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L.G. 2.4-2.

6 Test
Name: _________________
Hour: _________________
L.G. 2.4: Analyze a scatterplot strength, direction, and CC

For each of the following: determine the direction, strength, and approximate its
correlation coefficient.
1. 2.

Direction: ______________ Direction: ______________

Strength: ______________ Strength: ______________

Correlation Coefficient: ______________ Correlation Coefficient: ______________

3. 4.

Direction: ______________ Direction: ______________

Strength: ______________ Strength: ______________

Correlation Coefficient: ______________ Correlation Coefficient: ______________

L.G. 2.5: Write the equation for a line of best fit

5. Families in a town were asked how long they were without power and what was the current
temperature in their house. The results were put into a table.

Family Hours Temperatur

without e in the
Power house
(℉ )
Smith 5 60
Jones 1 74
Simpson 8 46
Baker 7 55
Lewis 2 72
Turner 3 70
O’Neal 4 60
Johnson 6 57
Hayes 4 65
Williams 3.5 70
Hill 3 65
Allen 2.5 69
Adams 6 72
Wagner 5.5 55
Owens 6.5 50
a. Create a scatterplot of the data.
b. Estimate its correlation coefficient.

c. Draw a trend line of the data

d. Choose two good points close to the line of best fit: ____________ and ____________.
e. Find the equation in slope-intercept form ( y− y1 =m ( x−x 1 )) and convert it into slope-
intercept form ( y=mx+b ).

f. Use your equation to predict the temperature for 10 days without power.
L.G. 2.6: Interpret correlation versus causation

6. Although two things may correlate, that does not mean that one causes the other. What is the
“hidden” variable that actually influence both called?
a. Secret variable

b. Causation variable

c. Confounding variable

d. Correlation variable

7. The following graph shows the

correlation between the number of ice
cream sales and the number of people who
got sunburned on the beach. Someone
may look at this and think, we need to
stop selling so much ice cream otherwise
more people are going to keep getting
sunburned. Is this a true statement, why or
why not?
8. The scatter plot shows the relationship between the
number of firefighters who show up to a scene of a fire and
the amount of damage at the scene in dollars

a. Describe the association of correlation between the

two variables (if any).

b. Someone may look at the scatter plot and make the claim that less firefighters need to be
present at the scene of fires because it costs too much money when a lot of them are
present. Is this claim valid? Or is there another variable that could be a factor. If so, what
is it?

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