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S.Y. 2020-2021 – SECOND QUARTER – WEEK 3

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of

grammatical structures of English to be able to
communicate effectively in oral and written forms.

Performance Standard: The learner shows proficiency in constructing

grammatically correct sentences in varied theme-based
oral and written activities

Learning Competencies
● Use the simple be-verbs (am, is, are, was, were) correctly in sentences

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
1. identify be-verbs (am, is, are, was, were);
2. classify tenses according to their uses (present/past); and
3. use simple be-verbs (am, is, are, was, were) correctly in sentences.

II. Content:
a.) Subject Matter:
- are linking verbs. They link the
Be- verbs subject to a noun, an adjective or other
word in the sentence.
Example: am, is, are, was, were

b.) Learning Resources

● References: English CG- May 2016, LMs (Grade 3), Let’s Get Better in English 3,
Soaring to New Heights in Language, Everyday Language, clipart images taken from website (,,, )

c.) Instructional Materials: pictures, poems, worksheets.

III. Procedure:

Day 1
A. Review of Previous lesson or Presenting of New Lesson
Hi there! It’s good to see you again.

This is another exciting week for you because it will be a great learning
Adventure. So, Let’s get started.
Do you like roses?
Describe the picture of a rose.
Now, read the given poem.
Roses are Red
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Sugar is sweet
And so are you.
● What is the poem all about?
- You are right! The poem is about roses.
B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson

● Take a look at these poems.

● Read and look at the words was and were.
● Just like in the rhyme, “Roses are Red”, they are used repetitively
because is, was, are and were link words to form phrases and sentences.

For this week’s lesson, you will learn to:
o identify be-verb (am, is, are, was and were);
o classify tenses according to their uses (present/past); and
o use simple be-verb (am, is, are, was, were) in a sentence correctly.

C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the Lesson

✔ Read the following sentences taken from the poem you read.
Take note of the underlined words.
1. Roses are red. 4. People were marching by.
2. Sugar is sweet. 5. I am your teacher.
3. I was going to ride my bike.

✔ Read the underlined words in the sentences.

- Do you know what these words are called?

● The underlined words are forms of verbs. Though they do not show action, they
show a state of being. They are called be-verbs.
- The words is, are, was, were and am are forms of be-verbs.
✔ Read another set of examples.
1. The cat is hungry. 4. Mother was a swimmer.
2. The plants are green. 5. We were tired from running.
3. I am in Grade Three.
D. Discussing New Concepts
● Verbs “to be” or be verbs are also called linking verbs because they link or connect
a subject of the sentence to more information about it. Linking verbs are not action
words so they don’t express action, but
They express a state of being.
Note: A subject could be a noun or a pronoun. Study the examples.
Example # 1:
I am happy.
subject describes the subject.
verb that links I and happy.

● Am is always used with the pronoun or subject I.

1. I am eight years old.
2. I am going to the market tomorrow.
3. I am glad that you are here.
Now, take a look at this sentence in Example # 2.
The book is about different animals.
subject linking verb tells about the subject

clipart source:

Is - The be-verb is used for singular noun or pronoun subject.
Examples: 1. Patrick is reading a book about animals.
2. She is my best friend.
3. Trina is buying a book for Patrick.

Study the sentence in Example # 3.

These books are my favorite.
subject linking verb tells about the books


● Are is the form of be-verb that is used with noun books because this noun is in the
plural form. The be-verb are is also used with the pronoun “you” whether it refers
to only one person or more than one person. Read and study the given examples.

Examples: 1. The books are new. (The subject books mean more than one.
2. Allan and Sam are classmates.
3. You are a good reader.
Notice, that all of the sentences in Examples # 1, 2 and 3 are in present form. This
means that all the actions or events are still happening in the present time and are not
yet done. Please take note…
● The be-verbs am, is and are, are used with the present form of the verbs.
● The be-verb “am” is always used with the personal pronoun I.
● The be-verb “is”, is used with subjects that are in the singular form
or those that mean only one.
● The be-verb are, is always used with nouns and pronouns which are plural in form
or in number. They mean more than one.
● For the pronoun “you”, the be-verb “are” is also used.

Day 2
E. Continuation of the Discussion of New Concepts
Yesterday, you learned about the verbs am, is and are.
Today, you will learn more about be verbs. But before that, you
need to review what you have learned yesterday.
✔ Read the following sentences. Fill in with the correct be verb. (am, is, are).
1. Dan _______ our class president
2. Two of the girls ______ peace officers.
3. I _____ present in the class meeting.

Note: Since the noun Dan mean only one in number, the be-verb is
was used, while for sentence number 2, the subject girls, mean
more than one that is why the be-verb are is used.

For the subject I in the third sentence, the be-verb am is for it.

Did you get them all correct? Good job!

✔ Now, read and study the table below. Take note of the words in boldface.

Present Form of Be-Verbs Past form of BE-Verbs

am, is, are was, were
1. Dan is our class president 1. Dan was our class president
2. Two of the girls are peace 2. Two of the girls were peace officers.
officers. 3. I was present in the class meeting.
3. I am present in the class 4. My classmates were obedient to the
rules and regulations of our school.
5. Our teacher was Mrs. Sanchez.
4. My classmates are obedient
to the rules and regulations
of our school.
5. Our teacher is Mrs. Sanchez.

What have you noticed with the sentences in the second column?
● Just like am, is and are, the words was and were are also called
be - verbs.
● They also show a state of being. However, was and were are used
with the past form of the verb, which means that the action or
events happened in the past.

● Please take note that for the be-verb is, “was” is to be used if the action happened
in the past. Was is the past tense/form of is.
● Likewise, for the be-verb am, was will also be used for its past tense
or form. Was is also the past form of the be-verb am.
● On the other hand, for be-verb are, the verb, were is to be used if the action
happened in the past.

● To better understand be-verbs, study the table of be-verbs and

the function of each.

Subject Present Past
I am was
You are were
She is was

⮚ The be-verbs was and were are in the past tense. WAS, however, can only be
used with the first and third-person singular pronouns
I, he, she, it, while WERE is used with the pronouns you, we, they.

● was - singular (past)

● were - plural (past)
Examples: 1. It was a very hot yesterday.
2. I was having fun at the park.
3. Was your cousin with you at the park?
Examples: 1. Where were you last night?
2. They were drinking soda.
3. Why were we celebrating today?
Day 3
F. Developing Mastery
Before you begin with the activities for today. review the lessons you
learned for the past two days.
Activity 1: Identify the correct form of the be verb that will complete
each sentence. Write your answer on a sheet of paper or
in your notebook.
1. I (am, is, are) a grade 3 pupil.
2. Mrs. De Lazo (am, is, are) my English teacher.
3. Most of my friends (am, is, are) diligent pupils.
4. Our former teacher (am, was, were) kind and generous to us.
5. You (was, were, are) late for school this morning.

Activity 2: Rewrite the following sentences. Use the past tense forms of
am, is and are.
1. My classmates are at the bookstore.
2. Some books are on sale.
3. I am happy to buy a new book.
4. Mother said she is glad to see me reading a book.
5. I believe you are also happy to see young people like me reading.

Day 4
G. Finding Practical Applications of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living
Activity 3: Look around you or recall the things that you do.
Then, write five (5) sentences using the be verbs am, is,
are, was and were in your notebook or on a piece of
A. is: 1. _____________________________________________
B. are: 2. ______________________________________________
C. was: 3. _____________________________________________
D. were: 4. _____________________________________________
E. am: 5. _____________________________________________

- Why is it important to know what be verbs are?

- How is knowing how to use be verbs in communicating with other people important?
Values Integration:
● Communication is very important especially in building relationship
with other people or to the people around you. It can be in written form or oral form of
● One way to communicate effectively is to know this basic knowledge about be verbs
or linking verbs and to know how to use them in the sentences correctly.
● Knowing to use these linking verbs properly can help you construct grammatically
correct sentences, paragraphs, letters and stories.

H. Making Generalizations and Abstractions about the Lesson

⮚ Remember This!
⮚ Be verbs are a form of verbs that show state of being. They are also called linking
verbs because they link or connect the subject with an adjective or a noun in the
⮚ To make the be verbs agree with the subject:
● use the be verb is and was with a singular noun or pronoun.
● use the be verb are and were with the plural noun or pronoun we, they and
● use the be verb am with the pronoun I.
⮚ Take note!
● The be-verbs am, is and are, are in the present tense.
● The be-verbs was and were are in the past tense.

Subject Present Past
I am was
You are were

She is was

Day 5
G. Evaluating Learning
Note: Write your answers on a piece of paper or in your notebook.

A. Encircle the correct be verbs form inside the parentheses.

1. Our class attended a book fair last week. We (was, were) amazed
to see all the new books being sold.
2. The book fair (was, were) a very good time to discover new
3. Today, I (am, were) proud that I bought a science book.
4. It (is, are) about animals and plants.
5. My classmates (is, are) happy to borrow it.

B. Complete the dialog with am, is, are, was or were.

1. Rose and Ryan read different books during their free time. Both
______ book lovers.
2. Rose ____the best reader in the class. She ______ is our storyteller
during reading time.
3. I like to listen to her when she reads stories. I ___ also a book lover.
4. Mariz and Patrick ______ at the park lobby.
5. Mariz ____ happy that Patrick likes reading books, too.

C. Use each be-verb in a sentence.

1. is - _____________________________________________________.
2. are- ___________________________________________________.
3. am - ___________________________________________________.
4. was - __________________________________________________.
5. were - _________________________________________________.

J. Additional Activities for Application or Remediation

Complete the paragraph by filling in each blank with the correct be

Anna and Elsa ______ best of friends. Anna ____ a kind of girl who likes to
visit orphanages. Elsa ____ one who likes to visit homes for the aged. Both of them
____ active in helping these institutions in their own little ways. They both have
interesting hobbies as well.

They ____ teenagers that ___ eager to help other people. Their parents ____
very proud of them.

source: Soaring to New Heights in Language 3


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