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Ican recognize and use adverbs of manner, time and frequency.

Types of adverbs and adverbs of manner

Most adjectives change to adverbs of manner
like this.
Most regular Adjectives Adjectives
adjectives ending in -y ending in-6/e
+ ly "ily -bly
angry -> comfortable ->
nice -> nicely
angrily comfortably
Already, quickly, and always are There are some irregular adverbs of manner.
different kinds of adverbs. good -> well
They give information He's a good swimmer. -* He swims well.
about time, manner and fast fast
frequency. She's a fast runner. —> She runs fast.
hard -> hard
Adjectives describe nouns
They're hard workers. -> They work hard.
(things and people).
She has a quiet voice. (ÿ\ÿq
We usually use adverbs after verbs.
It's óñóisy dóg. " ~ ~ '
J She sings beautifully.
They often answer questions with What ... ? However, we use adjectives after the verbs be, seem,
Adverbs of manner describe how people do things. become, get, look, feel, taste, smell and sound.
She speaks quietIy. The dog barks noisily. Her voice sounds beautiful.
They often answer questions with How ? ... You'll get hungry.

*1 Change the adverbs into adjectives.

ÿ nicely
1 quickly
3 easily
4 hard
23 O 19.1 Listen and write the correct adverb.
Use the adjectives below.

noisy careful clear fast

2 well _ 5 beautifully happy polite quiet slow
O He's working carefuWy
*2 Circle the correct form.
1 She's speaking __
ÿ You walk slow /(ÿjowTÿ 2 He's riding his bike very
1 You seem sad / sadly today. 3 She's speaking _
2 She plays volleyball good /well. 4 He's working _
3 Are you angry / angrily with me? 5 They're singing very
4 lean speak French, but bad /badly! 6 He's asking _
5 Ican easy / easily finish this book today. 7 She's walking _
6 Are you sitting comfortable / comfortably?
7 Read it careful / carefully.
8 My feet are getting cold /coldly.

Unit 19 103

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