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Make collocations with DO and Make and from this
list , then fill in the chart : 
the housework - sb. a favour - a job - peace - a mess - the shopping -
noise - a request - one’s hair - a wish - breakfast - friends -
a mistake - fun of sb. - one’s best - harm - a difference - sb. good -
progress - a speech - a test - a telephone call - nothing - well one’s bed -
the homework - efforts - a promise

DO Make
......................................... ..........................................
........................................ ..........................................
........................................ ..........................................
........................................ ..........................................
........................................ ..........................................
........................................ ..........................................

DO is used in collocations to mean : MAKE is used in collocations to mean :

....................................... .......................................
Except : Make one’s bed

A. Fill in the gap with an appropriate word from the list
1. The scouts were taught how to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . their beds on the first day in the camp .
a. make b. do c. have
2. “You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . well in yesterday’s test !” our math teacher told us .
a. did b. made c. got
3. My dad always . . . . . . . . . . . . . . his promises , such a shame !
a. makes b. keeps c. breaks
4. Dieting won’t . . . . . . . . . . . . . you any good unless you exercise regularly
a. do b. take c. make
5. “Please . . . . . . . . . . . . . me a favour . Would you pay my bills ?”
a. give b. do c. take
6. Henry feels very happy because he will . . . . . . . . . . . . . some business with the Chinese .
a. do b. take c. make
7. Which job are you going to take ? You need to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a choice . b. make c. take

An affix is a letter or a group of letters which we add at the beginning of a word ( prefix ) or at the end
of a word ( suffix ) to modify the meaning of that word .
Example :

Prefix Suffix
un- drink -able
( root )
 un drink able
A. Prefixes :

Prefix Meaning Example

1. dis- -away : - My friend disappeared in the forest .
-not : - Mehdi is dissatisfied with his mark at Philosophy.
2. pre- -before in time: - Dinosaurs are prehistoric animals .
3. contra- -opposite : - Why do you always contradict yourself ?
4. anti- -against : - Antibodies are found in the white blood cells .
5. re- -again : - You should rewrite this essay . It’s badly-written .
6. post- -after in time : - Globalization emerged in the postwar era .
7. co- -together/with: - The two brothers co-manage the family firm .
8. mis- -wrongly : - I’m sorry I misunderstood what you said .
-badly : - The teacher dismissed her due to her misbehavior.
9. out- -outdo another: - Michael Phelps outswims all his competitors .
-more than : - Girls outnumber boys in this country.
B. Suffixes :
Meaning Examples
1. - able - used with complete roots such as : drinkable / (un)believable / fashionable
drink / depend / comfort / fashion … lovable / passable /inflatable/washable
to mean : “ that can be ……...” unbreakable /comfortable /eatable
Or recyclable
“ that can give ……” Exception : indispensible /responsible
2. - ible - used with incomplete roots such as : possible / horrible / edible / plausible
poss / horr / cred / ed / plaus terrible / audible / incredible
…………. (in)visible /
to mean : “ that can be ……….” Exception : laudable .....
“ that can give …….”

A. Choose the appropriate answer :
1. That shopping bag is reusable .
a. Throw the bag away , we don’t need it again .
b. Don’t throw the shopping bag , it can be used again .
c. Don’t throw the shopping bag , someone may use it again .
2. I’m sorry I misread the notice , and misunderstood the message .
a. I read the notice wrongly , and didn’t understand the message correctly .
b. I read the notice well , but didn’t understand the message correctly .
c. I read the notice wrongly , but understood the message perfectly .
3. Previewing articles is one of the duties of a newspaper editor.
a. Reading articles before publication .
b. Reading articles after publication .
c. Reading articles during publication .
4. Jerry always outsmarts Tom in the famous TV cartoon .
a. Tom is always cleverer at playing tricks on Jerry .
b. Tom is as clever as Jerry at playing tricks .
c. Jerry is always cleverer at playing tricks on Tom .

B. Fill in the blanks using the appropriate word after adding to it the appropriate affix(es) :

honest - appear - agree - write - understand - take - responsible

school - doctoral - spell - adore - virus - weigh - comfort - like

1. Ann was here a minute ago , but then she ________________ . I don’t know where she is .
2. The advantages of the internet _________________ its setbacks .
3. Most car accidents are brought about by ________________ drivers .
4. I can’t sit on this chair ; it’s really __________________ .
5. I always get a low marks for my essays because I _________________ words .
6. I failed my driving test , but I will ________________ it in fifteen days .
7. Most children in the countryside memorize the Koran as a _______________ activity .
8. Tim’s really ________________ . He never tells the truth .
9. The technician installed an efficient __________________ in my laptop .
10. I _______________ the movie , but everyone else said it was awesome .
11. After my brother got his Ph. D , he did his _________________ work at a laboratory .
12. I’m afraid I ________________ what you said . I wasn’t fully focused .
13. A lot of children find cats ___________________ house pets .
14. My report was so bad that I had to ________________ it .
15. we usually share the same viewpoint , but this time I totally ______________ with him .

In English , it is quite common to use more than one adjective to modify ( i.e. describe ) a noun .
These adjectives must be used in the right order. Generally speaking , an opinion adjective such as
ugly , cute , loveable , pretty … is used before a fact adjective like green , modern , tall , woolen … .

Examples :
Determiner Opinion adjective Fact adjective Noun
An inexpensive blue car
The attractive German painting( s )
Two awesome oval table ( s )

Sometimes , though , more than one fact adjective is used . The pattern to follow is SiAShCOMP .
In other words , ( Size – Age – Shape – Colour – Origin – Material – Purpose ) :

A big rectangular beige beautiful playing French modern wooden table

A beautiful big modern rectangular beige French wooden playing table

Opinion Si A Sh C Origin M P Noun

Determiner Opinion adjective (s) Fact adjectives Noun

The O Si A Sh C O M P
Three . . .
Here are some examples of fact adjectives :
Size ( small - tiny - big - huge . . . )
Age ( young - old - modern - traditional - new . . . )
Shape ( triangular - cubic - conic - oval - round . . . )
Colour ( beige - black - yellow - red - green - orange - grey - brown . . . )
Origin ( German - French - Chinese - Moroccan - Amazigh . . . )
Material ( plastic - wooden - glass - aluminum - polyester - nylon - cotton - woolen . . . )
Purpose ( racing - utility - public - eating - pick nicking . . . )
Practice adjective word order by making some combinations like the ones in the chart below :

Determiner Opinion Size Age Shape Colour Origin Material Purpose Noun
A gorgeous small modern cubic white Dutch leather first-aid kit
Three cute tiny grey English racing dogs
An attractive new long black Italian steel utility knife
Lots of beautiful large old round beige Amazigh straw sunscreen hats
Many interesting antique Roman bronze digging Tools

A. Choose the correct order of adjectives :
1. Moroccan hosts serve food on ________________ plates to their guests .
a. large round porcelain Chinese
b. Chinese large porcelain round
c. porcelain round large Chinese
d. large round Chinese porcelain
2. My cousin’s dog is a _________________ shepherd .
a. brown young German big
b. big young brown German
c. German brown young big
d. big brown German young
3. That girl keeps her coin collection in a _______________ box .
a. beautiful little black-and-white cardboard
b. beautiful little cardboard black-and-white
c. cardboard little black-and-white beautiful
d. black-and-white little beautiful cardboard
4. Othman is going to wear an ________________ tie to his sister’s wedding .
a. Italian attractive light-blue silk
b. attractive light-blue Italian silk
c. attractive Italian light-blue silk
d. attractive silk light-blue Italian
5. The one who did well on the test was the ___________________ woman over there .
a. fair-haired young pretty tall
b. tall pretty fair-haired young
c. pretty tall fair-haired young
d. pretty tall young fair-haired
B. Put the adjectives between brackets in the correct order to modify the noun :
1. Our cousins live in a(n) ( little / lovely / old ) ________________________________________ village .
2. ( shopping / black / plastic ) __________________________________ bags constitute a serious threat
to environment .
3. The Hollywood star married a ( tall / dark-skinned / handsome ) ____________________________ man.
4. I bought a ( glass / coffee / small / round / new ) _______________________________________ table
for the living room .
5. Sue purchased a(n) ( Korean / new / exciting ) ________________________________ computer game.
6. We usually have a ( dieting / Moroccan / light / vegetable ) _____________________________________
soup for dinner.
7. Our neighbours have just had a ( newborn / cute / tiny / blue-eyed ) ___________________________
________________ baby .
8. Omar bought a ( fascinating / brown / Japanese ) ________________________________________ car .

Compound adjectives are adjectives which are made up of two or more words
often joined with a hyphen ( - )

1. I don’t like two-faced people .

2. Rafael Nadal is a left-handed tennis player .
3. “ In the kingdom of the blind , a one-eyed person is the king ”. ( proverb )
4. Our teacher of English told us to buy a two-hundred-page copybook .

Like the other adjectives which are always singular , compound adjectives never
take the plural form even when they are used with plural quantifiers such as : many /
several / a lot of …etc .


1. The constructor built three five-floor buildings .

2. Five eighteen-year-old boys were involved in a bank robbery last night .
3. The students were required to write two four-page essays .
4. Whenever they travel , business people like to stay in five-star hotels .
5. My brother is a two-pack-a-day smoker .

More compound adjectives :

1. kind-hearted = nice
2. brightly-lit = having bright light # dimly-lit
3. old-fashioned = outdated
4. deeply-rooted = traditional = having deep roots = profound
5. good-looking = handsome ( males )
6. labour-saving ( domestic appliances ) = saving time spent on housework
7. left-handed = using the left hand to eat , write , play etc…
8. short-sighted = unable to see distant objects , people etc…
9. well-known = famous = reputed = celebrated = renowned = prominent
10. easy-going = permissive # authoritative = bossy
11. five-star ( hotels , restaurants etc. … ) = luxurious
12. brand-new = new
13. part-time ( jobs ) # full-time
14. well-paid = having a high salary
15. second-hand = already used , not brand-new

A. Identify the mistake and correct it :

1. Since 1996 , Morocco has adopted the bicameral , or two-chambers parliament .

2. Our neighbours live in a five-rooms house .
3. The two twelve-years-old boys will play the final of the school chess tournament .
4. “The seven-million-dollars Man” was a popular TV serial in the 70’s of the last century.
5. Students are looking forward to the upcoming two-weeks vacation .

B. Rewrite these sentences using compound adjectives :

1. My daughter is fifteen years old .

- I have a __________________ daughter .
2. The journey will be six hours long .
- It will be a __________________ journey .
3. Don’t spend more than ten minutes in the shower .
- Don’t take more than a __________________ shower .
4. The perfume cost us three hundred dirhams .
- We bought a __________________ perfume.
5. Most people prefer to live in houses with two facades .
- Most people prefer to live in ______________ houses .

C. Match the compound adjectives on the right with the ideas on the left to make meaningful
sentences :

1. After a day’s fasting , I crave a. two-humped Asian camel .

2. Monopoly is a game played with b. life-giving service .
3. The Bactrian is a c. six-meter-deep lake .
4. Most educators believe that the internet is a d. a long-lasting peace agreement .
5. Organ donors perform a noble e. an ice-cold soda .
6. The city cinema is currently showing f. two or three six-sided dice .
7. We swam in a g. a four-hour movie .
8. The UN special envoy is striving to reach h. two-fold weapon .
1. ………….. 2. …………. 3. ………….. 4. ………..
5. ………….. 6. …………. 7. ………….. 8. ………..

A Collocation can be defined as a combination of words which go together due to the frequency of
use rather than grammatical rules . The simplest way of describing collocations is to say that they “just
sound right” to native speakers . Other combinations that may convey the same thing would seem unnatural.
Knowing how to use the right combinationswill help you not only broaden your scope of expression ,
but also adopt a native-like English .There are many types of collocations :
 Verb + noun ( with or without a preposition ) ( have fun - take care – keep in touch … )
 Verb + adjective ( stay calm - keep fit - go mad - get ready - be upset …. )
 Adjective + noun ( medical care - critical thinking - fair trial - capital punishment … )
 Noun + noun (with or without a conjunction or preposition) (child labour - sense of pride…)
A. Verb + noun collocations :
- care - a good time / fun
- a bath / a shower - a haircut
- a break - a problem / a difficulty
- notes - a meal / a snack
Take - a picture Have - experience
- someone’s point = agree - access
- a rest - a test
- a test - a bath
- advantage of something - a baby
- action (act to solve problems) - a break

B. Verb + adjective collocations :

- calm - close
Keep - quiet Come - prepared
- fit - first / second / last
- quiet - lost
- astray - started
Go - mad
Get - engaged / married …
- bankrupt - wet
- crazy - upset

C. Adjective + noun collocation :

- school - information
Private - sector Digital - technology
- life - divide
- goals - area
Educational - system Rural - population
- background - economy
- party - warming
- stability / instability - village
Political Global
- leader - economy
- reform - issue

D. Noun + noun collocations :
- rights - abuse
Women’s - clothes Child - care
- lib. ( liberation ) - labour
- subject - word
School - uniform Key - area
- year - factor
- humour - love
Sense of - pride Peace and - order
- responsibility - tolerance
- needs - graduate
Learning University
- background - degree

A. Fill in the gap with an appropriate word from the list :
1. The school _______________ makes students equal regardless of their social status .
a. year b. uniform c. subject
2. Dieting and exercising help people keep ________________ .
a. fit b. quiet c. in touch
3. When you go shopping , you don’t have to pay ___________ if you have a credit card .
a. respect b. cash c. attention
4. Learning _____________ should be taken into consideration in textbook design .
a. background b. school c. needs
5. Immediately after the natural _____________ in Nepal , the victims were provided with food and shelter
a. place b. disaster c. problem
6. A good student is one who not only attends classes regularly , but also pays_____________ in class .
a. attention b. a fine c. the bills
7. Political _____________ is by far one of the key factors that push people to emigrate .
a. stability b. instability c. reform
A. Fill in the gap with an appropriate word from the list :
access - rural - thinking - place - system - formal
1. One of the characteristics of a good educational ___________ is its ability to encourage critical
__________ in students .
2. Nowadays many people have _________ to the internet , even those living in ______________ areas .
part - place - village - warming - care
1. The world leaders should reach an agreement to reduce the emissions of gases that cause
global ______________ .
2. The meeting will take ____________ tomorrow at 3:00 p.m.
tolerance - break - disorder - respect - order
1. Some of the duties of the police are to establish peace and ___________ , and make sure that
people _____________ the law .

Although it is usually very easy to Identify the parts of speech , word families can be confusing . Word
families are groups of words with similar meanings and spellings , but sometimes with different endings .
Each word in the family is a different part of speech .Consider the following examples : Criticism is a noun ;
critical is an adjective ; to criticize is a verb ; critically is an adverb .
The chart below summarizes the different patterns in which the parts of speech are used :
Verbs are used with Adjectives are used with Nouns are used with Adverbs are used with
- Subject nouns : People / - Verbs of state: feel / be / - Other nouns : care / addiction - Action verbs : talk / run /
my son / The manager . . . . become / seem / remain... eg: Computer literacy has
eg:*Drive slowly so that I
to modify subjects : has become a necessity .
can read the road signs.
- Determiners : My / this / . . .’s
eg: -Tom feels exhausted.
eg: My son studies in Fes . eg: Parents should keep up *Her father worked
-These apples taste sweet with their kids’ education . hard to make money
- Subject pronouns :He/It /we - Nouns : growth/safety/care/ - Noun + preposition + Noun - Adjectives : hot / rich / bad
they / She/ We/ I . . . assessment / importance . . . eg: The protection of eg: It’s extremely hot today
to modify those nouns : environment must be eg: Students should be
eg: They live in an apartment made a national priority . fully focused in class
- Other verbs & modals : eg: Nurses and doctors - Transitive verbs as objects : - other adverbs : very /
eg: *They enjoy swimming . provide medical care . enormously / incredibly
eg: Countryside people
* He plans to emigrate . eg: He speaks Chinese
enjoy peace and calm .
* She will be fine . incredibly well .

NB : Remember that the same parts of speech must be used with linking words that require the
use of parallel structures :

( both ) . . . . . . . . . . and . . . . . .
( either ) . . . . Adjective . . . . . . . or . . . . . . Adjective
( not only ) . . . . . . . but ( also ) . . . .
Adverb Adverb
Whether . . . . . . . . . . or . . . . . . .
Noun Noun
............ . . . as well as . . .
............ Verb . . . better than . . . Verb
............ . . . rather than . . .
Examples :

1. Brain drain is the emigration of skilled workers to better geographic , economic or professional
adjective adjective adjective
environments .
2. Omar wants to be a business person . He is particularly interested in finance and management .
noun noun
3. Examinees should get in the habit of answering not only quickly , but also accurately .
adverb adverb
4. Asking the way is better than going astray .
gerund gerund

A. Give the correct form of the words between brackets :
1. Samir : How can I get a ( member ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . card to join the club ?
Clerk : Just fill in the form with your ( person ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . information and pay the fees .
2. The aim of this campaign is to raise people’s ( aware ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . about the importance of
blood donation .
3. Divorce usu ally has a negative effect on a child’s ( person ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. The ( perform ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of Moroccan athletes at the London Paralympics was excellent .
5. If you need any ( inform ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , just get in touch with the secretary .
6. Morocco is a tourist ( attract ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Visitors like its weather , the hospitality
and ( kind ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of its people .
7. Hanane Al Fadili is a famous Moroccan ( art ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; her performances always reflect
great talent and ( creative ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8. On the application form , please include your name and ( citizen ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
9. Thomas Edison became famous due to his ( perseverant ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10. Brain drain involves the emigration of people who are ( profession ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . qualified .
11. Nowadays , most jobs require a good ( know ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of computer science .
12. The price of tomatoes goes up in Ramadan due to the ( grow ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . need for this
foodstuff .
13. In his ( interest ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . article , the journalist focused on the ( necessary ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
of girls’ education . He also went on to equate economic ( prosperous ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . with the
involvement of women in the process of ( develop ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
14. Antonio spent most of his ( child ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in the countryside .
15. The manager agreed to employ Emmy ( immediate ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . after the interview. He later
gave her the employment contract for ( sign ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
16. Our school works in ( partner ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . with local NGOs to fight drug addiction .
17. Developing ( renew ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . energy is among the priorities of Morocco .
18. By joining NGOs , young people can make a positive ( contribute ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to society .
19. UN officials are concerned about the fast population (grow) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in developing countries .
20. Physical ( punish ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is forbidden in schools .
21. Doing some ( volunteer ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . work is an act of good ( citizen ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
22. The headmaster says that students should ( application ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . for scholarships before May 15 th .
23. ( Vocation ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . education helps students integrate in the job market easily .
24. Buying an expensive second-hand mobile phone is a ( risk ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . business .

Verb Adjective Noun

develop developing / developed development
sustain sustainable sustainability
populate populated population
pollute polluted pollution
prosper prosperous prosperity
depend dependent dependence
determine determined determination
destroy destructive destruction
invent inventive inventor / invention
produce productive production
grow growing growth
( pre) arrange ( pre) arranged ( pre) arrangement
involve involved involvement
free free freedom
finance financial finance
qualify qualified / qualifying qualification
interest interesting / interested interest
achieve achieved achievement
harm harmful harm
tolerate tolerant tolerance
know knowledgeable knowledge
criticize critical criticism
assist assisted assistance
behave behavioural behaviour
succeed successful success
educate educational education
enable able / unable ability / inability
endanger dangerous danger
empower empowered / powerful empowerment / power
own own owner / ownership
attract attractive attraction
perform performing performance
inform informed / informative information
attract attractive attraction
create creative creation / creativity
persevere perseverant perseverance
entertain entertaining entertainment
benefit beneficial benefit
necessitate necessary necessity
renew renewable renewal
strengthen strong strength

integrate integrative integration

cooperate cooperative cooperation

Verb Adjective Noun

ambitious ambition
( il ) literate ( il ) literacy
cultural culture
careful / careless care / carefulness / carelessness
attentive attention
jobless job / joblessness
( un ) employed (un)employment / joblessness
famous fame
popular popularity
digital digit
aware awareness
addicted addiction
risky risk
poor poverty
kind kindness
stressful stress
hungry hunger
angry anger
perfect perfection
artistic artist / art
personal person / personality
hospitable hospitality
talented talent
skilled / skillful skill
powerful power
economic / economical economics
historic / historical history
vocational vocation
manage manager / management
( mis) understand ( mis) understanding
apply applicant / application
invent inventor / invention
involve involvement
violate violation
graduate graduate (person) / graduation
invest investment
citizen / citizenship
member / membership
friend / friendship
relation / relationship
partner / partnership

child ; mother/ childhood ; motherhood


Active citizenship Farewell party Natural disaster

Adult ( il ) literacy Financial aid Natural resources
Basic education Financial situation Non-formal education
Basic needs Financial support Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO)
Boarding school Foreign languages Political stability / instability
Brain drain / Brain gain Formal education Non-profit organization
Change agent Free access Note taking
Child care Free time Organ / blood donation
Child labour Gender gap Pre-arranged marriage
Civic education Gender discrimination Problem solving
Civic society Gender disparity Pay attention
Citizenship values Generation gap Pull / Push factor
Common good Global warming Raise a fund / consciousness
Communication technology Good citizen Renewable energy
Community service Have access / fun . . . . Risk taking
Computer addiction Health care Rural areas
Computer illiterate High priority Rural poverty
Critical thinking Higher education / degree School subject / uniform . . . . .
Cultural background Higher wages Scientific community
Cultural diversity Host family Scientific research
Culture shock Host country Sense of humour
Developed countries Household duties Sense of pride
Developing countries Human development Sense of responsibility
Digital camera Human rights Skilled workers
Digital divide Humorous scene Social justice
Digital native Humorous situation Social media
Distant education Illegal immigration State-of-the-art technology
Do homework / harm . . . . Informal education Substantial funds
Economic crisis Information technology Sustainable development
Economic growth Intellectual freedom Take care / Take place ( happen )
Educational background International organization Technology literacy
Educational system International conference Technological invention
Energy efficiency International cooperation Technical assistance
Environmental degradation Internet addiction Tempting salaries
Environment awareness Job advertisements Universal / global / serious issue
Equal opportunities Job opportunity University drop-out
Equal rights Life expectancy University graduates
Evening classes Literacy classes Urban expansion
Equal status Local community Virtual contact
E-mail account Make peace /a mistake . . . Virtual world
E-mail address Medical care Voluntary work
Face-to-face communication Mobile phone Water scarcity / shortage
Family code Modern invention Youth projects

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