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Ahmad Jawid Karimi

A and B):

Stud- Stu-Name Class- Class_Name Class_CREDH INSTR_Na Class_Da Class_Times Room

ID Code RS me ys

37684 Ramin FIN-310 Venture 3 Pierre Rostan MR 6:30-7:50 Online

Hazrati Capital Am

40746 Bais ITC-210 system 3 Ahmad Al- MR 11:00-12:20 Online

Oryakhel integration Janad Am
37684 Ramin MGT-302 HR 3 Silvia STTH 11:45-12:45 B-B1-
Hazrati Management Pirrioni PM 11
40746 Bais ITC-240 System 3 Ayesha TX 5:00-6:20 online
Oryakhel Analysis Yosuf Rawan Pm
37684 Ramin ITC-255 Statistical Data 3 Asadullah MR 2:00-3:20 online
Hazrati science Jawid PM
40746 Bais MTH-231 Calculus I 3 Elena MR 9:30-10:40 online
Oryakhel Am

C): Data Redundancies and Anomalies:

In the following spreadsheet we have data scattered (redundant) at different columns. In the

column of Room, Student Name, Student ID, Class Days and Class credit Hours the data is repeated

many times. In “Room” column we have 5 redundancies, on Student ID and Name columns we have 3

redundancies for each name and ID. In section of Credit Hours all the data is repeated 6 times. Besides,

we have repeated class day of 4 times, and other columns are out of redundancies.

Furthermore, about the anomalies if we execute the update anomaly all the data would be

changed or if the user conducting the update is unaware that the data is redundantly stored, the update will

fail. The inability to add data to a database due to the lack of additional data is known as an insertion

anomaly. Assume that the names and IDs of the classes are defined in such a way that null values are not

permitted. If a student registers for a new course but does not immediately assign it to a class name and

ID, the class will not be recorded into the database. As a result of the omission, there are database
Ahmad Jawid Karimi

inconsistencies. A deletion anomaly occurs when data is lost unintentionally as a result of the deletion of

other data. Student ID, class day, time, credit hours, and the course name, for example, would all be lost if

the student Name dissolved and was removed from the table above. This causes database discrepancies

and is an illustration of how grouping information that doesn't belong together into a single table can lead

to issues.

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