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(TOTAL 2500-2750 words)

 Total 21 question

 Each question should be answered minimum 130- maximum 200 words. Check the
total word limit and divide words accordingly for 21 questions (no less than
100words answer per question) do it around 130 above.

 Each question should have 2 references after answering the question

Example: Q1- what is your name

A - my name is ….

Reference - 2 minimum

Q2 - ….


Reference - use this format.

 Provide citations and references.

 Plagiarism free


The notes this week are jam packed.....theories, approaches, models,

interventions for children & more.....

A word of caution - pls don't feel you're expected to be able to glean, recite &
know each approach inside out.....this is more about providing an overview, a
snapshot of the many varied approaches....

Pls read & digest the material, select a modality that steals your attention for a
little while & tell us why.....

The content this week can be particularly poignant.....we were all children &
adolescents, we have all come from families & every single family has it's own
issues, complexities & 'stuff' so pls read this material with a tone of gentleness &
compassion for your own story. This is not meant to throw us into deep family of
orgin work but rather afford us with an overview of the theories & frameworks
for supporting children, adolescents & families.....:)

- ANSWER (100-200 words)

- Minimum 2 references

2) This week the notes explore Person Centred approach. This approach often
becomes the default go to approach or the first comfortable modality
counsellors will use. It provides a means of working with clients that is
respectful, easy to adopt & in my opinion, lays the ground work for the
development of a deeper, more intense therapeutic r'ship where you can / will
introduce other modailites & interventions as needed & as appropriate. It is a
very appropriate foundational modality to learn, to practice and to hold in your
tool kit & resources.

This is why you'll hear me talk about this appraoch as a foundational non-
negotiable modality to become familiar with. The principles & tenets of this
modality are core qualities, attributes & principles that become vital to the
therapeutic r'ship......we'll talk about this more this week.

Given this, I do think it is important for all counsellors-to-be to have a solid grasp
of this approach; pls read & review the notes & pls choose just one aspect or
idea to explain & elaborate upon here.....

- ANSWER (100-200 words)

- Minimum 2 references

3) This week the notes explore Existentialism as a framework & modality &
specifically look at freedom, responsibility, power & choice.

Various existential thinkers & therapists' ideas & theories will be presented.

Essentially, existential modalities enable the exploration of human conditions &

experiences such as; who we are, our choices, decisions, freedoms, the
core of these ideas is a notion that despite whatever is happening for an
individual, even if they have very little control over their circumstances - they still
have choice & control of the meaning they attach to their experience at that
time. The meanings we attribute to our experiences are ours & therefore we are
the ones who have responsibility for the choices we make.

Of course, reading this may seem easier than experiencing this in real life but
this is a framework that ultimately has potential to be hopeful & empowering.

Pls read the notes & discuss.....

- ANSWER (100-200 words)

- 2 minimum References

4) And this week we explore CBT.....

This approach is often a favourite because it is a modality that can be measured

and therefore quantified and hence, can be seen as efficient and effective.
Human service provider organisations that want their practitioners to support
their clients in a shorter time period will often nominate this approach as their
primary approach.

It is an approach that can be more easily measured as opposed to other more

qualitative approaches. It can be employed with many client groups in many
contexts and as such has enormous merit. 

Despite this, it also receives critique & has limitations......

Pls review the notes on this approach & share what spoke to you.....

- ANSWER (100-200 words)

- 2 minimum references
5) This week we explore psychodynamic approach & the many elements within

We trace back this modality's origins to Freud & review some of these early

Although, the world of therapeutic study & teaching has moved on considerably
since those times, interestingly, many of the ideas are still present in
contemporary approaches. Hence, we can see how Freud and this early work
really infused the whole study of therapy.

There are many aspects & elements that originate from psychodynamic work
that are still prevalent and valuable and either in your own personal counselling
or in your work with clients in future you may draw on some of these.....such as;
family of origin work, attachment theory, defences, etc......

Particularly family of origin work which is predominantly psychodynamic

provides us with extensive understanding around so much of who we are

Pls consider the notes this week & discuss the value of these ideas as well as the
possible limitations.....

- ANSWER (100-200 words)

- 2 minimum refences

6) This week we explore the approaches & tools within the family therapy realm.
There is so much here; various forms of family therapy, dynamics that occur
within a family, some strategies within these modalities plus some.....

In order for us to glean as much as we can from this week's content, pls read &
review the material & pls choose to discuss one of these ideas.....I'm hoping that
by doing this, we will derive & walk away with a broader & more extensive
understanding & learning than we would from only our own consideration of
these ideas.

Pls also keep in mind, working with families is a complex, highly skilled approach
& not to be undertaken by practitioners / counsellors who do not feel they have
the depth of skill & experience.....

- ANSWER (100-200 words)

- 2 minimum references
7) This week we learn about feminist approaches in therapy & I need to declare
my bias that I feel any therapeutic approach or precess that doesn't address
issues of power, gender, misuse of power etc is not thoroughly serving of our

If we believe, 'the personal is political' & discourses of oppression in society need

to be acknowledged & incorporated into the therapy - then - adopting a feminist
perspective would be necessary, wouldn't it? And if we don't believe these ideas -
pls reconsider.....

Pls discuss....

- Answer (100-200 words)

- 2 minimum references

Case study - Laura

Laura is a very successful businesswoman in the high-stress high-powered world of
corporate finance. She has been referred to you by the company’s employment assistance
program. Laura presents herself as a no nonsense business professional. She is frank and
honest about the events that has brought her to your office.
Laura tells you that although she tells herself that she will only have one or two glasses with
dinner, she usually finishes the whole bottle.
“About five years ago I started having trouble sleeping and started to take a tranquilizer (5
mg Valium? ) I normally take one or two pills every two to four times a week to help her
sleep through the entire night.”
In the morning she drinks at least 3 to 4 cups of coffee daily, even on the weekends. She
noticed that her sleeping problems developed around the same time her Dad died. He was
only in his early 50’s and they were very close. His death hit her hard and she says she
wanted to give in to a big depression. However, she fought it and lost herself in her work.
She makes it a point to work out at least three times a week in the morning before going to
work. In addition to the above medications, Laura is also prescribed Xanax as needed for
panic attacks and diet pills (amphetamine congeners) to control her weight, a problem she
had since she was a child.
Over the last year she has become more reclusive. She can barely make it to business
dinners and after-work functions. Lately however, she has noticed that she has been steadily
increasing her use of wine. Before, she would only have a few glasses with dinner but now
“....more often than not I finish off the bottle before going to bed. I just can’t seem to stop. A
lot of times I will come home and tell myself that I’ll only have one glass and no more but by
the time I go to bed, the bottle is empty and I’m deciding whether I should open another or
not. I never used to drink to excess or take anti-anxiety medication before. Now I can’t seem
to stop drinking or taking these ‘downers’ at social events. I can’t seem to control when I
take them and things are happening that I’m not too happy about. Of course the alcohol
adds to my weight problem which then causes me to take more of my Redux. Then I have to
increase my Xanax to calm my nerves and also take my Valium to make sure I get a full
nights sleep. It has become a very vicious circle. All this has been going on for about a years
but last week put the “cherry on the pie.”
Laura tells you that last week she was to meet the firm's top client at a business luncheon.
She could not get out of bed that morning. It took all her willpower to get up and get
dressed. As it was, she was still 20 minutes late, "which is inexcusable." She was so nervous
and sick she had to excuse herself in the middle of her presentation. In the bathroom she
took another Xanax to calm her nerves. Then at the luncheon she could not stop herself
from ordering several glasses of wine and had to be assisted to her car after the meeting was
"My client spoke to my boss and staff and then cancelled his account with me. The next day I
met with my boss and he recommended (ordered) I make an appointment with our EAP
program (or be terminated.) I’m really scared. Work is all I have. I can’t afford to blow it. Do
you mind if I smoke?"
1) Access the case study ‘Laura’ on the learning portal. What process
addictions, if any, are apparent in the case of Laura? Why?

As well list three co-morbidities

- Answer (100-200 words)

- 2 minimum references

2) Review the case study of ‘Laura’ on the learning portal in consideration of the drugs she
is taking and their effects on her brain/CNS. What symptoms may become exacerbated
by her drug use?
- Answer (100-200 words)
- 2 minimum references

3) Access the following reading via the learning portal and complete the
activity listed at the bottom of the article.

Drugs + your body: it isn’t pretty. (2012). Junior Scholastic/Current Events

115.5, 5 Nov. 2012. Retrieved from General OneFile 22 February 2014:
1. Steroids affect many of the body’s organs. What are some of those organs and
the effects?
2. What is it about tobacco, whether smoked or chewed, that can cause cancer?
3. What are two drugs that can cause physical damage to the mouth and teeth?
What kind of damage?
4. How does alcohol damage the liver? How is this similar to the damage nicotine
causes to the lungs?
- Answer (100-200 words)
- 2 minimum references

4) Familiarise yourself with the current National Drug Strategy and its three-
pronged approach. Describe the three-pronged approach and give

- Answer (100-200 words)

- 2 minimum references

5) Access the following article as referenced in your study guide. What does this article have
to offer counsellors who work with LGBTQI populations?
Matthews, C. R., Selvidge, M. M. D., & Fisher, K. (2005). Addictions counselors’ attitudes
and behaviors toward gay, lesbian, and bisexual clients. Journal of Counseling and
Development : JCD, 83(1), 57–65.
- ANSWER (100-200 words)
- References 2 minimum

6) Review the case study of ‘Laura’ on the learning portal and, based on the information
included, conduct an Individual Treatment Plan
- ANSWER (100-200 words)
- References 2 minimum

7) Apply the Stages of Change Model to Laura; what stage of change would you
suggest that she is in and why? Now develop 10 Motivational Interviewing
questions that could be posed to her at the stage she is.
- ANSWER (100-200 words)
- References 2 minimum

8) What are two examples of a ‘harm reduction’ approach to drugs in

Australia?   What are two organisations that applies a harm-reduction
Critically analyse the harm-reduction approach by applying it to Laura's
case study.

- ANSWER (100-200 words)

- References 2 minimum

1) select one social issue and provide a brief plan of a research on that. Such as
what could be the topic, aims/objectives and/or research question(s). You can
also think about the participants, how you access them and collect data. 
- ANSWER (100-200 words)
- References 2 minimum

2) consider a social issue and make some qualitative research questions for your
research. You can choose 2 social issues and prepare 2-3 research questions on each
ANSWER (100-200 words)
References 2 minimum

3) Based on the lecture of week 4 on five research approaches (feminism, marxism,

post colonial, queer theory and post-positivism), discuss which approach/es would be
useful to understand the social issue that you developed your research question.
Refer to the social issue(s) and research question(s) that you discussed in week 3
discussion forum.
ANSWER (100-200 words)
References 2 minimum

4) decide a topic or research question (specific) for literature review and identify
relevant keywords, search startegies and databases for that.
ANSWER (100-200 words)
References 2 minimum

5) Review the five major methodologies of qualitative research (narrative inquiry,

phenomenology, grounded theory, case study and ethnography) and decide which
methdology is appropriate for your research question/topic and why. Discuss. 
ANSWER (100-200 words)
References 2 minimum

6) Review your research question(s) and/or proposed topic for study and discuss what
types of methods/instruments are appropriate for collecting data? E.g. Interviews,
Focus groups, Document Analysis, Observation, etc. 
ANSWER (100-200 words)
References 2 minimum

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