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1. Illustrate the polynomial equations.

2. Find the roots of polynomial equation.
3. Solve problems involving polynomial
Polynomial Equation
- We define an equation to be an
assertion that two quantities or
expressions are equal.
- Polynomial Equations are equations
which contain solely of polynomial
Polynomial Expression Polynomial Equation
x–5 x–5=0
x2 + 3x – 10 x2 + 3x – 10 = 0
x3 – 7x – 6 x3 – 7x – 6 = 0
x4 + 5x3 – 6x2 + 9x – 10 x4 + 5x3 – 6x2 + 9x – 10 = 0
x6 – 7x3 + 8x + 12 x6 – 7x3 + 8x + 12 = 0
Parts of a Polynomial Equation
 Degree of a Polynomial –the highest
exponent that occurs in the given
polynomial equation.
 Leading Coefficient – the numerical
coefficient of the term that has the
highest degree.
 Constant Term – a term in degree zero
or in the other words, the term that has
no variable.
Parts of a Polynomial Equation

Polynomial Equation Degree of Leading Constant

Polynomial Coefficient Term
a) 2x3 + 4x2 – x – 18 = 0 3rd degree 2 - 18
b) x5 – 6x4 + x2 + 9x + 7= 0
c) 4x2 + 13x – 6 = 0
d) 8x – 2x2 + 15 + 3x3= 0
e) 7x + 9x4 + 4x3 – x2 = 0
Roots of Polynomial Equation
-the values of x that satisfy the given
polynomial equation.
Fundamental Theorem of Algebra
-a polynomial equation of positive degree
n and with real coefficients, then it has at
most n real roots.
Polynomial Degree Real Roots of Number of
Equation Equation Real Roots
(x + 4)2 ( x – 3) = 0 3 – 4 (double), 3 3
(x – 6) = 0
x (x – 8)3(x + 1) = 0
Finding the Real Roots of Polynomial

1.x3 + x2 – 14x – 24 = 0
2. x3 + 6x2 + 3x – 10 = 0
Rational Root Theorem
is a theorem for a polynomial equation in
one variable with integral coefficients to
have a root that is a rational number
(fractional form), where the leading
coefficient could be served as the
denominator of the possible root and the
factors of the constant term could be
served as the numerator.
1. 2x3 + 5x2 – 4x – 3 = 0
2. 2x3 + 3x2 – 17x + 12 = 0
Creating Polynomial Equations
Using Lattice Method
Lattice Method
- a short-hand process of multiplication.
Just like synthetic division, we eliminate
the variable x and we get only each
numerical coefficient.
1. Roots: { -6, -2, 3 }
2. Roots: { -5 , 4, 2 }
3. Roots: { -3 , -1/2, 1 }
Problems Involving Polynomial

1. Read and analyze the problem
2. Choose a strategy you can use to solve
the problem.
3. Solve the problem.
4. Substitute the computed value.
5. Check the solution, if necessary.
Problems Involving Polynomial
1. Find three consecutive positive integers
if the sum of the square of the first and
the product of the other two integers is
equal to 46.
2. What is the dimension of a rectangle, if
its area measures 84 square meters and
its length is 5 more than its width?
3. The height of a triangle is one-third its
base. The area of the triangle is 6 sq. ft.
Find its base and height.

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