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Psychological Testing and Assessment- Chapter 9

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1. Intelligence Multifaceted capacity that manifests itself in different ways

across the life span. Includes the abilities to acquire and
apply knowledge, reason logically, plan effectively, infer
perceptively, make sound judgments and solve problems,
grasp and visualize concepts, pay attention, be intuitive,
find the right words and thoughts with facility , cope with
and adjust to and make the most of new situations

2. Galton Intelligence was defined via people having the best senso-
ry skills , heritability and intelligence which sparked nature
vs nurture debate

3. Binet Complex measures of intelligence; distinct processes or

abilities that could be assessed only be separate tests

4. Wechsler Aggregate and global capacity; intelligence, operationally

defined, is the a or gc of the individual to act purposefully.
Must take nonintelligence factors into account as well

5. Piaget Intelligence may be conceived as a kind of evolving bio-

logical adaptation to the outside world

6. Interactionism A complex concept in which heredity and environment

are presumed to interact and influence the development
of one's intelligence (Thurston's primary mental abilities-

7. factor analytic 1. Focus on identifying the ability or groups of abilities

theories deemed to constitute intelligence.

8. Factor analysis Group of statistical techniques designed to determine the

existence of underlying relationships between sets of vari-
ables, including test scores

9. Two factor theory Existence of a general intellectual ability factor (g) is par-
of intelligence tially tapped by all other mental abilities; remaining por-
tions of variance being accounting for a test that is not
general (s). Tests with high positive correlations with other
intelligence tests were thought to be highly saturated with
g while low tests were s like visual or motor)
Psychological Testing and Assessment- Chapter 9
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10. Group factors Common factors to a group of activities but not to all

11. Interpersonal/In- Ability to understand other people/capacity to form an

trapersonal accurate, veridical model of oneself and to use that model
intelligence in life

12. Emotional intelli- A popularization of aspects of Garnder's multiple intelli-

gence gences, with an emphasis on interpersonal and intraper-
sonal intelligence

13. Crystallized Intel- Gc; acquired skills and knowledge that are dependent
ligence on exposure to a particular culture as well as on formal
and informal education (vocab) retrieval of information and
application of general knowledge

14. Fluid Intelligence Gf; nonverbal, relatively culture-free, and independent of

specific instruction such as memory for digits

15. Vulnerable and Gv(visual) are abilities that declline with age and tend not
maintained abili- to return to preinjury levels following brain damage; Gq
ties quantitative processing these do not decline with age

16. Three stratum Top: G

theory of cogni- Second: 8 abilities and processes: fluid intelligence/gf,
tive abilities crystallized intelligence/gc, general memory and learn-
ing/y, broad visual perception/v, auditory perception/u, re-
trieval capacity/r, cognitive speediness/s, processing and
decision speed/t
Below: each factor is a level and such they are linked to

17. Hierarchical Where a level is subsumed or incorprated in the level

model above it; three stratum theory of cognitive abilities

18. CHC Model Cattell-Horn-Caroll model. Designation of broad abilities

like the 2nd stratum level in Carroll's theory that subsume
several narrow abilities like the first level. For Carroll, g
is a third level stratum subsuming Gf and Gc while the
remaining 6 abilities are above it; the Cattell-Horn model
has no g.
Psychological Testing and Assessment- Chapter 9
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19. Psychoeduca- Designed to improve the practice of psychological as-

tional sessments in education by identifying different tests from
assessment different batteries that could be used comprehensively

20. Cross battery as- Assessments that employ tests from different test batter-
sessment ies and entails data interpretation from specified subsets
to provide a comprehensive assessment

21. information pro- 2. Focus on identifying the specific mental processes that
cessing theories constitute intelligence.

22. Simultaneous Also known as parallel, information is integrated all at one

and successive time-synthesized as a whole. Also known as sequential,
each bit of information is individually processed in se-
quence- logical and analytical in nature

23. PASS model Planning(strategy for problem solving), attention(arousal.

receptivity of info), simultaneous, and successive.

24. Stanford-Binet The first publishes intelligence test to provide organized

and detailed administration and scoring interpretations;
employed the concept of IQ, and alternative item (item
substituted for a regular item under specified conditions

25. Mental age The age level at which individuals appear to be functioning

26. Ratio IQ The ratio of the testtaker's mental age divided by his or her
chronological age, multiplied by 100 to eliminate decimals;
when IQ was truly a quotient.

27. Deviant IQ A comparison of the performance of the individual with the

performance of others of the same age in the standardiza-
tion sample.

28. Age and point Items are grouped by age versus items categorized in
scale subtests

29. Test composite

Psychological Testing and Assessment- Chapter 9
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Test score or index derived from the combination of, and/or
math transformation of, one or more subtest scores

30. Routing Test A task used to direct or route the examine to a particular
level of questions

31. Floor and ceiling lowest level of the items on a subtest; highest

32. Basal level Base-level criterion that must be met for testing on the sub-
test to continue (xaminee answers two consecutive items
correctly) When examinees fail a certain number of items
in a row, ceiling level is reached and test is discontinued

33. Extra-test behav- Observations by the examiner on what the examinee does
ior in regards to thinks not just associated for test

34. Core and supple- Administered to obtain a composite score; optimal sub-
mental subtest test thats used for purposes such as providing additional
clinical information or extending the number of abilities or
processes sampled.

35. Army Alpha and Administered to army recruits to read, contained tasks
Army Beta as general information questions; Administered to for-
eign-born recruits with poor knowledge of english or illit-
erate recruits- mazes, coding, picture completion.

36. Screening tool Instrument or procedure used to identify a particular trait

or constellation of traits at a gross or imprecise level

37. Cognitive Style Psychological dimension that characterizes the consisten-

cy with which one acquires and processes information

38. Convergent and Deductive reasoning process that entails recall and con-
divergent think- siderations of facts as well as a series of logical judgments
ing to narrow down solutions and eventually arrive at one
solution; Reasoning process in which thought is free to
move in many different directions, making several solu-
tions possible

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Issues in the as- Cultures and the varied values and beliefs spawn differ-
sessment of in- ences in terms of what is deemed intelligent (culture-free
telligence tests with no culture vs culture-fair intelligent test for more
fair tests)

40. Culture loading Extent a test incorporates the vocabulary, concepts, tradi-
tions, knowledge, and feelings associated with a particular

41. Flynn Effect A shorthand reference to progressive rise in intelligence

test scores that is expected to occur on a normed test
intelligence from the date when the test was first normed.


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