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Research Problem:
A study about improving verbal communication skills to the students.

According to Mobbs & Cuyul (2018), anyone who has taught listening and speaking course to
second language learners knows that it can be challenging Abrahams (2013) stated that,
analytical music therapy is "a model of music therapy developed by British music therapist Mary
Priestley... consist of the analytically-informed symbolic use of music impralised & discussed by
therapist and client.
An obvious advantage of music is that it is Universal and loved by people of all ages and
Cultural backgrounds, so it is an excellent way to engage learners.
Music training, with its pervasive effects on the nervous system’s ability to process sight and
sound, may be more important for enhancing verbal communication skills than learning phonics,
according to a new study. Musicians use all of their senses to practice and perform a musical
piece. They watch other musicians, read lips, and feel, hear and perform music, thus, engaging
multi-sensory skills. As it turns out, the brain’s alteration from the multi-sensory process of
music training enhances the same communication skills needed for speaking and reading, the
study concludes.
Music offers many benefits to children who may have limited speech or are pre-verbal. We all
pick up the musical cues within spoken language. Its pitch and rhythm and structure are Full of
meaning. They help to develop a context for verbal understanding. For those that who are verbal,
research indicates that music, including the use of our first instrument, the voice, is a hugely
important tool to include in the building of communication skills.
When working with groups, music is still a means of communication and expression. Each
person comes to the group with their own background of experiences and skills. They may feel
nervous about making music in a group and having others “hear” them. While other participants
may relish the thought of others hearing them. Communication skills also apply – or perhaps
especially apply- in the group setting. If we’re going to perform as a group together, we need to
be able to hear each other. We need to know when to respond and when to give space.
This research aims to conduct a research about "Improving verbal communication skills to the
relation in listening music of the students to Genesis Colleges Inc." This study aims to achieved
the following:
1. Determine the socio-demographic profile of students in Genesis Colleges Inc.
2. To know the possible impacts of listening music to people in one's individual growth?
3. Determine the possible ways to improve the verbal communication skills by listening

Significance of the study:

This study aimed to know the valuable information on how can improve communication skills of
the students by listening to music.
School – The significance of the study in the school was to provide surveys from their
students how music may affect the behaviors and to the communication skills of the
Students – The significance of this study is to know how can improve their
communication skills to the relation of listening music of the students.
Teachers- The significance of music to teachers is allows to feel nearly or possibly all
emotions that experience in lives as the teachers.
Parents- the significance of music to parents is it can lessen the stress, pain struggle,
distraction and bring positively and calmness.

Methods and Designs

 Respondents
In this study, our Respondents are the grade 12 students, section D (GAS), set A
and B students in Genesis Colleges Inc.
 Sampling Size
In this study the respondents are 19 set A and 31 set B, a total of 40 students.
 Sampling Technique
In this study, we use Quantitative research method First, we think of a topic that is
related into this present time. After we think and decide what are topic is, we
caught some important information and ideas that is related into our topic in the
websites, Then we begin our study, we start in the Background of our study and in
this part, we should know why need to research problem. Next we will think at
least 3 problems that maybe face by our research and it should be specific, and
school. All of the information and ideas we have caught it would be in our study.
Lastly, we should put all of the preferences were the ideas and information comes
The goal of our study is to collect all of the information about the good effects of
listening music and lastly, to know how can improve the communication skills by
listening to the music of the students in Genesis Colleges Inc.

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