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Part 1

The extract is written about aggressive children. These children usually lack confidence and do
not know the right ways to obtain what they want. The reasons for these difficulties vary through
ages. While a young child faces the former trouble due to a lack of experience, the causes for
an older one are little parental authority, being held down at home and lacking self-control.
Moreover, young children may have trouble getting along with others because of a little amount
of necessary knowledge. For an old child, this issue can be attributed to insufficient guidance,
experience and their parents being over- protective. These children should hold more
responsibility and receive more compliments to alleviate the problems.
 OK

Part 2
A glance at the given tables reveals information about fairtrade-labelled coffee and banana
sales in five European countries throughout a 5-year period.
Overall, most countries saw a rise in the sales of both coffee and banana. Moreover, the figures
for the Uk were almost the highest in the tables.
Looking at the table more closely, one can see that in 1999, Switzerland topped the table in
terms of coffee sales with 3 million euros; however, albeit increasing, Switzerland was merely
the runner-up in 2004. The first position was replaced by the UK, with the sales of coffee
surging from 1.5 to 20 million euros. Furthermore, the proportional growth of coffee sales in
Denmark and Belgium was 0.2 and 0.7, respectively. Sweden held the minority in both years,
with around 1 million euros.
Meanwhile, the UK held the first rank and witnessed the sharpest growth in banana sales where
the data on in 2004  almost tripled that of 1999. Although the figures for Switzerland in 1999
ranked the fourth position, with 0.6 million euros, this number then rose to 5.5 million euros and
became the second highest figure. The only two countries to undergo a decrease is were
Belgium and Denmark; nếu dùng ; thì both of them còn both of which là mệnh đề quan hệ nên
trước đó là dấu phẩy both of which declined by approximately 1 million euros.
 Model cho em tham khảo nhé

Part 3 
There are a plethora of viewpoints existing in this world. It is believed that better learning can be
acquired through people having the same views because learning through contradictory ones
can cause stress and hinder the learning process. In my opinion, I do not agree with this
First of all, learning through contradictory viewpoints can help people devise more ideas. This is
because people will acknowledge that there are different approaches to a single problem,  and
in turn, they can look at it from many angles and think up more ideas. For example, advertising
agencies who think that only delivering leaflets can promote product sales will be able to learn
from other companies that celebrity endorsements are also effective. Thus, advertising firms
can come up with more ideas to promote their products.
What is more, different views will enable people to assess their own ideas. There are not
ultimately correct answers so through many views, people can find flaws in their opinions. To
exemplify, were humans not to suggest that geoengineering would never be able tackle the root
of the problem that is human awareness,  people would never assess the thought that this
solution can ameliorate global warming. Therefore, contradictory views can reassess each other
so that the most suitable ideas can be put forward.
Opposing views claim that disagreement can cause much stress and become a barrier in
learning. One cannot deny that different views may lead to arguments and conflicts, which may
be stressed out. However, the more people argue, the deeper knowledge they gain. For
instance, had it not been for arguments between many scientists about the shape of the Earth,
people would have thought that the Earth surface was flat. Thus, learning from contradictory
viewpoints can help acquire deeper knowledge.
All in all, I concede that learning through disagreement can be stressful , compared to shared
views. However, given the benefits that it can bring, I strongly believe that people can learn
more from people whose views contradict. Therefore, I once again reaffirm my position that I
disagree with the examined idea. 

OK e nhé, đi tông học sinh giỏi viết vậy được nhen. Tiến bộ lắm rồi đó e!

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