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Chelsea Cox University of Houston

Learner Analysis
Entry behaviors:
Learners need to be able to independently navigate their electronic device, as well as, Google
Slides, independently.

Prior knowledge of topic area:

The second grade students have prior knowledge on how to independently navigate their
student chromebooks, and understand the concept of “half”.

Attitudes toward content:

Learners are enthusiastic to use their chromebooks when completing assignments. The students
are confident when partitioning objects.

Attitudes towards the delivery system:

The students appreciate the availability of anchor charts and concrete models to accompany an
assignment. They also enjoy modeling when learning new skills that are assessed using

Academic motivation (ARCS):

Second grade students have a moderate to low attention span range for their age group, lasting
about 2-10 minutes. I tend to have more success in keeping the student engaged when they are
presented with clear instructions, opportunities to manipulate real objects, and use technology
when completing their assignments. Using a variety of learning tools (pictorial, concrete, and
technological models) will assist in maintaining the students’ attention on the topic. The
students are more engaged in their learning when they feel confident about their knowledge of
the content. In this case, the students will be allowed to access an anchor chart to build their
confidence. Using real-world examples of the concept will allow the students to feel familiar,
and access their prior knowledge.

Education and ability levels:

The learners have diverse abilities. I have several students with special needs, including visual
impairment and learning disabilities. This instruction is designed for these students to be able to
access this skill due to the support provided through concrete objects, and technology.

General learning preferences:

Learners prefer to learn using concrete objects to “play” with, technology and computer
applications, and reference points (anchor charts).

Attitudes toward class, group, or organization:

Several students resist putting effort on independent practices, especially in math. This is due to
lack of reading ability and confidence, a disability, or lack of attention paid to the modeling
provided by me. These students, however, are more motivated by activities where they are able
to manipulate objects and use their technology

Chelsea Cox University of Houston

Group characteristics:
This classroom is composed of 23 students total. Among these six are remote learners, one
dyslexic student, three who need reading intervention, three with attention deficit disorders,
and one with a visual impairment.

What data sources did you use for your responses to the previous questions?
Data sources include my student database, Aimsweb testing in math, small group instruction
observations and notes, and a math assessment from an application called Happy Numbers.

What implications do these answers in your learner analysis have for the way you design your
I am confident that the instruction I have designed will engage and allow each of my learners to
develop the skill intended in my instructional goal. This analysis has allowed me to consider the
support that each student needs to be successful.

Description of learner interview:

I interviewed a student in my second grade classroom. I selected her because she exhibits
average math skills and abilities of a second grader. My interview lasted less than ten minutes,
and I asked five questions. I asked her if she was familiar with the terms, if she would prefer
using concrete or pictorial models, her experience with google slides, and if she enjoys using her
computer for math activities. I discovered that students have some awareness of halves and
other concepts of fractions, prefer using real life objects to learn, and enjoy using technology to
practice math skills. I was surprised by how familiar the students are with diving objects into
equal parts, and that, although they have not had much experience using google slides, they
found it easy to navigate.

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