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S.Y. 2020-2021 – SECOND QUARTER – WEEK 4

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of grammatical

structures of English to be able to communicate effectively in
oral and written forms.

Performance Standard: The learner shows proficiency in constructing grammatically

correct sentences in varied theme-based oral and written

Learning Competencies (Most Essential Learning Competencies, 2020 ver. 4.0):

● Use simple verbs (past, present, future) in sentences (with introduction
of action verb)

II. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
1. Identify what is verb
2. Give examples of action verbs
3. Classify tenses according to their uses (past, present, future)
4. use simple verbs (past, present, future) in a sentence correctly.

III. Content:
a.) Subject Matter:
Verbs These are parts of speech that are used to describe or indicate
the actions that the subject/s is/are doing or a state of being.

These are called action verbs because they indicate actions.

Action Verbs Action verbs are words that show actions.
Example: Mother cooks our meals.

Be-Verbs/Linking Verbs Be-verbs or linking verbs are words that express a state of
Example: My mother is so loving and caring.

Auxiliary Verbs/ Auxiliary verbs or helping verbs are used with a main verb. An
Helping Verbs auxiliary verb and a main verb is called a VERB PHRASE.
Example: My mother is cooking a special dish for
● is – auxiliary verb
● cooking – main verb
● is cooking – verb phrase

Tenses of Verb Verb tenses tell how an action relates to the flow of time or
(Past, Present, Future) when the action happened.

b.) Learning Resources

● References: English CG- May 2016, LMs (Grade 3) Let’s Get Better in English 3 pp.137-
138, 202-203, Soaring to New Heights in Language p.168, Everyday Language pp.86-88,
clipart images taken from website
c.) Instructional Materials: pictures, song, worksheets, paper and pen

III. Procedure:
Day 1
A. Review of Previous lesson or Presenting of New Lesson
Good Morning! Before you move to the new lesson for this week I want you to
review the previous lesson by answering the activities below.

Activity 1: Look at the pictures. Choose the appropriate be-verbs for each
sentence. (is, are, was, were, am)

1. I _____happy to eat my favorite sandwich.

2. Alex ______ fond of jumping above hurdles.

3. The children ________ silently praying before going to bed.

4. The boys _____ busy watching their favorite TV show last


5. Mother ________tired because she cleaned my room


Day 2
B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson

● Stand up, sing the song “If you are Happy and You Know It” with action
If You’re Happy and You Know It

If you’re happy and you know it,

Clap your hands (clap. clap)
If you’re happy and you know it,
Clap your hands (clap. clap)
If you’re happy and you know it.
Then your face will surely show it,
If you’re happy and you know it.
Clap your hands (clap clap)

If you’re happy and you know it.

stomp your hands (stomp stomp)

If you’re happy and you know it.

Shout hoooray (hooo-ray)

If you’re happy and you know it.

Do all three (clap, stomp, hooo-ray)


● What you just did are action words. The words clap, stomp and shout are action words.
● The words that tell actions are called action verbs.

● For this week’s lesson, you will learn about verbs that show actions, know the different
examples of action verbs and use them in their present, past and future tense.

C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the Lesson

● Look at the pictures below.
● What are the children doing in the picture?

● In school, children like you sing songs, just like what you did a while ago.
● You also read books, draw and paint things and play with friends.
● The words sing, read, draw, paint and play are action words or verbs.
Action Verbs – are words that denote or represent action.
Examples: clap, stomp, shout, sing, read, draw, paint, play

Remember, verbs have different tenses.

The tense of Verb tells how an action relates to time or when the action happened.
There are three major tenses of verbs. These are the following:

⮚ Present Tense of the verbs expresses that actions happened in the present or at present time.

Rules in Forming the Present Tense of the Verb

1. If the subject is singular, use the singular form of the verb.
a. Add – s to form most present tense singular verbs.
Example: My father works in an office.

b. Add –es if the verb ends in s, ch, sh, x, or z.

Example: My brother watches his favorite TV show every day.

c. if the verb ends in a consonant and y change y to i and add –es.

Example: My sister flies a kite on our farm.

2. If the subject is plural, use the simple form or base form of the verb
Example: The pupils know how to care for the environment.

3. If the subject is you or I, use the simple form of the verb.

Example: I pray every night.

⮚ Past Tense of the verbs expresses that the actions happened in the past or they are already
⮚ Add -d or -ed to the verb to form the past tense of the verb.
Example: I prayed last night.

⮚ Future tense of the verbs expresses that the actions will happen in the future or will still be
happening soon.
⮚ To form the future tense of the verb, add “will “or “shall” with the base or
simple form of the verb to show the action is in the future.

Verb Past Present Future

clap clapped claps will clap
stomp stomped stomps will stomp
shout shouted shouts will shout
D. Discussing New Concepts
Activity 2: For today, you are going to read a story of a hen together with her
friends. Look for the verbs and write five (5) on your paper.

The Enormous Carrot

(by: Vladimir Vagin)

Once upon a time there was a hen who wanted to grow carrots. So, she planted some
carrot seeds in her garden.
The carrot seed grew and grew.
One day the hen went out to check her carrots. She could not believe her eyes. There
was an enormous carrot! She tried to pull it up but she was not able to do it.
The hen pulled and pulled it again. But she still could not pull up the enormous
carrot. So, she went to the dog. “Help me pull up that enormous carrot,” she said.
“I will help you,” said the dog. The hen and the dog pulled and pulled it together. But
they still could not pull it up.
So, the hen and the dog went to the cat. “Help us pull up that enormous carrot” she
“I will help you,” said the cat. All three of them pulled and pulled it together but
the carrot wouldn’t come out of the ground.
So, the hen went to the mouse. “Help us pull up that enormous carrot,” she said.
“I will help you,” said the mouse. The hen, dog, cat, and mouse pulled and pulled
it together. Up came the enormous carrot!
That evening they cooked the enormous carrot and ate it all together.

Source: English3 LM pp. 202-203

⮚ Discussion Questions:
Answer the following questions orally.
1.Who are the characters in the story?
2.What did the hen plant one day?
3.What happened to the carrot seeds?
4.Why couldn’t the hen believe what she saw?
5.Who helped the hen pull up the enormous carrot?

Day 3
E. Continuation of the Discussion of New Concepts
Good day! Before you proceed to your activities for today.
Take some time to review the lessons that you have for the past two days.
Then prepare a sheet of paper and answer the Activities 3 and 4 below.

⮚ Verbs – are words that denote or represent action. The tense of Verb tells how
an action relates to time or when the action happens, happened, or happen.

Three Major Tenses of Verbs are:

⮚ Present Tense - tell that the actions happen in the present.
Rules in forming the present tense of the verb
1. If the subject is singular use singular verbs
a. Add – s to form most present tense singular verbs.
b. Add –es if the verb ends in s, ch, sh, x, or z.
c. if the verb ends in a consonant and y change y to i and add –es.
2. If the subject is plural, use the simple form or base form of the verb
Example: The pupils know how to care for the environment.
3. If the subject is you or I, use the simple form of the verb.
Example: I review my lessons every day.

⮚ Past Tense - tell that the actions happened in the past.

✔ Time expressions like long ago, yesterday, once upon a time, last year, last night and many
others, signal past action.
- Add -d or -ed to the verb to form the past tense of the verb.
Example: We planted some seedlings in our backyard.

⮚ Future tense – tell that the actions happened in the future.

✔ Time expressions like next week, tomorrow, tonight, this month and others, signal future
- Add “will” or “shall” with the base or simple form of the verb to show the action will
happen in the future.
Example: My family will donate some goods tomorrow.

Activity 3: Look at the pictures and tell what they are doing. Choose the correct
action words.
1. What does the boy do? 2. What does the girl do?

a. watch a. plant
b. dig b. swim

3. What do they do? 4. What does she do?

a. jump a. dance
b. hug b. walk

5. What does the girl do?

a. climbing
b. bouncing

Activity 4: Underlined the action verb used in each sentence.

1. An old man heard a tiny voice from his backyard.
2. He found a rabbit whose legs were trapped by a log.
3. He pulled the log and set the rabbit free.
4. The rabbit stayed with the old blind man.
5. The two enjoyed each other’s company.

Activity 5: Fill in the blank with shall or will to indicate future action.
1. Tomorrow, our teacher ____________ (teach) us about the 3 Basic Food Groups.

2. We _____________ (bring) a fruit, a slice of bread and a vegetable in class.

3. I _______________ (request) my mother to buy a box of cheese and eggs.
4. My classmates _____________ (buy) other kinds of food.
5. We _______________ (group) the different kinds of food after the discussion.

Day 4
F. Developing Mastery
Activity 6: On the blank, write the correct form of the verb in parentheses to
complete the sentence.
1. The wind _________ (blow, blows) in our direction.
2. The rays of the sun _________ (give, gives) vitamin D.
3. Fertilized soil ____________ (help, helps) farmers grow their crops well.
Activity 7: Write the past form of the verb in parentheses.
1. Yesterday, I (visit) ___________ the farm of my grandparents.
2. I (pick) ___________ some green and ripe mangoes.
3. I (invite) _____________ him to come over and play with me.
Activity 8: Complete each sentence. Fill in the blank with the correct future tense
of the verb inside the parentheses.
(go) 1. Next Friday, my parents and I _____________ to Bicol.
(visit) 2. We _______________ my grandparents who has been sick for several
days now.
(bring) 3. I __________________ my books so that I can read them during my
free time.
G. Finding Practical Applications of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living
● List ten (10) examples of verbs that you usually do every day.
● Act them one by one.
Values Integration:
● “Two heads are better than one”.
● We should help one another so it will be easy and have a better result.
● Good friends are hard to find, so when you find one, treasure him or her.
H. Making Generalizations and Abstractions about the Lesson
✔ Remember This!
Verbs – are words that denote or represent action. Tense of Verb tells how
an action relates to time or when the action happened.
- There are three (3) simple tenses of verbs.
- These are: simple present tense, past tense and future tense.
- There are rules to be followed in forming the different tenses of the verbs.
Note: You my go back to the Part E (Continuation of the Discussion of New
Concepts) for a review before answering the quiz below.
Day 5
I. Evaluating Learning
Let’s have a quiz of the lessons you have learned for the past 4 days.
Test I. Read the sentences carefully. Write if the verb in each sentence is in the past, present or
______________ 1. They climbed the hill yesterday.
______________ 2. They always play soccer in the sunshine.
______________ 3. She brushes her teeth every night.
______________ 4. We will go to Baguio next summer.
______________ 5. You will see your best friends next weekend.

Test II. Complete the table below and write the correct form each verb in
the past, present and future tense.
Verb Present Past Future
plant plant planted 4.
water 1. 2. will water
save save 3. 5.
Test III. Fill in each blank with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.
6. Venice __________ adventure and horror stories. (like)
7. Ryan __________ science fiction books. (prefer)
8. They __________ interest in sports like volleyball and basketball too. (show)

Test IV. Complete each sentence. Fill in the blank with the correct form of verb in
9. Yesterday, my sister along with Sam, a girl she took in from the program “Adopt
a Child for a Day” at nearby orphanage, ___________ a movie about global
warming. (watch)
10. The girls ______________ at the moviehouse in time. (arrive)
Test V: Write a sentence about the following pictures using verbs in different tenses.

1. ____________________. ( present)

4. _________________. (present)

2. ____________________. ( past )

3. _____________________. ( future ) 5. ___________________ (past)

J. Additional Activities for Application or Remediation

Test V. Read the paragraph. Circle the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

Pupils at the Bright Star Academy (have, had, will have) a parade this coming Friday. The
teachers (announce, announced, will announce) later what we should bring and wear that day. It
(is, was, will be) the beginning of a year-long celebration of the school’s twentieth founding
anniversary. The parents (will give, gives, gave) balloons that the pupils (released, will release,
releasing) at the end of the parade. A field demonstrator will follow.

Reference: Soaring to New Heights in Language 3

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