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Come fly with me

WAF4 Writing texts that use paragraphs and show cohesion.

Apply for a place in the school with wings!

Sydney Magley is a successful business woman

and entrepreneur. Her company is involved in
aeronautics and computing and is known for its
innovative designs and experimental
technology. She made most of her fortune
providing schools with computers and
interactive whiteboards.

Last year Sydney made her third billion and she has decided to use her fortune
to help young people in the UK. After thinking about what would enhance
learning and help raise achievement, her company has invested in cutting-edge
aeronautical design and technology, creating a plane that has never been seen
before and is unique in every way.

There is nothing like it in the world.

Divided into sections with luxury seating at the front, the rest of the plane
features the latest ICT computer facilities, experimental learning technology, a
research lab, library, gym, a relaxation room, sleeping quarters and an
entertainment and gaming room. All of these facilities will be used to form a
‘school with wings’.

Can you imagine being part of this and having the chance to be on board? This
is an exciting educational experience that will give everyone involved the
chance to do and see new and exciting things and to make memories that will
last a lifetime.

So, what does this have to do with you?

Sydney Magley is formally inviting all interested young people to apply for a
chance to be part of the learning team. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

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Come fly with me

What is on offer?

 A six week experience flying from the UK to America,

then to New Zealand and Australia, Singapore and Hong
Kong and finally to Germany and then back to the UK.

 A chance to experience other cultures and other

countries, all in first class luxury.

 Six weeks’ accommodation onboard the luxury plane.

You will have lessons on board and in each of the countries you visit.

 Time for visits and sightseeing and free time to explore.

 All food, accommodation, flights, equipment and entry fees or charges

will be covered by the company. In addition, students will be given
£50 per week spending money. There are no extra costs or charges

However, there are some important conditions that all

candidates must agree to:

 Students will be expected to work to the best of their ability while on

board. Work completed will be awarded with certificates.

 Students will be working with a variety of staff and must show respect
at all times.

 There will be 20 students on board and you must be ready to work

with others and try to get on with your learning team.

To apply …

Write a letter addressed to Ms. Magley explaining why you

should be chosen to be part of this project.

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Come fly with me

All about you

Part of the letter will be focused on you and your character.
Everyone has different skills and different attributes that make up their
character. You will need to describe yourself and think ‘what can I offer
to the project?’

Thinking points:
 What will you bring to the project?
 How can you describe yourself and convince Magley Industries you are the best
possible choice?
 How will the project help you develop or mature?

At the bottom of the page is a list of words. Pick out some that describe you.
Before you choose a word, think how can I show that this word fits my character? If
you find this very difficult ask a friend what words they would choose to describe you.

For example: you might choose the word ‘lively’. You might write:

I chose this word to describe my character as I am always full of energy,

bright and cheerful. Being lively will help me cope with all the travelling
and the work that we will be doing. I know that I would be able to work
really well with others and make the most of the project, which is why
you should pick me!

Key words
Here are some ideas – you might be able to come up with other words that describe
you. Use a thesaurus if you think it will help you extend your writing.

accepting active artistic

bright calm caring
cheerful cheery clever
creative fit friendly
fun-loving generous gentle
good-humoured happy helpful
imaginative jolly kind-hearted
lively merry moody positive
quick thinking resourceful sensitive smart
smiling sporty strong willed sympathetic
thoughtful trustworthy understanding

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Come fly with me

WAF3 Writing texts that are organised effectively and with ideas structured correctly

The letter
This is it, your chance to win the experience of a lifetime! You must make sure that
your letter wins you a place on the project.

Helpful hints:
 Try to be persuasive, clear and convincing. Why should Sydney Magley choose
you above all the thousands of students who will be applying for this opportunity?
 Write formally and clearly. This will ensure that your letter is read and that you
are in with a chance of winning.
 Use the ideas that you have worked on about your character as a starting point.
Make sure that you explain how your character shows you are the best choice for
this project.
 Paragraph your ideas and think about the order of your writing. The chart below
may help you with your planning.
 Address the letter to Sydney Magley, she will make the final decision about who

What team work skills

do you have that would
help make things go
What personal skills do
well? How do you motivate
you have that you will
bring to the project? yourself and others?

What can you offer?

What do you find

Why you? difficult? How would you
respond to challenges or
What would you gain
from taking part?

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