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This is dedicated to my beautiful father and all of those who have suffered from and lost their

lives to entirely preventable conditions and diseases.

Your suffering will not go in vain.

The message of health and vitality will be relentlessly shared.

We have the power to avoid chronic disease and live healthy, sustainable, vital, and creative

When I was 18 years old and pursuing my lifelong dream of becoming a professional soccer
player, my father had suffered his second heart attack in the span of a few months.

This was a difficult time, to say the least.

The event came as a serious shock to myself and the rest of the broader community because
he was a physical education teacher who was often times associated with health and energy.

During that time period, I vowed to become the healthiest version of myself and help others do
the same in whatever way possible.

Shortly after my father had passed away from his coma inducing heart attack, I began to
embody relentlessness in my pursuit of the truth when it came to health, wellness, and vitality.

I read all of the books.

I listened to all of the podcasts.
I practiced all of the techniques.

I was a young man on a mission and I wasn’t going to be stopped until I discovered some

Fast forward into the present moment, I am very healthy and energetic and have developed a
foundation of integrity when it comes to my base of knowledge on the overall category of health
and wellness. I am also doing my part to help others who are not the healthiest versions of
themselves. Hence, this digital product is an example.

This can happen to anyone, including you and your closest family.

Do not be naive in your thinking, especially if you live in a Western society that is fundamentally
sick, diseased, and dysfunctional.

I have created this for you so that you can learn from my experience and begin to value your
health at the highest level.

Good luck, my friend.

Additional Resources

You can find me by clicking the following links below:

Website​: ​

Newsletter (HIGHLY SUGGESTED)​: ​

Instagram​: ​


Blog: ​

How To Deal With Anxiety & Strong Negative Emotions​: ​

The No-Nonsense Guide To Cultivating Grounded Masculinity​: ​

Sovereign University ​(This is an affiliate link): h

​ ttps://
Rule #1: Ignore the calorie & fat labels. 3

Rule #2: Only look at the ingredient list. 3

Rule #3: Aim for foods with 1-4 ingredients only. 3

Rule #4: Never assume an item is healthy by just looking at the front of the box. 4

Rule #5: Avoid all hydrogenated fats & vegetable oils (corn, soybean, safflower, canola,
etc.) 4

Rule #6: Avoid sugar & corn syrup. 6

Rule #7: Avoid, generally speaking, all boxed and processed foods. 7

Rule #8: Avoid complex preservatives & colouring agents. 7

Rule #9: Quality > Quantity. 7

Rule #10: Avoid the following meaningless marketing labels: 8

Rule #11: Rely on these meaningful labels: 8

Rule #12: Eat mindfully. 8

Rule #13: Aim for 90% diet success and leave some wiggle room for convenience times. 9

Rule #14: Avoid juicing your fruits or drinking your sugar. 9

Rule #15: Aim for as much colour in every meal as possible. 10

Rule #16: Listen to the signals of your body. 10

Rule #17: Detrimental cravings are solved by avoiding the detrimental food you’re
craving for an extended period of time. 11

Rule #18: Drink mostly mineralized water. 11

Rule #19: Your thirst is an excellent gauge for water consumption. 12

Rule #20: Use saturated fat, minimally processed oils for high heat cooking. 12

Rule #21: Eat until you are satisfied, but not till you’re full. You should feel like you’d be
able to engage in moderately intensive exercise right after your meal without any issue.
Rule #22: Rotate your food choices to avoid food intolerances and nutritional
deficiencies. 13

Rule #23: Don’t be afraid of fat. Fat is an essential macronutrient. 13

Rule #24: In general, dietary cholesterol is your friend. 14

Rule #25: Do not limit sodium intake unless otherwise specified by your doctor. 14

Rule #26: Use mineral rich salt and avoid highly processed, mineral devoid table salt. 14

Rule #27: Avoid erratic blood sugar spikes as much as possible. 15

Rule #28: When losing weight is the goal, food is 90% of the battle. “Eat less and move
more” is ineffective nonsense for weight loss. 15

Rule #29: Food companies do not give a fuck about your well-being. 16

Rule #30: Take a brisk, 15-minute walk post meal. 16

Rule #31: Home cooked meals > Eating out. 16

Rule #32: When cooking, simplicity and great combinations are key. 17

Rule #33: If you need a cup of coffee every morning, you have a problem and therefore,
must cut coffee out for some time. 17

Rule #34: The food you consume directly impacts how you feel and think. 17

Rule #35: Drink 16+ ounces of room temperature water immediately upon waking up. 18

Rule #36: Eat a fuck ton of organic vegetables. 18

Rule #37: Breakfast is not the most important meal of the day. 18

Rule #38: Context > Content. 19

Rule #39: Micronutrients are always more superior to macronutrients. 19

Rule #41: Use the sauna. 19

Rule #42: Hire a seasoned and well-skilled personal trainer. 19

45 Smart Strategies To Becoming
Healthy & Vital

Rule #1​: Ignore the calorie & fat labels.

Calorie and fat labels are not important to the health of your body and mind because they have
been overstated. If you’re eating real, high-quality food then there is no reason for you to worry
about the calorie count or the fat content.

As a culture, we constantly live under the thumb of the “perfect” self-image and this leads to
dysfunctional ways of living such as obsessively counting calories.

Calories don’t matter as much when you are eating real food that has nutrients because your
body will self-regulate.

I dare you to try to eat 5 apples or 6 potatoes in one sitting; it won’t happen because your body
has an innate wisdom to it.

Ignore any labels that say ‘fat-free’ because when the food is removed, sugar becomes the

Now, healthy fats are good and necessary for the human body because, without them, we
would die. Fat is what we would call an essential macronutrient. In other words, you need to
consume it from an external source to survive.

Protein and fat are what we call essential macronutrients while carbohydrates are non-essential
to our survival.
Rule #2​: Only look at the ingredient list.

If you are buying some form of processed food, make sure to only look at the ingredient list
because nothing else matters.

● Slogans
● Authority Figures
● Colourful images
● Suggested “benefits”

These are all ploys that food companies create to seduce you into purchasing their product
without thought. Prioritize the observation of the ingredient list.

Ideally, the majority of your food would be wise to come from sources that do not even have
ingredient lists, but the reality is that we live in a world full of processed and refined food - some
healthy and some unhealthy.

So, this is your rule of thumb for those times when you are going to get something processed
and refined.

If the ingredient list looks at all like this, avoid it altogether.

Here is an in-depth ​explanation1 of what the ingredient list is all about.

Rule #3​: Aim for foods with 1-4 ingredients only.

As a general rule of thumb, this is something good to look out for because the fewer ingredients
a product has, the less processing it has gone through and the more likely it is to be healthy.

This is not a perfect rule of thumb because there are still unhealthy items that meet this rule, but
it works in the majority of cases. Don’t take this as gospel and learn how to think critically.

If the ingredient list looks like this, then it will likely be a decent item to pick purchase.

Now, do not use this as free reign to go and purchase all the refined and processed food that
falls into this rule of thumb.

You must be very vigilant and educated when it comes to the kind of food choices that you are
making if you want to become the healthiest version of yourself.

Practical Tip: ​Take a look at what the first ingredient is. Food companies list the ingredients in
order of greatest contained to least contained within the actual product.

For example, if the first ingredient is ‘Corn Syrup,’ then it is best to avoid. But, if it’s ‘Dry Roasted
Cashews,’ then you will likely be fine.
Rule #4​: Never assume an item is healthy by just looking at the front of the

As I mentioned above, the front and back of the box are designed specifically by highly strategic
food marketers to seduce you into purchasing their product.

Do not be fooled by their marketing because they profit off of addiction, chronic disease, and

Take a good look at the products listed above and what you’ll notice is that these food items are
the grocery store equivalent of casinos - hard to ignore and even harder to resist.

Here is another example:

Rule #5​: Avoid all hydrogenated fats & vegetable oils (corn, soybean,
safflower, canola, etc.)

Avoid these pathetic excuses for “food” and “healthy fats” at all costs.

Hydrogenated fats won’t kill you in the short term, but they surely will lead to your premature
death over the long term if you consume enough of them.

Hydrogenated oils are most commonly found in the following processed and refined foods:

● Margarine
● Vegetable shortening
● Packaged snacks
● Baked foods, especially premade versions
● Ready-to-use dough
● Fried foods
● Coffee creamers, both dairy and nondairy

Now, here is the real juicy list of oils that you should avoid, at all costs:

1. Vegetable 
2. Canola 
3. Cottonseed 
4. Hydrogenated2 
5. Trans fats3 

These oils and types of fast are extremely toxic to the human body.  

Avoid them at all costs. 


Instead, choose these healthy oils: 

1.​Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Organic, Cold-Pressed Extra Virgin)​: Olive oil contains healthy 
Omega-9, monounsaturated fats, which help balance hormones. 

2. ​Grapeseed Oil (Organic)​: Grapeseed oil is a healthy oil to cook with because it has a higher 
heat threshold. It does not oxidize (become unhealthy) at high temperatures.  

3. ​Coconut Oil (Unrefined, Expeller-Pressed)​: Coconut oil is a healthy saturated fat that 
contains lauric acid, which is a medium-chain triglyceride that helps the body burn fat and lose 

● Coconut oil is a healthy oil to cook with because it has a high heat threshold and does 
not oxidize at high temperatures. 

4. ​Organic/Raw Butter (Grass-Fed)​: Organic butter is a healthy saturated fat that contains CLA, 
conjugated linoleic acid, which helps the body burn fat and lose weight. 

5. ​Ghee (Organic, Grass-Fed)​: Ghee is a clarified butter derived from India which has the protein 
removed, so it is often more tolerated by those who are casein intolerant. 

Practical Tips: 

1. Eliminate unhealthy oils from your kitchen cabinet by throwing them away. 

2. Replace those unhealthy oils and fats with healthy ones and store them in your pantry. 
Rule #6​: Avoid sugar & corn syrup.

There is plenty of ​research4 to show that the consumption of refined sugar leads to chronic
disease and directly contributes to again.

This usually gets solved for when you transition completely from refined food to whole foods, but
people still consume sugar at a ridiculous rate.

Fruit is not a problem if consumed in its natural form.

Hidden sources of sugar include the following:

● Granola cereals or bars

● Ketchup-based salad dressings
● Yoghurt
● Frozen meals
● Dried cranberries
● Fruit juice
● BBQ and other sauces
● Alcohol
● Sauces

Processed and refined sugar consumption is not a good idea if you want to become the
healthiest version of yourself.

Increased processed and refined sugar consumption makes you gain more body fat, increase
the chances of developing the chronic diseases and causes the body to go into a state of

There’s no wonder why so many people are struggling and dying of their own food choices.

Practical Tip:​ Replace your candy or pastries with fruit.

This might sound nonsensical because fruit contains sugar, but what you are getting with fruit is
the fiber and micronutrients and that makes all the difference.

Rule #7​: Avoid, generally speaking, all boxed foods.

Listen, if it’s boxed, it will likely be unhealthy for you although you can find boxed food that is
very healthy.

For now though, avoid all boxed food that comes from a store until you are more educated.

Here are some examples if that is somehow confusing at all:

Rule #8​: Avoid complex preservatives & colouring agents.

This goes hand in hand with vegetable oils and sugar because there is no benefit to these
man-made ingredients, at all.

When you get rid of the following mentioned above, the complex preservatives and colouring
agents go out the window along with them.
Rule #9​: Quality > Quantity.

When it comes to the food you consume, quality will always trump quantity.

The health of your body must be paramount. In other words, you cannot choose the quantity of
food at the expense of the quality or else you will suffer disastrous health consequences.

If you have the choice between a small bowl of fruit or a large bowl of candy, opt for the small
bowl of fruit.

If you have the choice between a heavy meal at a fast food establishment and a light meal from
cooked from home, opt for the light and homemade meal.

Trust me, I used to fall into this trap all the time because I would consume an insane amount of
garbage on my cheat days, or as a reader recently told me, ‘sabotage days.’

This is what I would eat in one day in pictures:

Rule #10​: Avoid the following meaningless marketing labels:

● All Natural (Completely unregulated)

● Vegetarian Fed (Means corn fed)
● Cage-Free
● Antibiotic & Hormone Free (It’s illegal to use these anyways)
● No Trans Fats (Companies legally use a loophole where trans fats need to be under a
certain amount and can label it trans fat-free when it actually contains trans fats)
● Fat-Free & Low Fat - Meaningless because fat isn’t a problem and necessary.
● Low Calorie & Sugar-Free

These are all marketing labels that mean nothing with the reality of the health context.

And, keep in mind that food companies understand the psychology behind what they are
consciously doing to you.

They know that their food is labeled ‘trans fat free’ for example, yet they also know that there
are loopholes around such labels.

Practical Tip:​ ​Stop fucking believing everything that a food company is telling you.

I mean for god’s sake people, the very company that is trying to convince you to purchase their
product has a vested interest. Of course they are going to tell you what you want to hear and
exploit your state of ignorance.
Rule #11​: Rely on these meaningful labels:

● Grass Fed & Pasture Raised

● USDA Organic & Organic
● Vegan (If avoiding meat)
● Gluten Free/Dairy Free/Soy Free - Can be trusted but doesn’t mean it’s healthy
● Non-GMO

These are all marketing labels that actually hold weight within the health context because of
regulation and quality control.

As I mentioned, there are loopholes available, but not for all food items and processes. The
FDA is very strict on the majority of their rules and companies do generally tend to follow those
rules for quality assurance.
Rule #12​: Eat mindfully.

Mindful eating is such a major part of living a healthy lifestyle.

I have seen far too many people eating in a stressed state.

Do you eat while driving?

Do you eat while walking?
Do you eat while running?
Do you eat in a rushed manner?

If you do, then you are eating in a stressed state which has a host of consequences such as
poor digestion, fat gain, not feeling satisfied, so forth.

Practically, here is what you must do:

● Prioritize meal times as sacred​: Do not let anything get in the way of your meal and
the time it takes for you to consume it. I suggest leaving at least 25 minutes for the
consumption of a meal.

● Use chopsticks​: This is something that I recently just started implementing and it has
done wonder for me and my digestion. Asian culture deeply understands that eating with
chopsticks is a way to bring mindfulness to the process of eating. In other words, it
forces you to slow down.

● Get in touch with your senses when eating​: Feel the food in your mouth. Feel the
taste of the food. Experience the texture and flavour, fully.

Meal times are truly sacred and must not be fucked with.

I personally hate when someone tries to rush me in my eating because I am there to enjoy the
food, not finish a race towards indigestion.
Rule #13: ​Aim for 90% diet success and leave some wiggle room for
convenience times.

Nobody is going to be 100% perfect when it comes to what kind of food they consume.

Because of this, we must make it a habit to consume 90% of our diet from nutrient-dense
sources and leave the other 10% for what you desire.

I have seen far too many people who have tried to be perfect and the only result that occurs is a
large binge and regret. I have even been through it myself.

Aim for progress, not perfection!

Practical Tip:​ Track the food that you are consuming in a notebook for a solid month and
connect those food to how you feel in the immediate and distant moment.

This is how you build up individual food awareness.

Rule #14: ​Avoid juicing your fruits or drinking your sugar.

The majority of people that this practice is healthy, but it is not because of the process of juicing.

Juicing fruits strips the fiber that is contained within the fruit and therefore, you get a higher
blood sugar response. This is why it is always preferred to consume fruit whole.

Blending is totally fine.

In regards to sugar beverages, you already know the answer: Avoid them at all costs.

Now, as I mentioned above, context is much more important than content. Hence, you must
look at what kind of context you have created for yourself health wise.

Are you obese?​ Avoid the consumption of fruit juice and sugary beverages.

Are you a high level athlete?​ You likely need them within your diet as a staple post workout
and game routine.

Are you diabetic? ​Avoid them at all costs.

There are many companies out there that sell juices, yet most of them do so in an unhealthy
manner because they do not understand that they are just serving sugar to people who do not
need it.
Rule #15: ​Aim for as much colour in every meal as possible.

Colour is a signal of a food’s nutrient content.

For this reason, emulate your plate around the rainbow so that you can obtain as many nutrients
as possible from each meal.

Consume reds, yellows, blues, greens, pinks, so forth.

This is what your plate should look like if you apply this principle properly:
Rule #16: ​Listen to the signals of your body.

Your body will give you very specific signals as to how it is doing health wise. The problem that
most people have is that they are not aware of these signals and think that they are somehow
“normal” when they are dysfunctional.

The following listed above are ​NOT ​normal which means that you have work to do in regards to
understanding what is going on with your body and why.

Become aware of what your body is telling you.

Your lifestyle could very well be destroying your body and it is screaming for help.
Rule #17​: Detrimental cravings are solved by avoiding the detrimental food
you’re craving for an extended period of time.

Let’s bring in the most obvious example which is a sugar craving.

I have personally dealt with many times of sugar craving and have found only one thing to work
really, at least over the sustainable long term.

What is that one thing?​ Cut it out completely and wait at least 1.5 weeks for the craving to
subside. If you keep feeding into the craving, then the craving will continue to grow in intensity
and size.

We already know through scientific understanding that there are ​bacteria5 within our guts that
actually cause us to crave the sugar in order for their own survival. (More on this in the link

Everybody wants a fucking magic pill solution as to how to get rid of sugar cravings, it doesn’t

The only solution that you have is to ​STOP EATING REFINED SUGAR FOR A LONG PERIOD

Rule #18​: Drink mostly mineralized water.

Water is extremely important to our survival and ability to thrive in this world.

I always go to Whole Foods and get any glass bottled mineralized water that was grabbed from
a natural source. Always make sure the glass is bottle so that you avoid unnecessary and
harmful plastic chemicals.

Below, I’ve posted some of the brands that I drink from regularly and use:

The quality of the water that we consume is so important because our bodies are mostly made
up of water.

Why would you not expect it to be important?

Practical Tip: ​Immediately after waking up in the morning, drink some mineralized water with
mindfulness and feel it hydrating your very cells.
Rule #19​: Your thirst is an excellent gauge for water consumption.

When it comes to drinking water, you always want to stay hydrated and drink more than you
think you need. But, there does come a time where you need to listen to your body as well and
trust your thirst signals.

It’s simple: Drink when you are starting to get thirsty and don’t ignore thirst signals.

Practically speaking, drink immediately when you wake up so that you can replenish your body
after the dehydrating process of sleep.

Rule #20​: Use saturated fat, minimally processed oils for high heat

To put it simply, the process of cooking can turn a healthy oil into an unhealthy oil if you are

Cook exclusively with these oils:

1. Extra virgin olive oil (It is fine with heat, contrary to what you might hear.)
2. Coconut oil
3. Avocado oil
4. Grass Fed Butter & Ghee
5. Sesame oil
6. Hemp seed oil

Don’t fuck up your meal with unhealthy fats, thinking that they are healthy.
Rule #21​: Eat until you are satisfied, but not till you’re full. You should feel
like you’d be able to engage in moderately intensive exercise right after
your meal without any issue.

Modern, Westernized people struggle with this concept immensely because we live in a time of
abundance, especially in regards to food.

I have made the error of consuming until I was full a countless number of times and still am in
the process of learning.

Eat until you are satisfied, not full.

Eating until you are satisfied is a healthy relationship with food while eating until full is an
unhealthy relationship with food.

Understand the difference and observe yourself craving that state of fullness.

To this day, I personally struggle with this concept because I have a raging metabolism and can
put down a lot of food. This has caused me to create a habit of eating until I am full which is a
dysfunctional way of eating.

After some time, I get the hang of slowing down and leaving some food for later or just being
content with the state of satisfaction from the meal, regardless of how much food it was.
Rule #22​: Rotate your food choices to avoid food intolerances and
nutritional deficiencies.

Food rotation is extremely important because tolerances and immune reactions can develop
from eating too many of one or two foods.

Eat a wide variety of foods so that you do not fall into the trap of consuming the same thing,
over and over again for many months on end.

If you rotate your food properly, then you will give yourself the best chances of consuming as
wide a spectrum of nutrients as possible while also avoiding food intolerance and gut issues.
Rule #23​: Don’t be afraid of fat. Fat is an essential macronutrient.

Fat has been demonized within our culture based off of shitty “science” and manipulation.

Do not be afraid of the right foods that contain healthy fat and consume them a number of times
per day.

Examples include:

Extra virgin olive oil
Grass-fed beef
Wild caught salmon

Rule #24​: In general, dietary cholesterol is your friend.

Dietary cholesterol is your friend, not foe. In fact, it plays many essential roles within the human

1. It is a precursor to Vitamin D
2. It helps create certain hormones
3. It aids in the creation of bile salts which break down the macronutrients (protein, fat,

Your brain needs cholesterol to create neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine.

Needless to say, the idea that it is unhealthy is bullshit.

Rule #25​: Do not limit sodium intake unless otherwise specified by your

Sodium, just like cholesterol is extremely important to the functioning of the body.

I am not talking about getting your sodium from highly processed food, which most do. Instead, I
am talking about consuming good sources of sodium in combination with nutrient-dense foods.

Read this below:

Rule #26​: Use mineral rich salt and avoid highly processed, mineral devoid
table salt.

I only use two mineral-rich salts which are the following brand below:

Rule #27​: Avoid erratic blood sugar spikes​ ​as much as possible.

Irregular blood sugar sparks are among the fastest ways to age faster and die quicker.

Here is what you need to do to avoid these spikes, unnecessarily:

1. Avoid processed food

2. Train on a regular basis
3. Get great sleep, consistently

That’s all you need to follow and blood sugar spikes shouldn’t be of major concern.

Blood sugar issues manifest when you ignore either of those three, which most people easily
Rule #28​: When losing weight is the goal, food is 90% of the battle. “Eat
less and move more” is ineffective nonsense for weight loss.

Your training will only get you so far in context to body fat loss because what you consume and
how you live your life is far more important.

This is what you need:

1. Sleep exceptionally on a consistent basis

2. Consume natural foods in a caloric deficit
3. Train regularly
4. Avoid processed and refined foods

Do you see any common threads here? That’s because health is mostly based on the

Rule #29​: Food companies do not give a fuck about your well-being.

Food companies do not care about you. Instead, they focus exclusively on the profit margin.

If they really cared about you, wouldn’t they actually produce healthy food that also meets the
need for convenience? Of course, they would, but they don’t want to see the loss on the profit
margin sheet.

This is an extremely important concept because I have come across a number of people who
actually think that these companies have the consumers health and interests at heart.

The only person who is going to care about your health is yourself, that’s it.

This makes it essential for you to take responsibility for your results and make a change.
Rule #30​: Take a brisk, 15-minute walk post meal.

Taking a brisk, 15-minute walk has done wonders for my body and creativity for a number of
deeply powerful reasons.

In this ​study6, although it was done with older people, blood sugar levels were controlled post
meal after a 15-minute walk.

After every meal, go for a 15-minute walk and watch the magic happen.

Rule #31​: Home cooked meals > Eating out.

Every person who practices great health on a habitual level does so because they have learned
the art and skill of cooking. Instead of spending all of their money on outside food, they cook
and create delicious and nutritious homemade meals.

This strategy will not only save you money, but it will also make you healthier.

Start with one meal cooked per week and play around with different ingredients.

Do yourself a favor and grab a recipe book.

Prioritize home meals over meals created from people you don’t know with ingredients
you don’t know about.

Rule #32​: When cooking, simplicity and great combinations are key.

Keep your cooking very basic and simple, yet elegant.

Combine veggies with good quality fats.

Use easy methods of cooking such as the oven, skillets, so forth.

Simplicity will lead to sustainability and better cooked meals.

Rule #33​: If you need a cup of coffee every morning, you have a problem
and therefore, must cut coffee out for some time.

Modern people are addicted to caffeine, especially in the form of coffee. This, of course, is not a
healthy relationship to have with a drug and leads to a whole host of problems down the road.

Do yourself a favor and take two weeks off of caffeine to see how it feels when living from a
sober state.

You will feel like shit in the beginning phase of this process, but push through it.

I know a countless number of people who rely on Starbucks as their morning and afternoon
source of energy. This is not how it is supposed to be. Instead, it would be wise to learn how to
cultivate energy for yourself through a healthy lifestyle and then use coffee as a supplement.

Stop relying on coffee.

Start relying on vision and a healthy lifestyle.

Practical Tip:​ Go without coffee, tea or any other source of caffeine for one whole month and
evaluate as to how you feel, relatively speaking.

Rule #34​: The food you consume directly impacts how you feel and think.

I have always been amazed how people just completely ignore the connection between what
one eats and how one feels.

What you eat DIRECTLY impacts how you feel.

For this reason, you must become much more aware of the kind of food that you consume on a
daily basis and connect that to how you feel.

This is the foundation of living a high quality and healthy life and is the reason why most people
feel like complete garbage all the time.
Rule #35​: Drink 16+ ounces of room temperature water immediately upon
waking up.

The process of sleep is dehydrating to the body.

Every single morning, start your day with 16+ ounces of high quality water and you will feel
much more energized.

Once you discover this, there is very little need for coffee or energy drinks in the morning.

Practical Tip: ​Place the water container by your bedside so that is it ready for you to drink
immediately upon waking.

Rule #36​: Eat a fuck ton of organic vegetables.

Vegetables are so fucking important and grossly under eaten in modern, Western society.

Prioritize vegetables on your plate by making it the base of your plate and consume them at
every single meal.

Here is a list of vegetables to add into your diet:

Rule #37​: Breakfast is not the most important meal of the day.

Breakfast is a conditioned habit that has been created by food companies. Why else are bagels,
cereal, orange juice, and donuts considered breakfast in modern society?

Ignore this conditioning and go without breakfast for a period of time because of the following

1. You will lose body fat

2. Your blood profile will improve
3. You will feel much more energized throughout the day

Of course, this depends on your goals as an individual.

If you are overweight, skip it.

If you are looking to gain weight and muscle, consume it in a health manner.

Rule #38​: Context > Content.

As I just mentioned above, context is everything when it comes to health and wellness.

You cannot just look at a certain set of facts or content and state a truth based off of it because
you must look at the context of the situation.

I cannot recommend a ketogenic diet for everyone.

I cannot recommend a vegetarian diet for everyone.
I cannot recommend high intensity exercise for everyone.

Context matters much more than the content.

If you focus on content too much, you lose sight of context and chase your own tail with
ineffective methods and strategies.
Rule #39​: Micronutrients are always more superior to macronutrients.

Micronutrients will always reign superior over the macronutrients because micronutrients directly
create a healthy bodily environment.

Too many people focus on the macro side instead of the micro side because they focus on
aesthetics and have little context.
Rule #40​: Use the sauna.

The sauna has been an absolute game changer for me and it has great ​science7 to back it up.

I personally use an infrared sauna as well as a normal dry sauna, ideally 3-4 times per week.

Now, you can use a normal steam sauna:

Or, you can use an infrared sauna:

Both are phenomenal, there is no best sauna. But, keep in mind that infrared saunas require
less time because they are more powerful.
Rule #41​: Hire a seasoned and well-skilled personal trainer.

Hiring a well-skilled and experienced coach in the domain of both aesthetics and nutrition is
extremely powerful if you want to see results relatively quickly compared to most people.

Here is how you spot an experienced coach:

1. Do they look the part?

2. Do they meet you where you currently are in terms of making progress?
3. Do they give off good energy?
4. Are they highly recommended?

An excellent coach will allow you to cut the learning curve by years.

Rule #42​: Become the healthiest version of yourself first.

When most people begin their journey of health, they want to spread the message of energy
and vitality to their families and friends as well.

The problem that manifests for most is that you cannot force someone to become healthy. You
cannot force learning upon a person who is fundamentally set in their ways and closed minded
within the moment.

For this reason, focus exclusively on yourself and become the healthiest version of yourself.

When those around you notice the change in your energy, looks, and vitality, curiosity will arise.
Rule #43​: Start lifting weights with proper form.

Resistance training is the most important activity that you can engage in to improve your short
term physicality as well as your long term physicality.

You will not be of good use if you are weak and cannot mobilize yourself on a daily basis when
you are old.

Get in the gym.

Buy a squat rack.

Set up a home gym.

Do what you have to do to put your muscles to the test with intensive resistance training.

Plus, who the fuck doesn’t want more muscle and less body fat?

Refer to this resource below:
Rule #44​: Create a habit of walking at night, before bedtime.

I have personally implemented a 30 minute night walk before I get ready for sleep and it has
been a game changer.

As a result of this habit:

I am healthier
I am wealthier
I am more creatively inspired
I am calmer

The night walk has a special quality to it and can totally transform your life, if you allow it to and
actually do it on a consistent basis.

Practical Tip: ​Start by going for a 5 minute night walk and make the barrier to entry as easy as
possible so that you create a sustainable change.

Do not start with an hour walk if you are a novice to this because that is a recipe for habit
disaster and will eventually backfire on you.

Rule #45​: Surround yourself with healthy individuals.

This is probably the most important rule within this entire piece of content.

You become who you surround yourself with, so it only makes sense to surround yourself with
badass people in regards to health.

Surround yourself with people who are physically strong.

Surround yourself with people who do prolonged fasts.
Surround yourself with people who consume many vegetables.
Surround yourself with people who consume a lot of wild game.
Surround yourself with people who get a full night’s rest.

This is paramount if you want to become the healthiest version of yourself.

The healthier your peer group, the healthier you will become. Tattoo this into your psyche.
Final Words

As a final form of thought, I would sincerely like to thank you for purchasing and reading my

It is because of supporters like you that I am able to share my perspective and insight on a
number of subjects.

My supporters mean the world to me and I sincerely appreciate you.

If you ever need anything or have any questions, give my newsletter a follow and send me an
email below!

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Much love, Zaid.

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