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8B Vocabulary Transport

You’re going on holiday to South East Asia and are very excited. You p your car at a friend’s house and
she drives you to the airport. First stop is Thailand!

You g o the plane and it’s sunny and beautiful. But your bags are not in Thailand – oh dear!
Without your bags, you take a b to your hotel. Bangkok is amazing!

When you g o the bus, you don’t have your money. You left it on the seat.

You get more money from the bank, and decide to r a bike. It’s a cheap way to move around the city.

The bike breaks. You g i a taxi but the roads are very busy so it takes two hours to go back
to the hotel. You’re tired and you sleep well.

The next day you decide to do a tour of the old city. You t a train to go there. It’s a very interesting
place and Thai people are very friendly. Then you go back to the hotel to look at flights to Cambodia.

That evening, your bags arrive and you decide to fly to Angkor Wat in Cambodia the next day. But you arrive
at the airport very late and you m the flight! Luckily there is another one the day after tomorrow.

Two days later, you arrive in Cambodia and r a small flat in a town near Angkor Wat. The local area is
beautiful! A friend r a car and offers to take you to Angkor Wat the next day.

G After a week in Cambodia, you fly to Vietnam. You arrive safely in Hanoi and decide to take one of the city’s
trams that are more than 100 years old. There is a tram stop not far from your hotel. You g o
and go for a short ride.

When you g o the tram you feel very tired from all your travel. It’s time to relax for a few days
before you go home.

F You fly home and g  i a taxi to go and pick up your car. You are annoyed when the driver
p the taxi at a shop for five minutes while he buys food. But finally you can g o
o the taxi at your friend’s house and drive home. What a great trip it has been!

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8C Grammar 1 Verb patterns

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 I love reading (read) books.

2 My sister always wants (spend) time with her friends after school.

3 My best friend likes (drink) tea with biscuits.

4 I enjoy (watch) football when I have time.

5 My cousin would like (ride) her new bike this weekend.

6 Beth enjoys (relax) in front of the television after work.

7 My dad hates (eat) sweets because they’re bad for his teeth.

8 I want (become) a doctor so I have to study hard.

9 My sister enjoys (swim) at the weekend.

10 We want (travel) to Australia this summer.

11 My mum doesn’t mind (go) to the cinema, but she prefers watching films
at home.

12 John would like (go) to more sports games in his free time.

2 Choose the correct alternatives.

1 Frankie really enjoys/would like cooking because she thinks it’s relaxing.

2 My sister doesn’t hate/doesn’t mind travelling by plane, but she prefers travelling by train.

3 Ben loves play/playing hockey. He plays with his team three times a week.

4 My parents want going/to go travelling next year. They are thinking about going to Mexico.

5 My mum doesn’t like watch/watching funny films. She prefers dramas.

6 We don’t want/don’t enjoy to watch tomorrow’s football match with our dad
because he always shouts at the TV.

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8C Grammar 2 Verb patterns

Student A

1 Complete the questions with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 What jobs in the home don’t you mind (do)?

2 Do you love (learn) English? Why/Why not?

3 Which place in the world would you really like (visit)?

4 Which sports do you enjoy (watch) on TV?

5 When do you want (retire)?

2 Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions in Exercise 1.
Then try to describe each person in the group.

Student B

1 Complete the questions with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Do you love (speak) to people you don’t know?

2 What things don’t you mind (spend) money on?

3 Which sports do you enjoy (play)?

4 Do you want (earn) a lot of money in the future? Why/Why not?

5 Would you like (live) in another country?

2 Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions in Exercise 1.
Then try to describe each person in the group.

Student C

1 Complete the questions with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Where do you want (be) in ten years?

2 Would you like (become) a famous pop star, sports star or film star?

3 What do you enjoy (eat) for breakfast?

4 What type of music do you hate (listen) to?

5 Do you love (speak) in public? Why/Why not?

2 Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions in Exercise 1.
Then try to describe each person in the group.

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8C Vocabulary Travel

1 You are planning your next holiday.

What kind of place would you like to visit?
a Somewhere hot where you can relax
b Somewhere with lots of mountains and activities
c Somewhere with an interesting culture

2 You’ve decided where you want to go.

You’re going in two months. Now what do you do?
a Nothing yet. I have a lot of time to think about it!
b Book your flights and look at what adventure sports they have.
c Look at some places you can visit there.

3 When you’re there, you’ll probably ...

a do things with the friends or family you are there with.
b look around alone.
c try to meet local people to talk to.

4 When you pack your bags, you prefer to ...

a pack a big suitcase with everything you will need!
b travel light with just a backpack. You don’t need a lot of things!
c pack things that will help you look like a local.

5 When you are on your trip, you would like to ...

a go shopping. There’s a lot you can buy!
b try new things, for example surfing.
c go sightseeing around the local area.

6 While you are on holiday, you prefer to ...

a only take taxis or planes.
b rent a car and drive around the area on your own.
c take buses and trains so you can meet people on your journey.

7 Your perfect holiday is ...

a to go on a cruise, where everything is in one place.
b to go on an adventure holiday. Show me the action!
c to go on a holiday where you can learn a lot about the area.

Mostly As: You enjoy easy holidays where you don’t have to worry too much. You like things to be organised for you
and don’t want to feel stressed. You don’t travel light because you like to have your things with you. A good holiday for
you is a cruise, for example in the Caribbean or the Mediterranean.
Mostly Bs: You are an adventurer! When you’re on holiday, you really want to be active and see what nature can show
you. You don’t want to sit down and relax – you want to play outside and enjoy all of your time in a new place. A great
holiday for you is backpacking for a few months somewhere far from home that has a lot of activities to do outside.
Mostly Cs: You are very relaxed and want to talk to people when you travel. Understanding what life is like for people
from a different country is a big reason why you like travelling. You only want to go shopping in local shops and eat in local
restaurants. A perfect trip for you is to rent an apartment in one place that you can stay in for a while to get to know the
local culture and people.

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