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BESR2122 Business Ethics and Social

WEEK 20: 2nd Quarter Exam
Which of the following is a disadvantage of a group decision making?

Answer: Less Efficiency

It means that individuals and companies have a duty to act in the best interests of their
environments and society as a whole.

Answer: Social responsibility

These specific group of people has influence the Filipino culture through the artistic side of
the Filipinos; Architecture, colorful dresses and arts.

Answer: Indians

It is when an employer or a co-employee makes judgments or behaves in an inappropriate

manner based on the other person's race, religion, gender, ethnicity or education.

Answer: Discrimination

You need more _____________ than profit to make it through

Answer: purpose

What do you call the individual who was hired by an employer to do a specific task,
assignment or a job and is remunerated according to it's job description?

Answer: Employee

What do you call the governing body of a nation, state, or community?

Answer: Government

A business should know the demographics that concerns specific audience.

Answer: Target Audience

This is one way of to promote a business through advertisement.

Answer: slogan (EXAM ONLY) marketing strategies (INCORRECT)

These group of people have such a great influence in the Filipinos relationship with regards
to family values.

Answer: Chinese community

This a group formed in a company representing the interests of the workers.

Answer: Trade unions

Focused on the duties and obligations that we have in a given situation, and consider what
ethical obligations we have and what things we should never do.

Answer: Duty Framework

This filipino value is important as it shows the shared sense of identity and consciousness of
the 'other'?

Answer: Pakikipagkapwa-tao (EXAM ONLY) Family orientation (INCORRECT)

What do you call a meeting between people when questions are asked and answered?

Answer: Interview

You need more _____________ than profit to make it through

Answer: purpose (EXAM ONLY)

Profit doesn't not ____________________ the salaried staff who make success happened.

Answer: motivate

It demonstrates achievement

Answer: Heroism

A purpose built in serving its customers in a way that is beyond standard obligation.

Answer: Altruism

Who is the author of The Starting Point of Great Companies?

Answer: Nikos Mourkogiannis

They influenced Filipinos religious beliefs by introducing Christianism.

Answer: Spaniards
What do you call a person employed that receives wages or salary, especially at
nonexecutive level?

Answer: Employee

Society somehow relies on this. It is considered the foundation of success and wealth of a

Answer: Business

What do you call this Filipino culture and a system in the Philippines that has been the
source of many controversies and corruption?

Answer: Padrino

These people are required to comply with all legal requirements, execute government
contracts, pay taxes honestly and in time, make services of executives available for
government, suggest measures and send proposals to enact new laws for their business.

Answer: Wages or salary (EXAM ONLY) Businessmen (INCORRECT)

A _______________________ displays and models fairness and equity in all aspects of employee
relations and show no tolerance for discrimination, bullying or harassment.

Answer: Good Employer

It may be a person or organization that provides something needed such as a product or

service. Manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and service businesses rely on suppliers for
basic business equipment and resale goods.

Answer: Supplier

It is defined by the way people live their life as an influence of one's culture.

Answer: The Filipino Values System

It is known by many names including shared leadership, employee empowerment,

employee involvement, participative decision-making, dispersed leadership, open-book
management, or industrial democracy.

Answer: Participative Management

This also means that the value of money is very essential in any businesses.

Answer: Budget
It is the responsibility as any business owner to create a working climate that fosters respect
and fair treatment of every employee regardless of age, race, gender, ethnicity, country of
origin, disability or religion.

Answer: Positive working climate

What does this acronym, HRD, stands for?

Answer: Human Resource Department

What do you call the basic component of Filipino culture?

Answer: Malays

Consumers are increasingly focusing on ______________ and contribution to society when

choosing who to do business with.

Answer: values

Which of the following makes you understand the importance of environment in you
business affairs?

Answer: Environmental Ethics

It is one of the entrepreneur's responsibilities: to pay employees at least the minimum

amount per hour.

Answer: Wages or salary

An individual to whom an obligation is owed because he or she has given something of

value in exchange. One who may legally demand and receive money either through the
fulfillment of a contract.

Answer: Creditor

What do you call the quality of making judgments that are free from discrimination?

Answer: Fairness

An employee negotiates his or her skills, expertise, knowledge, experience, and contribution
in exchange for a defined _____________ from an employer.

Answer: Remuneration

Most _________________would rather work for a company that has a good public image and
good deeds are noticeable in the media.
Answer: Employees

What do you call the study of man's moral obligation to preserve the environment and the
natural order of things?

Answer: Environmental Ethics

What do you call this Filipinos value that shows determination and perseverance in
accomplishing whatever they set their minds to?

Answer: Hard work and Industry

This framework focuses on the future effects of the possible courses of action, considering
the people who will be directly or indirectly affected.

Answer: Consequentialist Framework

It means being conscious of what is going on in the market.

Answer: Market Research

Amor Propio has a spanish origin and may be translated in english as ______________________

Answer: self-motivated

Which of the following is a disadvantage of a group decision making?

Answer: Group think

What does the acronym CSR stands for?

Answer: Costumer Service Relations

San Miguel Brewery, in partnership with the_______________, also continued its flagship
environment project, "Trees Brew Life."

Answer: Armed Forces of the Philippines

It is the systematic planning, implementation, and control of a mix of business activities

intended to bring together buyers and sellers for the mutually advantageous exchange or
transfer of products.

Answer: Marketing

This refers to the set of values or the value system that a majority of the Filipino have
historically held important in their lives.
Answer: Filipino Values (EXAM ONLY) Family orientation (INCORRECT)
The advancement of an employee from one job position to another job position is called?

Answer: Promotion (EXAM ONLY) Retention (INCORRECT)

These entities as they go about their goals are expected to fully comply with environmental
laws, federal and state safety regulations, fiscal and monetary reporting statutes and all
applicable civil rights laws.

Answer: Businesses (EXAM ONLY) Proprietorship (INCORRECT)

This form of marketing strategy is a very powerful advertisement technique of a company in

the promotion of product or brand. It is proven to be effective in increasing product sales
and revenue.

Answer: "word of mouth"

It is the part of marketing that involves getting the word out concerning your business,
product, or the services you are offering.

Answer: Advertising

What do you call the form of principle that is practical and addresses the question of what
we do and how we do business on a day to day basis?

Answer: operational principles

This was mentioned in the Code of Hammurabi, the oldest-known surviving code of law
dating to around 1772 B.C. Modern archaeologists often unearth counterfeit coins from
cities long forgotten.

Answer: Fraudulent activity

Which of the following is a Filipino values showing respect or to give respect to a person?
Answer: Paggalang

What do you call when two or more people vying with each other for some relative
individual gain?
Answer: Competition

This is one of the most important traits o a Filipino which we also acquired from Chinese
culture. It is a virtue of respect given to one's parents, elders, and ancestors.
Answer: Filial Piety

In the fast innovation now a days, this is one dilemma of businesses. It has become a
medium to voice or air out your concern and it crosses all over the globe in just one click.
Guidelines for employees conduct online and during and even after office hours must be
taken in consideration.
Answer: Social media

It is important to have a _________________________ so employees would feel sense of pride

and respect which denotes, happy employees almost always equals positive output.

Answer: Positive Workplace Environment

It is considered as an important factor in a business success.

Answer: Teamwork

There are business organizations that refer to their employees as a


Answer: Associates

This is one of the top priorities of San Miguel Corporation that promotes social cause. It
focuses of the granting scholarships and improvement of quality of instructions.

Answer: Education

It is one of the reasons why businesses are flexible in form, function, culture, and with
possible potential.

Answer: Diversity (EXAM ONLY) Target Audience (INCORRECT)

A customer remembers products and services through the use of branding.

Answer: Have a Brand

What is the Filipino term which means "loyal customer."?

Answer: Suki

What do you call anorganization, institution, government entity, agency, company,

professional services firm, nonprofit association, small business, store, or individual who
employs or puts to work, a person who is called an employee?

Answer: Employer

It implies standards and purports the belief that excellent performance in our role in life
represents the supreme good.

Answer: Excellence
The goverrnment imposes this on business for collecting revenue for the benefits of it's

Answer: Taxes

It is a wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain for

oneself dishonestly and/or create a loss for another.

Answer: Fraud

NDA stands for?

Answer: Non-Disclosure Agreement

With this development employers can now monitor their employees' activity on their
computers and other company-provided electronic devices.

Answer: Technology / Privacy

When an office experiences a shift in leadership, employees may experience uncertainty and
even feel the unexpected change in policies and managerial approach are unreasonable or

Answer: Difference in approach to project

What do you call the person who plays a vital role in the economic system of a nation. It is a
person or organization that uses economic services or commodities.

Answer: Consumer

The _________________________ Our housing program for victims of major calamities is an

important part of San Miguel Corporation CSR agenda.

Answer: Housing and rehabilitation program

This group or this person, holds shares in the company.

Answer: Shareholders

What do you call the advancement of an employee from one job position to another job
position? This advancement may be in the same department or in another department of
the company.

Answer: Promotion

It is a person who may be unemployed and looking for work or someone who would want
to seek for better opportunities in another company.
Answer: Jobseeker

These are all costly ethical issues that employers and employees encounter on a daily basis
across the country. It may be encountered due to differences in gender, religion and/or
sexual orientation.

Answer: unfair labor (INCORRECT)

The correct answer is: Racial discrimination/ sexual harassment/ wage inequality

It is a problem or situation that requires a person or organization to choose between

alternatives that must be evaluated as right or wrong.

Answer: Ethics Challenge

Profit is an __________ and a symptom of success, not the cause.

Answer: output

Is how the customers are properly dealt if, for example, they have complaints and queries.

Answer: Customer satisfaction

__________________ is important to a business because it demonstrates to both consumers and

the media that the company takes an interest in wider social issues that have no direct
impact on profit margins.

Answer: Social Responsibility

A worker who is classified as _______________________ is not considered to have an employee-

employer relationship with the company.

Answer: Independent contractor

It is rooted in intuition that life is a kind of adventure

Answer: Discovery

It is the system of rules that a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the
actions of its members and may enforce by the imposition of penalties.
Answer: Law

What do you call the principle that tends to be used as guidance in setting the direction of
the business?

Answer: strategic principles

It is when the government requires entrepreneurs to maintain a working environment for
your employees as per the standards for your small business's industry.

Answer: Workplace Safety standards

Which of the following is a disadvantage of a group decision making?

Answer: Distribution of Responsibility

What do you call the person who hires employee after an application and interview process
results in his or her selection as an employee?

Answer: Employer

What do you call the person who may be unemployed and looking for work or someone
who would want to seek for better opportunities in another company?

Answer: Jobseeker

What do you call his Filipino culture that shows a technique of reciprocity of debt of
gratitude to others?

Answer: Utang na Loob

Even _____________ are pulling away from companies that are irresponsible and indifferent. As
the market evolves to support these for-benefit enterprises, early-movers and leaders have
the most to gain from this shifting system.

Answer: Investors

This framework identifies the character traits that may be applied to in a business affair.

Answer: Virtue Framework

This document is important as it promise or a set of promises for the breach of the which
the law gives a remedy, or the performance of which the law in some ways recognize a duty.

Answer: Contract

It is the welfare or well-being of the general public; commonwealth

Answer: Public interest

It is important to conduct your business affairs with honesty and a commitment to treating
every customer fairly.

Answer: Integrity
Profit is __________ and can be wiped out in an instant.

Answer: temporary

The basic and most important unit of a Filipino's life is the family.

Answer: Family orientation

What do you call a person with the role in group decision making to create a supportive
context for the group?

Answer: Managers

With this development employers can now monitor their employees' activity on their
computers and other company-provided electronic devices.

Answer: Technology / Privacy

What do you call a person with the role in group decision making to create a supportive
context for the group?

Answer: Managers

This is one of the most important traits o a Filipino which we also acquired from Chinese
culture. It is a virtue of respect given to one's parents, elders, and ancestors.

Answer: Filial Piety

It is one of the reasons why businesses are flexible in form, function, culture, and with
possible potential.

Answer: Diversity (EXAM ONLY)

It is the part of marketing that involves getting the word out concerning your business,
product, or the services you are offering.

Answer: Advertising

A business should know the demographics that concerns specific audience.

Answer: Target Audience

What do you call the study of man's moral obligation to preserve the environment and the
natural order of things?

Answer: Environmental Ethics

Which of the following is a Filipino values showing respect or to give respect to a person?

Answer: Paggalang

Which of the following makes you understand the importance of environment in you
business affairs?

Answer: Environmental Ethics

What do you call the basic component of Filipino culture?

Answer: Malays

It is important to have a _________________________ so employees would feel sense of pride

and respect which denotes, happy employees almost always equals positive output.

Answer: Positive Workplace Environment

This framework focuses on the future effects of the possible courses of action, considering
the people who will be directly or indirectly affected.

Answer: Consequentialist Framework

What do you call this Filipino culture and a system in the Philippines that has been the
source of many controversies and corruption?

Answer: Padrino

What do you call the form of principle that is practical and addresses the question of what
we do and how we do business on a day to day basis?

Answer: operational principles

It is when the government requires entrepreneurs to maintain a working environment for

your employees as per the standards for your small business's industry.

Answer: Workplace Safety standards

It is defined by the way people live their life as an influence of one's culture.

Answer: The Filipino Values System

It is rooted in intuition that life is a kind of adventure

Answer: Discovery

Which of the following is a disadvantage of a group decision making?

Answer: Distribution of Responsibility

This document is important as it promise or a set of promises for the breach of the which
the law gives a remedy, or the performance of which the law in some ways recognize a duty.

Answer: Contract

The basic and most important unit of a Filipino's life is the family.

Answer: Family orientation

There are business organizations that refer to their employees as a


Answer: Associates

A customer remembers products and services through the use of branding.

Answer: Have a Brand

A _______________________ displays and models fairness and equity in all aspects of employee
relations and show no tolerance for discrimination, bullying or harassment.

Answer: Good Employer

What do you call the governing body of a nation, state, or community?

Answer: Government

Profit is an __________ and a symptom of success, not the cause.

Answer: output

Profit is __________ and can be wiped out in an instant.

Answer: temporary

What does this acronym, HRD, stands for?

Answer: Human Resource Department

These entities as they go about their goals are expected to fully comply with environmental
laws, federal and state safety regulations, fiscal and monetary reporting statutes and all
applicable civil rights laws.

Answer: Businesses (EXAM ONLY)

Is how the customers are properly dealt if, for example, they have complaints and queries.
Answer: Customer satisfaction

When an office experiences a shift in leadership, employees may experience uncertainty and
even feel the unexpected change in policies and managerial approach are unreasonable or

Answer: Difference in approach to project

It implies standards and purports the belief that excellent performance in our role in life
represents the supreme good.

Answer: Excellence

It is when an employer or a co-employee makes judgments or behaves in an inappropriate

manner based on the other person's race, religion, gender, ethnicity or education.

Answer: Discrimination

Profit doesn't not ____________________ the salaried staff who make success happened.

Answer: motivate

Society somehow relies on this. It is considered the foundation of success and wealth of a

Answer: Business

It may be a person or organization that provides something needed such as a product or

service. Manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and service businesses rely on suppliers for
basic business equipment and resale goods.

Answer: Supplier

It is important to conduct your business affairs with honesty and a commitment to treating
every customer fairly.

Answer: Integrity

These specific group of people has influence the Filipino culture through the artistic side of
the Filipinos; Architecture, colorful dresses and arts.

Answer: Indians

It is a person who may be unemployed and looking for work or someone who would want
to seek for better opportunities in another company.
Answer: Jobseeker

These group of people have such a great influence in the Filipinos relationship with regards
to family values.

Answer: Chinese community

It is the systematic planning, implementation, and control of a mix of business activities

intended to bring together buyers and sellers for the mutually advantageous exchange or
transfer of products.

Answer: Marketing

An employee negotiates his or her skills, expertise, knowledge, experience, and contribution
in exchange for a defined _____________ from an employer.

Answer: Remuneration

What do you call a person employed that receives wages or salary, especially at
nonexecutive level?

Answer: Employee

This a group formed in a company representing the interests of the workers.

Answer: Trade unions

Amor Propio has a spanish origin and may be translated in english as ______________________

Answer: self-motivated

It demonstrates achievement
Answer: Heroism

What do you call a meeting between people when questions are asked and answered?
Answer: Interview

Most _________________would rather work for a company that has a good public image and
good deeds are noticeable in the media.

Answer: Employees

What do you call the advancement of an employee from one job position to another job
position? This advancement may be in the same department or in another department of
the company.

Answer: Promotion
Who is the author of The Starting Point of Great Companies?

Answer: Nikos Mourkogiannis

This is one way of to promote a business through advertisement.

Answer: slogan (EXAM ONLY)

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