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9 | DepED ENGLISH Quarter 4 - Module 1 Judging the Relevance and Worth of Ideas, Soundness of Author’s Reasoning, and Effectiveness of the Presentation Andres Julio V. Santiago Jr., PhD English Quarter 4 - Module 1 Judging the Relevance and Worth of Ideas, Soundness of Author's Reasoning, and the Effectiveness of the Presentation ? What is It How can you judge the relevance and worth of the author's ideas, the soundness of his or her reasoning, and the effectiveness of his or her presentation? When one reads an article or a literary work, one engages in evaluating the relevance and worth of the author's ideas, the soundness of his or her reasoning, and the effectiveness of his or her presentation. This task is challenging as one ma have his or her own views about the topic which may be different from the author. it is deemed that through the written work, both the reader and the author will have points of understanding Below are some of the key points that one can use in assessing the relevance and worth of the author's ideas, the soundness of his or her reasoning, and the effectiveness of his or her presentation. 1. Recognize what the author is trying to convey via a general statement or a key sentence in his article. Identify the framework of mind through the author's pattem of exposition. Observe how the author establishes and maintains objectivity in presenting his or her ideas. Observe the author's compliance to unity, cohesion, and coherence. Note the validity and relevance of the materials that the author used in supporting his or her ideas especially how these directly connect to the general idea he or she wants to convey. Spot distinct elements or features of the materials as these might be unique lenses for a wider perspective the author wants you to see. Observe if the author is able to substantiate or amplify his or her claims through real-life examples or lived experiences. Note how it appeals 'o you through similar and significant ideas or experiences or perspectives. Dbserve how the author uses powerful words prudently combined a8 he or she persuades you. Be aware of your own filters, Th i i ley Narrow down the i ion that you are exposing yourself to, ruins iene Sometimes, your perception of the world hinders i OesEae Tet a ae from being receptive of messages that would greatly 10. Actively take notes so that you can compare and contrast information. Taking it outside of your mind and putting it on paper will help you track the discussion, You can use your knowledge of graphic organizers to start with a rough concept map for the main idea and key supports, and then clustor related key terms as you encounter them. With all these in mind, you can be guided and be led toward a better appreciation and full understanding of what the author wants to convey. At the same time, you will be able to judge the relevance and worth of his or her ideas, the ‘soundness of his or her reasoning, and the effectiveness of his or her presentation. Processing Questions 1. What is the significance of evaluating the relevance and worth of the author's ideas, the soundness of his or her reasoning, and the effectiveness of his or her presentation? 2. What paris of the text are important when assessing a reading material? Ale v What’s More Activity A Create a scoring sheet on how you would assess a particular reading material. Indicate the factors that you would consider in evaluating the relevance and worth of the author's ideas, the soundness of his or her reasoning, and the effectiveness of his or her presentation. Provide an appropriate weighted percentage for each criteria. Copy the table below and write your answers in your notebook ot ona separate sheet of paper. Criteria Weighted Percentage Total: 100% Read the informational text below. Then, answer the questions that follo Write your answers mn | y fers in your notebook or on a separate sheet of paper. riage One Mirror, Two Images: Views on Singlehood and Marriag by Andres Julio V. Santiago Jr. Parents have a strong tendency to condition the certainty of their children’s future. This happens even as everyone acknowledges the truth behind the lines of the song “Que Sera, Sera,” “the future is not ours to see.” To see and ensure that their children will have an ideal life long after they are gone is the ultimate goal for a lot of Parents. It is a responsibility that they have to assure not only for their own children but more importantly for themselves. Marriage is a way by which this is assured The impact of parents’ influence to their children’s future is determined by the quality of their own lives, the relationship pattern within the family, the educational level attained by the Parents, and the time factor involved in accomplishing all parental duties and responsibilities. ___ ‘Parents’ marital Quality facilitates the intergenerational transmission of amiudes” (Cunningham and Thorton, 2006). This ne example of 8 arteraional @cho. This in a way forms the qualities that the children must possess and develop over time so as to make themselves appealing, ready. nd qualified once they are already of marrying age. This becomes so defin Naa EEE aETnEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIEEREREREEEEIE i rsistent as imprinted in the minds of both parents and their ermaien | bid aston traditional gender roles, accompanied by the rapid rise in Wo rewormen® (ian contribute to low marriage rates among older, highly educated w and Qian, 2019). All other kinds of success determine the value of those who get married. However, the same qualities may become the deterrent factors wl iY children will either delay or opt not to get married as “higher levels of intelligence, education, and occupation are associated with singlehood among females. Poor interpersonal relations with parents and siblings family of orientation are associated with singlehood" (Spreitzer and Riley, 1974). This phenomenon has created a kind of tension not only between parents and their children as the choice to either delay or opt not to get married might not be in consonance with the predominant dictates in society. An invisible timetable is disturbed by such occurrence that also affects the natural mind set of both the parents and the children. On one hand, the child’s choice to delay or option to not get married might become a contributing factor for the parents as it will also delay or even stop the fulfillment of an obligation, i.e., see that their children will eventually lead a happy married life which is equated to the success in parenting. On the part of the child, the decision to postpone or option not to get married creates a kind of tension towards the parents. Such scenario usually leads to answering numerous inquiries regarding the fulfillment of the parents’ dream, i.e., having to see their child settle down with a worthy lifetime partner. Time plays an important role in making decisions especially if such a decision will involve a lifetime commitment. Time creates the situation of waiting where it could be both seen as a determiner of a predestined or a game of emotions. The former is evident through the development of one’s readiness (psychological, emotional, financial, etc.) as the latter manifests itself as a careful calculation of how to play up with one’s emotional strength within a romantic vein. “Waiting is examined as an interactive setting representing and producing societal symbols, timetables, and collective schedules. Furthermore, this particular form of waiting is mostly featured as an unexpected delay and, accordingly, strengthens the widespread understanding of singlehood as a temporary and transitory life phase” (Lahad, 2012). Society creates, imposes, regulates, and evaluates the norms of behavior as people conduct their affairs which include marriage that will eventually ensure the future of the same society. “The traditional attitude is that those who remain single are deviant or in some way inadequate for normal adult roles. But there is an emergent new style of singlehood that opposes this view. An increasing number of individuals are pursuing singlehood consciously and voluntarily” (Forsyth and Johnson, 1995). With this, it most certainly creates an enormous Se Ae basis Unit of the society, that is, the family. Its impacts 80 IMmMenaG -e TS tens the lineage, Marriage is a way by which the family ferns ee tis existence and perhaps even dominance in the future. Sing! oe ain sh is template deep-seated in the societal mind. Those who cl oe nat ood over mariage must be ready and strong enough to withstan “ luge of queries, backlash, and scorn of their awn family members in Particular and society in general. Prudence guides all life decisions. One must not only be a calculated risk-taker in the face of future's uncertainty but moreover, one must be an informed decision-maker. The choice of singlehood showing the “evidence that nonnormative singles are not lonely may help to gradually change the ideology of marriage and family” (Kaiser and Kashy, 2005). As one wrestles his ideas and beliefs on the choice to stay single with the rest of society, one is strengthened not only logically but also emotionally and spiritually. This is manifested through the kind of happy, successful, and normal lives they lead contrary to how society has foreseen their lives to be. “Marriage and family in the process transform singlehood from a second-class status to one that is recognized as just as desirable and valuable as traditional marriage (Byrne and Carr, 2005). The lives led by those who chose and embraced singlehood is a testimony of the triumph towards a meaningful life as “a greater recognition and legitimization of the single lifestyle would help in eradicating some of the barriers to social and personal interaction” (Cockrum and White, 1985). A perfect example of this is the life story of “fifteen never-married women who were eighty years of age and over. Although a great diversity was found, most of these women had led satisfying lives and were satisfied with relationships with family members and friends. In addition, they were able to handle the diminishments of age positively and realistically” (O’Brien, 1989). The lives they have reflect the fact that both parents and their children could be looking at the same situation in life, singlehood or marriage in this are. but see two different meaningful reflections of existence meaningfully liv Questions: 1. What is the general idea expressed by the author in the informational text? 2. What key points did the author plan to cover in the informational text? 3. What significant material was used by the author in supporting the factors that determine the sphere of influence parents have on the future of their children? 4. What is your appreciation of the relevance and worth of the author's ideas as reflected in his sound reasoning and effective presentation? ich Make a concept map about what you you have enco! the circles with key words or ideas ‘among them. You may add circles and lines depending remembered. You may also create your own graphic organ a separate sheet of paper. What I Have Learned nave learned from this module. Fill in untered and the relationships ‘on the concepts you have izer. Place your output on mr Ig and presen; soning resentation e tation Reasoning and | The reasoning | The reaentation and x eet the | of ideas about and presentation and pre bout the of id i the featureq of ideas about the | of| foes al teatwred pba feature mpow' ttre [ited fanserent loan women Is wen slighty effective ive, voryefectve | is effec = Tere STE 194 There iS: 80% ‘ = % There is 90% ise ce to the | compliance to the Guidelines Set | There's CO | mpiance tothe | CEES at for | guidelines set Presentation ‘of | guidelines set for | guidelines set for . resentation the preseniatio” the Infographic | the presentation | the presentation | TA intographic. | of the infographc, (3) of the infographic. | of the infographiC. Assessment |. From the pool of words below, fill out tt that best expresses an idea about wh. Write your answers in your notebook or on a sepa! he following sentences with the word at you have learned in this module rate sheet of paper. soundness exposition lenses validity notes filters effectiveness relevance 41. In evaluating an author's work, it is important to identify the framework of mind through his or her pattern of Actively take information. Tal so that you can compare and contrast help you track the discussion Note the unique you to see. Be aware of your own information that you are exposing yourself to. Spot distinct elements or features of the They ig it outside of your mind and putting it on paper will narrow down the —___ and relevance of th ials that the author used in supporting his or her ideas. elmateriels tha for a wider Perspective materials as these might be the author wants a i es in evaluating rticle or a literary work, one engage: ~ Ta ome Toads an ance nd worth of the author's ideas, the _ eT his or her reasoning, and the ___— of his or her presentation Il. Read the text below. Then, judge the relevance and worth of the author's ideas, his or her sound reasoning, and the effectiveness of his or her presentation. Write your answer in your notebook or on a sheet of paper. Shakespeare's Portia and the Growth of Faith’s Wisdom by Andres Julio V. Santiago Jr. Portia and Shylock By Thomas Sully - Folger Shakespeare Library Digital Image Collection hito:/¢s6x3, CC BY-SA 4.0. +tips://commons. php ?curid=4092 1636. “Mercy is what moves us toward God, while justice makes us tremble in His sight.” Pope Benedict XVI Portia in Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice is the catalyst for the Metanoia that happened to the characters in the play especially Shylock. Her wisdom was instrumental to the resolution to the conflict created by the malicious agreement penned by Shylock which was surprisingly agreed upon by Antonio. Act IV, Scene | of the play focused on the many angles by which SS yerson must have, mercy was able to establish itself as a human value erent ving eve: Assumed to be extended and accorded to all, mercy the person who possesses it. The quality of mercy is not forced. It drops as freely as the rain from heaven Upon the place beneath: it is twice blest; It blesses him that gives and him that takes: to one’s full knowledge, freedom, Mercy is a human act that adheres Sea to have doom and will. For mercy to be extended by someone, understanding of the factors and complexities involved in the stuation, The person should have freedom to dispense mercy without any a on es limitations. Mercy is given by a person with the desire to extend te someone. The foregoing lines of Portia clearly define the nature of mercy. As a blessing from heaven, it is extended to the one who dispenses it and likewise to the one it is accorded to. In this case, the blessing of mercy is within the hands of Shylock to give to Antonio who Is in need of it. Its mightiest in the mightiest: it becomes—scope of mercy The reigning monarch better than his crown; His scepter shows the force of temporal power, Which thus inspires the dread and fear of kings; True exercise of power happens when the one who wields the scepter of power restrains himself. Likened to the power of a king’s scepter, Portia's argument points that the power within a king is higher than his position. In like manner, through these lines, Portia appeals to the power within Shylock to extend his mercy and accord it to Antonio. Shylock however is focused on his position of being offended rather than being merciful to Antonio who has offended him. Portia requests Shylock to consider the benefit of having to extend mercy as an articulation of God's blessing as a more meaningful way of resolving the conflict rather than choosing justice fueled by hatred. But mercy is above this sceptered sway; Itis an attribute of God himself; And earthly power is most like to God's When mercy seasons justice. Portia advances her argument that meroy is an foregoing lines manifest the link between the attibldes of Got eames person. The growth and development of one's faith does not come only through a passive learning of its tenets but rath : ler thr i showcased by the application of the values it instills as me ace ean lived. One only grows in his faith as he bi leposts to life we God he follows and prays to. Shylock is given an spy ese Plfication of the en : areal Jew is through actions that reflect the teachings of vane manifest who eh. 14 Therefore, Jew,—justice of mercy Though justice be your plea, consider this, If justice had its way, then none of us Would see salvation: we must pray for mercy; And that same prayer will teach us all to render Deeds of mercy. Exodus 21:23-25 of the Bible reminds that "but if there is harm, then you shall pay life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.” Itis in this same vein that Shylock wants to obtain justice from the offense done to him. However, pursuing and getting justice does not necessarily equate to salvation. In the case of Shylock, a pound of Antonio's flesh will surely give him the justice he wants and perhaps even the pleasure that goes with it. Unknown to Shylock, it is the same attainment of justice that will appeal to his conscience having to cause pain and suffering to the would-be wounded Antonio. It could perhaps even cause Antonio his life which would then make Shylock a murderer. Mohandas Gandhi's nugget of wisdom warns “an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind" which is a similar articulation of Portia’s quick-wittedness. Give what you would have, And mitigate the justice of your plea; Forif you press your suit, this court of Venice Must be merciless against the merchant there. As mercy is alluded to that which “drops as freely as the rain from heaven," Portia challenges Shylock to extend his mercy to Antonio through the foregoing lines. Certainly, to pursue the attainment of justice might satisfy Shylock on the onset, but this will later result to the court of Venice punishing Antonio to the fullest extent of what the law provides for offenders. The life of Antonio is in the hands of Shylock which are also the hands of Yahweh forgiving every wayward Jew. It is in the act of showing mercy to Antonio that Shylock answers to the opportunity to show not only the people in court but the entire world that a Jew who has grown significantly in his faith accords everyone mercy. Shakespeare has depicted Portia as the epitome of wisdom. As she engaged Shylock towards his metanoia, she appealed not through the logic of the law of the city but rather to the law of faith instilled in the Jew. The arguments that she presented in her monologue is an articulation of her intelligence. Moreover, it was the exemplification of her wisdom in facilitating for the resolution to the conflict not only between the Jew and the Christian. More importantly, the conflict within Shylock who has recognized that the of his faith resides not in a passive way, but rather through an nificance / act .station of who a true follower of Yahweh is. active manifes {this informational text? 9-15. Which ideas do you agree with the author Explain why you agree with the author R Additional Activity Look for an informational text about how Filipinos use the English language. Judge the relevance and worth of the author's ideas, his or her sound reasoning, and the effectiveness of his or her presentation by answering the questions below. Place your output in your notebook or on a separate sheet of paper. 1. What is the general idea expressed by the author? 2. What are the key points discussed in the text? 3. What materials were used by the author in supporting his or her ideas? 4. Which ideas do you agree with the author? Why? 5. What is your appreciation of the relevance ar refectd in his or her sound reasoning and eflectve prose ene eee fective presentation? 16

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