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CLASE 25/06/22

Caso 1: Remember y Forget
Se usa cuando nos referimos al recuerdo o el olvido de una acción
1. I forgot to clean the table
2. You remembered to wash the dishes
3. He remember walking in the school
4. She forget talking on pone
5. It remember fliying high
6. We forget closing the door
7. They remember starting the homework
8. You forget studying for the exam
9. I remember listening to the teacher
10. He forget erasing the blackboard
Caso 2: Stop
Si algo se deja de hacer definitivamente, se usa el verbo en -ing
1. I stopped waiting for my partner
2. You stopped asking the teacher
3. He stopped repeating the cuestión
4. She stopped jumping the rope
5. Ir stopped working in the office
6. We stopped traveling
7. They stopped living in México
8. You stopped playing videogames
9. I stopped cleaning the room
10. He stopped dancing this song
Caso 3: Go On
Se usa go on + forma -ing si se realiza una acción de forma continua
1. I was playing all day
2. You were sleeping in class
3. He was singing in the night
4. She was stuying yesterday
5. It was screaming in the morning
6. We were practicing for a year
7. They were drawing on the wall
8. You were planting in the garden
9. I was counting all the money
10. He was finishing his work
Caso 4: Regrets
Se usa regret + forma -ing para demostrar arrepentimiento de algo realizado
1. I regret walking at night

2. You regret erasing the blackboard

3. He regrets closing the window
4. She regrets pushing the table
5. It regrets repeating the cuestión
6. We regret following the car
7. They regret pointing the homework
8. You regret visiting rusia
9. I regret missing my dog
10. She regrets talking wiht my cat
Caso 5: Allow
Se utiliza allow + -ing en oraciones activas sin objeto
1. I can´t allow you to go there
2. You don´t allow them to come here
3. He will allow you for an hour
4. She allows your toveave early
5. It allow you come here
6. We allow go out and play
7. They bass does not allow us to leave
8. You can´t allow them to go out exercise
9. I will allow you for a day
Caso 6: See, watch and hear
Se usan con -ing cuando el sujeto es testigo de alguna acción continua
1. I watch televisiong eating fruit
2. You listen to music running in the park
3. He looks at the girls building
4. She watch the birds resting
5. It hear the noise flying in the sky
6. We see the dogs smoking
7. They look the rocks climbing
8. You watch movies eating
9. I listen a class studying
10. It hear a sing sleeping
Caso 7: Try
Se usa try + -ing para expresar experimentos o pruebas
1. I try to be the best studying
2. You try to eat playing videogames
3. He try to help by working
4. She try to study listening music
5. It try to fly seeing the clouds
6. We try to talk smoking
7. They try to travel sleeping
8. You try climb by pushing the rocks

9. I try to listen practicing soccer

10. We try to clean dancing
Caso 8: Afraid
Se usa afraid + -ing cuando se refiere a un accidente
1. I am afraid flying by plane
2. You are afraid asking the teacher
3. He is afraid jumping rope
4. She is afraid working at night
5. It is afraid screaming loud
6. We are afraid deleting the files
7. They are afraid raining at morning
8. You are afraid practicing soccer
9. I am afraid traveling the World
Caso 9: Sorry
See utiliza sorry + -ing o sorry about + -ing cuando el sujeto se arrepiente de algo pasado
1. I´m sorry didn´t do the homework
2. You are sorry for not going to work
3. He is sorry for not seeing his dog
4. She is sorry for not paying on time
5. It is sorry for not being early
6. We are sorry for not eating on time
7. They are sorry for not singing well
8. You are sorry for not running fast
9. I am sorry for belgn punctual
10. You are sorry for not dressing well


1. I prefer to eat mango
2. You do not prefer to play soccer
3. He prefers to dance salsa
4. She doesn´t prefer to cook at night
5. It prefers to fly very high
6. We do not prefer to listen to kpop music
7. They prefer to live in España
8. You do not prefer to work in the office
9. I prefer to clean on Mondays
10. They do not prefer to learn at home
1. I would rather walk at night
2. You would rather to speak in public
3. He would rather listen to rock music
4. She would rather to study in the morning
5. It would rather play all day
6. We would rather to sing always
7. They would rather run very fast
8. You would rather to live in Europa
9. We would rather have a lot of money
10. He would rather to eat all day

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