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Tang 1

Muy Keang Tang

Ms. Andrea Bernoth

10 English Language and Literature 3

8th February 2022

Tituba Soliloquy

TITUBA [joining hands with him]: Oh, God, protect Tituba! (44)

[Everybody freezes except Tituba. Spotlight on Tituba as she speaks]

TITUBA [Sit down, hands praying shakingly]: Dear God, heavenly Father Jesus, I have done a
horrendous sin and am now bowing my head down to seek for your forgiveness. I should not
have admitted to having any ties with the devil. I will keep your name to the fullest.

[Slowly stand up] Mister Hale’s inquiries and with other accusations were too much. Finally, I
confessed that the Devil do seek me and that I do have ties with him. However, it is just for me to
stop the questioning.

Unfortunately, questions were more to come, asking if the Devil had come with more people.
Being accused myself, I should give no names but feeling frightened and confused, I surely had
to. The low-lives of the society, Goody Good and Goody Osbourne will be an easy target.

[Talk in relief] Someone, like Mister Hale, believed my statements once in a while. The pressure,
fear, and confusion finally disappeared. I can breathe with ease again. Who has thought that
dancing in the woods would throw Salem into chaos?

[Furious] Abigail was the cause of this ridiculousness. Her addiction with John Proctor has
brought misery to all the girls and me. She used everyone for her own benefit and accuses the
innocent. This sickly girl is just too much. In my case, I only accused them because my feelings
got the better of me. I can not believe that the others are on her side. They should know that she
is as dark as the devil and her lies are getting the better of them.
Tang 2

Mister Parris is no different. Just like family, they both are full of lies, trying to be on everyone’s
good side. He is just a bastard with a massive ego, trying hard to save his title as the minister.
All this wildness would have been no more only if he confessed about Abigail’s involvement.

[Body turns the opposite way, disappointed in Betty] On the other hand, Betty now is not the
Betty I used to know. I looked into her helpless eyes, feeling terrified myself and concerned for
her, only for her to accuse me of witchcraft. All of my efforts of looking after her, day by day,
and working for the Parris family, only resulted in vain.

I hope to stay under the shadow, continuing to live an invisible life. I can not let the truth be out.
The charges will be unbearable for me and especially the girls even though we do deserve the
punishment for our sins. However, God’s greatest gift of life will be taken away from innocent
people like us.

Serving the Parris family is like punishment itself. I just want to run away and live my own life,
despite being a Nigro. Being forced to work for him at such a young age is already horrifying for
me but being accused of something I did not do? Witchcraft? It is just a no! I can not wait to
leave this household and go back to Barbados, living a life without all these people.

[Sit down, hands praying shakingly] Oh God, please forgive me for my sins as I sincerely reflect
on my misbehaviors.

[Everybody unfreezes]

HALE [kindly]: Who came to you with the Devil? Two? Three? Four? How many?

[543 words]


Miller, Arthur. The Crucible: A Play in Four Acts. New York: Penguin Books, 1976.

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