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Name: Jefry Pineda

Subject: ENGLISH 8
Date of submission: November 04, 2022
Learning Exercise No. 1

(15 points)
Answer the following questions in not more than 5 sentences. See appendices for scoring rubric.

1. Literature literary means “writing formed with letters,” does that mean, literary works are
all written texts? Why or why not?

Answer: By definition yes, literature in its broadest sense is any written work. Taken to mean
only written works. Literature a term indicated all books and writing, it can be classified
according to whether it is fiction or non-fiction and whether it is poetry or prose.

2. Why there is a need to teach literature in the classroom?

Answer: There is a need to teach literature in the classroom because it is one way of exploring
and widen one’s knowledge about literature. The use of literature in the classroom is enjoying a
revival for a number of reasons. the most important reason for using literature in the classroom is
the personal development. It educates the reader, helps him form a set of values and form
attitudes towards them. Literature can function as a change agent since good literature deals with
some aspects of the human condition, and can thus contribute to the emotional development of
the child, and foster positive interpersonal attitudes.

3. As a future English Teacher, what challenge/s will hinder you from effectively using
literature in teaching?
Answer: as a future teacher, the challenges will hinder me from effectively using literature in
teaching are lesson preparation, legible knowledge about literature, length, efficient resources,
cultural appropriacy and language proficiency.

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