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Day 25: Be your best when you’re at your worst

Steven talks about when he needs to practise a speech, he will use a time when he is
exhausted and tired from lack of sleep or jet-lagged, and practise the speech then.

This is about your grit rather than the difficulty of the task.
Reflect on your daily life. Write down all the (potential) moments where & when you
could be at your worst. The more awareness you can give to this the more likely you will
be able to take action in those times.

Step 1: Write it out like this

When? Condition

At 3:00pm in the day Getting tired and feel slow

Early morning Feeling tired and don’t want to get up

At the end of the work day, 5:30pm Feeling exhausted from work or parenting

Next Sunday morning, after my long Jet-Lagged


Saturday morning Exhausted from one intense week

Step 2: Write down what you should do at these times, based on your goals. Train
yourself ONCE a week.

When? Condition Goals. Or what to train?

At 3 PM in the Getting tired and feel slow Do a work out, or

day Practise a presentation.

Early morning Feeling exhausted and don’t Push yourself get out of bed, drink
want to get up water, and start writing.

Next Sunday Jet-Lagged Do some breathing, writing,

morning, after performance/presentation
my long flight practice.

Remember you’re probably not going to be in a good state of mind to make good
decisions so be prepared.

1. Choose 1 day (in a week) for your training, put the tasks in your calendar and set
a timer.
2. Share your calendar with your group.
3. Tell your partner/group where you expect your biggest difficulties are to get
4. Close to the scheduled training time, notice or write: “How do I feel?”
5. Regardless how reluctant you feel, do it anyway.

Disclaimer: You know what this exercise is in aid of. You make the final judgement. This is
for training yourself. Do not force it when you know it is going to negatively affect you in
anyway. The idea is to break through, not to make you worse. To stretch, not snap. Have
a proper rest and recovery after pushing yourself.

Day 26 Train your weaknesses

Before scheduling your trainings, identify 3 most potent weaknesses that are really
holding you back.

Here are some suggestions:

1. Make a list of your most potent self-perceived weaknesses. For example:

speaking in front of a camera, expressing ideas verbally, effective listening,
attention to details, etc.

2. Ask your 5 closest people to list down your top 3 weaknesses. Give them genuine
permission to be honest and transparent or you will not find the gems.


3. Another powerful way to look at this is to ask friends & people you work with to
give you feedback on how you perform. Plus the attitude and language you use
in different situations. This may be uncomfortable and scary to begin with but this
may be the fastest & best way to get there.

4. Notice some overlaps and repetitive comments on the list.

5. Reflect deeply. Journal, or meditate if it helps. Get very clear and specific. 

6. Ask yourself: What limiting things have you found yourself saying to people over
the years? What gets you stuck?You may find patterns that you may not have
seen before. 

7. Identify your top 3 weaknesses.

8. Schedule and train them up, once a week.

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