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Module TestCase Number

Splash screen -




Intro screens - 13










Language screen -






Select employee-EL-5 31










Mobile Number 42
Popup - EL-6













Mobile Number











Loan application 68
process permission -





User consent form -





Enter OTP -




Resend otp popup -

Resend otp popup -
EL-11 82


popup -


Invalid OTP -




HR records -
EL-14 90




Data is Safe -



Thank you screen -













User Profile -
EL-17 111










Congratulations popup
for profile registeration -





MPIN setup -






Congratulations popup
for Mpin setup -
EL-20 133


Test Scenarios Test Type

Verify the Splash screen gets displayed when ever we open the application Manual

Verify the Splash screen gets displayed on every launch of the application Manual

Verify that the Splash screen doesnot appear on the relaunch if the application is launche Manual

Verify that the UI of the Splash screen Manual

Verify the Animation of the AFPL logo in the Splash screen Manual

Verify that the Splash screen auto disappears after 3 seconds of time period Manual

verify that the Intro screens get displayed once the Splash screen auto terminates Manual

Verify that the Intro screens gets displayed post display of the Splash screen Manual

Verify that the Intro screens gets displayed only on the 1st launch of the application Manual

Verify that the Intro screens should not be displayed if the application is relaunched Manual

Verify the UI of the Intro screens Manual

Verify the Metadata in the Intro screens Manual

Verify the poster Images in the Intro screens Manual

Verify the Auto sliding functionality in the Intro screens Manual

Verify that the two intro screens gets displayes one to the next as per the requiremement Manual

Verify that the highlight of the Sliders dots as per the screen displayed on FE Manual

Verify that the highlight of the slider dots changes one to the next once the intro screen-2 Manual

Verify that the Intro screens auto slides in a time period of 3 sec Manual

Verify that the backward slide of the Intro screens are not supported Manual
Verify the user can see the Select language
screen. Manual

Verify the translate logo is displayed as per the

Design document. Manual

Verify select language text and UI as per the Design document. Manual

Verify the AFPL logo and text are displayed as per the Design document. Manual

Verify the user can select English language. Manual

Verify the English icon placed as per the Design document. Manual

Verify the user is able to navigate to back screen. Manual

Verify if user is able to close the app and again open the app and select English
language. Manual

Verify select language option is working on

different type of devices. Manual

Verify the user is able to see the Select employee. Manual

Verify the logo,text and UI as per the Design document. Manual

Verify the employee, customer logos and text were

placed as per the Design document. Manual

Verify the Toggle button is working. Manual

Verify whether the next CTA is working or not. Manual

Verify the user is able to close and relaunch the app Manual

Verify that the mobile number popup is diplaying or not

Verify that the mobile numbers displaying on the popup is correct or not
Vefify the UI of the mobile number popup
Verify the text displayed on the mobile number popup
Verify that the mobile number is displaying with country code by default

Verify the functionality when user clicks on mobile number1 in the

Verify the functionality when user clicks on mobile number2 in the

Verify that the user should able to clcik on only one mobile number at once


Verify that the user should not able to click on both the mobile
number at once

Verify the functionality when user clicks on none of the above CTA in the
verify that the user can able to select the pefered mobile number by
clicking on mobile number CTA Manual

Verify that mobile number popup navigates/changes to next screen

after selecting the prefered mobile number


Verify that mobile number should not select when user click on
none of the above option

Verify that user can navigate to next screen after clicking on none of
the above option


Verify the UI of mobile number verfication screen


Verify the description displayed on the mobile number verfication screen


Vertify whether the font and alignment of the mobile number verfication screen is
as per the Design document
Verify the Animation of AFPL logo in the Enter your Mobile number verification screen


Verify that the user can able to enter his mobile number manually

Verify that by entering valid mobile number


Verify that by entering invalid mobile number


Verify the mobile number by entering more than 10 digits


Verify the mobile number by entering less than 10 digits


Verify that by entering alpabets

Verify that country is set to +91 by default

Verify that user can able to click on user consent form checkbox


Verify the functionality when user clicks on the checkbox of user consent form


Verify that user can able to click on I disagree CTA

Verify that user can navigate to permission page after clicking on I disagree CTA

Verify that user can able to click on I agree CTA


Verify that user can navigate to enter OTP page after clicking on I agree CTA

Verify the UI of the loan application permission as per the Design document

Verify the description of loan application permission as per the Design document


Verify the animation and font of AFPL logo on loan application permission screen as
per the Design document


Verify that the user can able to clcik on Back CTA


Verify that the user is navigating to the Mobile number page after clicking on
Back CTA


Verify the UI of the User consent form.

Verify the text of the User consent form as per the Design document

Verify the animation of AFPL logo on user consent form as per

the Design document


Verify the seperation lines between the each section


Verify that the user can able to click on OK CTA

Verify that the enter OTP screen is displayed as a popup screen
Verify the UI of the enter OTP popup screen
Verify the description that was displayed on OTP popup

Verify the functionality when user giving valid OTP


Verify that the user is getting resend OTP option if user not entered
the option within the given time
Verify that the OTP should also comes to the native messaging application
Verify that user can able to enter OTP manually

Verify that the verify CTA is cickable


Verify the functionality when user clicks on verify CTA in enter OTP popup

Verify that congratulations of verified OTP popup displays once after entering the

Verify the functionality when user giving invalid OTP


Verify that the user is getting the same issuse with the various devices


Verify that user is getting invalid OTP after entering the the invalid OTP
Verify that the user is navigating to the entered phone number page if user mobile
number is not matched with the HR records Manual

Verify that the entered phone number verification logo is as per the Design document

Verify that the text on the phone number verification is as per the Design document
Verify the UI of the Data is safe screen

Verify the description displayed on the data is safe screen

Verify the Animation of the Data is safe logo
Verify wether the Lets go CTA is clickable or not

Verify the functionality when user clicks on lets go CTA on the data is safe screen
Verify that the user is navigating to Thank you screen after clicking on letsgo CTA

Verify that the user is navigating to the thank you page if user mobile
number is not matched with the HR records Manual

Verify that the thank you logo is as per the Design document Manual

Verify that the text on the thank you is as per the Design document
Verify the UI of the the user profile screen

Verify the description displayed on the user profile screen


Verify the Animation of AFPL logo in the user profile screen


Verify that the user can able to upload profile photo by clicking on camera option
Verify that the user can able to auto fetch Employee ID number
Verify that the Employee ID field accepts only digits/numbers

Verify that the user should not able to enter Employee ID manually

Verify that the user can able to auto fetch Employee Full Name

Verify that the name field accepts only alphabets


Verify that the user should not able to enter Employee Full Name manually

Verify that the user can able to auto fetch Employee E-mail ID

Verify that the user shouldn't be able to enter Employee E-mail ID manually
Verify that the user can able to auto fetch Employee Mobile Number

Verify that the user should not able to enter Employee Mobile Number manually
Verify whether the drop down is appering when user click on the gender field

Verify that the user can able to click on the particular gender

Verify wether the Date of Birth field is showing calender to select the Date of Birth

Verify whether the date of birth is accepted as per the dd/mm/yy


Verify by entering referral code in referral code field


Verify that the Register CTA is clickable


Verify wether the congratulations popup is getting after clicking on register CTA


Verify the mpin setup all text and UI is displayed

as per the design or not. Manual

Verify the numbers keypad is displayed. Manual

Verfiy the numbers is getting entered on screen. Manual

Verify the numbers doesn't display when user is entered. Manual

Verify (Enter four digit MPIN) takes 4 digits or not. Manual

Verify it takes less than four pins or not. Manual

Verify enter the pin in first line its automaticaly navigate to

re-entre PIN option. Manual

Verify it takes less than three pins or not. Manual

Verify back space button is working or not. Manual

Verify after set the pin OK button is worked or not. Manual

Verify user can see the congratulations popup. Manual

Verify congratulations text and logo is diplayed as per the design. Manual

Verify the congratulations popup is transparent or not. Manual

Verify the AFPL logo and text as per the design document. Manual
Test cases
1. Launch the application
2. Observe the behaviour
1. Launch the application
2. Observe the behaviour
1. Launch the application
2. Move the application in background and relaunch
from the background
3. Observe the behaviour
1. Launch the application
2. Observe the UI of the Splash screen
1. Launch the application
2. Observe the Animation of the AFPL logo
1. Launch the application
2. Observe the behaviour
1. Launch the application
2. Observe the behaviour once Splash screen auto
1. Launch the application
2. Observe the behaviour post display of the Splash
1. Launch the application
2. Observe the behaviour post display of the Splash
1. Launch the application
2. Observe the behaviour post display of the Splash
1. Launch the application
2. Observe the behaviour post display of the Splash
1. Launch the application
2. Observe the behaviour post display of the Splash
1. Launch the application
2. Observe the behaviour post display of the Splash
1. Launch the application
2. Observe the behaviour post display of the Splash
1. Launch the application
2. Observe the behaviour post display of the Splash
1. Launch the application
2. Observe the behaviour post display of the Splash
1. Launch the application
2. Observe the behaviour post display of the Splash
1. Launch the application
2. Observe the behaviour post display of the Splash
1. Launch the application
2. Observe the behaviour post display of the Splash
1. Launch the application
2. Observe the behaviour
3. Observe the user can see the select language screen.

1. Launch the application

2. Observe the behavior
3. Observe translated logo is displayed in that position.

1. Launch the application

2. Observe the behavior
3. Observe the user can see text on the language

1. Launch the application

2. Observe the behavior
3. Observe the user can see the Annapurna logo and
of the Annapurna text.

1. Launch the application

2. Observe the behavior
3.Verify the user can select English language.
4.Observe the user after selecting English language
then display the text in English language.

1. Launch the application

2. Observe the behavior
3. Observe user can see both languages are on this

1. Launch the application

2. Observe the behavior
3. Observe the user can navigate to the back screen of
the application.
4. Observe if the user navigates to the back screen and
do some functionality on that page and again navigate
to the same page.

1. Launch the application

2. Navigate to Language screen and user can select the
same language or not.

1.Launch the application

2.Navigate to Language screen and user should be
able to get the same UI,options and text in different
devices or not.

1. Launch the application

2. Navigate to "Select employee " screen and observe
the user can be able to see the select employee or
customer icons and toggle button .
1. Launch the application
2. Navigate to "Select employee " screen and observe
the user can see text and UI as per the design

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour.
3.Observe the employee and customer logos and text
placed as per design.
4.Observe the distance between the logos as per the
5.Observe the text size of both employee
and customer is same or not.

1. Launch the application

2. Observe the behavior.
3. Observe whether the toggle button is placed in the
same place as per the design document.
4. Observe the toggle button is selected by the
employee or customer and the logo will be highlighted
as per the selection.

1. Launch the application

2. Observe the behaviour.
3. Observe whether the next CTA is working or not.
4. Observe that the next button is placed in the same
position as per the design document.

1. Launch the application

2. Observe if the user is able to close the app in middel
of the process and reopen the app again and navigate
to Select employee screen.

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the application
1.Launch the application
2.Observe the behaviour of the application
1.Launch the application
2.Observe the UI of the Mobile number popup
1.Launch the application
2.Observe the text on the mobile number popup
1.Launch the application
2.Observe the behaviour of the application

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the application
3.Observe the behaviour of the popup by clicking on
mobile number1
1.Launch the application
2.Observe the behaviour of the application
3.Observe the behaviour of the popup by clicking on
mobile number2

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the application
3.Observe the behaviour of the popup by clicking on
mobile number

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the application
3.Observe the behaviour of the popup by clicking on
both the mobile numbers

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the application
3.Observe the behaviour of the popup by clicking on
none of the above CTA
1.Launch the application
2.Observe the behaviour of the application

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the popup by clicking on
none of the above CTA
3.Close the application, relaunch the application and
observe the behaviour of the application

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the application
3.Observe the behaviour of the popup by clicking on
none of the above CTA

1.Launch the application

2.Navigate to Mobile number popup screen and click
on None of he above option and check whether user is
able to navigate to"Mobile number verification screen"

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the application
3.Observe the UI of the Mobile number Verifaction

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the application
3.Observe the description of the Mobile number

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the application
1.Launch the application
2.Observe the behaviour of the application
3.Observe the Animation of the AFPL logo on Mobile
Number Verification screen

1.Launch the application

2.Navigate to Mobile number verification screen and
enter the mobile number.

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the application
3.Observe the behaviour of the mobile number screen
by giving valid mobile number

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the application
3.Observe the behaviour of the mobile number screen
by giving invalid mobile number

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the application
3.Observe the behaviour of the mobile number screen
by giving more than 10 digits of mobile number

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the application
3.Observe the behaviour of the mobile number screen
by giving less than 10 digits of mobile number

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the application
3.Observe the behaviour of the mobile number screen
by giving alphabates mobile number
1.Launch the application
2.Observe the behaviour of the application

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the enter mobile number
screen after clicking on user consent form checkbox

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the enter mobile
number screen after clicking on user consent
form checkbox then we should be able to select I
Agree option.

1.Launch the application

2.Naviagate to mobile number verification screen and
verify I Disagree CTA is working or not.
1.Launch the application
2.Observe the behaviour of the enter mobile
number screen after clicking on i disagree CTA

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the enter mobile
number screen after clicking on i agree CTA

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the enter mobile
number screen after clicking on i agree CTA

1.launch the application

2. Observe the ui of the loan application permission

1.launch the application

2. Observe the ui of the loan application permission
3.Observe the description of the loan application

1.launch the application

2. Observe the ui of the loan application permission
3.Observe the description of the loan application
4.Observe the animation and logo of the AFPL

1.launch the application

2. Observe the ui of the loan application permission
3.Observe the description of the loan application
4.Observe the animation and logo of the AFPL after
click on Back CTA

1.launch the application

2. Observe the ui of the loan application permission
3.Observe the description of the loan application
4.Click on Back CTA and observe the behaviour of the

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the ui of the user consent form
1.Launch the application
2.Observe the UI of the user consent form
3.Observe the text of the user consent form

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the ui of the user consent form
3.Observe the text on the user consent form
4.Observe the animation of AFPL logo on the user
consent form

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the ui of the user consent form
3.Observe the text on the user consent form
4.Observe the animation of AFPL logo on the user
consent form
5.Observe that there is seperation lines between
each section(user consent form, privacy policy, terms
of services)

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the ui of the user consent form
3.Observe the text on the user consent form
4.Observe the animation of AFPL logo on the user
consent form
5.Observe that their is the seperation lines between
the each section(user consent form, privacy policy,
terms of services
6.Click on ok CTA and observe the behaviour of the
user consent form
1.Launch the application
2.Observe the behaviour of the application
1.Launch the application
2.Observe the UI of the enter OTP popup
1.Launch the application
2.Observe the description of enter OTP popup

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of enter OTP field by giving
valid OTP

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the application by not
entering OTP and click on Verify CTA
1.Launch the application
2.Observe the behaviour of the application
1.Launch the application
2.Observe the behaviour of the application

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the applicationby clicking
on verify CTA

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the application by clicking
on verify CTA

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the application after
entering the OTP

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of enter otp field by giving
invalid otp

1.Launch the application in different devices

2.Observe the behaviour of enter otp field by giving
invalid otp

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the application after
entering the OTP
1.Launch the application
2.Observe the behaviour of the application

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the application

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the application
1.Launch the application
2.Observe the UI of the Data is safe screen

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the description of the Data is safe screen
1.Launch the application
2.Observe the Animation of the Data is safe logo
1.Launch the application
2.Observe the behaviour of the application

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the application after
clicking on Lets go CTA
1.Launch the application
2.Observe the behaviour of the application after
clicking on Lets go CTA

1.Lauch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the application

1.Lauch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the application

1.Lauch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the application
1.Launch the application
2.Observe the UI of the user profile screen

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the description of the user profile screen
1.Launch the application
2.Observe the animation of the user profile screen

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the user profile after
clicking on camera option
1.Launch the application
2.Observe the behaviour of the Employee ID field
1.Launch the application
2.Observe the behaviour of the Employee ID field
1.Launch the application
2.Observe the behaviour of the Employee ID field

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the Employee Full
Name field

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the Employee Full
Name field

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the Employee Full Name

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the Employee E-mail id

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the Employee E-mail id
1.Launch the application
2.Observe the behaviour of the Employee Mobile
number field

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the Employee Mobile
number field
1.Launch the application
2.Observe the behaviour of the gender drop down

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the gender drop down
after clicking on particular gender

1.Launch the application

2.Observer the behaviour of the application by clicking
on Calender option

1.Launch the application

2.Observe that the Date of Birth field is accepting as

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the application by enter
the refferl code

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour of the application by clicking
on register CTA

1.Launch the application

2.Observe that the congratulations popup should
display after clicking on register CTA

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour
3.Observe the user able to see the mpin setup all text
design is displayed as per the design.

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour
3.Observe the user able to see the number keyboard
on the
mpin setup application .
4.Observe the user can get only number keyboard or
normal keyboard.
5.Observe the all numbers is properly working or not.
1.Launch the application.
2.Observe the behaviour.
3.Observe the if user is type any number That number
is getting entered on screen. .

1.Launch the application.

2.Observe the behaviour.
3.Observe the user enter the pin it shouldn't be
4.Observe the user enter the pin it display only Dot on
the pin it doesn't show any number.

1.Launch the application.

2.Observe the behaviour.
3.Observe user can enter only four number for mpin
4.Observe it take same number for mpin setup.

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour
3.Observe the user can set less than three pins for
4.Observe the user can enter same number for pin.

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour
3.Observe the user enter the pin in (Enter four digit
MPIN) then it automaticaly navigate to the reentre pin
4.Observe when it navigate to the re-enter pin the
number keyboard is displayed.

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour
3.Observe re-enter pin takes same pin or not.
4.Observe it take less than three pins.

1.Launch the application.

2.Observe the behaviour.
3.Observe back space button is worked or not.
4.Observe when user enter the wrong pin backspace
botton is used or not.
1.Launch the application.
2.Observe the behaviour.
3.Observe ok button is worked or not.
4.Observe that ok button text and button option is
as per the design or not.
5.Observe when user enter the pins after verify that
the pin is correct or not by using ok button.
6.Observe if user enter the correct pin the ok button
used to navigate to next application.

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour
3.Observe if user set the mpin it show the
"congratulations" popup.
4.Observe that the congratulations popup text and UI
worked as per the design or not.

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour
3.Observe user get the congratulations logo and text as
per deplayed as per the design.

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour
3.Observe user get the congratulations popup in
transparent form on the mpin setup application.

1.Launch the application

2.Observe the behaviour
3.Observe user can see the annapurna text and logo as
the design at top of the application.

The Splash screen should be displayed when ever we open the application

The Splash screen should be displayed on every launch of the application

The Splash screen should not appear on the relaunch if the application is
launched post running in the background

The UI of the Splash screen should be as per the Design document

The Animation of the AFPL logo in the Splash screen should be as per
the Design document
The Splash screen should auto disappear after 3 seconds of time period
from the launch and display of the splash screen

The Intro screens should be displayed once the Splash screen auto

The Intro screens should be displayed post display of the Splash screen

The Intro screens should be displayed only on the 1st launch of the

The Intro screens should not be displayed if the application is relaunched

The UI of the Intro screens should be as per the Design document

Teh Metadata should be displayed just below the poster images in the Intro

The poster Images should be displayed in the Intro screens as per the Design document

The Intro screens should slide one to the next in a time span of 3 sec

Two Intro screens should be displayed post dsplay of the Splash screen

The highlight of the slider dots should be present on the dot as per the
Intro screen displayed on the FE

The slider dots highlight should change as per the Intro screen displayed

The Intro screens should auto slide one to the next in a time span of 3 sec

The backward slide of the Intro screens should not be supported

The user should able to see the select language screen
on mobile.

The user should able to see the select language screen

on application.

The user should able to see the text on the language text.

The user should able to see the Annapurna logo and the text is displayed as
per the design.

The user should be able to select English language and text should also be displayed in English languagge.

The user should able to see both languages as per the

Design document.

The user can able to navigate to the back screen.

user should be able to select English language after closing and opening the
Native App.

User should able to see the same UI,options and text in different devices

Users should able to see the select employee on the screen.

User should able to see the logo, text and UI of the

User should able to see the employee , customer logos and text is placed as
per the design document.

The user should be able to see that the Toggle button

is working as per the design document.

User should be able to see the Next CTA and should be able to go to "Mobile
number" popup screen.

User should be able to close and relaunch the app and should be able to
navigate to Select employee screen.

Should be able to see the Mobile number popup is displaying.

Should be able to see the correct mobile numbers is displaying.

UI of the Mobile number popup should be displayed as per the Design document
Text displayed on the mobile number popup should be as per
the Design document

It should display the country code by default

Should be able to click on mobile number1

Should be able to click on mobile number2

User should be able to click on only one mobile number at once

Shouldn't be able to click on both the mobile numbers at once

Should be able to click on none of the above CTA

Should be able to click on user prefered mobile number.

Should navigate to the next screen after selecting prefered mobile


Should not select mobile number when user click on none of the

User should navigate to"Mobile number verification" screen after clicking on none of the above

UI of the Mobile number screen should be as per the Design document

Description displayed on the mobile number screen should be as per

the Design document

The font and alignment of the mobile number screen should be

as per the Design document.
Animation of AFPL logo should be as per the Design document

User should able to enter the mobile number manually

Should check by giving valid mobile number

Should check by giving invalid mobile number

Shouldn't be able to enter more than 10 digits.

Shouldn't be able to enter less than 10 digits.

Shouldn't be able to enter alphabets.

Country code should be displayed as +91 by default.

User should able to click on user consent form checkbox

Should be able to click on I Agree only after click on user consent form.

Should be able to click on I disagree CTA

Should navigate to the permission page after clicking on I disagree CTA

Should able to click on I agree CTA

Should navigate to enter otp page after clicking on I agree CTA

UI of the loan application permission should be as per the Design document

Description of the loan application permission should be as per the

Design document

Animation and font of AFPL logo should be as per the Design document

User should able to click on Back CTA

User should navigate to the mobile number verification page after clicking on
Back CTA

UI of the user consent form is as per the Design document

Text on the user consent form is as per the Design document

Animation of AFPL logo should be as per the Design document

User should able to see the seperation lines between the each section
(user consent form, privacy policy, terms of services)

User should able to click on the OK CTA

Enter OTP should be displayed as the popup screen

UI of the enter OTP popup should be as per the Design document

Description of the enter OTP screen should be as per the Design document

Should accept the valid OTP

User should get error message when user enter the invalid OTP

OTP should also comes to the native messaging application

User should able to enter the OTP manually

User should able to click on verify CTA

User should able to click on verify CTA

It should display the "Congratulations OTP Verified" popup after entering the OTP

Should not accept the invalid OTP

User should be able to get the invalid OTP for various devices

User should get Alert message after entering the invalid OTP
User should navigate to the entered phone number page if user phone
number is not matching with the HR records

Entered phone number verification logo should be as per the

Design document

Entered phone number verification text should be as per the

Design document

UI of the Data is safe screen should be as per the Design document

Description of the Data is safe screen should be as per the Design document

logo of the Data is safe screen should be as per the Design document

User should able to click on Lets go CTA

User should able to click on Lets go CTA

It should navigate to the Thank you screen after clicking on lets go CTA

User should navigate to the thank you page if user phone

number is not matching with the HR records

Thank you page logo should be as per the Design document

Thank you page text should be as per the Design document

UI of the user profile screen should be as per the Design document

Description of the user profile screen should be as per the Design document

logo of the user profile screen should be as per the Design document

Should able to upload the profile photo by clicking on camera


It should able to auto fetch the Employee ID

Employee Id should accepts only digits

Should not able to enter the Employee ID manually

It should able to auto fetch the Employee Full Name

Name field should accepts only alphabets

Should not able to enter the Employee Full Name

It should auto fetch the employee E-Mail ID

User should not able to enter his E-mail id manually

It should auto fetch the employee mobile number

User should not able to enter employee number manually

The gender field should displayed as drop down

User should able to click on particular gender

Date of birth field should show the calender option

Date of birth field should accept as per dd/mm/yy

User should able to enter the refferl code

User should able to click on Register CTA

Should get the congratulations popup after clicking on register CTA

User should able to see the text and UI as per the


User should able to see the number keypad

as per the design.
User should able to see the number entered on the screen as dots.

User should be able to Observe the numbers doesn't display as

per the design document.

User able to see that the Mpin should takes only 4 digits.

Mpin shouldn't take less then four numbes for pin setup.

User should able to navigate to the re-enter pin setup from

enter four digit pin.

re-entre pin shouldn't take less than three pins.

Back space button should be worked proplery as per design document.

OK button should be worked as per the design document.

User should able to see the congratulations popup as per the

design document.

User should get the congratulations logo and text as per the
design document.

User should get the congratulations popup in transparent


User should get the AFPL logo and text as per the
design document.

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