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Final Theory Exam Feb, 2021 B.Sc.1st year, 1st Sem,

Paper code: MIC- C3-, Paper Title: General Microbiology

Time-3 Hours M. Marks- 80

Note: Attempt five questions in all, choosing one question from each unit. Q.1 is

Q.1. Compulsory Question: Q.1. Compulsory Question:

(I) Who have coined the following terms………… (2)

i. Pasteurization
ii. Vaccination
iii. Fermentation
iv. Probiotics
v. What are the health benefits of consuming yogurt? Discuss briefly. (2)
i. Name the fastest moving parasite and intracellular parasite.
ii. Name the fastest parasite residing in large intestine and small intestine.
iii. Name the scientist who formulated numerical taxonomy and define microbial
iv. Expand the term SEM and TEM (1x4)
(g) Define the terms : (1x4)
i. Pathogenicity
ii. Secondary infection
iii. Heterotrophs
iv. Sporulation
i. Name two proteins and their function involved in the transformation
of gram positive bacteria. 2
ii. What is sexduction? 2

Q.2. (a) Write down the major contributions of Robert Koch. (2)
(b) Define the following terms: Microbial Ecology, Epidemiology, Etiology and
Environmental Microbiology (2)
(c) What is the theory of spontaneous generation? How did Swan Neck experiment disprove
the theory of spontaneous generation? Explain briefly. (4)
(d) Define: Taxonomic key, numerical taxonomy, phylogenetic and phonetic classification.
(e) Differentiate between light and electron microscope. (4)

Q.3. (a) Discuss the contribution of John Tyndall and Joseph Lister in the field of
microbiology? (4)
(b) Discuss the application of microorganism in environment and Medicine. (4)
(c) Differentiate between SEM and TEM microscope. (3)
(d) Describe Bergey’s manual of systematic classification of microorganisms. (5)
Q.4.(a) Write down the characteristics of Rhodophyceae class of algae. Give examples. (4)
(b) Differentiate between relapse and recrudescence. (1)
(c) Write the biological names of vector causing Leishmania, malaria. (1)
(d) Define EIP, histozoic, saprozoic and holozoic. (2)
(e) Cell to cell contact is required for conjugation. How this hypotheis was proved? (6)
(f) What are Hfr cells? How they are different from F+ cells of bacteria? (2)

Q.5 (a) What is fungi? Discuss various beneficial effect of fungi. (4)
(b) How does the endotoxin affects the human body? (2)
(c) From the total count of bacterial population, how the viable count can be evaluated?
(d) How transformation in gram-positive bacteria is different from gram
negative bacteria? (5)
(e) Bacterial transformation process has really transformed the molecular
biology forever. Justify the statement. (3)

Q.6 (a) Differentiate endotoxins from exotoxins (3)
(b) How bacterial cells are classified on the basis of temperature at which they grow. (3)
(c) How viruses are different from bacteria? (2)
  (d) What is zoogloel film? Where it is formed ? Write down its significance. (5)
(e) Which precautions we should take while installing a septic tank and why? (3)
Q.7 a) Fill in the blanks:
(i) ---------------------- is optochin sensitive.
(ii) ---------------------virus is bullet shaped.
(iii) --------------------- is also known as space vehicle.
(iv) Typhoid fever is caused by ---------------------- .
(v) -------------------- are Gram negative cocci .
(vi) -------------------- bacterium is seen as Chinese letters.
(vii) Commensals are ----------------------------- .
(viii) Coagulase is produced by -------------------.
b) How trickling filters treat the waste water in municipal waste
water treatment plant ? Explain with diagram. (8)

Q.8.(a) What is Single cell protein? Why SCP is preferred over convention protein?
Describe symba process the production of SCP. (4)

(b) What are perishable and non perishable food? Give examples. Discuss the different
sources of contamination in Food. (4)
(c) What is vaccine? How bioengineering of microbes have made it possible to
produce FMDV in industrial microbiology? (8)

Q.9. (a) What are probiotics and prebiotics? Explain with suitable examples. Write down the
characteristics of effective probiotics. (4)
(b) What is microbial spoilage of food? Write down different symptoms of Microbial
spoilage of food. (4)
(c) Describe the upstream and downstream processes of antibiotic production. (5)
(d) We have made COVID-19 vaccine with in a year, just because of advancement
in industrial microbiology. Justify this statement. (3)

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