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Script Template

- Non-Solar Justification For Call
- Engagement Question

(Continue Regardless of What Customer Says)

- Brief Explanation of Problem and Solution

- Focus on No Out of Pocket
- Engagement Question

(Continue Regardless of What Customer Says)


- Differentiation of Your Program

- Aim for “Too good to be true”
- Introduce Exclusivity / Eligibility + Take Away

(BRICK WALL and Then move into Pre-Quals)

Pre Qualification:

- Build Rapport Throughout

- MASSIVE Bill Shock
Bill Shock:

- Engagement Questions
- Relate to Utility Company
- Explanation of Energy Rate Increase
- Pre-Close



- Explain Consultation Process

- Explain Consultation Requirements
- Explain Consultation Goal
- Pre-Close


- Give 2 Booking Options

- Justification of Both Partners
- Roof Check + Roof Boost
- Summarize Problem
- Summarize Consultation Goals
- Pre-Close
- Summarize Consultation Requirements + Get “Yes”
- Cooldown

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