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Mass List Explosion by Jason Parker Page 1

Mass List Explosion

By Jason Parker
ES3 Marketing L.L.C.

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Mass List Explosion by Jason Parker Page 2

This is NOT a free report.

You may not give it away or sell it.


You are solely responsible for your own business decisions and outcomes of your actions
based on your own interpretation of the material inside the Ultimate Listbuilding Report.
No guarantees of income are made. Although we've attempted to keep information in this
report as accurate as possible, we do not guarantee that all information is accurate.

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Mass List Explosion by Jason Parker Page 3

Table Of Contents

Launch Leads Explosion............................................................................7

Integrated Cross Promos.........................................................................10

Tell-A-Friend Viral Listbuilding..................................................................12

5 Old School Listbuilders.........................................................................14

Affiliate List Cross Promos.......................................................................17

Blog Lead-Sucking Vortex........................................................................19


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Mass List Explosion by Jason Parker Page 5

Thanks for picking up a copy of Mass List Explosion!

I haven't written a paid report like this since 2008.

Why? Because I haven't felt like anything was truly worthy enough to be reported on

This subject covered in this report is the #1 most vital part of my business. Every day, all
day, I'm focused on 1 end result: Fresh Lead Flow.

Without fresh lead flow, it's hard to keep a business alive... unless you crank out products
all year, sell coaching, and services. But if you're like me (primarily a lazy affiliate) then
Fresh Lead Flow is the key to unlocking 5 figure months time after time like clockwork.

This can be confirmed even by the old school marketers like the late Gary Halbert (in his
teachings he left behind). Basically here's the golden rule: the fresher the lead, the hotter
they are and more likely to spend money.

Think about it... When you're passionate about a subject and scouring the internet for it,
you're more likely to buy right then and there if the sales message seems like it's speaking
to you.

But what happens when a week or so goes by and that passion wears off? You're just not
as interested anymore, are you?

The same goes for those who are desperately looking for solutions to problems. After a
while they've already found their solution and will be less likely to buy from you.

The first week a lead is on your list, they're "in heat." They'll buy, buy, buy. And for every
day that goes by after that, they're less likely to buy anything and slowly they become less
likely to open your emails.

When you're a lazy affiliate and out of the spotlight like me, that's what you solely rely on:
Fresh Lead Flow. Not relationship building. Not branding yourself. Not cranking out
product after product or doing webinars.

Preferably you want leads to flood into your autoresponder all the time like water from a
broken fire hydrant. I generate subscribers to the tune of 5,456 on average each month
and I'm going to reveal to you every last secret I use to do that in a moment.

Before I lift the curtain and show you, let's get one thing straight... Subscribers are
subscribers. What I mean is that you don't have to be a lazy affiliate like me to benefit
from these listbuilding tactics.

You could be the total opposite of me—a product launching, authority building, webinar
presenting, internet marketing coaching, service providing guru. That life has no appeal

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Mass List Explosion by Jason Parker Page 6

to me, so I don't do it, but that doesn't mean you can't use these strategies to achieve
those goals too.

Shoot, I know for a fact there's 10 times more money in coaching, cranking out products,
doing webinar classes, services and being an authority. I just don't do any of that
because I don't enjoy it.

So whether that's your aim, or you're mainly just a lazy affiliate like me who wants to sit
around and click the Send Button promoting affiliate offers, then these tactics are for you.

If you take these secrets and apply them, I have no doubt you can be on your way to
generating over 100,000 subscribers to your lists. Truth be told it's not that tough when
you play it smart.

You've got to identify where all the traffic is, which of it is valuable traffic, and the easiest
and risk-free way for you to stick your opt-in form in front of it. You've got to take your
thinking to a higher level.

Since I'm writing this report primarily for Warrior Forum members, the forum comes to
mind. Whenever you look down a whole page of the forum at all the various topics, you
basically want to say to yourself, "How can I think at a higher level than this?"

Higher Thinking means leveraging resources and coming up with creative innovations
instead of muscling out traffic to your opt-in form or paying out the rear for it. With my
definition, Higher Thinking also means doing less or the same amount of work and making
more money.

So after you read this report, you might want to grab a pad and a pen and start jotting
down your own innovative listbuilding ideas. Many of the tactics in this report came from
the imagination. For me they work like a charm.

Before we get started here, I want to tell you also that you won't find this report to be
fluffy. Don't you hate it when you read a whole report and maybe just get a few things
out of it? Trust me, I'm a man of few words and it doesn't take longer than a single
paragraph to get my point across to you.

All fluff has been stripped away from this report. It may be shorter than the fluff reports
out there filled with rehashed information, but I guarantee this one is more dense in
actual usable new content. In fact, in my opinion, the next few pages of this report are
worth the price of a $997 home study course if used properly.

I don't screw around in this report. I will not waste your time. You're going to walk away
with all sorts of new listbuilding methods no one's ever taught you, because frankly,
there's no way they could've taught you them (they've never been taught before).

OK, let's ROCK it...

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Launch Leads Explosion

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This first tactic I want to reveal to you was my bread and butter tactic of 2010. It's
responsible for generating up to 1,000 subscribers a day on occasion. As far as I know,
no one's ever thought of this and no one's ever taught it before now.

Here's how it works. First you have to think about this... Where does all the highest
quality traffic on the internet eventually end up?

Think about it. Traffic cycles through the blogosphere, random pages via Google searches,
article links, opt-in pages... But where does the highest quality traffic eventually end up?

Answer: On a sales page and then through that order link and onto a download page.
Therefore, those download pages are the most valuable places to be building your lists

But how do you get on download pages of paid products? The answer may shock you.
This is so braindead simple that you'll probably kick yourself for not thinking if it before.

Here's how you do it. When a product seller is working on rolling out a launch, whether a
rolling launch or major launch or even a WSO, it can be a lot of work! They have to round
up affiliates/JV partners, get graphics created, create upsells and downsells, get copy
created, get some buzz going using social media, and more.

In other words, they have a heck of a lot to do! If you ever talk to a marketer who does
major launches especially, you'll discover that they're even pulling all-nighters to get things
done in time for their launch. They're exhausted and sometimes they might just be
feeling lazy.

So you go to someone who launches products and you offer your service. It can be
anything that will help them roll out their launch. It can even be something like customer
service you offer.

You offer your service free of charge, but the only thing you want in return is to get a link
on their download page underneath their Bonus Downloads. This will be called the
"Unadvertised Bonus" section. Tell the product vendor that all you want to do is add a link
to your squeeze page for an Unadvertised Bonus and you will provide XYZ service.

This works because chances are you have at least some kind of skill in that you can think
of to offer this product vendor. Secondly, it doesn't cost them anything to link to your
squeeze page for your Unadvertised Bonus from their download page!

If you think about the possibilities, this will work with big or small marketers, major
product launchers, rolling launchers, and even WSO product launchers. What's stopping
you from offering copywriting services to a WSO product launcher in exchange for leads
from their download page? What's stopping you from offering a service like customer
service to them in exchange for leads? (anyone can do that skill)

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Seriously, nothing is stopping you from building your list from the highest quality source of
traffic imaginable—download pages for paid products. Never in history has there been an
easier free way to generate massive amounts of buyer leads without having to create and
launch products yourself.

The best part is that you get to build your list from that download page for the entire life
of the product! Imagine if you were on the download pages of just 3 evergreen products?
You'd have buyer leads joining your list on autopilot every day.

Before I came up with the idea of the Launch Leads Explosion method... I would've told
you that the 1st thing I'd do if I had to start my list from scratch again were to run free
WSOs then take that list and ad swap it with members of or another ad
swapping community.

However, I'm not so sure about that anymore. You will get many lowend buyer leads from
running free WSOs and you'll sometimes get quality traffic from ad swapping. But with
Launch Leads, you get red hot buyers and it's also a more evergreen tactic.

You can make an entire business off making deals for launch leads then turning around
and marketing to those lists you build. Before I move onto another section that could
blow your mind and line your pockets with cold hard cash, I want to quickly tell you what I
do with fresh subscribers.

The first thing I recommend doing is creating a 20+/day followup series. My followup
series fluctuates between 22 days and less (I call it the 22 Day Cash Bomb). My first
emails promote continuity programs because I'm always looking to build paid subscriptions
so that if I have a rough month of sales, I still know I at least have a certain amount of
money coming in. It's kind of like the feeling of security you get from having a regular job
and regular paycheck—without the boss of course!

After promoting a continuity program or two (quality ones), I offer what I believe to be
the best training available. Everyone should have a chance to get the highest quality
training I know of.

Then they move onto high EPC offers in the followup series. These are offers I've sent
broadcast emails out before to and they've converted like a champ. So when they kick
butt, I plug them into the permanent followup series.

There's also something else you should consider. When you send an email broadcast, in
GetResponse at least you can choose to send to only inactive subscribers. Inactive
subscribers are ones who have already been through your followup series. So you can
broadcast emails as often as you like and they won't go out to subscribers who are
currently in your 22 day followup series.

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Integrated Cross Promos

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Just as with the Launch Leads Explosion method, the sky's the limit with what you can do
with integrated Cross Promos. Integrated Cross Promos work because you get to double
the effects of your listbuilding efforts. Interested?

Once you understand the concept, you'll be able to come up with your own innovations to
do integrated cross promos. First of all, "Integrated Marketing" is a term coined by Mark
Joyner that means integrating your marketing message into various parts of another
marketer's traffic and sales funnels. "Integrated Cross Promos" is a term I came up with
(I guess) and it means to use Integration Marketing as a means of cross promotion with
another marketer.

Here are some examples of Integrated Cross Promos... You do a deal where you put a JV
partner's banner on your freebie download page while they do the same for you. Or you
promote your JV partner's squeeze page in your day zero email while he/she does the
same for you. Or you promote eachother's banners on eachother's blogs.

Integrated Cross Promos work best when you can co-op a list. Have you ever been part
of a JV Giveaway? The JV Giveaway hosts are co-oping the list every time a member or
contributor signs up. This means that when someone opts in, they both get the
subscriber on their list.

In order to co-op, you'll need to have a simple script created by a programmer that passes
the variables of an opt-in to a secondary list. The script will need to be customized
according to the autoresponder company you're using. As far as I know, there are no paid
solutions on the market for co-op scripts. Though you may be able to find one.

A more simple way to do this is to get an iContact account. The reason is because
iContact allows you to import leads without confirming. So instead of getting a co-op
script made, you can export leads from the autoresponder and hand them to your JV
partner so he can import them into his iContact account. Be sure to follow all Can Spam
Act laws when using this method.

Although co-oping isn't necessary to use Integrated Cross Promos, it sure does open up a
world of innovative possibilies for doubling the impact of your efforts. If you can at least
use the import/export method, then that could potentially double your business.
Whenever I use co-op or the import/export method, I always make sure the subscribers
are opt-ing into a squeeze page that offers a freebie that was created by both me and my
JV partner. And on the squeeze page will also be both of our names and company names.

What else can you integrate? Use your imagination. You and your JV partner could both
use an exit popup on your website and have it go to a squeeze page where you both get
the lead. With your affiliate list signup pages, you could have subscribers sign up to
promote both of your products so you both get the affiliate. You can be creative with it.

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Viral Listbuilding

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With all the technology available, it's hard to believe listbuilders are not thinking outside of
the box and using it get floods of subscribers with viral marketing. Just think about the
power of viral marketing and Facebook. Whenever you sign up for Facebook, their
software detects all your friends you contact through email and allows you to invite them
all to join Facebook at the click of a button.

This Facebook signup strategy got me thinking of using "Tell-A-Friend Marketing" for
building my list. And since there are Tell-A-Friend scripts on the market already, it makes
it super easy for you to implement this. Imagine adding an extra 10% subscribers without
doing any extra work.

Here's how it works. After someone opts into your opt-in form, you hit the subscriber with
a Tell-A-Friend offer. You tell them that you will unlock another freebie for them if they
use the Tell-A-Friend script to email 5 or 10 of their friends about you.

Or just be creative with what you offer them. You can offer a discount on a product and
then after they use the Tell-A-Friend script, they land on the page with the discount. You
can offer a drawing to win a free copy of your product.

The point is... As with the past 2 powerful methods, you need to be flexible and
innovative with this strategy. Marketing has gotten to the point where it's too ridgid in
methods used. People are just copying eachother and following eachother like a herd of
sheep—even the bigtime gurus!

Remember what I told you in the Introduction for this report. The best listbuilding
strategies (the low-hanging fruit) you won't find scrolling down a page of a forum. You
won't even find them in products—except for this one of course. ;)

You know... the reason why Tell-A-Friend Listbuilding works is because it's the same as
Referral Marketing. Most offline businesses I talk to rely almost solely on Referral
Marketing. When you are referred to a product or service by a trusted friend, that trust is
transftered to the product owner or service provider, isn't it?

So think about the quality of subscribers you'll be getting from this tactic. You can spend
less time building trust with the subscriber and more time making offers to them that put
money in your pocket.

Besides Tell-A-Friend Listbuilding, be thinking of different ways you can be using viral
marketing to build your list. We've also used Viral Tweets and viral reports to build lists.

When I say you need to think outside the box with your listbuilding, I mean it. Just
because I use a Tell-A-Friend script after they opt-in doesn't mean you can't use it on your
download page or make the offer for using the Tell-A-Friend script in your day zero email.

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5 Old School Listbuilders

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Although I'm exposing the most unknown listbuilding methods in this report, I want to
stop and create this section for you to briefly explain some "Old School Listbuilders" that
have worked really well for me.

Frankly it puts me to sleep talking about these methods, but you definitely do NOT want
to discredit these. Plus if you're already using some of them, take a look at my
suggestions for maximizing your profits with them.

• Free WSOs: Running WSOs for freebies (send them to a squeeze page for your
freebie) at Warrior Forum can give you a nice jumpstart in your listbuilding. Since
the WSO forum is generally a lowend marketplace, you'd be getting many lowend

When I say lowend, I mean $7 to $17 are prime pricepoints of products that sell.
So what's stopping you from creating a list of WSO buyers and marketing low-price
products to them?

• Ad Swaps: The idea behind Ad Swapping has really exploded in the past couple
years, so no doubt you've probably heard of it by now. With Ad Swaps, you
broadcast an email to your list about another marketer's squeeze page and they do
the same for you.

It's a type of JV deal. The key to Ad Swaps is having a hot converting offer the
new subscriber sees right after opt-ing in. If you really want to bank with it, it has
to be an offer that not many others are promoting or it can be your own offer.

The reason is because in the Ad Swapping communities the same leads get passed
around a lot, so if you have the same offer after opt-in as everyone else, then it
won't convert. However, you can build a nice 4 figure per month business off Ad
Swapping alone if you play it right.

• JV Giveaways: JV Giveaways can be powerful, but only if you're the co-host or

host of them. JV Giveaways are where many contributors get together and enter
their gifts in exchange for leads.

All contributors promote the giveaway and the members who sign up end up opt-
ing in for gifts of their choice. I never recommend being a member for a giveaway,
unless it's just to learn how they work and get a feel for them.

While many giveaway contributors are happy about getting a few hundred
subscribers from promoting the heck out of a giveaway, I'm not. If I put my effort
into a listbuilder, I want it to pay off in spades.

• RAP or $7 Secrets Launches: Launching your own lowend $7 to $47 offers using
Rapid Action Profits script or $7 Secrets Script can be very powerful for building
buyers lists. I've been doing these kind of launches since 2008 and with recent

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Mass List Explosion by Jason Parker Page 16

testing of the method, I've concluded that you should only sell at $17 or higher on
the frontend.

Any lower and you risk the chance of getting deadbeat leads who don't buy
anything else. You can create quick products for these type of launches by using
Pamela for Skype and recording an interview or set of interviews with experts.

You could also create written reports or ebooks using Open Office Writer like I am
here (With Open Office Writer you can easily create PDFs and the best part is Open
Office software is free).

• Viral Reports: Creating short viral reports are a great way to build a list. You
create a quick report with the best information you can think of and give it away
along with giveaway rights.

The trick is to have an offer at the end of the report with a link to one of your
squeeze pages. I've had viral reports that become other marketers' listbuilders.
They'd use the report to build their list and when the subscribers read the report,
they'd click on the link inside and opt-in to my squeeze page, ending up on my list.
They might even start giving my report away themselves and this is how you have
the viral effect.

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Affiliate List Cross Promos

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One of the best ways to build a list I know of is sitting back while affiliates and JVs
pummel your offer with traffic, whether it's a RAP or $7SD offer or ClickBank offer.
Because as mentioned in the Launch Leads Explosion section, a buyers list is the most
valuable type of list to build. For some more great information on it, check out the bonus
you received with your purchased of the Ultimate Listbuilding Report called Rapid Mass

So we can say that we can build a big buyers list if we have a big affiliate army. I'm
talking about building your affiliate list. There are many ways to do it like recruiting
affiliates manually, putting the affiliate signup link at the bottom of your sales page,
getting a high gravity score in the ClickBank marketplace, getting a listing in the Warrior
Forum Affiliate Directory, running some PPC ads and catching the eyes of the PPC super
affiliates, etc.

Everyone already knows about those ways. They're "Old School."

For some reason over the years it never occured to marketers to cross promote their
affiliate lists in order to grow them. Think of it as an Ad Swap for affiliate lists. You treat
them the same way.

You broadcast an email about your JV partner's affiliate signup and he does the same for
you. The new affiliates opt into your list, then land on an affiliate tools page where they
can get their affiliate link and tools and promote right now.

This works very well because the masses haven't caught on yet. It's still low-hanging
fruit. There are many promotional days open on other marketers' schedules to cross
promote their affiliate lists beacuse they've never even heard of doing that yet.

Another way to cross promote affiliate lists is by doing it in your permanent followup
series. After you do an email broadcast cross promotion with a JV partner, you can then
offer to make a deal for a permanent followup series email that cross promotes your
affiliate programs.

I can't drill my point into your head deep enough about this. Over the years marketers
have been cross promoting, but they never stepped back and thought of cross promoting
affiliate lists.

You can't be a ridgid marketer. You have to think with innovations in mind. It all starts
with looking at an end result you want, then coming up with a creative solution based on
the opportunities and technology available to you.

If you focus on growing your affiliate army, then you can always have new affiliates
jumping on board to promote your offer every single day. The power of this one
listbuilding tactic can drive your profits through the roof and build you a massive buyers

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Blog Lead-Sucking Vortex

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Warning: It depends on how aggressive you want to be whether you should use it or not.
Using this method will almost guarantee that no one else links to you. But if you rely on
yourself to build your own links then you might want to consider this powerful strategy.

Basically what you do is nest a squeeze page top and center on your blog above your blog
content. You can usually make these edits inside WordPress by editing the Header file.
Also, consider using graphic text for this nested squeeze page so it doesn't screw up your
SEO efforts.

Besides the Nested Squeeze Page, you're also going to want to use a hover over ad for an
entirely different free offer than what's on the Nested Squeeze Page. You can use
something like Aweber's built-in hoverover ad capabilities or something like Robert Plank's
Action Popup WordPress plug-in.

You also want to put a brief message for a freebie and an opt-in form right after content
of a blog post. The message might be "Liked this article? There's more where that came
from. Sign up below and I'll email you my free report ($27 value)."

Lastly you're going to put an exit popup on the blog that leads to a squeeze page for a 3 rd
freebie offer. So if the blog visitor doesn't opt-in with the hoverover ad, the Nested
Squeeze Page or the opt-in after the article, then you give them one final chance to join
your list.

There are plenty of Exit Popup script options out there. Just do a Google search. Or you
can get a programmer to create one for you for next to nothing.

If you do all 4 of these methods, then you can turn your blog into a lead machine. A Blog
Lead-Sucking Vortex.

Of course as mentioned, though, there's no way you can do this and be a traditional
blogger. Traditional bloggers will think these tactics are spammy looking.

But hey, I'm not a blogger, I'm a listbuilder and I outsource all of my onsite content
creation and linkbuilding article marketing tasks to these guys. I'm not interested in
building a community or relationships with blog visitors.

I don't care about blog comments. All I care about is getting those leads on my list and
converting the traffic into commissions.

If you're a traditional blogger, then more power to you. I have a lot of respect for people
who do the exact opposite of what I do online.

Even though I prefer what I do over all else, I respect you whether you want to use the
Blog Lead-Sucking Vortex strategy or not. Every business model and strategy has its pros
and cons, but nonetheless, you have to do what fits perfectly into your model and not
disrupt it.

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You've just discovered literally every powerful listbuilding strategy I use to generate 5,456
new subscribers per month on average to my lists. Nothing held back. No fluff. Just
straight-to-the-point tactics—many that you won't find anywhere else (until they start
catching on.)

Here's a recap of all tactics that were mentioned:

• Launch Leads Explosion method

• Integrated Cross Promos

• Tell-A-Friend Viral Listbuilding

• Free WSOs

• Ad Swaps

• JV Giveaways

• RAP and $7 Secrets Launches

• Viral Reports

• Affiliate List Cross Promos

• Blog Lead-Sucking Vortex

Just a couple of the sections in this report contail all the information you need to have a
big profitable list. So don't feel like you have to take on all of them at once. Just find one
or two that work for you and keep doing it over and over again for maximum results.

In other words... Let's not make listbuilding anymore complicated than it needs to be. You
don't need 101 tactics.

Once you have a handle on what's working well for you, you can optimize the processes to
your liking. Also feel free to come up with your own innovations based on what you know
to work well for you.

I wish you the best of luck with your listbuilding! I hope you too will go on to generate
over 100,000 subscribers fast.

If You're Having Trouble With The Technical Side Of Building

Your List, I Highly Recommend Using My Friend's Software And
Training (Please Keep In Mind—This Is An Affiliate Link, So My
Company Is Compensated When You Order)

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Click Here To Download Rapid Mass Listbuilding

Click Here To Download Niche Profit Empire

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Click Here To Download Ultimate Traffic Cheat Sheet

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