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2022, Vol. 3, No. 7, 1302 – 1308

Research Article

Marketing Practices Among Sari-Sari Stores in Dapitan City: Basis for

Proposed Extension Program

Edelyn E. Pagara

Faculty, College of Business Administration, Jose Rizal Memorial State University, Philippines

Article history: ABSTRACT

Submission July 2022
Revised July 2022 This study aimed to determine the different marketing practices em-
Accepted July 2022 ployed among sari-sari store owners in Dapitan City during the Calendar
Year 2020. It used a descriptive research method utilizing a question-
*Corresponding author: naire as the principal tool for gathering data. The data were statistically
E-mail: treated using frequency counting, percent, weighted mean, standard de- viation, and Mann-Whitney Test. The study's findings revealed that sari-
sari store owners in Dapitan City had the same marketing practices fo-
cusing on process and people. Customers of the sari-sari stores had the
same observation on the marketing practices of sari-sari store owners in
Dapitan City, which focus on people and place. It was found that sari-sari
store owners and customers had different perspectives or views on mar-
keting practices. It was recommended that sari-sari store owners and po-
tential sari-sari store owners attend training and seminars aiming to im-
prove their marketing practices in coordination with the Department of
Trade and Industry and the Local Government Unit of Dapitan. Further,
customers are encouraged to give their feedback on the marketing prac-
tices of the sari-sari store owners, and researchers are encouraged to
conduct a separate study on this matter.

Keywords: Marketing Practices, Sari-Sari Store

Introduction the industry, whether how big or small in terms

Marketing practices play a significant role of capitalization, depends upon marketing. It is
in establishing and maintaining contacts be- noted that the term "marketing" covers many
tween a business establishment and its mar- different activities associated with selling the
kets. A business establishment needs to com- business products or services.
pete in a highly competitive and volatile mar- Discussing particularly on micro-business
ket. It is valid in all types of business endeavors. establishment, a sari-sari store is a micro-scale
Gleeson (2019) pointed out that marketing is store that provides daily necessities, food, and
not simply an essential part of business suc- drinks and is ubiquitous in the Philippine urban
cess; it is the business itself. Everything else in areas and villages. Owners of sari-sari stores
How to cite:
Pagara, E. E. (2022). Marketing Practices Among Sari-Sari Stores in Dapitan City: Basis for Proposed Extension Program.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Research. 3 (7), 1302 – 1308. doi:
EE Pagara, 2022 / Marketing Practices Among Sari-Sari Stores in Dapitan City: Basis for Proposed Extension Program

rely on the purchasing power of supply to con- is valuable in that business competition is very
duct business and cater to the base of the pyra- much healthy and active, while harmful in that
mid market successfully (Funahashi, 2013). As it deter sari-sari store owner's aim of business
time passed, sari-sari stores mushroomed operation longevity. It is a settled fact that mar-
practically everywhere in the Philippines. The keting practices play a vital, pivotal, and essen-
endless needs and wants of people are still tial role in any business's survival.
growing. Most people spend their money on Marketing and marketing practice is the
buying any goods or products for the fulfill- lifeblood of every business and a vital aspect of
ment of the daily requirements in their lives. building a fit business that thrives amidst com-
The sari-sari store phenomenon is here to stay, petition and adversity (Arroyo, 2020). It is
and it is one, if not the primary source of reve- thought to be crucial in the business process.
nue for many Filipino families. Any business needs proper marketing to grow
According to Porter's five forces analysis, and reach its target market, buyers, and the
the sari-sari store industry faces relatively high people for whom such goods are intended
competition due to an increased threat of new (Alusen, 2018). Furthermore, marketing for
entrants due to the low barrier to entry. When small-scale businesses such as sari-sari stores
there are several competitors, products can be is critical because these are generic businesses
easily substituted, and customer loyalty is low; that must be known to gain sales and patron-
these are indicators of intense competition. age. The success of these businesses depends
(Jurevicius, 2013). Sari-sari stores are still a on the owners' marketing abilities and efforts
popular business, with one sari-sari store for to keep the business competitive (Sims, 2013).
every 100 people (Castro, 2016) and that it ac- It was for this purpose that the researcher
counts for 30% to 40% of the Philippines' total aimed to study the marketing practices em-
retail sales (Lorenciana, 2014). However, sari- ployed among sari-sari store owners in Dapitan
sari stores are finding it difficult to compete, City purposely to have a basis for an extension
primarily if they are located in a rural commu- program to the different sari-sari store owners
nity, because stores are increasing, getting on the ideal marketing practice that will in-
closer together, and the market area for each crease the chances of business longevity, dur-
retailer is getting smaller. Because a single sari- ing the calendar year 2020.
sari store may have similar products to others
in demand, customer loyalty is low. Products Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
can easily be substituted because others may This study was primarily anchored on
choose those more convenient for them. Mean- the concept of 7 P’s Marketing Mix derived
while, new entrants pose a significant threat from the 4 P's Marketing Mix (Product, Price,
due to low entry barriers such as capital and le- Place, and Promotion) of McCarthy (1960)
gal requirements. (Jurevicius, 2013). and the extended 3 P’s of Service Mix (Partic-
Mushrooming of sari-sari stores in the com- ipants, Physical Evidence and Process) by
munity connotes steep business competition as Booms & Pitner (1981). According to some, the
a large number of sari-sari stores share only a marketing mix is a critical foundation upon
limited market. The proliferation of 24/7 con- which marketing practices, strategies, and
venient stores competing on a narrow market business activities are built. It is critical to the
augmented the situation. This condition is det- success of businesses of all sizes because it ad-
rimental to the aim of every sari-sari store dresses the market's most important factors.
owner, which is the longevity of their business Recognizing the competitive marketplace and
operation. The mushrooming of sari-sari stores ensuring you can capitalize on significant
was also experienced in Dapitan City. With the trends, reaching buyers with the appropriate
limited market in the community, sari-sari product at the right price, place, and time are
stores can be found adjacent or beside each all critical (Anjani, Irham & Waluyati, 2018). In
other and selling more likely the same prod- assessing the marketing mix practiced by the
ucts. The said condition can be construed as sari-sari store owners, the researcher uses the
beneficial and detrimental to the community. It concept of customer loyalty. Customer loyalty
IJMABER 1303 Volume 3 | Number 7 | July | 2022
EE Pagara, 2022 / Marketing Practices Among Sari-Sari Stores in Dapitan City: Basis for Proposed Extension Program

as profoundly held by the customer, a commit- questionnaire to assess the sari-sari store own-
ment to re-buy or to re-patronize a preferred ers' marketing practices based on the study of
product or service in the future, thus causing Alusen (2018), which yielded a Cronbach's Al-
repetitive same-brand or same brand-set pur- pha value of 0.762. On the other hand, the sari-
chasing. Consumer loyalty is a deep commit- sari store customers’ assessment was based on
ment to repurchase or subscribe to a product Zulhit et al. (2018). Likewise, the second part
or service consistently for the future and not be calls for the assessment of the customers on the
affected by the existing environment or exist- marketing practices of the sari-sari store own-
ing efforts or marketing efforts carried out, as ers. The items on the questionnaire were based
well as other things that have the potential to on the questionnaire from the study of Alusen
move customers to competing companies (2018), Rathod (2016), and from Zulhit et al.
(Zulhit, Yasri & Abror, 2018). (2018), which all had a reliable instrument
Further, marketing mix combines market based on Cronbach's Alpha Analysis. Remarka-
activities for specific goods or services over a bly, both approved questionnaires were trans-
period and in a particular market. Marketing lated to the vernacular (Visayan), and the same
strategy is related to creating a marketing mix was used in the data gathering.
that enables a business to achieve its objectives The respondents of this study were limited
in the targeted market. As consumers' behavior to the selected forty (40) sari-sari store
changes, the marketing mix is not only con- owners, evenly distributed among the eight (8)
cerned with 4P but also developed into 7P subjected principal barangays of Dapitan City.
(Harrington, Ottenbacher & Fauser, 2017). It is Further, there were five (5) customers per
widely acknowledged to be one of the most im- subjected sari-sari store who assessed the
portant aspects of the marketing process. It is marketing practices of the owner with an
critical to creating value and satisfaction for the overall total of two hundred (200) customers
customer. In particular, the marketing mix op- for the forty (40) selected sari-sari stores. The
erates as the leading force when meeting cus- data were treated using frequency count and
tomers' demands and creating a long, profita- percent, weighted mean, standard deviation,
ble relationship with them. The traditional the- and Mann-Whitney Test.
oretical framework concerning the marketing-
management process activities is based on the Results
marketing mix concept (Festa, Cuomo, Metallo, Profile of the Sari-Sari Store Owner-Respond-
& Festa, 2016). ents
Most sari-sari store owners were females,
Methodology 50 years old and above, married, high school
This study used the descriptive-survey level/graduate, and operating sari-sari store
method of research in quantitative approach business for more than one year but lower than
and utilized two (2) sets of questionnaires as five years.
instruments of data collection. The first set of
questionnaires was used for sari-sari store Profile of the Sari-Sari Store Customer-Re-
owners, while the second set was used for sari- spondents
sari store customers. Moreover, each set of the Most of the sari-sari store customers were
questionnaire is composed of two (2) parts. females, aged 19-25, single, and bachelor's de-
The first part calls for the profile used in the gree holders.

Table 1. Summary of the Marketing Practices of Sari-Sari Store Owners

Indicators Mean SD Description
Product 2.82 0.778 Practiced
Price 2.49 0.833 Fairly Practiced
Place 3.32 0.746 Highly Practiced
Promotion 2.69 0.956 Practiced

IJMABER 1304 Volume 3 | Number 7 | July | 2022

EE Pagara, 2022 / Marketing Practices Among Sari-Sari Stores in Dapitan City: Basis for Proposed Extension Program

Indicators Mean SD Description

People 3.54 0.645 Highly Practiced
Process 3.56 0.671 Highly Practiced
Physical Evidence 3.02 0.901 Practiced
Overall Mean & SD 3.06 0.790 Practiced

Table 1 summarizes the marketing prac- ments' image to attract more customers. Fur-
tices of sari-sari store owners in Dapitan City. ther, Amofah, Gyamfi, and Tutu (2016) pointed
The table pointed out that most of the respond- out that process and people as a marketing
ents' marketing practices revolved in the con- practice significantly impacted customers' de-
text of process, which was highly practiced hav- cisions to repeat purchases, eventually leading
ing a mean of 3.56, as compared to price, which to profitability.
was fairly practiced among the respondents. In retrospect, Pomering (2017) averred
The overall mean on the marketing practices of that process as a marketing practice embraces
sari-sari store owners in Dapitan City was 3.06, the service delivery and operating systems and
verbally interpreted as "Practiced". Thus, it can are the actual procedures, mechanisms, and
be construed that sari-sari store owners in flow of activities by which the service is deliv-
Dapitan City used the different aspects of mar- ered. Highly practicing equality of treatment to
keting practices in their business engagements, customers, regardless of socioeconomic and
transactions, and dealings, aiming to improve political stature, potentially led to customer
their image as a store to increase profitability. satisfaction and loyalty (Manaois, 2016; Zulhit
However, the marketing practices involving the et al., 2018). According to Pomering (2017),
process and people were among the most com- people marketing includes human actors who
mon and highly practiced among these sari-sari play a significant role in service delivery and
store owners. These findings imply that sari- thus influence the buyer's perceptions: the
sari store owners in Dapitan City highly prac- store's owner and personnel, the customer, and
ticed being responsive and attentive to their other customers in the service environment.
customers and ensuring equality in their deal- Highly practicing being attentive and respon-
ings. sive to customers' needs is beneficial and es-
Samani, Toroujeni, and Shahbazi (2017) sential so that the sari-sari store can gain a
supported the findings, highlighting that prior- competitive advantage over its competitors
itizing process and people focus marketing and avoid the same to plunge into failure
practices help improve the business establish- (Umeze & Ohen, 2015; Al Badi, 2018).

Table 2. Summary of the Customer’s Perception on the Marketing Practices of Sari-Sari Store Owners
Indicators Mean SD Description
Product 2.80 0.781 Practiced
Price 2.40 0.875 Fairly Practiced
Place 3.14 0.819 Practiced
Promotion 2.60 0.966 Practiced
People 3.17 0.744 Practiced
Process 3.09 0.658 Practiced
Physical Evidence 2.48 0.856 Fairly Practiced
Overall Mean & SD 2.81 0.814 Practiced

Table 2 summarizes the customers' "Practiced", followed by place, which garnered

perception of the marketing practices of sari- a mean of 3.14 with verbal interpretation,
sari store owners. As shown, most of the "Practiced" as compared to price having a mean
respondents favored people, having a mean of of 2.40, verbally interpreted as "Fairly
3.17, which is verbally interpreted as Practiced”. The overall mean on this aspect was

IJMABER 1305 Volume 3 | Number 7 | July | 2022

EE Pagara, 2022 / Marketing Practices Among Sari-Sari Stores in Dapitan City: Basis for Proposed Extension Program

2.81, verbally interpreted as "Practiced". Thus, friendliness, enthusiasm, and honesty is the
it can be construed that customers' perception hallmark in the market. Also, having place ele-
of the marketing practices of sari-sari store ment at the highest connotes that the place or
owners in Dapitan City revolved primarily on location of the establishment places closer to
the aspect of people and place. It is worth home. Such conditions led to consumer loyalty.
noting that people element connotes being Khodaparasti et al. (2015) pointed out that the
courteous to stores' customers, and place ranking of the different marketing mixes re-
element connotes sari-sari store must be flects how the owners address the significant
proximate to or near the neighborhood. challenges they met during their business op-
The result was confirmed in Anjani et al. erations. Such choice is dynamic and appropri-
(2018), focusing on the fact that having people ate as it is the foundation for all marketing ac-
element at paramount means that traders' tivities engaged by the business owners.

Table 3. Test of Difference between the Sari-Sari Store Owners’ Marketing Practices and the Custom-
ers’ Perceived Marketing Practices of Sari-Sari Store Owners
Variables Means U-value p-value @0.05 Interpretation
Sari-Sari Store Owners' Marketing 3.06
& 2317.00 0.000 Significant
Customers' Perceived Marketing 2.81

Table 3 presents the test of the difference a difference in perspective arises between cus-
between the sari-sari store owners' marketing tomers and owners.
practices and the customers' perceived mar-
keting practices of sari-sari store owners. Using Conclusion
Mann-Whitney U-Test (or Wilcoxon Rank Sum Marketing practices are essential in sari-
Test), it yielded a u-value of 2317.00 and a p- sari store operations. It aims to provide an edge
value of 0.000, which was lesser than the level of advantage over competitors as well as cus-
of significance set at 0.05. This result indicated tomers’ satisfaction in line with gaining cus-
that the null hypothesis is rejected, meaning tomers' repeat purchases, favorable mouth-re-
there is a significant difference between the ferral, and loyalty. In that line, it was observed
sari-sari store owners' marketing practices and that the sari-sari store owners in Dapitan City
the customers' perceived marketing practices had the same marketing practices, which fo-
of sari-sari store owners. The data revealed cused on process and people. On the other
that sari-sari store owners' marketing prac- hand, the sari-sari store customers' percep-
tices in Dapitan City and how customers per- tions of the marketing practices of the store
ceived them significantly differ. Thus, sari-sari owners in Dapitan City highlighted people and
store owners and customers had different per- place
spectives or views on marketing practices. In conclusion, the sari-sari store owners
The finding was supported by Anderson and their customers have different perspec-
and Zontanos (2018) and Turner and Endres tives or views on marketing practices.
(2017), averring that owners tend to empha-
size customer satisfaction primarily in their Recommendations
marketing practices. On the other hand, cus- 1. It is recommended that sari-sari store own-
tomers tend to seek fulfillment in their store ers and potential sari-sari store owners at-
purchases. In that line, owners tend to apply tend training and seminars to improve their
market segmentation to address the broad con- marketing practices to gain customer satis-
text of customers' satisfaction. In this process, faction, which is essential in achieving lon-
gevity of business operations. Also, sari-sari

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