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Topic 1: Write about Vietnamese gestures and customs.

In my opinion, Vietnamese gestures include many norms such as table manners, behaviors
to the elderly and greetings. In term of greetings, when Vietnamese meet new people who
are their counterparts, they often shake hands or say “how are you?” or “how is your
business?”. In case, the speaker is older than the interlocuter, they may wave their hands
or say “hey”. If they are close to each other, they may hug or kiss cheeks. But these kinds
of intimate greetings are not pervasive. As far as I’m concerned in business environment,
Vietnamese people often adapt to international popular greetings such as bowing,
handshaking or exchanging business card. Some of the small talks seemingly considered
to be offensive in Vietnam are marriage, family stuffs. To conclude, I personally believe
that Vietnamese greeting customs are not distinctively different from other countries.

Topic 2: Write about your favorite movie

I am a big fan of movies. In my free time, I often go to cinemas and enjoy the newest films.
I don’t have a favorite movie, but the movie which left most impression on me was White
Chicks. It is a comedy and this film has made me laughed like a maniac. I don’t exactly
remember its release, but I watched it 3 years ago. The movie was about 2 police who have
to disguise to be girls to escort two VIPs. During that process they have encountered many
awkward situations because the friends of VIPs thought the police were the VIPs and asked
them to shop for clothes and go to bars. The hilarious things were that these two masculine
police had to behave like women all the time, which made the movie very entertaining. I
have watched this film for several times at home and it never failed to make me laugh.
Topic 3: Write about a hotel you have stayed
When I was a freshman in a university, I used to join a summer camp in Ha Long in a week.
The summer camp was organized at a hotel called Vin Pearl Ha Long, so I stayed at that
hotel for a week. The hotel is located on an island called Hon Rau, it is isolated from main
lain, so I was taken there by a motor boat. The hotel has a large campus with many facilities.
It has a tennis court, a large indoor swimming pool, spa, gym, a gigantic restaurant and its
own beach area. In the morning and evening, I ate buffet at the restaurant, the atmosphere
in this hotel was really peaceful. At night, they had live concert or music, so guests could
both enjoy food and listen to relaxing sounds. The staff there was professional and helpful.
I didn’t have a single complaint during my stay. The hotel only has one downside is that,
its price was very expensive.

Topic 4: Write about good and bad driving habit.

In my point of view, good driving habits are obeying the traffic rules such as wearing
helmets and stopping at the red lights. Good driving habits not only help declining traffic
jams but also make us more civilized. More importantly, obeying traffic regulations, we
can reduce traffic risks. Whereas, bad driving habits such as driving too fast without
wearing helmet, surpassing the red light, driving under influence, and driving on the
pavements are dangerous behaviors which can cause harms and destructions not only to
the drivers but others. I haven’t witnessed an accident in reality but I saw plenty of them
on TV and the Internet. The most damaging accident I used to see on the Internet was that
a container driver using drugs while driving, and he didn’t stop at the red light.
Consequently, he crashed through a bunch of people who were waiting at the traffic light.
This accident was haunting and a lot of people couldn’t survive. I believe nobody wants
themselves to be in this tragedy.
Topic 5: Write about how you care for your appearance

I assume I pay a lot of attention to my appearance. Because my skin is not strong and has
many scars caused by pimples; therefore, I look after my skin very carefully. I often wash
my face twice a day with skin cleansing cream. When I go out, I often apply suncream to
protect my skin from UV rays which will make my skin darker. Before going to bed, I often
use serum to make my skin moisture and stronger. From my viewpoint, inner beauty and
outer beaty are both important. If one of the factors is missing, it will double hard for
someone to succeed especially in education or entertainment fields. Because they have to
interact with a lot of audiences and the appearance can somehow influence their confidence
and their audiences’ affection. I think cometic surgeries such as changing faces, bleaching
skin, stretching bones or inflating chest are dangerous and have many side effects in the
long run. Not only it deteriorates our health but also causes incredible pain to the body.

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