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DOCTORS: What's this job like?

Doctors make people healthier. When people get sick, doctors figure out why. People
are examined and listened to by them. Doctors describe
people's health problems, and do tests to see what is wrong. They give

people medicine and other kinds of treatment. Patients are advised about doing
diet, exercise, and sleep. There are many kinds of doctors. Family
and general practitioners are often the first doctors that people go to
when they get sick. These doctors treat common problems. Patients are sent to visit
doctors by other doctors. These are normally called specialists. Specialists are
experts in

specific types of health problems.

For example, internists focus on problems with internal organs.
Pediatricians care for children and babies. Surgeons perfom operations, like fixing
bones or transplanting organs.
Most doctors are doctors of medicine. They treat all kinds of diseases and
injuries. Some

doctors are doctors of osteopathic medicine. They focused on muscles and bones.
hours are worked by doctors, at all times of day and night. About 3 out of 10
worked more tan 60 hours a week in 2008. But doctors who work in small offices
often have
more time off. Doctors sometimes have to hurry up to the hospital to deal with

1. How do doctors make people? *

1 punto
2. What do doctors do when there are sick people? *
1 punto
3. What advices do doctos commonly give their patients? *
1 punto
4. Who treats common problems? *
1 punto
5. What does specialist mean? *


1. How do doctors make people? *

1 punto
2. What do doctors do when there are sick people? *
1 punto
3. What advices do doctos commonly give their patients? *
1 punto
4. Who treats common problems? *
1 punto
5. What does specialist mean? *
Doctors make people healthier.

Las personas son examinadas y escuchadas por los medicos, luego los medicos
realizan pruebas para ver qué está mal.

Los medicos informan a sus pacientes acerca de la dieta, el ejercicio y el sueño.

Los practicantes generales

Los especialistas son expertos en tipos específicos de problemas de salud.

1. How do doctors make people? *

1 punto
Doctors make people healthier.
2. What do doctors do when there are sick people? *
1 punto
People are examined and listened to by doctors, then doctors run,,, tests to see
what is wrong.
3. What advices do doctos commonly give their patients? *
1 punto
Doctors inform their patients about diet, exercise, and sleep.
4. Who treats common problems? *
1 punto
General practitioners
5. What does specialist mean? *
1 punto
Specialists are experts in specific types of health problems.

Doctors make people healthier.

People are examined and listened to by doctors, then doctors run tests to see what
is wrong.

doctors inform patients about diet, exercise, and sleep.

Specialists are experts in specific types of health problems.


1. ¿Cómo hacen los médicos a las personas? *

2. ¿Qué hacen los médicos cuando hay personas enfermas? *

3. ¿Qué consejos suelen dar los médicos a sus pacientes? *

4. ¿Quién trata los problemas comunes? *

5. ¿Qué significa especialista? *

Doctors make people healthier.

Las personas son examinadas y escuchadas por los medicos, luego los medicos
realizan pruebas para ver qué está mal.

los medicos informan a los pacientes acerca de la dieta, el ejercicio y el sueño.


Los especialistas son expertos en tipos específicos de problemas de salud.


Listen again and answer the questions. (5pts)

1. How does Martinez look Sophia? *
1 punto
very bad
2. What is the matter with her? *
1 punto
has a stomachache
has a temperature
has a headache
3. What did Sophia eat? *
1 punto
4. Where did they have lunch? *
1 punto
Park Road
5. Which medicine does Sophia prefer? *
1 punto
Complementary medicine
Conventional medicine
Alternative medicine
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I'm not very well what's the matter I have a stomach ache I ate something bad I
think what do you mean I have some chicken for lunch and now I feel sick did you
get lunch from the sandwich shop on Park Road yes I had a bad stomach ache I hate
seeing dr. What time is his medicine

No estoy muy bien, ¿qué pasa? Me duele el estómago. Comí algo malo. Creo que ¿qué
quieres decir con un poco de pollo para el almuerzo y ahora me siento mal?
¿Almorzaste en la tienda de sándwiches en Park Road? dolor de estómago. Odio ver al
dr. A que hora es su medicina

No estoy muy bien, ¿qué pasa? Me duele el estómago. Comí algo malo. Creo que ¿qué
quieres decir con un poco de pollo para el almuerzo y ahora me siento mal?
¿Almorzaste en la tienda de sándwiches en Park Road? dolor de estómago. Odio ver al
dr. A que hora es su medicina

1. Sofía: *
1 punto
No soy muy bueno
Estoy bien
no estoy muy bien
2. Martinez *
1 punto
¿Qué quieres decir?
¿A qué te refieres?
¿Quieres decir?
3. Sofía: *
1 punto
me siento enfermo
Me siento enfermo
Me sentí enfermo
4. Martinez: *
1 punto
Puede que te lo tomes con calma
Deberías tomarlo con calma
Debes tomarlo con calma
5. Sofía: *
1 punto
Yo haré eso.
Yo voy a hacer eso.
Voy a hacer eso.

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