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“Always re-read your sentences OUT LOUD whilst writing”

BAD GRAMMAR will ’stick out’

*don’t be afraid, people won’t think you’re crazy


1 – Since more globalized products are sold in less developed countries,

moreover, it can give the locals more shopping choices.

…Since more globalized products are sold in less developed countries, it can give the locals more shopping

2 - traditional medicine should be encouraged as it is cheaper and more


As it is cheaper and more effective


3 - If the governments fund promotional campaigns for healthy living, it can be

beneficial. People will be more active, and they can reduce risk of sickness


4 - As a result of staying with parents at home, adolescents will not have any
mistakes made out in public because of other people.

Will avoid making mistakes in public due to outside influences

will not make any mistakes in public

5 - Although books may be a good way for developing imagination and

linguistic ability, TV shows are much better because they have visuals and

6 - Faster transportation, like trains or planes, have been used by developed

countries successfully in recent times.

7 - Loss of bio-diversity is said to be natural and for this reason people think it
is unimportant and they should prioritize other things.
Various topics
Some people think that young people should spend free
time with families instead of outside entertainment, others
disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion

A lot of adolescents prefer to spend alone or with friends as opposed to

with their own family. Whilst some would argue that quality time with
family is essential, I believe young people can develop useful skills whilst
entertaining themselves in leisure time.
Some people think that young people should spend free
time with families instead of outside entertainment, others
disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion

Side 1 - stay with family

Under parental guidance:

Properly raise a child - rules, values, home-skills etc.
Avoid potential problems - children tend to do stupid things
Example - religious families - strict social rules
Result - become a more responsible adult
Reading for pleasure can develop imagination and language
skills better than watching TV. To what extent you agree or
There are various forms of media which are useful for developing
a person’s literacy as well as their imagination.
Whilst I do think TV offers avenues of learning that books
cannot provide, I would have to agree that reading in ones spare
time is the most efficient way to develop these attributes.
NAME 10 X3



• TASK RESPONSE – Are they answering the question accurately?

• VOCABULARY – Is the paraphrase good? Any common mistakes?

In many countries, the number of refugees and immigrants is
increasing. What are the possible causes and effects of this?
Provide specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Which PARAPHRASE is best?

1 - There is an increasing amount of immigration taking place in many countries with immigrants and refugees.

2 - Both legal and illegal immigration is growing in countries around the world.

3 - A lot more people in many countries are deciding to move and live in another country today because they either
want to, or have been forced to leave their homeland.

4 - The amount of asylum seekers and immigrants is growing within many nations around the world.

5 - Immigration is on the rise in a lot of countries around the world.

With the increasing demand for energy sources of oil and gas,
people should look for sources of oil and gas in remote and
untouched places. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages
of damaging such areas?
Which OUTLINE is best?
The high demand for fossil fuel resources has led many organizations to excavate and
mine in remote places of natural beauty.

1 - The more and more need for energy gathered from oil and gas means that people
have to dig up beautiful places. The advantages of this is are more energy sources that
we need, so it is positive overall.

2 - Although these locations may have large gas and oil reserves, the devastation to the
surrounding nature and disruption of the ecosystem is totally unnecessary.
Some people say that it is necessary to use animals for testing
medicines intended for human use. Others, however, think it is
cruel and unnecessary. Discuss both views and give your own

Animal trials and testing for medicinal development has always been a
sensitive subject that is considered by many to be needless and inhumane.

Whilst the conditions of these trials can be brutal and many animals die
unnecessarily, without animals as test subjects, evaluation of drugs for
potential side effects and effectiveness is difficult.
Scientific research should be carried out and controlled by
governments rather than private companies. Do you agree or

Research in the field of science can be done privately or through

governmental bodies.

Although it is necessary in order to maintain public safety, governmental

officiating of research may be obtrusive and limiting
Natural resources such as oil, forests and freshwater are being
consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it cause?
How can we solve these problems?

Earth’s natural resources are being depleted to worrying extents as a

result of societal demand.

This could lead to the collapse of society should we continue to exhaust our
planet. In order to solve this issue, strict policy changes and industry
regulations must be followed by all corporations immediately.
and limiting
Many countries have compulsory military service for men after
they leave school. It would be a good idea to adopt this system,
for men and possibly women.

Military servitude is a mandatory component for males of society in many


I think this legislation provides many benefits for a nation as a whole, the
inclusion of female citizens is complicated but has been done successfully
by some countries.

(First reason not clear + no ‘and’ to connect the second idea CC)
Society is based on rules and laws. It could not function if
individuals were free to do whatever they wanted to do. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?

Since the birth of democracy, the foundations of a functional society are said to be law
and policy.

I certainly agree that a law-free world would result in chaos and legislation is necessary
to maintain stability and safety.
Many childhood diseases can now be prevented through the use
of vaccines.
Should parents be made by law to immunise their children
against common diseases or should individuals have the right to
choose not to immunise their children?
Since the late 18th century, vaccinations have been used to prevent and mitigate the
spread of diseases.

Whilst I agree that governments need to ensure a certain level of public safety, I do not
think it is fair or necessary to legally obligate parents to vaccinate their children.
It is more important to spend public money on promoting a
healthy lifestyle in order to prevent illness than to spend it on
treatment of people who are already ill.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The spread of illnesses in a country can be successfully mitigated if the majority of the
public are in a good physical condition, leading some to believe collective income tax
should go towards promotional campaigns for healthy living, as opposed to treating
current cases.

I somewhat agree that investing funds in advocating for a healthier future would be
effective, however underfunded healthcare systems must receive attention too.
It is a natural process that animal species become extinct, as the
dinosaurs did in the past. There is no reason for people to
prevent this from happening. To what extent do you agree or

Animal extinction is a common component of evolution and has occurred with many
thousands of species up until the present day.

I absolutely disagree with a lack of necessity to stop animals from dying out since
human society is largely responsible for creating conditions where the animals can’t
Some people say that music is a good way of bringing people of
different cultures and ages together. To what extent do you agree
or disagree with this opinion?

Music is a form of art which is often described as ‘the universal language’ for its ability
to bridge gaps between people of different ages or cultural backgrounds.

I completely agree in music’s ability to create connections since it can relate to people
in similar ways and can also be listened to recreationally with strangers.



• TASK RESPONSE – Are they answering the question accurately?

• VOCABULARY – Is the paraphrase good? Any common mistakes?

Some people think that manufacturers or shopping malls should
sell less packaged products and others argue that people have the
responsibility to buy products with less packaging. Discuss both
views and give your own opinion.

Many people believe that businesses and shopping centres ought to stop selling
packaged products, but others think that individuals should be more
responsible and buy products with no package, or they can even recycle.
Some people think that manufacturers or shopping malls should
sell less packaged products and others argue that people have the
responsibility to buy products with less packaging. Discuss both
views and give your own opinion.

Many individuals believe that businesses and shopping centres ought to reduce
sales of packaged products, but others think that individuals should be more
responsible to purchase items without as much packaging
Some people think that manufacturers or shopping malls should
sell less packaged products and others argue that people have the
responsibility to buy products with less packaging. Discuss both
views and give your own opinion.

The environmental impact of industrial waste related to product packaging

makes up for a huge amount of the overall carbon footprint. It is true that
consumers can actively seek out products with minimal wrapping or covering,
but this is difficult, and companies must do a better job of reducing over-
packaged items.
Some people think that governments should spend money for
faster public transportation, others think that there are other
important priorities (e.g. cost, environment). Discuss both views
and give your opinion.

Some individuals say that public transportation needs to be faster, however

there are many problems with this in terms of cost and how it damages the
environment, leading some to believe making them faster is not a good idea.
Some people think that governments should spend money for
faster public transportation, others think that there are other
important priorities (e.g. cost, environment). Discuss both views
and give your opinion.

Some believe that governments ought to invest money for quicker public
transport, others would say there are other things that are important such as cost
or the environment.
Some people think that governments should spend money for
faster public transportation, others think that there are other
important priorities (e.g. cost, environment). Discuss both views
and give your opinion.

Developing an effective public transportation system for a nation involves

many important factors to consider. Whilst it is true that high speed transport
can provide a massive economic boost, I would argue that a more reliable,
available and comfortable service would attract more passengers.
Some people think that there could be more benefits to
society if more people study business than history. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some people reckon that there are more merits than demerits when studying
business in comparison to history
Some people think that there could be more benefits to
society if more people study business than history. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?

A lot of people say that studying business is more valuable to society than
Some people think that there could be more benefits to
society if more people study business than history. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?

In an array of subjects available for students to study for today’s modern world,
a business graduate may be deemed more useful than history one.

I agree to some extent that there will be a more growing demand for business
qualified individuals in the future, however ignoring history is also an unwise
choice for society to progress without making mistakes.
With the increasing demand for energy sources of oil and
gas, people should look for sources of oil and gas in
remote and untouched places. Do the advantages
outweigh the disadvantages of damaging such areas?
The more and more need for energy gathered from oil and gas means that
people have to dig up beautiful places. The advantages of this is are more
energy sources that we need, so it is positive overall.
With the increasing demand for energy sources of oil and
gas, people should look for sources of oil and gas in
remote and untouched places. Do the advantages
outweigh the disadvantages of damaging such areas?
The high demand for fossil fuel resources has led many organizations to
excavate and mine in remote places of natural beauty. Although these locations
may have large gas and oil reserves, the devastation to the surrounding nature
and disruption of the ecosystem is totally unnecessary.
The expansion of multinational companies and increase in
globalization produce positive effects for everyone.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

The expansion of multinational companies and increase in
globalization produce positive effects for everyone.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Todays globalized world has brought forth a huge amount of business, trade
and commerce to the population. I do think that for society as a whole this
development was necessary and enriches most lives, however,
multinationalism also capitalizes on underdeveloped nations for labour.
The expansion of multinational companies and increase in
globalization produce positive effects for everyone.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Firstly, the spread of multinational businesses and products can enrich the lives of local
citizens in various ways. Instead of having a limited range of goods and enterprises,
countries around the world may receive a range of different products and services that their
own culture did not have before. This can be positive for local workers since new companies
means more job opportunities in various sectors, such as telecommunications, administration
and labour based work. On top of that, the emergence of foreign products provide locals
with more variety when shopping, giving them access to a higher standard of products
compared to the past. For example, London is renowned for being a cosmopolitan city
where residents and visitors often enjoy going to foreign-influenced restaurants or shopping
in stores which are based in other countries. [make better]
A recent survey shows that in many countries across the world
people are generally living longer. But an increased life
expectancy has many implications for the aging individuals and
for the society as a whole. What are the possible effects of a
longer life expectancy on individuals and the society?

Young people do not spend their holidays and weekends doing
outdoor activities such as hiking and climbing in nature. Why is
this? And how can we encourage them to go out?

The world of work is rapidly changing and employees
cannot depend on having the same job or the same
working conditions for life. Why is it the case? Can you
suggest some ways to prepare people to work in the

Modern life is hectic and fast paced, it may often produce a variety of health and well-being
issues which are difficult to address and not easily treatable. I completely disagree with the
re-emergence of traditional forms of medication because there are greater health risks
involved and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is preferable in the modern day.

B1 – traditional medicine is less effective and there is increased chance of health risks if
mistakes are made with treatment
- less testing, old practices – not likely to be as effective as modern medicine
-high risk of severe health complications if people use the wrong ingredients or wrong
medication in general.
For instance – in Vietnam, it is common practice to source exotic animal parts or use unique
ingredients mixed together to treat certain diseases – which has led to further problems in
the past.

B2 – the best way to avoid these health problems is to maintain a healthy lifestyle that fits
with modern society.
-physical/regular exercise
- mental health based activities – meditation, a hobby
• Some ex-prisoners commit crimes after being released from prison.
What do you think is the cause? How can it be solved?

• Young people who commit crimes should be treated in the same way
as adults. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


‘an action that is happening [ongoing] in the present’

‘Facebook is decreasing in popularity nowadays’



‘an action that was happening [ongoing] in the past’

‘People were using letters or emails to communicate with each other’



The purpose of an action

The subject of a sentence

“They release new smartphones annually in order to make profit”

‘Most people want to send messages quickly”

make , send



The internet is making it easier for people to communicate

In the past, people were communicating via email’s or letters.


People use social media primarily _________________ with friends online.

(To communicate, communicating , is/are communicating)


When people ________________ through social media, they are most likely
multi-tasking and less focused than a regular conversation.

[to communicate , communicating , are communicating)


Social media apps can help people ___________________ public events

through meetups and group pages.

(To find , finding , is/are finding)


Social media sites ________________ people ___________________ less

sociable, which may lead to further problems later in life when interacting with
others or going to work.

( To cause, causing, is/are causing , to become , becoming , is/are becoming)


Addiction to smartphones has caused some people to lose friendships as users

become anti-social.

(To lose , losing , is/are losing)


The constant feeding of information from social media is affecting most users
negatively, especially young people, by distracting them from normal
interactions in daily life.

(To feed , feeding , is/are feeding - to affect , affecting , is/are affecting)

Many people think modern communication technology is having some
negative effects on social relationships.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Technological advancement has brought about many changes in terms of

the way people communicate with friends and form new relationships.
Technological advancement has brought about many changes in terms of
the way people communicate with friends and form new relationships. I
would agree to some extent that people may socialize less in public as a
result of this trend, however I also believe that it has created many new
opportunities for networking.


In my opinion, although it is true that online communication results in less

social skills, I also think that it has made this process far more convenient
than in the past
TOPIC SENTENCE / explain 1 / explain 2 / summarize
MAIN IDEA: less face to face interaction leads to poor social skills

The popularity of smartphones and laptops today have certainly reduced the amount
of time people interact with each other face to face. This can negatively affect existing
friendships or close relationships if the people simply rely on talking digitally. In doing
so, people are not connecting fully with their friends or able to understand them,
leading to underlying problems which may not be spoken about properly. Additionally,
people are now less likely to form new friendships spontaneously out in public as they
have become more anti-social in general. This was a necessity before the internet,
where it was normal for people to engage in random conversations and spark new
relationships. Despite the conveniences of communication technology, it seems it has
reduced the amount of real conversations that are shared between friends and
TOPIC SENTENCE / explain 1 / explain 2 / summarize
MAIN IDEA: less face to face interaction leads to poor social skills








Topic sentence / explain / example / summarise
BODY 2 - MAIN IDEA: technology has improved communication

On the other hand, I would argue that the modernization of communication has
actually enriched lives by providing new ways to keep in touch and make friends
online. As opposed to previous forms of conversating, nowadays with social media and
portable devices we are able to reach out to our friends from long distances. This has
created a far more convenient life, where people are not limited physically with who
they can interact with. For example, if a relative decides to emigrate to another country
– it is easy for them to keep in touch with their family via video calling. On top of that,
there are live video chatting websites such as ‘Omegle’, which give people the chance to
speak vocally to a stranger on the internet. Many new friendships can be made this
way, along with maintaining a strong bond with pre-existing relationships that people
have and do not want to lose.

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