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Deep PEAT created Zivorad Mihajlovic Slavinski, pioneer of Serbian

modern alternative, spiritual and psychological therapies. Zivorad had
made many systems and methods which he all together called Spiritual
Deep PEAT is Crown of PEAT system which consists 9 methods but also of
whole Zivorad`s Work - Spiritul Technology which represent big range of
methods ( around 40 methods). In this material you will get full
explanation of Deep PEAT with all its details.

Conditions and Tips

We are using Deep Peat for Intelectual, Emotional and Spiritual hard, long –
standing or chronic problems.
In this method we are mostly Working with emotions so it is nessesery that
client FEEL the problem and other contents.
It is desirable for Processor and client to drink water before you start the
procces to ensure you are well hydrated.
Insructions for Processor:
Eliminate self sabotage by touching a chest point and accepting the
problem and all his elements. We are using first three fingers of hand
(doesn’t mtter left or right) but we not change hand during the proces.
Briefly discuss with the client the problem they would like to solve.
Show to client 3 points which we use in DEEP Peat and explain that he can
and should experience: body sensations, emotions, thoughts and images
during the proces.
Tell to client not to resist negative contents, he should dramatize it (make it
bigger) as strong as he can.
Client should not give any explanations, comparasion, associations..ONLY
Explain about Swimming and Diving.
Explain how process will go, what will happened and how it will end. Client
should not be surprised with fact that problem and his contents are
Explain about Personal Codes or Primes.

Basic Structure - 4 stages of the process:

1. Define the problem
2. Follow the contents
3. Polarization
4. Integration

The first phase – Define the problem:

We want a clear situation which consists of two parts: reaction and
situation. When the Client gives us the situation, we ask "How do you feel
about it"? When a client reacts, we ask "Which problem is in relation
with your feeling" or simple:"Why do you feel ..."?
Situation: "I do not have enough money". -"How do you feel about it?" - "I
feel insecure” Definition: I feel insecurity because I do not have enough
Reaction:” I am sad” – “Which problem is in relation with your feeling?” or
"Why you are sad?...." My wife will not spend time with me"
Definition:" I feel sadness because wife does not spend time with me.

The second phase – Follow the contents:

We start on the chest point.
“Although I feel (content), I accept and love myself."
(When a positive content occurs during the process, we use a positive
version: ,,I feel (content) and therefore I accept and love myself”.
(In the case of polarity we use a negative version, “Although .....”)
At eyepoints, we need to feel the contents, to inhale deeply,exhale and
notice what is happening (picture, thought, emotion, body sensation).
Questions: ”What is happening next? Emotion, thought or body
If the content is new, go to the chest point. If the content is the same, go to
the next point.

The third phase – Polarization:

There are two ways of spontaneous polarization:
1. The Client reports both polarities at the same time
2. Movement from negative to positive content and conversely.
When the positive content appears after negative and conversely, we ask:
"Is there anything left of the previous content ?",
“Yes,, . We are moving to integration (the fourth phase of the process)
“No,, - We continue with the existing content.

The Fourth phase – Integration:

We started with a brest point:”Although I feel (pol. A) and (pol. B) in the
same time, I accept and love myself".
Then we go to the first point:
"Feel (pol. A), as strong as you can (dramatization), now leave it aside,
feel (pol. B) as strong as you can”
"Feel both polarities at the same time as strong as you can, inhale and
"What happen with polarities (A and B)? Or What happens between A
and B?"
If they integrated, ask the Control question.
If they have not been integrated yet, go to the next point and repeat the
Fishing polarities:
Negative content: “Feel (content) what would you like to feel instead
of content) now?” Or
“Feel (content) and tell me which state is opposite for you from this?”
If client can feel opposite polarity go to integration.
If not continue with procedure.

Positive content: Can you now feel something that is opposite to content?
“Yes,, - Integrate polarities
“No" – Then client is in Pleroma state

Pleroma state
If in one moment POSITIVE element appears for example: peace or love,
sometimes after we try to wake up last negative content and to ask for
opposite state, just positive content remain, without any negative polarity.
That means that client is entering state of PLEROMA and we should
confirm this state at all 3 points and do 6 directions Expansion.
After that we are checking: “How do you feel about problem” or “Can
you still feel your problem?”
If answer is “NO” we are going forward with other control questions.
If answer is “YES” we are taking the state which is still there and continue
with procedure.

Control questions:
“In this moment, can you feel (pol. A) separately from (pol. B) or you
“I cannot feel them separately” or ,, I cannot feel them at all.” That
confirms the integration – Check the initial problem.
“I can feel them separately.” – check metapolarities.
Opposition: “Is there anything in or outside of you that opposes
resolving thic problem?”
If there is opposition, start Deep PEAT with the opposition.

Future: “Do you think or feel that you(name the problem) could
come back to you in the future against your own will?”
If the client feels the problem could come back in the future against his own
will starta new Deep PEAT process with it!”
Circular Processing: “ Is there anybody else who participates in this
problem(this situation)?”
If answer is "yes", ask Clinet who is that and which situation is that? Then
tell the Client to go to that situation and identifies himself with the person
which contributed to his problem. Go through whole process from the point
of view of that person. Put your finger on the chest and say: “I am not
(name) any longer, I am now (name of person which is included in

Additional Tips

Images and body sensations:

We dont accept pictures as contents, we accept thoughts, emotions, and
body sensations.
Sometimes same body sensation is repeating on all points. In that case we
are asking for emotions which are connect with that sensation)or we do
For body sensations: “Feel (body sensation), which thought or emotion
follows that (body sensation)?
We don’t accept pictures as content, if client give us picture follow
"Look (picture of the situation) ... Which thought or emotion follow
(picture of the situation)?"
Symbolisam – “What does that represent to you?”
-Simbol ("I see a meadow with a flower")
-Metaphor ("'I feel like I have a hole on my chest")
Body polarization ("I feel like I split up to the left and right side").
“Feel the left side, what does it represent to you ?","Feel the right side
... What does it represent to you?"
No Content ("NothingHappens")
-What does it represent to you?
If emptiness appears as a content, which is not either Positive or Negative,
it is neutral Emptyness which doesn’t represent anything to client. When
that happened we are going to Integration with instructions:
“Feel that emptiness, is it inside of you,outside of you or both?”
Whatever client answer we are accepting and giving instructions:
Now we have two polarities,one is Emtyness (inside, outside or both) and
second one is “I am here and now” .Continue process with procedure.
“Can you feel something that is opposite to (Nothing)?
“Can you feel yourself separate from (Nothing)?
If integration failed after the third point:
"Feel (pol. A), can you give me a better word for (half A)?"
"Feel (pol. B), can you give me a better word for (half B)?"
"Feel (pol. A), is it still (pol. A)?"
"Feel (pol. B), is it still (pol. B)?"
"Feel (pol. A), what do you feel while you are feeling (pol. A)?"
"Feel (pol. B), what do you feel when you are feeling (pol. B)?"

When new pair of polarities coms up, go to the polarization procedure.

Deep PEAT Checklist
1.Define problem

2.Self – sabotage elimination

3.DP Procedure

4.If pleroma – do 6 ways Expansion, check the problem and

continue to Opposition

5.If there is Personal Codes Integration, go to Stabilization

questions, check the problem.

6. If polarities Inntegration, check the problem, continue to




9.Circular Processing
10. Activation if it is needed

Stabilization questions for the Neutralization of Primes

Tell client to close his/her eyes.
We use these questions only once – when a client neutralizes his/her
Primes (Personal Codes)
First Group of questions:
Instruck the client: “Tell me, not based on your previous knowledge,
but based on what you feel now, is there a difference between…or
there in no difference…
2.Advancing and retreating?
3.Power and powerlessness?
4.Endlessly small and endlessly big?
5. Male and female?
6. Existance and non – existence?
7. The physical world and the spiritual world?
8. Divine and material?
9. Creating and destroying?
10. Freedom and no – freedom?
11. Life and death?
12. I and no – I?
13. Conscious and unconscious?
14. Love and freedom?
15. Past and Future?
16. You and another human being?
17. You and anything else?
18. You and God?
Second Group of Questions:
Instruct the client: “Imagine that you are sitting at the top of a very high
mountain so that you are able to see your whole past. Take a look at your
past and tell me..”
1. Now that you know you Primes are (……and……), do some of your
past behaviours become more clear to you?
2.Do your Primes (…..and…..) explain your relationships with other
people in your past?
3.Does the fusing of your Primes (…..and…..) into One, that is their
Neutralization, make a turning point for you in any sense?
4.Now that you have Neutralized your Primes (…..add…..) will you in
the future be forced to behave the same way as before?
5.Now that you have Neutralized your Primes (…..and…..) will you be
able to decide more freely about your behavior in the future?
Third Group of questions:
Instract the client: “Tell me, not based on your previous knowledge, but
based on what you feel now..?
1. Are you, as individual, definite, indefinite, or bith at the same time?
2. Are you now in your physical body, out of the body, or both?
3. Are you a man, a woman, or both?
4. Are you now in the physical universe, out of it, or both?
5. What do you feel – are you now limited in any sense?
6.Have you got boundaries: in other words, is there a space where you
stop existing and the rest of the world begins?
7.How big are you now, not your body but as spiritual being?”

Fourth Group of Questions:

Tell the client to open his/her eyes.
Ask the client:
1.”Look around the room and tell me: Of all these things what could
you have?”
2.”Look around the room and tell me: Of all these things what could
you be without?”
Little Magical Method

In Deep PEAT, LMM is used for body sensationst who resist processing. It
can also be used out side of DP, to remove charge.
Let the client know that it may be necessary to repeat questions of LMM
more thanonce with that particularbody sensation.

Instruct the client:

“Put your atention on the body sensation.
Tell me the exact location of it.
If it had weight, how heavy would it be?
How big is it?
What is its shape?
What is its colour?
What is its temperature?
What is its age?
What is its strength on the scale from 0-10?
Which kind of material is it made of?
What kind of energy is it?”
Instruct the client to move it.
Instruct the client to circle it around himself/herself”
If the body sensation did not vanish, repeat the process.

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