGlish is smart enough to trawl all that content to find the word or phrase you
want to hear. It then offers a video with that word or phrase spoken in the language
you selected.
The video itself could be about anything but the important part is that the word or
phrase will be spoken clearly, in many cases multiple times, so you can hear how it
is correctly pronounced.
For example, type in "power" in English and you get a man talking about fighter
planes and the power they have, during which he repeats that word several times
in the clip. But this is just one of 128,524 English options to pick from.
What Are The Best YouGlish Features?
Aside from taking the work out of finding relevant videos for pronunciation,
YouGlish also offers helpful options to make it even more clear.

You can activate the subtitles to be able to read the words as they are spoken in
the video. This can help with spelling as well as recognition of how the word fits
into a sentence structure.
Another really useful option in the menu allows you to control playback speed. This
lets you play at "Normal" speed or slow down to hear the words spoken more
slowly. You can also go faster if that helps. These options range from "Min" for
minimum to "0.5x" to "0.75x" then back to normal before going faster through
"1.25x" and "1.5x," "1.75x" and then "Max" for the fastest playback.

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