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Organizational Behaviour: Personal Summary Assignment

1) Managing demographic and Cultural diversity

 Decision-making creativity is higher: People in a diverse work team will have a variety of
viewpoints and perspectives. When making decisions, members of these teams are more
likely to consider a larger range of choices and to think beyond the box. Having a diverse
staff may have a direct influence on a company's bottom line by enhancing decision-making
 Better customer understanding and service: Businesses with a diverse workforce may be able
to develop products or services that appeal to a wider range of customers. Customers may
feel more at ease when interacting with a company that knows their needs, and companies
with a diverse workforce may better understand the demands of specific groups and
 Employee satisfaction: When employees believe they are treated properly, they are more
satisfied, which leads to decreased turnover. Employees who believe they are being
discriminated against are less likely to stay with the organization, are dissatisfied with their
positions, and are more stressed at work

2) The value of positive nonverbal communication practices.

Both managers and their teams must be able to interpret and use body language in order to have
successful interactions at work. When a manager communicates good nonverbal cues with
employees, for example, employee morale and job performance can both improve. The following
are some examples of positive nonverbal communication techniques:
 Strong eye contact: This is your major tool for building nonverbal connections with others, as
eye contact conveys attention, participation, and emotions. People who communicate while
maintaining eye contact are often regarded as trustworthy.
 Appropriate facial expressions: Maintaining good eye contact while listening can be
demonstrated by maintaining a tiny smile, nodding periodically, and maintaining appropriate
facial expressions.
 A confident handshake: Because the handshake is the only appropriate form of touch in
business, having a good one is essential.
 Hand gestures with a purpose: Hand gestures provide meaning to the spoken word. Finger
pointing, fidgeting, tapping, messing with hair, wringing hands, and twisting a ring are all
distracting habits to avoid.
 Commanding posture and presence: This is mirrored in how a person sits and stands, since it
generates a dynamic presence and a leadership mentality.
3) Motivating others positively
Employees can use motivation skills to increase their chances of getting positive results when
interfacing with customers, subordinates, upper management, suppliers, donors, team members,
funding sources and supervisors. For managers, who must inspire a whole team, the ability to
motivate is usually a requirement. Some of the benefits of positively motivating employees are-
 Increased productivity: It should come as no surprise that employing employee incentive
tactics encourages workers to perform more productively, which leads to higher revenue
outcomes. However, few people realise that a productive manner of working also has a good
impact on employee experience because it fosters increased job satisfaction.
 More innovation: Providing incentives and other perks to employees fosters an innovative
culture. Employees like to challenge themselves when they feel respected and encouraged by
their employer. As a result, the value of motivation in the workplace should never be
underestimated, as it promotes progress. Furthermore, managers who understand what
benefits inspire their workers often get the best results.
 Lower absenteeism: Employers who recognise the role of motivation in management believe
that leaders who are helpful rather than critical get the best out of their staff. When a manager
is concerned about his or her employees' workload and well-being, absenteeism is reduced
since employees are less worried and overburdened.

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