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• The human PNS is composed of 43 pairs of spinal

nerves that issue in orderly sequence from the spinal

cord, and 12 pairs of cranial nerves that emerge
from the base of the brain.

• The peripheral nerves carry input to the CNS via

their sensory afferent fibers and deliver output from
the CNS via the efferent fibers.

• The nervous system is the major controlling,

regulatory and communicating system in the body.

• It accounts for 3% of the total bodyweight, it is the

most complex organ system.

• It is the center of all mental activity, including

thought, learning and memory.

• Together with the endocrine and immune systems,

the nervous system is responsible for regulating and
maintaining homeostasis. NEURONS
• Through its receptors, the nervous system keeps in
• Are specialized cells in the nervous system;
touch with the environment, both external and
each is comprised of a dendrite, cell body
(soma) and axon.
• The primary functional unit of the nervous
Three characteristics: (1) excitability, or the ability
COMPONENTS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM to generate a nerve impulse; (2) conductivity, or the
ability to transmit an impulse; and (3) influence, or
The central nervous system (CNS) consists of the
the ability to influence other neurons, muscle cells, or
spinal cord and the brain and is responsible for
glandular cells by transmitting nerve impulses to
integrating, processing and coordinating sensory
data and motor commands.
• A typical neuron consists of a cell body, multiple
• The CNS is linked to all parts of the body by the
dendrites, and an axon.
PNS which transmits signals to and from the CNS.

Mechaelah Nicole R. Caras

• The cell body containing the nucleus and cytoplasm • Glial cells are divided into microglia and
is the metabolic center of the neuron. macroglia.

• Dendrites are short processes extending from the • Microglia, specialized macrophages capable of
cell body that receive • impulses from the axons of phagocytosis, protect the neurons. These cells are
other neurons and conduct impulses toward the cell mobile within the brain and multiply when the brain
body. is damaged.

• The axon projects varying distances from the cell • Different types of macroglial cells include the
body, ranging from several micrometers to more astrocytes (most abundant), oligodendrocytes, and
than a meter. The axon carries nerve impulses to ependymal cells.
other neurons or to end organs. The end organs are
smooth and striated muscles and glands. • Astrocytes are found primarily in gray matter and
provide structural support to neurons. Their delicate
• Many axons in the CNS and PNS are covered by a processes form the blood-brain barrier with the
myelin sheath, a white, lipid substance that acts as an endothelium of the blood vessels.
insulator for the conduction of impulses.
• They also play a role in synaptic transmission
• Axons may be myelinated or unmyelinated. (conduction of impulses between neurons).
Generally, the smaller fibers are unmyelinated
• When the brain is injured, astrocytes act as
Structural features of neurons: phagocytes for neuronal debris. They help restore
dendrites, cell body, and axons. the neurochemical milieu and provide support for
repair. Proliferation of astrocytes contributes to the
formation of scar tissue (gliosis) in the CNS.

• Oligodendrocytes are specialized cells that produce

the myelin sheath of nerve fibers in the CNS and are
primarily found in the white matter of the CNS.
(Schwann cells myelinat the nerve fibers in the

• Ependymal cells line the brain ventricles and aid in

the secretion of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).

Glial Cells

• Glial cells (glia or neuroglia) provide support,

nourishment, and protection to neurons.

• Constitute almost half of the brain and spinal cord

mass and are 5 to 10 times more numerous than

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• This chemical interaction generates another set of
action potentials in the next neuron. These events are
repeated until the nerve impulse reaches its

• Because of its insulating capacity, myelination of

nerve axons facilitates the conduction of an action
potential. Many peripheral nerve axons have nodes
of Ranvier (gaps in the myelin sheath) that allow an
action potential to travel much faster by jumping
from node to node without traversing the insulated
membrane segment. This is called saltatory
(hopping) conduction.

• In an unmyelinated fiber, the wave of

depolarization travels the entire length of the axon,
with each portion of the membrane becoming
depolarized in turn.

• Neuroglia are mitotic and can replicate.
• A synapse is the structural and functional
• In general, when neurons are destroyed, the tissue junction between two neurons.
is replaced by the proliferation of neuroglial cells.
• It is the point at which the nerve impulse
• Most primary CNS tumors involve glial cells. is transmitted from one neuron to another. The
nerve impulse can also be transmitted from neurons
• Primary malignancies involving neurons are rare.
to glands or muscles.

NERVE IMPULSE • The essential structures of synaptic transmission

are a presynaptic terminal, a synaptic cleft, and
• The purpose of a neuron is to initiate, receive, and
a receptor site on the postsynaptic cell.
process messages about events both within and
outside the body. • Two general classes: electrical synapses and
chemical synapses.
• The initiation of a neuronal message (nerve
impulse) involves the generation of an action • Electrical synapses permit direct, passive flow of
potential. Once an action potential is initiated, a series electrical current from one neuron to another in the
of action potentials travels along the axon. form of an action potential. The current flows
through gap junctions, which are specialized
• When the impulse reaches the end of the nerve
membrane channels that connect the two cells.
fiber, it is transmitted across the junction between
nerve cells (synapse) by a chemical interaction • Chemical synapses, in contrast, enable cell-to-
involving neurotransmitters. cell communication via the secretion of

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neurotransmitters; the chemical agents released by – 2. biogenic amines: serotonin, histamine, and
the presynaptic neurons produce secondary current the catecholamines dopamine and noradrenaline
flow in postsynaptic neurons by activating specific
receptor molecules. – 3. excitatory amino acids: glutamate and aspartate,
and the inhibitory amino acids gamma-aminobutyric
acid (GABA), glycine and taurine

– 4. neuropeptides: over 50 of which are known,

amino acid neurotransmitters being the most

• Neurotransmitters are chemicals that affect Central Nervous System
the transmission of impulses across the synaptic
cleft. • The components of the CNS include the cerebrum
(cerebral hemispheres), brainstem, cerebellum, and
• Chemically, there are four classes spinal cord.
of neurotransmitters:
• The spinal cord is continuous with the brainstem
– 1. acetylcholine (ACh): the dominant and exits from the cranial cavity through the
neurotransmitter in the peripheral nervous system, foramen magnum.
released at neuromuscular junctions and synapses
of the parasympathetic division • A cross section of the spinal cord reveals gray
matter that is centrally located in an H shape and
is surrounded by white matter.

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• The gray matter contains the cell bodies of • Another group of descending motor tracts carries
voluntary motor neurons, preganglionic autonomic impulses from the extrapyramidal system (all motor
motor neurons, and association neurons systems except the pyramidal) concerned with
(interneurons). voluntarymovement. It includes pathways originating
in the brainstem, basal ganglia, and cerebellum. The
• The white matter contains the axons of the motor output exits the spinal cord by way of the
ascending sensory and the descending ventral roots of the spinal nerves.
(suprasegmental) motor fibers.
Lower and Upper Motor Neurons
Ascending Tracts
• Lower motor neurons (LMNs) are the final common
• The ascending tracts carry specific sensory pathway through which descending motor tracts
information to higher levels of the CNS. influence skeletal muscle.
• This information comes from special sensory • The cell bodies of LMNs, which send axons to
receptors in the skin, muscles and joints, viscera, innervate the skeletal muscles of the arms, trunk,
and blood vessels and enters the spinal cord by way and legs, are located in the anterior horn of the
of the dorsal roots of the spinal nerves. corresponding segments of the spinal cord (e.g.,
cervical segments contain LMNs for the arms).
• The fasciculus gracilis and the fasciculus cuneatus
(commonly called the dorsal or posterior columns) • LMNs for skeletal muscles of the eyes, face, mouth,
carry information and transmit impulses concerned and throat are located in the corresponding
with touch, deep pressure, vibration, position sense, segments of the brainstem.
and kinesthesia (appreciation of
movement, volweight, and body parts). • These cell bodies and their axons make up the
somatic motor components of the cranial nerves.
• The spinocerebellar tracts carry information about
muscle tension and body position to the cerebellum • LMN lesions generally cause weakness or
for coordination of movement. paralysis, denervation atrophy, hyporeflexia or
areflexia, and
• The spinothalamic tracts carry pain and
temperature sensations. Therefore the ascending • Upper motor neurons (UMNs) originate in the
tracts are organized by sensory modality, as well as cerebral cortex and project downward.
by anatomy
• The corticobulbar tract ends in the brainstem, and
Descending Tracts the corticospinal tract descends into the spinal cord.
These neurons influence skeletal muscle movement.
• Descending tracts carry impulses that are
responsible for muscle movement. • UMN lesions generally cause weakness or
paralysis, disuse atrophy, hyperreflexia, and
• Among the most important descending tracts are increased muscle tone (spasticity).
the corticobulbar and corticospinal tracts, collectively
termed the pyramidal tract. Reflex Arc
• These tracts carry volitional (voluntary) impulses • A reflex is an involuntary response to stimuli. • In
from the cerebral cortex to the cranial and the spinal cord, reflex arcs play an important role in
peripheral nerves.

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maintaining muscle tone, which is essential for body • The division of the cerebrum into lobes is useful to
posture. delineate portions of the neocortex (gray matter),
which makes up the outer layer of the cerebral
• The components of a monosynaptic reflex arc are hemispheres. Neurons in specific parts of the
a receptor organ, an afferent neuron, an neocortex are essential for various highly complex
effector neuron, and an effector organ (e.g., and sophisticated aspects of mental function, such
skeletal muscle). as language, memory, and appreciation of visual-
spatial relationships.
• The afferent neuron synapses with the
efferent neuron in the gray matter of the spinal • The basal ganglia, thalamus, hypothalamus, and
cord. limbic system are also located in the cerebrum.

• The basal ganglia are a group of structures located

centrally in the cerebrum and midbrain. The function
of the basal ganglia includes the initiation, execution,
and completion of voluntary movements, learning,
emotional response, and automatic movements
associated with skeletal muscle activity (e.g.,
swinging the arms while walking, swallowing saliva,
and blinking).

• The thalamus (part of the diencephalon) lies

Brain directly above the brainstem and is the major relay
center for afferent inputs to the cerebral cortex.
• The term brain usually refers to the three major
• The hypothalamus is located just inferior to the
intracranial components: cerebrum, brainstem, and
cerebellum. thalamus and slightly in front of the midbrain.

• It regulates the ANS and the endocrine system.

• The limbic system is located near the inner
• The cerebrum is composed of the right and left
surfaces of the cerebral hemispheres and is
cerebral hemispheres and divided into four lobes:
concerned with emotion, aggression, feeding
frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital.
behavior, and sexual response.
• The frontal lobe controls higher cognitive function,
memory retention, VoLuntary eye movements,
voluntary motor movement, and speech in Broca’s

• The temporal lobe integrates somatic, visual, and

auditory data and contains Wernicke’s speech area.

• The parietal lobe interprets spatial information and

contains the sensory cortex.

• Processing of sight takes place in the occipital lobe.

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and their axons that extends from the medulla to the
thalamus and hypothalamus. The functions of the
reticular formation include relaying sensory
information, influencing excitatory and inhibitory
control of spinal motor neurons, and controlling
vasomotor and respiratory activity.

• The reticular activating system (RAS) is a complex

system that requires communication among the
brainstem, reticular formation, and cerebral cortex.
The RAS is responsible for regulating arousal and
sleep-wake transitions. The brainstem also contains
the centers for sneezing, coughing, hiccupping,
vomiting, sucking, and swallowing.

• The brainstem includes the midbrain, pons, and • The cerebellum is located in the posterior part of
medulla. the cranial fossa inferior to the occipital lobe.
• Ascending and descending fibers to and from the • The cerebellum coordinates voluntary
cerebrum and cerebellum pass through the movement and maintains trunk stability and
brainstem. equilibrium.
• The nuclei of cranial nerves III through XII are in • The cerebellum receives information from
the brainstem. the cerebral cortex, muscles, joints, and inner ear.
• The vital centers concerned with respiratory, • It influences motor activity through
vasomotor, and cardiac function are located in the axonal connections to the motor cortex, the
medulla. brainstem nuclei, and their descending pathways.
• Also located in the brainstem is the reticular
formation, a diffusely arranged group of neurons

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Ventricles and Cerebrospinal Fluid. increased CSF pressure, can force
downward (central) herniation of the brain and
• The ventricles are four interconnected fluid-filled brainstem.
cavities. The lower portion of the fourth ventricle
becomes the central canal in the lower part of the
brainstem. The spinal canal extends centrally Peripheral Nervous System
through the full length of the spinal cord.
• The PNS includes all the neuronal structures that
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) lie outside the CNS. It consists of the spinal and
• Circulates within the subarachnoid space that cranial nerves, their associated ganglia (groupings of
surrounds the brain, brainstem, and spinal cord. cell bodies), and portions of the ANS.

• This fluid provides cushioning for the brain and the Spinal Nerves
spinal cord, allows fluid shifts from the cranial cavity
• The spinal cord can be seen as a series of
to the spinal cavity, and carries nutrients.
spinal segments, one on top of another.
• The formation of CSF in the choroid plexus in the
• Each segment contains a pair of dorsal
ventricles involves both passive diffusion and active
(afferent) sensory nerve fibers or roots and ventral
transport of substances. CSF resembles an
(efferent) motor fibers or roots, which innervate a
ultrafiltrate of blood.
specific region of the body.
• CSF is produced at an average rate of about 500
• This combined motor-sensory nerve is called a
mL/day, many factors influence CSF production and
spinal nerve.
absorption. The ventricles and central canal are
normally filled with an average of 135 mL of CSF.

• Changes in the rate of production or absorption will

result in a change in the volume of CSF that remains
in the ventricles and central canal.

• Excessive buildup of CSF results in a condition

known as hydrocephalus. • The CSF circulates
throughout the ventricles and seeps into the
subarachnoid space surrounding the brain and
spinal cord.

• It is absorbed primarily through the arachnoid villi

(tiny projections into the subarachnoid space), into the
intradural venous sinuses, and eventually into • The cell bodies of the voluntary motor system are
the venous system. located in the anterior horn of the spinal cord
gray matter.
• The analysis of CSF composition provides useful
diagnostic information related to certain nervous • The cell bodies of the autonomic (involuntary)
system diseases. CSF pressure is often measured in motor system are located in the anterolateral portion
patients with actual or suspected intracranial injury. of the spinal cord gray matter.
Increased intracranial pressure, indicated by

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• The cell bodies of sensory fibers are located in • Exceptions are the nuclei of the olfactory and optic
the dorsal root ganglia just outside the spinal cord. nerves. The primary cell bodies of the olfactory
nerve are located in the nasal epithelium, and those
• A dermatome is the area of skin innervated by of the optic nerve are in the retina.
the sensory fibers of a single dorsal root of a
spinal nerve. Autonomic Nervous System.
• The dermatomes give a general picture of • The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is divided into
somatic sensory innervation by spinal segments. the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.
• A myotome is a muscle group innervated by the • The ANS governs involuntary functions of cardiac
primary motor neurons of a single ventral root. muscle, smooth muscle, and glands through both
efferent and afferent pathways.

Dermatomes of the Body • The preganglionic cell bodies of the sympathetic

nervous system (SNS) are located in spinal segments
T1 through L2. The major neurotransmitter released
by the postganglionic fibers of the SNS is
norepinephrine, and the neurotransmitter released
by the preganglionic fibers is acetylcholine.

• The preganglionic cell bodies of the

parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS) are located
in the brainstem and the sacral spinal segments (S2
through S4). Acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter
released at both preganglionic and postganglionic
nerve endings.

• SNS stimulation activates the mechanisms required

for the “fight-or-flight“ response that occurs
throughout the body.

• The PSNS is geared to act in localized and discrete


Cranial Nerves

• The cranial nerves (CNs) are the 12 paired nerves

composed of cell bodies with fibers that exit from the
cranial cavity.

• Just as the cell bodies of the spinal nerves are

located in specific segments of the spinal cord, so
are the cell bodies (nuclei) of the CNs located in
specific segments of the brain.

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Cerebral Circulation • Thus the blood-brain barrier affects the
penetration of drugs.
• The brain’s blood supply arises from the
internal carotid arteries (anterior circulation) and Protective Structures
the vertebral arteries (posterior circulation).
• The meninges consist of three protective
• The internal carotid arteries provide blood flow to membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord:
the anterior and middle portions of the cerebrum. dura mater, arachnoid, and pia mater .

• The vertebral arteries join to form the basilar • The thick dura mater forms the outermost layer. •
artery and provide blood flow to the brainstem, The falx cerebri is a fold of the dura that separates
cerebellum, and posterior cerebrum. the two cerebral hemispheres and slows expansion
of brain tissue in conditions such as a rapidly
• The circle of Willis is formed by communicating growing tumor or acute hemorrhage.
arteries that join the basilar and internal carotid
arteries. • The tentorium cerebelli is a fold of dura that
separates the cerebral hemispheres from the
• The circle of Willis is a safety valve for regulating posterior fossa (which contains the brainstem and
cerebral blood flow when differential pressures or cerebellum).
vascular occlusions are present.
• Expansion of mass lesions in the cerebrum forces
• Superior to the circle of Willis, three pairs of the brain to herniate through the opening created by
arteries supply blood to the left and right the brainstem. This is termed infratentorial
hemispheres. herniation.
• The anterior cerebra artery feeds the medial and • The arachnoid layer is a delicate membrane that
anterior portions of the frontal lobes. lies between the dura mater and the pia mater (the
delicate innermost layer of the meninges).
• The middle cerebral artery feeds the outer portions
of the frontal, parietal, and superior temporal lobes. • The area between the arachnoid layer and the pia
mater is the subarachnoid space and is filled with
• The posterior cerebral artery feeds the medial
portions of the occipital an inferior temporal lobes.
• Structures such as arteries, veins, and cranial
• Venous blood drains from the brain through the
nerves passing to and from the brain and the skull
dural sinuses, which form channels that drain into the
must pass through the subarachnoid space.
two jugular veins.
• A larger subarachnoid space in the region of the
• The blood-brain barrier is a physiologic barrier
third and fourth lumbar vertebrae is the area used to
between blood capillaries and brain tissue.
obtain CS during a lumbar puncture.
• This barrier protects the brain from harmful
• Skull. The skull protects the brain from external
agents, while allowing nutrients and gases to enter.
trauma. It is composed of eight cranial bones and 14
• Lipid-soluble compounds enter the brain easily, facial bones.
whereas water-soluble and ionized drugs enter the
• Vertebral Column. The vertebral column protects
brain and the spinal cord slowly.
the spinal cord, supports the head, and provides

Mechaelah Nicole R. Caras

flexibility. The vertebral column is made up of 33 Objective Data
individual vertebrae: 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5
lumbar, 5 sacral (fused into one), and 4 coccygeal • Physical Examination. The standard neurologic
examination helps determine the presence, location,
ASSESSMENT OF NERVOUS SYSTEM and nature of disease of the nervous system.

Subjective Data • The examination assesses six categories of

functions: mental status, cranial nerve function,
• Important Health Information motor function, sensory function, cerebellar function,
and reflexes..
• Past Health History. Consider three points when
taking a history of a patient with neurologic • Mental Status. Assessment of mental status
problems. (cerebral function) gives a general impression of
how the patient is functioning.
• First, avoid suggesting symptoms or asking leading
questions. • Second, the mode of onset and the • It involves determining complex and high-level
course of the illness are especially important aspects cerebral functions that are governed by many
of the history. Obtain all pertinent data in the history areas of the cerebral cortex.
of the present illness, especially data related to the
characteristics and progression of the symptoms. The components of the mental status
examination include:
• Third, if the patient is not considered a reliable
historian, confirm or obtain the history from someone • • General appearance and behavior: This
with firsthand knowledge of the patient. component includes level of consciousness (awake,
asleep, comatose), motor activity, body posture, dress
• Medications. Obtain a careful medication history, and hygiene, facial expression, and speech pattern.
especially the use of sedatives, opioids, tranquilizers,
and mood elevating drugs. Many other drugs can • • Cognition: Note orientation to time, place, person,
also cause neurologic side effects. and situation, as well as memory, general
knowledge, insight, judgment, problem solving,
• Surgery or Other Treatments. Inquire about any and calculation. Common questions are “Who were
surgery involving any part of the nervous system, the last three presidents?“ “Does a rock float on
such as head, spine, or sensory organs. If a patient water?“ “How much money is a quarter, two dimes,
had surgery, determine the date, cause, and a nickel?“ Consider whether the patient’s plans
procedure, recovery, and current status. and goals match the physical and mental capabilities.
Note the presence of factors affecting intellectual
• Growth and developmental history can be important
capacity such as cognitive impairment,
in ascertaining whether nervous system dysfunction
hallucinations, delusions, and dementia.
was present at an early age. Specifically inquire
about major developmental tasks such as walking • • Mood and affect: Note any agitation, anger,
and talking. depression, or euphoria and the appropriateness of
these states. Use suitable questions to bring out the
• Functional Health Patterns. Key questions to ask a
patient’s feelings.
patient with a neurologic problem are presented in
Table 56-5.

Mechaelah Nicole R. Caras

• Conscious State . Arousal and awareness are the Other points to consider when conducting pupillary
fundamental constituents of consciousness and observations include the following:
should be evaluated and documented repeatedly for
trend analysis. Changes in the conscious state are the • pinpoint non-reactive pupils are associated with
first to change in deterioration. opiate overdose

• Arousal assessment. The evaluation of arousal • non-reactive pupils may also be caused by local
focuses on the ability to be able to respond to a damage • atropine will cause dilated pupils
variety of stimuli and can be described using the
• one dilated or fixed pupil may be indicative of an
AVPU scale or disorientated, lethargic, or obtunded.
expanding or developing intracranial lesion,
• The advanced trauma life support course compressing the oculomotor nerve on the same side
recommends an initial assessment during initial of the brain as the affected pupil
resuscitation based on the response to stimulation:
• A sluggish pupil may be difficult to distinguish from
Awake, Verbal, Pain, Unresponsive (AVPU).
a fixed pupil and may be an early focal sign of an
• Observe the patient’s response (verbal or motor). If expanding intracranial lesion and raised
there is no response to voice or light touch, painful intracranialpressure. A sluggish response to light in a
stimulus is needed to assess neurological status. previously reacting pupil must be reported
• Assessment of awareness . If arousable, progress
to assessment of awareness using the Glasgow Coma Assessment of pupillary function focuses on
Scale (GCS). three areas:

• Teasdale and Jennett designed the GCS to establish • (1) estimation of pupil size and shape;
an objective, quantifiable measure to describe the
• (2) evaluation of pupillary reaction to light;
prognosis of a patient with a brain injury and include
scoring of separate subscales related to eye • (3) assessment of eye movements.
opening, verbal response and motor response.
• Eye and eyelid movements. Patients who are
• Eye and pupil assessment. Pupillary responses, comatose will exhibit no eye opening.
including pupil size and reaction to light, are
important neurological observations and localize • In patients with bilateral thalamic damage, there
cerebral disease to a specific area of the brain. may be normal consciousness, but an eye opening
apraxia may mimic coma. If the patient’s eyes are
• The immediate constriction of the pupil when light is closed, the clinician should gently raise and release
shone into the eye is referred to as the direct light the eyelids. Brisk opening and closing of the eyes
reflex. • Withdrawal of the light should produce an indicates that the pons is grossly intact.
immediate and brisk dilation of the pupil.
• If the pons is impaired, one or both eyelids may
• Introduction of the light into one eye should cause a close slowly or not at all. • In the patient with intact
similar constriction to occur in the other pupil frontal lobe and brainstem functioning, the eyes,
(consensual light reaction). when opened, should be pointed straight ahead and
at equal height. If there is awareness, the patient
should look towards stimuli after eye opening.

Mechaelah Nicole R. Caras

• Eye deviation indicates either a unilateral cerebral
or brainstem lesion. If the eyes deviate laterally,
gently turn the head to see if the eyes will cross the
midline to the other side. A pattern of spontaneous,
slow and random movements (usually laterally) is
termed roving-eye movements. This indicates that the
brainstem oculomotor control is intact but awareness
is significantly impaired.

• Limb movement. Assessment of extremities and

body movement (or motor response) provides
valuable information about the patient with a
decreased level of

• Decorticate (flexor) posturing is seen when there is

involvement of a cerebral hemisphere and the brain
stem. • It is characterised by adduction of the
shoulder and arm, elbow flexion, and pronation and
flexion of the wrist while the legs extend. In terms of
the GCS motor score, the withdrawal flexor scores a
higher (4/6) than a spastic flexor movement (3/6).

• Decerebrate (extensor) posturing is seen with

severe metabolic disturbances or upper brainstem
lesions. It is characterised by extension and
pronation of the arm(s) and extension of the legs.
Patients may have an asymmetrical response and
may posture spontaneously or to stimuli.

Mechaelah Nicole R. Caras

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