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Reiner Jan Alcantara

October 28, 2022

Read and analyze the situation.

A physician has just discovered that her patient is having a stage 4 lung cancer.
However, the physician cannot divulge the truth to the patient right away because the
latter is having a cardiac condition as well. If we consider the consequences of the act
of telling the truth to the patient, the patient may have a sudden cardiac arrest and
eventually die.


1. Following the theory of Utilitarianism, is it ethical for the physician to lie about the
real condition of the patient? Or is it more acceptable to disclose to the patient
his real condition? State your stand and use parts of our discussion to prove your
Answer: Based on Utilitarianism, I will not tell the patient his true condition. Because
maybe when I say that he will suddenly stay and die. Because maybe when the patient
finds out that he has stage 4 lung cancer, what might happen is that he will suddenly be
shocked and have an attack. Maybe his condition will get worse. So it would be better to
keep it a secret from him for the betterment of his condition. And according to
Utilitarianism it is better to lie for the good of the person. If you know it's going to be bad
for people, it's better to keep it a secret for the time being. For example, the one about
the condition of the patient who is stage 4 lung cancer. That maybe if he told him his
true illness, he might end up dying. From his shock at what he found out. So it's better
not to tell because we don't know what the patient can do if he finds out the truth.

2. Following the theory of Deontological Ethics, is it ethical for the physician to lie
about the real condition of the patient? Or is it more acceptable to disclose to the
patient his real condition? State your stand and use parts of our discussion to
prove your point.
Answer: Based on Deontological Ethics, I prefer to tell the patient his true condition and
condition. Because if I don't tell the true condition of the patient, I might get fired.
Because it is not in the hospital's code of ethics to lie about the patient's condition. And I
will tell him his condition in a proper way that he can accept what is true. And maybe it
is better that we pray for his condition so that his confidence in himself does not
decrease. Here in Deontological Ethics, it is necessary to tell the truth because it is
stated in the code of ethics. Because if the true illness or condition of a patient is not
told, your job as a doctor or nurse in a hospital might be ruined. So it's better to tell the
truth because if you don't tell it, your job might be ruined. Because no matter how bad
the patient's condition is, it is still necessary to tell him his true condition. Because he
will accept that as long as we say it in a proper way.

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