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Name: Angel Marie C.

Bug-ot Subject: STS 101

Course/Program: BSIT-Electronics Instructor: Mrs Angelina A. Maringuran

Assignment #1 Define the following terms:

1. Materialism - Materialism is the philosophical belief that matter is all that exists and that
everything can be reduced to matter (and energy since matter is a form of energy). As a result,
materialism asserts that everything in the cosmos, including mankind, is forced to work within
the confines of physical rules.
2. Hedonism - At its most basic level, ethical hedonism asserts that all and only pleasure is
positive, whereas all and only pain or displeasure is negative. This significance is to be
understood non-instrumentally, that is, without regard to the significance of anything that
pleasure or displeasure may produce or prevent.
3. Stoicism - Is a philosophy of personal ethics and a methodology for seeking practical
wisdom in life. A key principle of the ancient Stoics was the belief that we don’t react to events;
we react to our judgments about them, and the judgments are up to us.
4. Theism - Compare deism with belief in the presence of a god or gods, particularly believing in
one deity as the creator of the universe, intervening in it, and maintaining a personal
relationship with his creatures.
5. Humanism - Humanism is a philosophy that emphasizes the relevance of human causes over
religious, divine, or spiritual considerations. Humanism is based on the belief that people have
an ethical obligation to live lives that are personally rewarding while also contributing to the
greater good of all people.

Performance Task # 1 Instructions:

A. Watch the documentary film entitled "That Sugar Film" (2015)
B. Read The Concepts of the Public Good: A View from the Filipino Philosopher by Rolando
Task: Write a reflection paper on how the two topics relate to the lesson about "The Good Life."
Support your stand.
My Reflection Paper
My Good Life Each of us may define the word "Good Life" differently, but Aristotle associates it
with the concept of "eudaimonia," which refers to a thriving life filled with meaningful
undertakings that inspire people to be the best versions of themselves. It could also be a way to
discover your life's purpose and find happiness in the process. For me, living a good life entails
being content, having fewer regrets, and accomplishing good things without stomping on
others. I opted to live my life my way, and I attempt to live for the benefit of others as well as
myself. At least, it is how I define the terms "a good life."
"Aristotle sees ethics as more an art than a theory, and he intentionally ignores details in his
descriptions. He doesn't mean we can't break the rules, either. Just because, for example, a
person is truthful, does not mean that they cannot lie when they need to. This makes virtue
ethics more flexible than ethical deontological systems but also more challenging to use as we
have to determine when we can lie, get angry, or be proud of ourselves — Greek men with a
decent education and quite a lot of luck. For example, the virtue of magnificence would not be
practical for a person with limited means
As the philosopher Martha Nusbaum explains, "What [ Aristotle ] does, in each case, is to
isolate a sphere of human experience that figures in more or less every human life, and in
which more or less every human being will have to make choices rather than choices." At some
point, we all have to face danger, so we have to ask how to be courageous. We all have to deal
with others, so we have to ask how we can be friendly. We're all getting angry, so we've got to
ask how to be patient. The Aristotle virtues lists remain relevant, although the world for which
they were created has long vanished. While the exact nature of what the good life is and how
to reach it is subject to endless debate, great minds ' ideas are always relevant. Although some
of the views of Aristotle may not be as important now as they were 2,000 years ago, they can
still guide our attempts to lead better lives. While in any case, not every person who tries to live
up to the virtues will succeed, wouldn't we be better at trying?"

Reflection No. 1 Answer the question (Individual)

Question: Do you think one can really achieve a good life in a man's life? How is it possible?
Explain your answer.
Yes, A good life is when you are really happy with whatever you do and you are willing to take
the risk to achieve the goals you planned. Anyone can achieve good life with self-
determination, will to sacrifice for what you truly want, and never giving up..

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