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Celebrity is a condition of fame and broad public recognition of a person or group as a result of
the attention given to them by mass media. An individual may attain a celebrity status from
having great wealth, their participation in sports or the entertainment industry, their position as a
political figure, or even from their connection to another celebrity. 'Celebrity' usually implies a
favorable public image, as opposed to the neutrals 'famous' or 'notable', or the negatives
'infamous' and 'notorious.

An Internet celebrity (also known as a social media influencer, social media

personality, internet personality, or simply influencer) is a celebrity who has acquired or
developed their fame and notability through the Internet. The rise of social media has helped
people increase their outreach to a global audience. Today, popular influencers are found on
popular online platforms such
as Twitch, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, Discord, Twitter, Facebook, VSCO, Reddit, WeChat, 
QQ, and TikTok.[1][2]
Internet celebrities often function as lifestyle gurus who promote a particular lifestyle or attitude.
In this role, they are crucial influencers or multipliers for trends in genres including fashion,
cooking, technology, traveling, video games, movies, Esports, politics, music, sports, and
entertainment, etc.[3] Internet celebrities may be recruited by companies for influencer
marketing to advertise products to their fans and followers on their platforms.

The term brand personality refers to a set of human characteristics that are
attributed to a brand name. An effective brand increases its brand
equity by having a consistent set of traits that a specific consumer
segment enjoys. This personality is a qualitative value-add that a brand
gains in addition to its functional benefits. As such, a brand personality is
something to which the consumer can relate.


 Brand personality is a set of human characteristics that are attributed

to a brand name.
 Companies should accurately define their brand personalities so
they resonate with the right consumers.
 A company's brand should aim to elicit a positive emotional
response from a targeted consumer segment.
 The personal side of brand personality is so important especially in
the digital age of artificial intelligence and automation.
 Don't confuse brand personality with imagery, which consists of a
company's creative assets.


The important aspect that companies must note is that celebrity endorsements cannot
replace the comprehensive brand building processes. As branding evolves as a discipline
companies must be extra cautious to utilize every possible channel of communication rather
than just a celebrity endorsement. When all other steps in the branding process is followed
and implemented, then channels such as celebrity endorsements can provide the cutting
edge as it did for Nike and many others.

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